





The Influence of World Cinema Masterpieces on the Creative Worldview of the Filmmaker

UDC 791.43/45

Summary: The article is devoted to the influence of a masterpiece on the creative person’s emotional perception and the role of this phenomenon on the artist’s formation. The author analyses the relationship between the force of aesthetical experience and the filmmaker’s artistic style as well as the significance of this event in the context of the filmmaker’s work. The analysis is based on the author’s personal conversations with outstanding Russian directors.

Key words: filmmaker’s biography, artistic creativity, film direction, Russian cinema, Gosfilmofond, masterpieces of world cinema

Author: Vladimir S. Malyshev, Doctor of Arts, Professor, PhD (Economy); Merited Culture Worker of the RF; Academician, Russian Academy of Education; Rector, S.A.Gerasimov Russian Federation State Institute of Cinematography (VGIK).



Contemporary Russian Сinema and Its World Contexts

UDC 778.5р(092)1»

Summary: The article attempts to insert the parameters of the cinema of the last decades into the world’s film history, to compare the dominant principles and artistic methods often leading to similar patterns and the ways of their implementation. The author’s aim is not just to educe and describe these comparative patterns but to find the logics of their emergence and manifestation determined by historical reasons.

Key words: Soviet and world cinema, Perestroika, Aesopian language, magical realism, New Drama.

Author: Olga K. Reisen, Doctor of Arts; Professor of Cinema Studies Department, S.A.Gerasimov Russian Federation State Institute of Cinematography (VGIK).


The Image of the Provinces in the Russian Cinema of the 2000s As a Focus of Civil Identity

UDC 791.43/45

Summary: The article’s originality and relevance reside in the fact that it considers Russian films about the provinces in the context of strengthening national identity, one of the main tasks of the government’s cultural policy. The author surveys the films of the 2000s which not only touch upon quite acute issues of Russian society’s self-identity but stimulate the process of their solution.

Key words: Russian cinema about the provinces, state cultural policy, national and civic identity, contemporary film process, post-Soviet socio-cultural space

Author: Yulia V. Mikheeva, Doctor of Arts, Professor of Department of Sound Design, S.A.Gerasimov Russian Federation State Institute of Cinematography (VGIK).



Involuntary Behavior of Gogol’s Heroes

UDC 8Р1«Гоголь Н.В.»

Summary: Taking Nikolai Gogol’s work as an example, the article searches into literary characters, points out to the difficulties of translating literature to screen, reveals the aesthetic incompatibility of literature and cinema. Special attention is paid to the psychological and behavioral motivation of the characters, which is particularly vital for the work of the script-writer and director working with literary source material.

Key words: screening, esthetic, prose, poetics, realism, psychology.

Author: Valery I. Mildon, Doctor of Philology, Professor, Department of Aesthetics, History and Theory of Culture, S.A.Gerasimov Russian Federation State Institute of Cinematography (VGIK).


Transformation of the Archaic Myth and the Discourse of Power in Alexander Sokurov’s “Moloch”

UDC 778.5р(092)1(Сокуров А)

Summary: The article deals with the transformation of myth in A.Sokurov’s “Moloch”. The author investigates the mountain mythology in German culture and connects it with the neo-mythology created by A.Sokurov. He also analyses the three incarnations of Moloch: Adolf Hitler, the Nazi ideology and entropy.

Key words: cinema, Sokurov, Moloch, Wagner, myth, entropy.

Author: Vladimir V. Vinogradov, Doctor of Arts, Assistant Professor, Department of Cinema Studies, S.A.Gerasimov Russian Federation State Institute of Cinematography (VGIK).


Composition as a Method of Communication in the Teaching of Fine Arts

UDC 7.012

Summary: In the context of diversification of artistic trends and schools, it is not always easy for students to choose one direction which is detrimental to the teaching process and leads to weakening their contact with the teacher. The article investigates the problem of establishing the contact with the student, specifying that the in-depth teaching of composition as the basis of art makes it possible to reveal the foundation that should be mastered by future artists irrespective of the direction they choose in their work.

Key words: art school, composition, image, integrity.

Author: Alexander V. Sveshnikov, Doctor of Arts, Professor, Department of Drawing and Paining, S.A.Gerasimov Russian Federation State Institute of Cinematography (VGIK).


