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Том 17, № 2 (2024)


Бүкіл шығарылым

Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат
Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді
Рұқсат жабық Тек жазылушылар үшін


Heroes of russia. A word about a real officer

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2024;17(2):12-13
pages 12-13 views

Theoretical and Historical Legal Sciences

From the Concept of the Draft Police Charter of the Russian Empire to Its Structure and Content: Views of Members of the Commission of Senator A.A. Makarov (1906-1917). Part 5. Responsibilities of the Police of the Russian Empire to Maintain Improvement and Order in Public Places (Streets, Squares, Boulevards, Embankments, Bridges, Canals, Highways and Waterways)

Shurukhnov N.


The complex of responsibilities assigned to the police by the norms of the fourth section of the draft Police Charter is considered. These responsibilities are related, on the one hand, to monitoring the improvement of streets, squares, boulevards, embankments, piers, as well as other components of the infrastructure of the population, and, on the other hand, to ensuring the personal safety of the population and maintaining public order in crowded places. Prevention of unreasonable noise, singing, shouting, rioting, any unauthorized acts aimed at violence and causing disturbance on the streets, squares or other public places, or at least outside these places, but in violation of public order and tranquility. The measures taken by the police in relation to direct traffic participants and vehicle owners are highlighted. Separately, such areas of police activity are designated as ensuring a healthy lifestyle for citizens: preventing drunkenness; confiscation of mentally ill persons and persons who are intoxicated in public places; suppression of the use of obscene words and expressions, attempts to abuse domestic animals. Separately, the author highlights purely police means of establishing proper order in public places, including dispersing unruly crowds and attracting troops. The responsibilities of the police of the Russian Empire to prevent beggary, loitering, measures taken to prevent these offenses, as well as to suppress the unlawful behavior of gypsies (arrangement of tents, tents, leading a nomadic lifestyle) are given.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2024;17(2):14-20
pages 14-20 views

Formation of the Concept of «Medical Police» in the Russian Empire

Lukyanov S., Tarasova I.


The purpose of the article is to highlight the process of formation of the concept of «medical police» in the Russian Empire. Based on a number of sources, the authors reveal the concept of «medical police», analyze the stages of the formation of the system of sanitary, epidemiological and veterinary surveillance in Russia in the 18th century, and show the role of the police in ensuring the prevention of epidemics and epizootics. The object of the research is the state policy in the field of health care in general and in the field of sanitary, epidemiological and veterinary surveillance in particular. The subject of the research is the normative legal acts regulating the implementation of sanitary and police measures in the Russian Empire in the period under review, the materials of periodicals, and archival documents. Within the framework of the research methodology, using historical-legal, comparative-legal and comparative-historical methods, the analysis of the activities of the police to ensure sanitary-hygienic, sanitary-epidemiological and veterinary standards was carried out. According to the authors, the idea of ensuring these norms with the help of strict police supervision ultimately led to the formation of the concept of «medical police» as a set of measures taken by the state to preserve «people's health» during the reign of Catherine II. Since the beginning of the 19th century, this concept has become the basis of state policy in the field of health care in the Russian Empire.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2024;17(2):21-25
pages 21-25 views

Historical Experience in the Implementation of State Policy in the Field of Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency in Soviet Russia in 1917-1935

Krasnov D., Sapozhnikova T.


The article is devoted to the analysis of legislation in the field of combating child homelessness in Soviet Russia in the 1920s and 1930s. It examined the most important legislative acts and regulatory documents that determined the state's policy to eliminate homelessness and work with juvenile offenders. It is reviewed the chronological period including two decades. It is allowed to the authors to trace the formation and development of the Soviet system for the prevention of juvenile delinquency in accordance to the new National Security Strategy, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated of 02.07.2021.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2024;17(2):26-34
pages 26-34 views

Legal Innovation as a Special Type of Social Innovation: Concept. Generation. Dissemination

Kuryshev E.


