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Vol 17, No 1 (2024)

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Theoretical and Historical Legal Sciences

From the Concept of the Draft Police Charter of the Russian Empire to Its Structure and Content: Views of Members of the Commission of Senator A.A. Makarov (1906-1917). Part 4. Ensuring Public Order and Personal Safety During Entertainment Events, Lotteries, Sweepstakes, and Card Games

Shurukhnov N.G.


The article examines the legal norms that make up the third section of the draft Police Charter, which since 1906 has been developed by members of the commission under the leadership of Senator A.A. Makarova. The main attention of this chapter was focused on the activities of the police of the Russian Empire to ensure public order and prevent harm to the life and health of citizens during various entertainment and entertainment events. Costly events to organize included theatrical and circus performances, folk games and festivities, concerts, balls and masquerades, fireworks, horse racing and horse racing. Procedures for the issuance by governors, mayors, and chiefs of local police of certificates authorizing their implementation. Based on the provisions of the charter and other legislative acts, the article provides a list of subjects who did not have the right to receive certificates, designates a set of rights and responsibilities of police officials for organizational and legal preparation, conduct, closure of designated events, drawing up, if necessary, police reports. Attention is focused on respecting the rights of organizers and citizens who paid money to purchase entertainment tickets. Legal measures are outlined to prohibit gambling, manufacturing, alteration, and washing of cards for the purpose of sale, as well as the sale of foreign cards, cards with counterfeit stamps, torn parcels. The text assigns the role of the police in the organization and conduct of lotteries, and in particular such a variety as the allegri lottery, in ensuring public order when playing on betting during horse racing. The author shows how the developers of the draft Charter, relying on the norms of legislation of the Russian Empire that existed at that time, observed the principle of continuity in the formation of new legal norms, and used foreign experience.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2024;17(1):12-19
pages 12-19 views

Analysis of the Hazards Associated with the Appearance of Robots Moving in Pedestrian Zones

Tarasov A.Y., Tarasova I.A.


The purpose of the article is to study the dangers associated with the appearance of robots moving in pedestrian areas. The object of the study is social relations in the sphere of interaction between pedestrians and robots. At the same time, the subject of research is the technologies underlying semi-autonomous and fully autonomous robots that affect the safety of people in contact with them. Within the framework of the research methodology, using the comparative legal method, an analysis of the main stages in the development and formation of technologies of modern robots with a high degree of autonomy was carried out.

The slogan «robots will take over our environment» is becoming a reality. Drones and ground-based delivery robots are used commercially, and semi-autonomous driving systems are standard accessories for traditional vehicles. However, while our eyes have been on the dangers and accidents of drone crashes and autonomous vehicle crashes, far less attention has been paid to the dangers of the inevitable emergence of robots sharing space with pedestrians and mingling with human traffic. These robots range from semi-autonomous or autonomous mobile platforms designed to provide multiple types of services such as assistant, patrol, guide, delivery, people transportation, etc.

We pay special attention to the dangers posed by robots moving in pedestrian traffic. In such situations, contact is not only inevitable, but may not be safe.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2024;17(1):20-26
pages 20-26 views

Public Law (State Law) Sciences

Constitutional Guarantees of a Deputy of a Representative Body of a Municipal Formation when Bringing to Liability

Kurmanov M.M.


The relevance of this article comes from the need to analyze the implementation of guarantees of the rights of deputies of local government when they are brought to criminal or administrative liability, detention, arrest, search, interrogation, and other criminal proceedings against them.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2024;17(1):27-31
pages 27-31 views

Introduction into the Tax Process of a New Tax-Checking Measure in the Form of Confrontation

Berezin M.Y.


Purpose of the study. Legal process is characterized by continuous consecutive in time its development from stage to stage in order to achieve at the end of each stage a certain legal result, and the focus of the process to address the issue of bringing to responsibility leads to the emergence of jurisdictional process as a subspecies of legal process. This allows to attribute the tax process to the category of jurisdictional process, in connection with which the tax process should be based on the principles of legality, objectivity (motivation), completeness (comprehensiveness), continuity and immediacy. Meanwhile, at presentn tax legislation lacks legal mechanisms that encourage or oblige tax authorities to ensure proper completeness and comprehensiveness of verification of the evidence collected in the case, including witness testimony, for their reliability in order to exclude risks of distortion of the established circumstances when making a decision.