Riddle as a Structural Element of the Quest Genre

UDC 008

Summary: One of the most sought after forms of contemporary mass culture is the quest, represented in various formats from video games, to cinema, to city tours, to especially equipped game spaces. What is the secret the popularity of this format whose roots can be found in archaic myths and rituals? The article establishes the interconnection between the quest with literature, cinema, video games and reality shows. The phenomenon of the riddle in the context of “real virtuality” has never been explored in terms of cultural studies, modern artistic game forms are just beginning to be interpreted in the age of digitalization.

Key words: myth, quest, riddle, mass culture, virtuality, computer games.

Author: Alexandеr N. Yankovskiy, Assistant Professor of Sound Engineering Department, Film & Television School (GITR).



The Culture of the XVIIIth Century and the Return to the Human Being

UDC 37.01

Summary: Analyzing the works of Giambattista Vico, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Johann Gottfried Herder and Immanuel Kant, the article searches into the typological peculiarities of the 18th century culture, shows a fundamental refocusing of the whole cultural process from the cosmological idea to the anthropological one, gives the humanist reasons of culture and the definition of its personalized form, reveals the self-identification of a human being not as the object but the subject of learning and creative work.

Key words: culture of the XVIIIth сentury, personalized culture, humanism, anthropological idea, Giambattista Vico, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Johann Gottfried Herder, Immanuel Kant.

Author: Gleb K. Pondopulo, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, S.A.Gerasimov Russian Federation State Institute of Cinematography (VGIK)


The Philosophy of Art, Aesthetics and Art History as Scientific Disciplines

UDC 1.18

Summary: The article defines the specificity of aesthetics, philosophy of art and cultural studies. It describes and analyses both the difference between these disciplines and similarity due to the common subject of research. The author argues that the level of academic activity of philosophy and aesthetics is higher than that of cultural studies as the latter is less free of value judgments and therefore more subjective.

Key words: art, art history, philosophy of art, aesthetics, types of objectivity, value judgments.

Author: Irina P. Nikitina, Doctor of Philosophy, Assistant Professor of Department of History and Philosophy, S.A.Gerasimov Russian Federation State Institute of Cinematography (VGIK).



The Influence of Frank Wedekind’s Work on the German Cinema of the Early XX Century

UDC 791.43/.45

Summary: Lulu, the heroine of Frank Wedekind’s plays, becomes the neurological point in the German cinema of the 1920s marking the shift of moral references in the society connected with the re-evaluation of gender roles. Lulu embodies the conception of a new woman based on sexual equality as the foundation of the renovation of the society and harmonization of the world that emerges at the turn of the XX century. Through the comparative study of the literary source material and the film Die Büchse der Pandora (Pandora’s Box) directed by G.W. Pabst, the author examines the cinematic representation of this image.

Key words: film history, Wedekind, Lulu, Pandora’s Box, Pabst, German cinema in the 1920s, Nietzsche, Louise Brooks.

Author: Svetlana A. Smagina, PhD (Arts), Criticism, Senior Researcher, S.A.Gerasimov Russian Federation State Institute of Cinematography (VGIK).



The Impact of Creative Content on the Modification of the Film Exhibition Structure in Russia

UDC 778.58.003.45

Summary: Taking into consideration the peculiarities of Russian film distribution, the article presents a wide range of basic trends in the artistic content meant for demonstration in cinemas. The author also studies the conceptual, structural and economic advantages of this distribution model as essential for Russian film industry.

Key words: film distribution, film screenings, cinema, creative content.

Author: Maria V. Bezenkova, PhD of Art Criticism, Assistant Professor, S.A.Gerasimov Russian Federation State Institute of Cinematography (VGIK).



Visual Picture of the World in the Reflection of Modern Media

UDC 778.5.01

Summary: The article investigates the problems of reflecting the world’s visual picture in modern media, the techniques of revealing multiple meanings through visual codes and corporality, the methods of affecting the audience’s sense perception as exemplified by television. The author makes a comparative study of the concepts ‘screen truth’ and ‘facts of life’ in film and video content. The analysis of these issues allows the author to take a new look at the process of searching the expressiveness of screen culture including off-screen media content and art projects.

Key words: visual picture of the world, information environment, visual codes, media image, new media, visual-figurative form, symbols, simulacra, screen space.

Author: Natalya I. Utilova, Doctor of Art, Professor of the Higher School of Television of Moscow State University.



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