The purpose of writing a research paper. To formulate the definition of the concept of "legal innovation" on the basis of comparative legal analysis. To determine the ways of generation and dissemination of legal innovations in the social environment. Conclusions obtained in the course of the research. Legal innovations along with other categories qualitatively influence the methodology of law renewal.Legal innovations originate not only in the established framework of law-making process, but also in the conditions of law enforcement practice of the existing legal life. The fact of generation of legal innovations in the course of public relations of various socio-political levels is scientifically substantiated. Endogenous legal innovations developed on the basis of modern mentality of various public organizations, legal and physical persons are of primary importance for qualitative renewal of the legal system. Attention is drawn to the fact that legal innovations authorized by the state in the established order can undergo diffusion (spread) in place, time and by an extended circle of persons. The research article considers several means of diffusion (spread) of legal innovations.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2024;17(2):35-39
pages 35-39 views

Problems of Countering Threats and Challenges to Information Security of Individuals, Society and the State in the Context of Digitalization

Bashlueva N., Bashlueva M., Smirnova L.


The subject of this study is various information threats and types of measures to counter these threats. For comparison, the Russian and foreign (Chinese) experience is presented. The relevance of the research topic is ensured by the fact that the fourth scientific and technical revolution is currently taking place, which is characterized by the development of information and telecommunication technologies. Robotics is developing, global cyberspace is being created, in a word, global computerization of human life is taking place. In recent years, the attention of the entire world community has been focused on the formation of artificial intelligence and its introduction into everyday human life, training it to perform complex combined operations that significantly help in the process of life. The purpose of the article is to analyze the totality of information threats and challenges facing the personal security system. In the course of the work, the method of comparative analysis of Russian and foreign experience is used. It is concluded that it is necessary to create a high-quality information security system capable of providing a worthy response to modern challenges and threats.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2024;17(2):40-46
pages 40-46 views

Public Law (State Law) Sciences

Peculiarities of Investment Legal Relations in the Russian Federation at the Present Stage

Toria R.


This article deals with the specifics of investment legal relations in the Russian Federation at the present stage. Public relations regulated by the norms of investment law should be considered an investment legal relationship, the participants of which have a certain amount of rights and obligations protected and protected by the state. The characteristic features and peculiarities of investment legal relations are determined. It is revealed that investment relations need to develop new legal mechanisms to solve the tasks set by the state in the field of investment policy. In this regard, the State is constantly expanding the base of normative legal acts that regulate the sphere of investments and investment activities to some extent. Investment relations arise on the basis of a contract. The variety of such agreements is great: concession agreements and agreements on public-private partnership, agreements on the implementation of investment projects, life cycle contracts, etc. In other words the concept of “investment relations” is intended to conditionally unite various social relations which are also regulated by various branches of legislation.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2024;17(2):47-53
pages 47-53 views

Functions of Finance as a Factor in the Development of Financial Law

Krokhina Y.


The purpose of the article is to identify the functions of finance as a system-forming category of financial law that influences the dynamics of financial and legal regulation. Based on the results of the study, the following conclusions were drawn: finance, being an economic category, is integrated into a large part of the monetary turnover of the economy and inevitably performs certain functions that are objectively prescribed by the very fact of its existence; the thesis is substantiated that among the key functions of finance, their target function deserves special attention; the fundamental role of the objective function is shown. The legal mechanisms for ensuring the target function of finance are shown. Factors of transformation of finance functions have been identified. It is substantiated that legal regulation should focus on creating effective mechanisms for the implementation of financial policies, covering both public and private finance.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2024;17(2):54-57
pages 54-57 views

Proper Functioning as a Financial and Legal Characteristic of the Operation of Payment Systems

Larionova E.


