Giotto: Open Cubes, Shallow Depths and Specific Repetition

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The article analyses the image system of Giotto di Bondone, its role in the forming of the Renaissance representative tradition. By building up "architectural cubes", creating a spatial pause, intra-figure relationships, human events in the intra-image interplay (image-event), intimacy, an unbalanced and broken perspective, as well as reproducing the same facial type Giotto unconsciously formulates the idea of individuality in the plastic form and new pictorial strategy.

About the authors

Andrey Mikhailovich Burov


кандидат искусствоведения, начальник отдела научного развития, доцент кафедры эстетики, истории и теории культуры; ВГИК; VGIK


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  5. Лосев А.Ф. Эстетика Возрождения. - М.: Мысль, 1982.
  6. Фосийон А. Жизнь форм. - М.: Московская коллекция, 1995.
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Supplementary files

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Copyright (c) 1970 Burov A.M.

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