Conclusions.  It is proposed to divide all powers of tax authorities into three main groups on the basis of the presence of connection with the tax process as exclusively related to the tax process, having an alternative connection with the tax process and having no connection with the tax process. Justified the introduction of a new tax and verification activity in the tax process in the form of confrontation, the conduct of which should be recognized as mandatory when revealing obvious contradictions in the testimony of previously questioned witnesses, with attribution of confrontation to the second group of powers of tax authorities.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2024;17(1):32-37
pages 32-37 views

The Value Policy in the Russian Federation: the Legal Aspect

Zubov V.V.


In this publication the author, based on the method of retrospection, classification, content analysis, formal legal and comparative legal methods, literal and contextual interpretation of legal norms, attempts a comprehensive legal analysis of the value policy pursued in the Russian Federation. Solving the problems of revealing the functions and legal content of the value policy, designating a value-oriented course in retrospect, studying the concept and research of the legal status of traditional values in the domestic legal system, identifying the main threats and risks for carrying out a value-oriented political and legal course, understanding the regulatory instruments for the implementation of the value policy in the Russian Federation, the author formulates the concept of value policy as the articulation, legal framing by the state of socially significant ideas and meanings, as well as the development and implementation of legal mechanisms for observing values. In addition, the division of normatively established traditional values into universal (life, dignity, human rights and freedoms), humanitarian (priority of the spiritual over the material, humanism, mercy, justice), civil (patriotism, citizenship, service to the Fatherland, historical memory and continuity of generations, unity of the peoples of Russia) and communitarian (strong family, creative work, collectivism, mutual assistance and mutual respect) is given. The normative legal tools for carrying out a value course are separately characterized, including disciplinary and educational measures (introducing citizens of the Russian Federation to a positive perception of traditional value baggage), cooperative (active and productive interaction of public authorities with significant social and spiritual-moral institutions to popularize basic values), preventive (a preventive response to those factors that in the future can cause damage to the qualitative side of the value policy) and preventive (establishment of legal liability for the commission of crimes and offenses expressed in an encroachment on the values and meanings enshrined in the legal space of the Russian Federation). In conclusion, a proposal is formulated to issue a separate federal law dedicated to the spiritual aspect of the development of the Russian state and the preservation of the traditional ideological arsenal of the multinational society of the Russian Federation.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2024;17(1):38-47
pages 38-47 views

The Constitutional and Legal Mechanism for Regulating the Right to Housing of Certain Categories of Citizens in Russia

Battalova L.M., Kostyleva G.V.


The article is devoted to the Study of the constitutional and legal mechanism for regulating the right to housing of certain categories of citizens in Russia. The article defines the concepts of "regulation" and "constitutional and legal mechanism of regulation", and also discusses various approaches to the definition of the latter. The authors believe that the basis of the legal mechanism of regulation is the constitutional legal mechanism of regulation. The object of the study is the inalienable constitutional rights and freedoms of man and citizen, which are vested in him by the State. The article highlights the elements of the mechanism of legal regulation: the rule of law, legal relationship, law enforcement act.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2024;17(1):48-52
pages 48-52 views

Legal Restrictions in the Application of Reproductive Technologies: in Search of a Balance Between Private and Public Interests

Dovnar A.N.


Human rights in the reproductive sphere are an integral part of the legal status of the individual, which presupposes the obligation to implement, along with human rights, the principle of non-abuse of rights. However, unfortunately, the liberalization of health legislation that began in the USSR is taking place in modern Russia, which is manifested in the development of the following problems: 1) a woman’s independent decision-making not only about the number of children and the periods between their births, but also the possibility of getting rid of the conceived a child outside of objectively determined social and (or) medical indications; 2) transformation of the once done artificial termination of pregnancy into the diagnosis of disorders of female fertility, which requires further infertility therapy; 3) the absence of a legislative ban on the export of genetic material and any other biological cells (their components) of citizens outside the country, which undermines the national security of the Russian state. To solve the identified problems, the author proposes: 1) the adoption of a new security law reflecting the definition of “demographic security”; 2) introduction of a ban on artificial termination of pregnancy at the request of a woman, outside of social and (or) medical indications; 3) restrictions on the export of biological cells (their components) of citizens of the country outside the state.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2024;17(1):53-58
pages 53-58 views

Private Law (Civil) Sciences

Traditional Family Values: Moral Basis of the State

Letova N.V.