The article discusses financial and legal approaches to the regulation of payment systems in order to ensure their proper functioning. The purpose of writing this article is to establish the content of the concept of “proper functioning of payment systems” and to identify financial and legal ways to achieve this characteristic in the operation of the payment system. To achieve this goal, the author analyzed the provisions of not only Russian legislation on payment systems, but also the legislation of the EAEUnion countries in order to identify the legal characteristics established in relation to the operation of payment systems. The conclusions obtained during the study allow us to assert that the characteristics of the operation of payment systems provided for by law, in particular: efficiency, reliability, stability and continuity, can be combined into a general assessment characteristic “proper functioning of payment systems”, reflecting the objective legal expectations of the state and consumers money transfer services regarding the quality of the payment system and the services it provides. The author has formulated legal characteristics, the achievement of which indicates the proper functioning of payment systems, and also proposed financial and legal methods for their implementation.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2024;17(2):58-69
pages 58-69 views

The Problem of Defining State Bodies and Officials as Categories of the Constitutional Right to Appeal in the Russian Region

Gizyatova S., Kurochkin A.


The purpose is to examine and investigate the institution of appealing actions and decisions of government representatives from the perspective of subjective constitutional rights, as well as to establish organizational and legal forms of executive power through the prism of regional legislation and law enforcement practice in the subject of the Russian Federation. In this article, from the perspective of subjective constitutional rights, the institute of appealing against actions and decisions of government representatives is investigated. The authors focused on the formal legal content of constitutional norms that provide citizens with a set of guarantees in the exercise of the right to appeal against the actions and decisions of government representatives.

Conclusion – this article highlights the problem that has developed in regional legislation and in law enforcement practice regarding the organizational and legal forms of the exercise of executive power. The use of various organizational and legal forms of regional executive power should not affect the mechanism of exercising the constitutional right to appeal against the actions and decisions of government representatives. In turn, this approach will ensure the dissemination of constitutional and procedural guarantees for citizens who appeal against actions and decisions of authorities and officials.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2024;17(2):70-74
pages 70-74 views

Private Law (Civil) Sciences

A Minor as a Participant in Civil Proceedings: Features of the Legal Status

Letova N.


Purpose of the study. The article examines the features of the participation of a minor in civil proceedings, determines the scope of his procedural capacity, and reveals the dependence of procedural norms on material ones, which makes it possible to determine the specifics of protecting the sectoral rights of the child. It has been proven that the procedural status of a minor will make it possible to more accurately determine the limits of his independence in civil proceedings, establish criteria for the participation of his legal representatives and identify categories of cases with his participation, the legal essence of which involves the protection of his rights only by his legal representatives.

It is concluded that it is necessary to change the norms that determine the scope of the procedural capacity of a minor, which will ensure their synchronous application with industry-specific norms that provide for the child’s opportunities in the field of family and civil relations.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2024;17(2):75-80
pages 75-80 views

Digital Transformation of the Russian Notary

Beglova G.


The author's review of changes in the current legislation in the field of notarial activity allows us to state that currently the institute of notaries is in the process of modification due to the widespread introduction of digital technologies into everyday life. The author came to the conclusion that the digital infrastructure of the notary provides the use of electronic means for processing and storing information, electronic signature, electronic documents and other digital tools of notarial activity, which significantly increases the efficiency and accessibility of notarial services by simplifying many processes and providing customers with more convenient services.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2024;17(2):81-85
pages 81-85 views

Arctic Entrepreneurship: Legal Aspects

Battakhov P.


The article considers the issues of legal regulation of economic activities in the Arctic zone of Russia. The main areas of small and medium-sized businesses in the Russian Arctic for the development of entrepreneurial activity were studied. An analysis of a special subject of entrepreneurial activity in the Arctic zone of Russia, which receives the status of a resident, is given. Arctic economic activity has been identified at the current stage in Russia as an independent institution of entrepreneurial law, which in the future research will give a big impetus to development in terms of the adoption of regulatory legal acts. Based on the analysis of legal acts, the state, as a guarantor of the development of economic relations, is obliged to subsidize with cash the main types of small and medium-sized entrepreneurial activities in the Arctic zone of Russia, and on the other hand, large commercial companies must reimburse the costs for manufacturers of local products. It was proposed to develop electronic trade on the territory of Russia, accordingly, there is a need to connect all Arctic entities to high-speed Internet. It was concluded that for the legal regulation of complex relations, the Arctic Code of Russia should be adopted.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2024;17(2):86-91
pages 86-91 views

Application of Bank Deposit Insurance Legislation: Main Aspects

Ovchinnikova Y.


