Films about filmmaking. Reality and game


«For acting trade talking of reality and game as living strategies is essential. While the former implies the idea of "face", the latter gives us the notion of "mask". In various films about filmmaking, such as F. Fellini's "8 1/2", "Everything For Sale" by A. Wajda, "American Night" by F. Truffaud, "The Voice" by I. Averbach, the collision between reality and game becomes crucial. When an actor put on his mask, he needs a mirror that isn't false, which means indifferent, but is true, revealing the face behind the mask affectionately. And a spectator becomes such a mirror».



Roman Perel'shteyn

Roman Perelshtein

Candidate of Art Studies, place of thesis defense: All-Russia State Institute of Cinematography named after S.A.Gerasimov, Moscow, 2008. Thesis topic: «New Testament Motifs in Russian cinematic dramaturgy of the 1960-1980s»


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版权所有 © Perel'shteyn R.M., Perelshtein R.M., 2010
