
The Essence and Procedural Form of Judicial Proceedings for the Selection of Preventive Measures
Popov A., Pitko R.
Issues of Distinguishing Between the Issuance of a Deliberately Unjust Judicial Decision and Crimes Against the Person (Articles 128 and 154 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation)
Zenina L.
Current Problems of Collecting Funds for Forensic Examinations in Civil Proceedings
Epshtein V.
On the Question of the Motivation of Interim Court Decisions on the Extension of a Preventive Measure in the Form of Detention
Vasilieva M.
Judicial enforcement acts and their infuence on legal source forming
Gayniev L.
On the Issue of the Compulsory Assessment of Information About the Involvement of a Suspect Accused of Committing a Crime in Court Decisions on Detention
Kalinkina L.
Practical Features of the Qualification of Acts Aimed at Non-Execution of a Court Verdict, Court Decision or Other Judicial Act
Barkho V.
The legal basis for determining the threshold values of the notoriety level of a notorious trademark
Batykov I.
Organizational and Tactical Information Obtaining Peculiarities on Connections Between Subscribers and (or) Subscriber Devices
Lakeeva E.
Research of the Problems of Admissibility of Electronic Media Seen During Operational Search Measures and Their Applications to the Materials of Verification of a Crime Report
Mamedov R.
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