The article highlights the special relevance of the legal study of the bank deposit insurance system. The authors have identified the main trends in the historical development of the bank deposit insurance system, which are generally of positive importance. The article also analyzes the main problems of legislation and law enforcement practice in the field of bank deposit insurance.

The conclusion is formulated that the legitimate interest of depositors should be protected primarily, while the established judicial practice in some cases indicates the opposite. In addition, the legislation on insurance of bank deposits violates the principle of equality of subjects of civil law. This situation leads to a drop in the level of depositors' trust and is an obstacle to the effective implementation of the bank deposit insurance system.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2024;17(2):92-97
pages 92-97 views

Legal Relations with Digital Money in the Russian Federation

Komlev A.


The purpose of the study. The article is devoted to topical issues of legal relations with digital money that exist in the Russian Federation today. The history of digitalization of legal relations is connected with the digitalization of the economy, which forced the actualization of existing civil legal relations in accordance with digital realities. The purpose of the study is to analyze the current regulation of legal relations with digital money in Russian legislation.

Conclusions. As a result of the conducted research, it was concluded that digital money differs from all previously used types of money – traditional and electronic, therefore, being objects of legal relations, they require changes in them, starting from the theoretical base in the form of developing a unified approach to the definition of digital money, to creating a single list of their key features, and ending with the analysis of judicial practice and the creation of uniform recommendations for courts in cases related to digital money.

Digital money and legal relations, which have been digitalized following the popularization of digital money, have become a response to modern realities, which cannot be imagined without reference to widespread digitalization. Digital money has become a new object of legal relations, a new boon.

The relevance of the topic is due to the fact that digital money and digital legal relations are quite new phenomena for Russian practice, therefore, the issues of their regulation are only being worked out. There are still gaps in legislation, lack of unity in judicial practice, etc.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2024;17(2):98-102
pages 98-102 views

Separate Issues of the Correlation of the Legal Nature of the Penalty and the Judicial Penalty

Manokhin O.


The article is devoted to the study of issues related to the legal nature of the court penalty. The article analyzes the issue of the correlation of the provisions of the substantive and procedural legislation on judicial penalties, the practice of applying this legal institution. The question of the correlation of concepts is investigated: astrent, court penalty, penalty. The conclusion is made about the complexity of the legal nature of the court penalty.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2024;17(2):103-106
pages 103-106 views

About "Public Entities" in Private Law (on the Example of Public Law Companies)

Pavlikov S., Tamaev T.


The article substantiates the judgment that despite the specificity of its status ("public subjects") public-law companies are participants of civil-law relations. The peculiarities of their position are conditioned by the need for the state to solve new tasks, including those related to the provision of national defense and security of the state.

The work used general scientific methods of research: systemic, functional, system-structural. The authors successfully applied private-scientific: cultural, historical, sociological, statistical methods of research. The authors also used special research methods in jurisprudence: comparative-legal and formal-legal.

The aim of the article is to outline key approaches to understanding the specifics of legal regulation of "public subjects" in private law. An important place is given to the analysis of the activities of PPC "Roskadastr" and PPC "Military Construction Company".

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2024;17(2):107-111
pages 107-111 views

Criminal Law Sciences

Lawyer at the Preliminary Investigation Stage: Opportunities for Participation in the Adversary Process

Shkhagapsoev Z.


The constitutional right to defense is exercised at all stages of the criminal process. The main and mandatory stage of the criminal process is the preliminary investigation stage. An independent professional legal adviser – a lawyer – takes an active part in this stage.

The author of the article examines the powers and responsibilities of a defense lawyer.

