
Igor M.Samokhvalov教授-科学家,教师, 勤奋工作者,战地外科医生(诞辰70周年纪念日)
Badalov V.I., Tynyankin N.A., Lyashedko P.P., Bechik S.L.
V.N. Sheinis. A way to science (to the 110th anniversary of the birth)
Sokolov V., Yakimov D., Gusev M.
T.Ya. Aryev. Becoming a scientist and a doctor (to the 110th anniversary of the birth)
Sokolov V., Yakimov D., Varfolomeev I.
The role of immunodepressive states in the burdening of isolated radiation injures and combined radiation-chemical injuries
Antushevich A., Klimov A., Grebenyuk A., Gavrilyuk B., Bolekhan A., Bogdanova E., Apchel V., Arzhavkina L., Kryuchkova A.
P.A. Kupriyanov – the beginning of a creative way
Khubulava G., Sizenko V.
Contribution of professor Tuviy Yakovlevich Aryev to development of topical issues of thermal trauma. Main research and publications for 1958-1972
Sokolov V., Mamaeva S., Butrin Y., Gerasimova A.
The post-war period of the scientific work of Professor T.Ya. Arieva. Research and publication topics for the period 1946–1958
Sokolov V., Mamaeva S., Butrin Y.
Scientific works of Professor T.Ya. Aryev – the first head of the department of thermal lesions of the Military Medical Academy them. CM. Kirov for the period 1932–1945
Sokolov V., Mamaeva S., Butrin Y.
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