
Brief presentation of authors and contents of articles of the current issue

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Sergei Eisenstein's Ideas in the Context of Modern Cinema Art. Audiovisual Counterpoint

UDC 791.43/45

Summary: The article treats one of the most significant theoretical notions introduced by Sergey Eisenstein: the audiovisual counterpoint in historical and modern contexts. The author defines the relevance of Eisenstein ideas for modern theories, film art and film production.

Key words: Sergei Eisenstein, audiovisual counterpoint, «Zaiavka», sound design of the film, film music, artistic image in cinema.

Author: Elena A. Rusinova, PhD in Arts, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Sound Engineering, Vice-Rector for International Relations and Scientific Work, VGIK.


Methodological Aspects of Studying the History of Soviet Cinema in the 1930s

UDC 791.036(47+57)

Summary: The article is based on the introduction the manuscript ‘History of Soviet Cinema’ by Nikholay M.Iezuitov’s (1899–1941) one of the fathers of Russian cinema studies. Turning to archive sources made it possible to educe the basic methodological criteria of film history as an academic discipline in N.Iezuitov conception formed in the 1930s which made a certain contribution to developing the methods and principles of film history.

Key words: history of national cinema, periodization of Soviet film history, history of film studies, methodology of film history, film education, historiography.

Author: Sultan I. Usuvaliev, Post-Graduate Student, VGIK.



The Canons of Capturing Reality in the Documentary Cinema of the 1960s 

UDC 778.5.03.03с(09)«1960»

Summary: The article traces the main plastic and dynamic expressive means which determine the genre diversity in the documentary cinema of 1960s. The author also reveals new iconic elements in the style of the films made in that period that molded an invariable image of the Thaw documentaries.

Key words: canon, documentary cinema, 1960s, chronicle, documentary, Soviet documentary cinema, aesthetic canon, author's model of reality.

Author: Maria V. Bezenkova, PhD in Arts, Associate Professor, Film Studies Department, Sergei Gerasimov All-Russian State Institute of Cinematography (VGIK).


The Evolution of Visual Instruments of VR Cinema

UDC 791

Summary: The article is devoted to the phenomenon of VR cinema, its expressive system: its genesis, specificity and structure are researched into. The author surveys the factors defining the development the VR cinema artistic method, analyses typical set-ups, describes the mechanisms of their synthesis and asserts the main principles of VR cinema’s singularity.

Key words: virtual reality, VR films, immersive video, 360 degrees, mise en scène.

Authors: Aleksei V. Matkin, Post-Graduate Student, Department of Film Studies, Sergei Gerasimov All-Russian State Institute of Cinematography.



The Film Star — the Phenomenon of a Parasocial Relation

UDC 778.

Summary: The article focuses on the essence of the movie star phenomenon and his or her parasocial relationship with the fan base. The author gives empirical reasons for the role of the movie star as a factor of cultural and ideological impact and the marketability of Russian and American films in domestic market.

Key words: relationship social and parasocial, cinema, actor, mass media, potential cinema audience, theatrical film, film star, culturalideological impact, competitiveness.

Authors: Mikhail I. Zhabskiy, Doctor at Sociology, Leading Researcher, Research Sector, FGBOU DPO «Academy of Media Industry»; Faina V. Novoselova, Research Fellow at the Research Institute of Film Art (VGIK) in the period of 2012–2018, currently a resident of Iceland; Кirill А. Tarasov, Doctor of Culturology, Professor at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russian Federation.


Methods of Using the Type Expressiveness of the Actor in the Cinema of “New Sincerity”

UDC 778.

Summary: The article investigates the acting techniques of type expressiveness in the films of ‘new sincerity’, validates such terms as ‘type’, ‘mask’, ‘model’ which prove the authenticity of the performer’s state in the screen while the use of social clichés invariably leads to the characters’ insincerity.

Key words: actor, “type”, “model”, “mask”, film protagonist, cinema of “new sincerity”, Lev Kuleshov, Sergei Eisenstein.

Author: Maria O. Kuznetsova, Post-Graduate Student, Sergei Gerasimov All-Russian State Institute of Cinematography.


