To the problem of correlation between a screen adaptation and its literary source

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Screen adaptations hold a very important place within the paradigm of cinema. Yet, film theorists and literary critics are unanimous neither about the criteria of comparison of screen versions to their literary sources, nor about appropriateness of such a comparison. Thus, some researches tend to analyze the fidelity to the original, while others disregard this notion altogether. The article shows and analyzes different points of view on the issue, and describes the criteria of the choice of a literary source for adaptation

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К проблеме соотношения экранизации и литературного первоисточника

About the authors

Svetlana Aleksandrovna Simonova

Moscow State Lomonosov University

postgraduate student of the English Department of the Philological Faculty


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  24. Ellis, J. The Literary Adaptation - An Introduction // Screen, 23:1 (May-June. 1982): С. 3 - 5.
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  26. Kline, K. The Accidental Tourist On Page and On Screen: Interrogating Normative Theories About Film Adaptation // Literature Film Quarterly, Vol.24(1), 1996, 70-83.
  27. McFarlane, B. Novel to Film: An Introduction to the Theory of Adaptation. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996.
  28. Wagner, G. The Novel and the Cinema. Rutherford. - New Jersey: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1975.

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