The article analyzes the main directions of participation of the defense lawyer in the adversarial process, which influence the course of the investigation and the formation of the evidence base in the criminal case. The public legal nature of a lawyer’s activity is noted, despite the fact that the legal profession is an institution of civil society, not the state. A distinction is made between the participation of a lawyer in criminal proceedings as a defender and as a representative. It is concluded that the correct and full use by a lawyer of his procedural rights is a key factor that contributes to the effectiveness of ensuring and protecting the rights of the client and contributes to the general attitude towards fairness in the legal process.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2024;17(2):112-116
pages 112-116 views

Juvenile Crime: Criminological Aspect

Cherednichenko E.


Purpose: criminological analysis of juvenile delinquency: its features, causes, conditions and preventive measures. Conclusions: against the background of a general decrease in juvenile delinquency, there is an increase in the number of particularly serious crimes, the defendants of which are persons aged 14 to 18 years; juvenile delinquency is a "good ground" for adult crime; juvenile delinquency can be defined as an independent type of crime, which is characterized by its own characteristics, development, causes and conditions conducive to the commission of crimes, as well as the personality characteristics of a juvenile offender; to increase the effectiveness of prevention and prevention of juvenile delinquency, it is necessary to take into account theoretical developments regarding the types of juvenile offenders. Early prevention and prevention of crimes among minors contributes to the integrity of their moral development and can form the basis of their own worldview, devoid of nihilistic tendencies and commitment to criminal subcultures. To achieve these goals, it is necessary to carry out a whole range of measures, the basis of which is the close interaction of law enforcement agencies with public organizations, educational institutions, medical institutions, parents and legal representatives of adolescents.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2024;17(2):117-122
pages 117-122 views

On Procedural Guarantees for Vulnerable Persons, Suspects, Accused of Committing a Crime: the International-European Aspect

Kurbatova S.


The purpose of the research. The article draws attention to the fact that not all people are equal in their age, physiological and social characteristics. This determines the vulnerability of such persons to various external factors, including those caused by their participation in legal relations, and in particular, in criminal proceedings. This is especially relevant in relation to vulnerable suspects and accused persons, since it is these participants in criminal proceedings who are exposed to the main impact in the process of investigation and judicial review of criminal cases.

Conclusions. In cases where vulnerable persons act as suspects, accused as participants in criminal proceedings, the problem arises of the possibility of their proper procedural participation. To solve this problem, first of all, an appropriate regulatory framework is needed. Considering the role and importance of international law as a guideline for improving national legislation in ensuring the implementation and protection of human rights.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2024;17(2):123-128
pages 123-128 views

Current State and Prospects for the Development of Countering the Ideology of Extremism in the Russian Federation

Shkhagapsoev Z., Akkaeva H.


Extremism is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon of a destructive nature that exists in almost all states. The natural nature of extremism is associated with the public reaction to processes affecting society. The complete eradication of extremism seems impossible, and therefore, at present, the most urgent thing is to prevent the large-scale spread of extremist behavior in society, which can create threats to the stable functioning of the state. The purpose of the presented research is to study current issues of countering the spread of the ideology of extremism in the Russian Federation, since it is the presence of an appropriate ideology that determines the dynamic development of this illegal phenomenon. The authors come to the conclusion that currently the ideology of extremism is being transformed under the conditions of a number of factors related to the foreign and domestic policies of the state. As the main directions of countering the spread of this ideology, not only preventive and preventive activities of a direct anti-extremist orientation are highlighted, but also the improvement of the ideological views of the population as a whole is of paramount importance. Attention is focused on the need to develop intolerance among the Russian population towards violent methods of conflict resolution and to demonstrate successful forms of self-realization of people within the legal framework.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2024;17(2):129-133
pages 129-133 views

The Genesis and Development of Criminal Legislation in the Field of Protection of Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population in Russia

Mustafazade R.