Purpose of the study. The article defines the fundamental importance of traditional family values for the development of the Russian state, the formation of the spiritual and moral foundations of society, and the preservation of the historical identity of our people.

The author substantiates the conclusion about the system-forming importance of family values for each person, presents the novelties of the legislation that ensure their safety and protection. The article defines the fundamental importance of family, marriage, the birth and upbringing of children for each person, the value of which is irrefutable for society and the state.

The author proved that only the systemic protection of family values by all public authorities will make it possible to counter the threats aimed at their destruction, thereby ensuring the national security of the state and preserving family values, ensuring their continuity for future generations.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2024;17(1):59-66
pages 59-66 views

Territories and Entities with High Innovation Potential: Problems and Prospects for Development

Gromova E.A.


The creation of competitive digital innovations and technologies is one of the national interests of the Russian state, therefore, today it is extremely important to stimulate their development. That is why the study of territories and entities with high innovation potential is one of the conditions for achieving the goal. The purpose of the study was to identify the main problems and prospects for the development of legal regulation of innovation clusters, special economic zones, techno parks, innovative scientific and technological centers, as well as the Innovation Center "Skolkovo". Applying the formal-legal method, as well as the method of comparative-legal analysis and systematization, the author has identified common features characteristic of such territories and entities and unites them in the system of territories and entities with high innovative potential. The main gaps and other shortcomings of legal regulation of territories and entities with high innovation potential are identified, and ways to eliminate them are proposed. In particular, it is proposed to expand the use of private legal contractual principles in the framework of cooperation between the state and subjects of innovative entrepreneurship, to legislate the grounds and conditions for the formation of clusters within the boundaries of such territories and entities, as well as to include in the criteria for assessing their effectiveness the assessment of the "contribution" of residents and participants of such territories and entities to the sustainable development of the Russian state.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2024;17(1):67-73
pages 67-73 views

Features of Legal Regulation of Anti-Corruption Among Civil Servants of Russia

Afanasyev M.A., Ivanova D.Y.


Purpose of the study. This article examines the problems of legal regulation of the activities of civil servants, the main emphasis is on measures to prevent corruption in the public service system. The regulatory framework governing the legal status of civil servants, restrictions and prohibitions among civil servants, designed to neutralize and minimize corrupt practices in the Russian Federation, are analyzed. The purpose of the study is not only to identify the features of the legal regulation of the labor of civil servants, but also to prepare proposals for the development of Russian legislation on anti-corruption restrictions.

Conclusions.  As a result of the research, consideration of current legislation and study of judicial practice, the authors come to the conclusion that there are some gaps in the system of Russian legislation. In this regard, the authors made proposals for improving legislation regarding anti-corruption standards for civil servants.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2024;17(1):74-80
pages 74-80 views

On Some Problems of Invalidation of Decisions of the General Meeting of Owners of Apartment Buildings

Kiselyov A.S., Kharenko M.A.


The purpose of the work is to try to reflect the most problematic issues that arise in the process of invalidating decisions of general meetings. Today, increased attention is paid to the organization and holding of the general meeting of owners. Many residents try to take an active part in the management of their household property, and many organizations appear whose activities are aimed at legal education in this area. In addition, there are house committee schools organized by representatives of local governments and non-profit organizations, such events are periodically held in many cities of the country. Some authors conclude that at present the mechanism of organizing and holding general meetings of owners of premises in condominiums is only being formed. Such a belief was not born out of thin air, there are a number of objective problems that often lead to the adoption of illegal decisions. It was determined that most of the problematic issues arise due to the lack of legal literacy among residents of apartment buildings. Sometimes even minor formal inaccuracies lead to disputes with other tenants, which often leads to litigation.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2024;17(1):81-87
pages 81-87 views

Development of Digital Law in the Field of Corporate Relations

Petrov D.Y., Filippov N.A., Yablokova A.A.


