
Maksimov, V A

栏目 标题 文件
编号 1 (2009) Articles Improvement of surgical outcomes in patients with prostatic adenoma due to postoperative administration of the drug likoprofit
编号 4 (2009) Articles Tamsulosin in combind treatment of patients with urolithiasis
编号 1 (2010) Articles Tamsulosin administration for prophylaxis and treatment of stent-related symptoms
编号 5 (2009) Articles Optimizatsiya ranney diagnostiki zabolevaniy predstatel'noy zhelezy v usloviyakh megapolisa
编号 5 (2009) Articles Vozmozhnosti uzkospektrovoy fibrotsistoskopii v diagnostike raka mochevogo puzyrya
编号 1 (2010) Articles Ostryy glomerulonefrit, oslozhnivshiysya ostrym obstruktivnym pielonefritom
编号 5 (2009) Articles Sovremennyy vzglyad na problemu skrininga raka predstatel'noy zhelezy
编号 6 (2009) Articles Otsenka klinicheskoy effektivnosti i bezopasnosti preparata Likoprofit potentsial-formula
编号 6 (2009) Articles Tazovaya limfadenektomya pri rake predstatel'noy zhelezy
编号 5 (2010) Articles Lantox treatment of neurogenic dysfunction of the bladder
编号 1 (2011) Articles Transurethral holmium enucleation of prostatic adenoma
编号 3 (2011) Articles Phytotherapy in combined treatment of chronic infection of the upper urinary tract in patients exposed to extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy
编号 3 (2011) Articles Penile fracture
编号 3 (2011) Articles Proteometabolic analysis in urology
编号 5 (2011) Articles Late treatment of combined fracture of the penis
编号 6 (2011) Articles Combined treatment of patients with prostatic adenoma and overactive bladder