The Role and Basic Aspects of ‘‘the Montage of Attractions’’ in Russian Cinema

UDC 791.32

Summary: The article explores the montage of attractions in Russian cinema. This phenomenon is examined in the historical context based on the principles of Sergey Eisenstein’s theory. Special attention is given to the artistic quest of Mikhail Romm and Alexander Mitta. The author reveals the core aspects of attraction characteristic of the cinema of various periods and styles.

Key words: Sergei Eisenstein, montage of attractions, attraction, Mikhail Romm, Alexander Mitta, avant-garde, genre, aesthetic.

Author: Yana V. Gulyaeva, Post-Graduate Student, Sergei Gerasimov All-Russian State Institute of Cinematography.


Self-media as a Model for Monetization of Knowledge Code

UDC 06.81.23

Summary: The accelerated development of information and communication technologies, their convergence and integration, open up great opportunities for social actors to express themselves, motivating amateur artists to produce media products. The article discusses the principles of the functioning of a new type of media model in individual entrepreneurship, called "self-media", which is developing in China, analyzes its advantages and disadvantages when testing innovative business models.

Key words: digital technologies, convergence and integration, self-media, individual entrepreneurship, information reliability.

Author: Svetlana L. Urazova, Dr.Sc. of Philology, Associate Professor, Editor-in-Chief of the academic journal “Vestnik VGIK”, Sergei Gerasimov All-Russian State Institute of Cinematography.



Modern Art History As a Human Science in a Situation of Cultural Turn

UDC 7.01

Summary: The article (Part 3, for the beginning see Issues 1 (39) and 2 (40), 2019) discusses a vital problem of modern art studies connected with the relationship between art history and theory. The study subject of art theory as a subdiscipline of cultural studies, unlike that of art history, has not been determined yet. Tracing the processes taking place at the time of linguistic and cultural turns in the humanities, the article dwells on the subject of art theory and justifies the idea of this subdiscipline’s significance in transitional eras.

Key words: art theory, humanities, methodological shift, linguistic turn, formalism, sociologism, positivism, culturological approach, sign, symbol, semiotics, sociology, theory and history of art culture, poststructuralism, cyclical logic of history.

Author: Nicolai A. Khrenov, Doctor of Sciences (Philosophy), Professor, Section of Media Artistic Problems, State institute of Cultural Studies.


Contemporary Approach to the Understanding of the Notion of “Beautiful” as an Aesthetic Category

UDC 1.18

Summary: The author proceeds from the premise of modern aesthetics that the notion of “beautiful” is no longer a fundamental category of modern art and modern philosophy of art. The article proposes a new approach to the definition and interpretation of the beautiful and the main principles of the analysis of the beautiful.

Key words: categories of aesthetics, beautiful, art, art criticism, philosophy of art, aesthetics.

Author: Irina P. Nikitina, Doctor of Sciences (Philosophy), Sergei Gerasimov All-Russian State Institute of Cinematography.


Sound in the Films of Michael Haneke from the Perspective of Phenomenological Aesthetics

UDC 791.43/45

Summary: The article analyses the specific traits of sound design in Michael Haneke’s films in terms of phenomenological aesthetics. This approach allows the author to analyse the sound peculiarities of the films where the use of music, dialogue and Foleys surpass conventional techniques forming a multilayered semantic interstructural and intertextual links.

Key words: sound design of the film, Michael Haneke, phenomenological aesthetics, auteur cinema, film music

Author: Julia V. Mikheeva, Doctor of Art Studies, Professor, Department of Sound Engineering, Sergei Gerasimov All-Russian State Institute of Cinematography.


The Story of One Crime: in Life, in Literature and in Cinema

UDC 778.5I (New Zealand)

Summary: Film critics and film-goers have been watching closely the work of the famous New Zealand director Peter Jackson for years as even his early films, primarily Heavenly Creatures, based on a real crime, could not but impress the audience by its sophisticated theme and superb direction. The article gives a deep insight into the film giving the real details of this terrible murder in a small New Zealand town. Frank notes in the diary of one of the murderesses helped solve this tragedy.

Key words: New Zealand, crime, art house, commercial cinema, tragedy.

Author: Irina A. Zvegintseva , Dr. Sc. (Art Studies), Sergei Gerasimov All-Russian State Institute of Cinematography.



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© Translated by The Laboratory of the Foreign Cinema, VGIK.



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