The article examines the impact of modern digital technologies on the legal aspects of corporate governance. The authors analyze current trends in digital transformation and their impact on corporate relations. They address issues related to the use of digital technologies in decision-making, information management and transparency in corporate governance. The legal aspects related to the development of digital law in corporate governance, the main elements, and the level of their development in the Russian Federation are discussed. The authors offer recommendations for the development of appropriate legal norms and mechanisms for the effective regulation of digital processes in the corporate environment.

The article is a valuable study for lawyers, corporate governance specialists and all interested parties who seek to understand the consequences of digital transformation for the legal regulation of corporate relations. The authors offer new ideas and recommendations for the development of digital law in the field of corporate relations and contribute to the discussion of this current topic.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2024;17(1):88-93
pages 88-93 views

Legal Regulation of Individual Housing Construction: Problems of Law Enforcement

Rusev N.V.


The purpose of the research. The article is devoted to the analysis of law enforcement problems arising in the sphere of individual housing construction. Despite the fact that in recent years the state has actively supported individual housing construction (hereinafter referred to as housing construction), both by developing and implementing various socially oriented programs, providing support measures for certain categories of the population, and by improving legislation and reducing administrative barriers, the problems of law enforcement remain. The concretization of the characteristics of housing leads to disputes in connection with the classification of constructed housing as unauthorized construction in the case of deviations from the established norms. There are also disputes of other nature, which are also considered in this article. The purpose of the study is to identify modern problems of legal regulation of housing and communal services based on the analysis of the practice of judicial enforcement and to find ways to solve them.

Results. As a result of the study, the author's conclusions are formulated on what problems of legal regulation can be defined as the most urgent and require action, as well as proposals to improve legislation in this area, proposals to change the existing wording of the norms of current law.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2024;17(1):94-99
pages 94-99 views

Criminal Law Sciences

The Spiritual and Moral Consciousness of the Russian People and the Liberal Ideology of Criminal Justice: Dialectics of the Concrete and Abstract

Agutin A.V.


The article is devoted to understanding the dialectics of spiritual and moral consciousness and the liberal ideology of criminal justice. Taking into account the ideological and political guidelines of the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation. The manifestation of spiritual and moral consciousness in specific semantic phenomena - the spiritual bonds of the Russian people is investigated. The peculiarities of the imaginative thinking of the Russian people, from their characteristic state (national) ideology, are comprehended. It has been established that from time immemorial, liberal ideology has been purposefully aimed at blurring (destroying) the value-semantic foundation of the vital activity of our state and people, including that part of it that is directly related to domestic criminal proceedings.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2024;17(1):100-107
pages 100-107 views

How European Union Countries Harbor Fugitive Criminals from Russia

Tarasov M.Y., Stupachenko E.V.


In connection with the launch by Russia of a special military operation to demilitarize and denazify Ukraine in accordance with the decision of the President of the Russian Federation of February 24, 2022, some unfriendly states took an active initiative to prevent the extradition of wanted persons to Russia. The refusal of foreign partners to fulfill their obligations expressly provided for by international treaties not only allows criminals to avoid criminal liability for the crimes committed, but also actually poses a threat to the national security of the Russian Federation. The article reveals the essence of the situation that has changed for the Russian Federation and the procedure for the actions of the authorized bodies in the new international legal situation. On the basis of the conducted research, some proposals have been formulated on how to overcome the current negative trend and develop adequate ways to counteract.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2024;17(1):108-112
pages 108-112 views

The Essence and Procedural Form of Judicial Proceedings for the Selection of Preventive Measures

Popov A.P., Pitko R.Y.


The article delves into the fundamental nature and procedural aspects of legal proceedings regarding the selection of preventive measures in judicial processes. It dissects the fundamental principles and protocols dictating how judges arrive at decisions concerning the imposition of preventive measures. Various facets of this process are explored, encompassing subjective composition, the rights and responsibilities of involved parties, the conduct of hearings, and the ultimate decision-making by the court. Additionally, the authors deliberate on potential adjustments and enhancements within this domain, aiming to bolster the efficacy and impartiality of judicial proceedings related to preventive measures.

This research paper aims to scrutinize the fundamental nature and procedural framework of judicial proceedings concerning the selection of preventive measures in criminal cases. It scrutinizes the procedural intricacies, deliberates on the core principles and objectives guiding this process, and evaluates its efficacy.