The purpose of the research. The article examines the genesis and development of criminal legislation in the field of protection of sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population in Russia. The process of transformation of the criminal law norm on violation of sanitary and epidemiological rules in the context of historical challenges and transformations of public relations is analyzed. The purpose of the study is to establish and identify general patterns and features of the relevant legislation in retrospect. RESULTS. As a result of the conducted research, the author comes to the conclusion that criminal law norms have not degraded, the state of legislation has improved with each new normative legal act. From the very beginning of attempts to regulate norms and rules designed to protect the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population, in the historical context, it has never been possible to solve the problem of the spread of an epidemic "at the root", despite various approaches to its solution – from almost complete lack of control to the establishment of a strict regulatory regime. Despite the transformation that criminal legislation has undergone over such a long time, it is difficult to say that there are no opportunities and ways to improve, because not only existing norms will have to be changed or supplemented in the near future for more successful protection of sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population, but there may also be a need to design completely new elements of crime.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2024;17(2):134-139
pages 134-139 views

International Legal Sciences

Problems of International Law in the Sphere of Struggle with Terrorism

Pankina N., Kravets I.


The article examines the issues of international law in the field of combating terrorism, since the growing international significance of conflicts contributes to the expansion of the scope of application of a more acute, uncompromising and, at the same time, comparable means of struggle for the conflicting parties, which is terrorism. Moreover, terrorist actions, growing into the political configuration of the conflict, reflecting the goals, objectives, capabilities and tactics of the warring parties, transform terrorism into an international phenomenon classified as a global threat. This, firstly, draws attention to the conflict, giving it an international dimension. But what is perhaps more important, and this is secondly, is that terrorism is acquiring signs of a substance of international life, which, in its dangerous mobility, largely determines the state of the international social environment. The purpose of the presented research is to consider issues arising in this area regarding the construction of terrorism as a conflict-generating and influential international actor, confirming that in the fight against it, international law should cover with its influence all the components that form this construction, concentrating priority efforts on its most destructive elements. Based on the study, the author comes to the conclusion that stability in international relations will increase, if not undermine, but, on the contrary, strengthen the potential of the state. This is obvious, firstly, because there is simply no alternative to the state that even approaches the level of authority. And secondly, the state’s capabilities in the field of foreign and domestic policy objectively remain unique. Even opponents of the state-centrist model are forced to admit this, in part. It is precisely based on these opportunities, primarily in international organizations, that it is advisable to begin to create an international anti-terrorist system, the quintessence of which should be updated international law regulating the entire complex of social relations in any way related to the fight against terrorism.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2024;17(2):140-151
pages 140-151 views

Gaps in International Humanitarian Law in Modern Armed Conflicts not of an International Nature

Bykov V.


This work is devoted to topical issues of international humanitarian law in the context of non-international armed conflicts. It examines the system of norms of legal behavior of participants in an armed conflict, the causes and methods of their violation and ways to solve problems within the framework of international humanitarian law, which are aimed at regulating the behavior of States, non-State actors and other entities involved in armed conflicts.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2024;17(2):152-157
pages 152-157 views


Legal Possibilities for Creating a Single Operator for the Transportation of Containers by Russian Companies Along the Northern Sea Route

Maslov K.


Purpose of the research. This article discusses current issues of organizing the transportation of container cargo by a Russian operating company along the Northern Sea Route. The advantages of using the Northern Sea Route as an international transport and logistics corridor have been identified. The problems of organizing and implementing the transportation of containers along the Northern Sea Route have been identified. A scheme for legal regulation of the activities of a Russian operator for the transportation of containers along the Northern Sea Route has been developed.

Results. It has been established that in the Russian Federation there is a necessary system of legal regulation of the functioning of the operator for the transportation of containers along the Northern Sea Route, which makes it possible to create a state-owned Arctic Container Shipping Company on the basis of the Rosatom, which will be a national operator for the transportation of containers and will be able to most successfully and efficiently establish a Unified a system for transporting container cargo along the Northern Sea Route.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2024;17(2):158-162
pages 158-162 views

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