
Saenko, V. S

栏目 标题 文件
编号 5 (2022) Articles The role of expression of monocarboxylates of the first and fourth types (MCT1, MCT4) by tumor and stromal cells of prostate cancer in determining the prognosis and the efficiency of definitive treatment
编号 6 (2022) Articles Dissolution of uric acid stones in the ureter
编号 1 (2014) Articles The use of vitaprost in the treatment of patients with prostate diseases
编号 4 (2014) Articles Hyperuricemia - risk marker of endothelial dysfunction in the development of erectile dysfunction
编号 2S (2016): Supplement Articles The place of mineral water in the metaphylaxis of urolithiasis
编号 3 (2017) Articles Experience in using Phytolysin in the integrated management of urinary tract infections and methapylactics of nephrolithiasis
编号 4 (2018) Articles Methanaphylaxis of urolithiasis. Part 1. Factors for increasing incidence of urolithiasis. Current theories of renal stone formation
编号 5 (2018) Articles Vitamin D and urinary stone disease: the current state of problem
编号 5 (2018) Articles Urate urolithiasis: pathogenesis and possibilities of conservative therapy
编号 6 (2018) Articles Recurrence prevention for urinary stone disease. Part II. The factors associated with increase in incidence of urinary stone disease. Current views on the mechanisms of stone formation (continuation)
编号 1 (2019) Articles Methanaphylaxis of urolithiasis. Part 3. The factors associated with increase in incidence of urinary stone disease. Current views on the mechanisms of stone formation
编号 3 (2019) Articles Urinary stone disease. Part V. Drugs used for metaphylaxis of urinary stone disease
编号 5 (2019) Articles Results of analysis of the structural and functional state of the kidneys by the method of mathematical processing of contrast-enhancing MD-CT data in patients with urolithiasis
编号 3 (2020) Articles Adjustment of urine PH as effective tool for successful metaphylaxis of urinary stone disease. phytotherapy
编号 2 (2019) Articles Urinary stone disease. Part IV. Recurrence prevention for urinary stone disease
编号 2 (2019) Articles Role of drinking and dietary factors in effective dissolution therapy and recurrence prevention of uric acid kidney stones