Throughout the study, an examination of pertinent laws, regulations, and judicial precedents governing the selection of preventive measures was conducted. Furthermore, an analysis of cases from judicial practice was undertaken to discern prevalent trends and distinctive aspects of this procedural realm.

The study's findings lead to the inference that both the fundamental essence and procedural structure of judicial proceedings pertaining to the selection of preventive measures hold significance in upholding legality and justice in criminal proceedings. On the basis of the studied signs of judicial proceedings on the election of preventive measures, this category is undoubtedly recognized as an independent type of criminal procedural proceedings, which arises and proceeds within the framework of the main pre-trial proceedings. Only the proper application of this procedure guarantees the protection of the rights of both accused (suspects) and victims, while ensuring the security of society and the State. Nonetheless, there exist certain issues and deficiencies necessitating further exploration and legislative refinement within this sphere.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2024;17(1):113-121
pages 113-121 views

The System of Organizational and Legal Identification of Persons Who Have Posted Information on the Internet About the Intention to Commit a Crime

Zharova A.K.


The purpose of the article is to analyze legislation in the field of public safety. One of the tasks of the authorized bodies in the field of public safety is to prevent illegal actions, including those committed using the Internet. However, the statistics of crimes related to the use of the Network shows an annual increase, and the existing numerous examples of the criminal posting information in the Russian segment of the Internet about the preparation for a crime and its further implementation allow us to make an assumption about the absence of an organizational and legal system for regulating the use of meaning recognition technologies and images in order to prevent a crime.

To refute or confirm the assumption made, the article analyzes the legal regulation of relations aimed at the use by authorized bodies of technological tools for recognizing malicious content on the Network in order to prevent illegal actions and identify the persons who posted this content.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2024;17(1):122-130
pages 122-130 views

Some Problems of Assessing the Admissibility and Reliability of Evidence in Criminal Cases

Vinokurov E.A., Kovtun Y.A.


The Purpose of the study. The article discusses the problems of evaluating evidence according to the criteria of admissibility and reliability. Modern law enforcement practice devoted to practical problems of evidence assessment is analyzed. The analysis of the formed judicial practice of recognizing as admissible evidence, evidence obtained in violation of the requirements of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, in view of minor violations of the procedure established by criminal procedure legislation for their collection and consolidation by the investigator (inquirer). The position is justified that the proof cannot be reliable in part or in part, it is impossible to characterize the proof as probable or reliable in one part or another, to a certain extent.

Conclusions.  As a result of the conducted research, the authors conclude that "admissibility" and "reliability" as properties of evidence should be considered in close relationship with each other, since these concepts together make it possible to give a full assessment of the circumstances to be proved in a criminal case. Admissibility as a formal legal property and reliability as a substantive property give information that is considered in the course of a criminal case the possibility of their use as evidence in making procedural decisions. Information of evidentiary value must be obtained in accordance with the procedural procedure for the production of investigative and other procedural actions, any violations of the requirements of the criminal procedure legislation regarding the procedure for collecting and securing evidence should lead to the recognition of evidence as inadmissible.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2024;17(1):131-136
pages 131-136 views

Legislative Innovations in the Field of Criminal Law Regulation of Liability for Unlawful Actions in Bankruptcy

Kameneva A.N.


Every year, the number of cases of insolvency (bankruptcy) increases in domestic law enforcement practice. Negative statistics regarding the economic condition of economic entities on the Russian market creates a challenge to the financial security and sovereignty of the state. At the same time, some of the precedents of insolvency (bankruptcy) of an organization are carried out in violation of civil or procedural norms, and some more of such actions include criminogenic signs that are subject only in some cases to qualification under articles 195-197 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Such a criminogenic situation indicates a high level of latency of the elements of crimes that establish criminal liability for unlawful bankruptcies, which is due to the complexity of the dispositions formed in the criminal law. In this regard, there is an increasing need for the formation of legislative innovations in the field of overcoming the determinants of the commission of illegal cases of insolvency (bankruptcy) and in order to overcome the problems arising in the process of financial investigation of crimes from the group under consideration.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2024;17(1):137-143
pages 137-143 views

The Essence of Geographical Element of Cultural Identity of Russia-Eurasia Nations and Its Role in the Development of Eurasian Concept of Criminal Procedure

Tarasov I.S.


