Film Viewing of the Russians on TV Channels: Sociological Analysis





In the context of increasing digitalization of media-space, the analysis of broadcasting films on Russian leading TV channels is of intense interest. The article examines the specific character of movie broadcasting in general and the films preferred by Russian TV audience. The analysis is based on the viewing grids of 22 Russian channels in the July of 2018 taking into account the main data of film repertoire on TV and the preferences of the audience in accordance with the age categories.


 Abstract: The article describes the specificity of film screening on the major Russian TV channels. A comprehensive analysis of the representation of motion pictures in the networks of 22 television channels in July 2018, as well as analysis of the films presented on TV channels preferred by the television audience was carried out. It turned out that every day on average each of these TV channels showed movies about 50 times, often with a rerun.

The repertoire contained films that were released from 1934 to the present in 44 countries (including co-production). Under the benefit of domestic productions (both the USSR and the Russian Federation), as well as films produced in the USA, TV viewers opted for modern movies - in the most rated lists, there were pictures released in the last decade. More often than not, large audiences were assembled with modern Russian items on the channel “Russia 1” and the “Channel 1”, as well as US-produced movies released from 1987 through 2017, which were aired by the STS and REN TV channels. Significant differences in the gender preferences of men and women were recorded. In July 2018 men preferred to watch American action movies and thrillers on STS and Ren TV channels, while women – Russian melodrama on “Russia 1” and “Channel 1”. The preferences of the youth audience (age 18–20 years) and elderly people (from 60 years on) differ greatly. Spectators of 18–20 years preferred modern American movies on the channel STS. The only exception is the Russian film Coach (2018, directed by Danila Kozlovsky). On the contrary, the elderly audience preferred to watch contemporary Russian cinema on the TV channel “Russia 1” and the “Channel 1”. Danila Kozlovsky Coach (2018) appeared the common interest in all the target groups under consideration.




Alexander Sharikov

National Research University, Higher School of Economics


PhD (Pedagogy), Professor

俄罗斯联邦, Moscow


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版权所有 © Sharikov A.V., 2018