Purpose: The paper discusses the cultural identity of Russia-Eurasia nations as the basis of the Eurasian concept of criminal legal procedure. The geographical element of the cultural identity is thoroughly investigated. The purpose of the research is to charactirize the geographical element of culture and to reveal its manifestation in the criminal procedure. One of the objectives is to reveal the moral content of the criminal procedure using the notion of “developmental site” and making account of interrelation of this cultural element with other (Turanian and Orthodox) elements.

Conclusions: It is concluded that the geographical element of the cultural identity influences significantly the development of legal relations within the criminal procedure, both independently and in combination with other (Turanian and Orthodox) elements of Eurasian culture. The key notion in the Eurasian concept of criminal procedure is “developmental site” which reveals itself as the spititualized Russia-Eaurasia territory where criminal crimes solution and investigation are pursued. The developmental site is a whole of climatic conditions and environment as well as moral values of Russian nationality manifested in the criminal procedure relations and embodied in the parties to such relationship. It is also argued that the liberal interpretation of the place of investigative and other legal proceedings purely as a combination of land, water, air and people who live on the territory is unacceptable and invalid.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2024;17(1):149-155
pages 149-155 views

The System of Criminal Punishments by New Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Nuradel M.


The system of criminal punishments provided by the new Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 3, 2014 (hereinafter referred to as the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2014) is considered in the present article. Between the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 16, 1997 (hereinafter referred to as the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan 1997) which before valid and the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2014 differences are carried out in the article. Peculiarities of system of criminal punishments of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2014 are considered. System of criminal punishments of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2014 went over to two-tier system of criminally punishable acts is marked. Based on this, and the system of criminal punishments is divided for two group. Also some lacks of the system of criminal punishments by the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2014 are pointed out. As a whole in the article is marked that significantly revised the system of punishments, at the same time laid special stress on more extensively applying non-custodial punishments.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2024;17(1):144-148
pages 144-148 views

Crimes Aimed at Committing Suicide by Minors: Criminalistics Aspect

Panina N.A.


The article analyzes the situation related to the increase in cases of minor suicide that worsens the demographic situation of the country. Analysis of statistical data on crimes related to minor suicide and comparison of it with a survey of law enforcement officials allows us to conclude that there is a high latency for crimes of this category.

The author notes that minor suicides are studied by specialists from various fields of knowledge. An overview of the points of view of scientists regarding the wording of articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation providing for liability for incitement to suicide or assistance to suicide is provided. The study of foreign legislation allows us to conclude that there are different criminal legal means to protect minors from suicide in different countries. Within the CIS countries the unification of terms is required in order to achieve their uniformity which is important since issues of legal assistance in criminal cases between countries especially in the field of extradition depend on this.

The purpose of this study: to identify problems associated with the investigation of crimes aimed at minors committing suicide. The need for proper criminalistics support for the investigation of crimes aimed at minors committing suicide, the preparation of verified scientific and practical recommendations on tactics and organization of the investigation of these crimes is substantiated.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2024;17(1):156-160
pages 156-160 views

Problems of Ensuring Access to Justice at the Stage of Initiating a Criminal Case

Shalagina Z.A.


The purpose of the research. Since the beginning of the 90s. In the 20th century, the Russian Federation set a course towards building a rule-of-law state, which is directly expressed in the tasks of criminal proceedings. The current criminal procedural legislation is, first of all, aimed at protecting the rights and legitimate interests of individuals and organizations who have suffered from crimes, protecting individuals from illegal and unfounded accusations, convictions, and restrictions on their rights and freedoms. But at the same time, already at the stage of initiating a criminal case, a person whose rights have been violated faces a number of difficulties associated with the implementation of a mechanism to ensure access to justice.

Thus, after registering a report of a crime in accordance with Part 1 of Article 144 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, the period for verifying the fact stated in the statement begins to count. After the deadline for checking a report of a crime has expired, the authorized official makes a decision to initiate a criminal case or issues a decision to refuse to initiate a criminal case. Most often, the refusal to initiate a criminal case is made unreasonably, without conducting a full and comprehensive study of the circumstances based on the audit material. Which leads to a violation of the rights and legitimate interests of the person against whom this or that illegal act was committed. In addition, at this stage, difficulties arise in appealing an illegal decision of an official, since the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation does not contain a rule regulating the procedure for familiarizing the applicant with the inspection materials, which represents a gap in the current legislation and makes it difficult for a potential victim to access justice. This is confirmed by numerous examples from practice. Thus, similar examples are contained: in the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation (paragraph 2 of the resolution of February 10, 2009 No. 1 “On the practice of courts considering complaints in accordance with Article 125 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation”), in the cassation ruling of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation (No. 16-CAD22 -2-K4 dated April 22, 2022), etc.

Without initiating a criminal case, it is difficult to imagine a mechanism to ensure access to justice and the implementation of the right to access to justice. Since when such situations arise, a violation of the provisions of Article 52 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation occurs, which defines the definition of access to justice, which is unacceptable in a rule-of-law state.

Results. An analysis of the problems of access to justice at the stage of initiating a criminal case allowed us to draw a conclusion about the existing shortcomings of the current legislation, which in practice become significant obstacles to the protection of violated rights and legitimate interests through criminal proceedings. The author has put forward proposals to eliminate these shortcomings.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2024;17(1):161-167
pages 161-167 views

Creation of a Unified Integrated System of Forensic Activities in the Russian Federation: Statement of the Problem and Ways to Solve It

Epshtein V.A.


The article discusses the problems associated with the integration of non-governmental forensic expert organizations into a single system of forensic expert activity.

The purpose of the study is to develop specific proposals aimed at the implementation of the task.

As a result of the study, conclusions were formulated about the importance of the non-governmental sector in the production of forensic examinations, about the expediency of restoring freelance expert positions in state forensic institutions.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2024;17(1):168-173
pages 168-173 views

The Right to the Necessary Defense in Case of Domestic Violence

Boev D.V.


In the article, based on the study of the provisions of criminal legislation on necessary defense, scientific literature and judicial practice, the problems of a legislative approach to assessing the legality of the behavior of women victims of crimes of domestic violence are identified. The types of immoral and illegal behavior of the encroaching person, which are important for the qualification of the crime committed against him, are considered. All the author's conclusions are based on the positions of the courts of the Russian Federation and the analysis of research in this field of scientific knowledge.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2024;17(1):174-180
pages 174-180 views


Trends in Legal Culture in Modern Russian Society

Kochesokov Z.H., Mankieva A.V., Voropaev I.G.


The Purpose of the study. This article examines the legal culture in modern Russian society. The purpose of the study is to analyze the current trends in its development.

Conclusions.  As a result of the conducted research, both positive trends are found in the legal culture of modern Russian society, for example, a high level of law-making activity in the conditions of its own in the country, digitalization processes, in other words, timely and high-quality accounting in legislation of new trends and needs of society development, etc., and negative, more precisely, offenses, with which the state must fight.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2024;17(1):181-185
pages 181-185 views

The Transformation of Russian Legislation Defining the Object of Property Taxation in the Period from the Second Half of the XIXth to the XXth Century

Kuznetsov I.A.


The purpose of the research. The article analyzes the evolution of the property tax object in Russian legislation in the period from the second half of the 19 th to the 20 th centuries, and also determines the role of the property tax at certain stages of the historical and legal development of Russia. The purpose of the research is to identify patterns within the framework of the historical and legal evolution of the property tax object in historical retrospect.

Conclusions. The period from the middle of the 19th century to 1917 is characterized by the abolition of serfdom, which led to the abolition of the poll tax, a return to the property principle of taxation, the list of objects of property taxation gradually expanded due to the introduction of a real estate tax since 1863, a state apartment tax since 1893, vehicle tax since 1903, tax on telephone sets since 1914. The abolition of private ownership of land and buildings according to the Decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of August 20, 1918 predetermined the subsequent development of the legal regulation of property taxation in the Soviet state and the revision of the taxation procedure previously in force in the Russian Empire. After 1920, property taxation was carried out in the form of personal income tax.

From the middle to the end of the 20th century, the procedure for taxation of property was revised, followed by the allocation of taxes on various property objects, land tax, real estate tax, and transport tax.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2024;17(1):186-190
pages 186-190 views

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