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S.Eisenstein. Aggression of Discourse: Theoretical Justification

UDC 7.01

Summary: The article offers a justification of S.M.Eisenstein’s thesis about the “aggression of discourse” or the “aggression of the director's method” revealing the fundamentals, specific characteristics, numerous contradictions and subtleties of their resolution in the process of building the theoretical basis of the phenomenon. The reasoning of the outstanding theoretician and unparalleled practitioner of directing permits to remove from the phrase “aggression of discourse” its negative connotation and take a new look at the great director’s method and goals from a different angle.

Key words: Grundproblem, atom of influence, “montage of attractions”, aggression of discourse, “formula of duality”, ecstasy, conceptuality — the basis of discourse, “unity is a leitmotif ”.

Author: Lyudmila B. Klyueva, Doctor of Art History, Associate Professor of the Department of Film Studies, VGIK.


Cinema Magic: Mask and Myth

UDC 791.43.03

Summary: The article, dedicated to the 125th anniversary of cinema, the leader of screen culture, analyzes the process of formation of this art form as a “phenomenon of authenticity” and as a kind of medium whose magic lies in the psychological impact on the consumer, the ability to involve the viewer in the audiovisual space. Cinema instantly acquired the status of “the most massive of the arts” and retains this position in digital time. Film art relays social ideas, moral norms and values via various screen media and its spectacularity is a synthesis of technology and creativity, the “star” mask and mythology.

Key words: cinematography, cinematic magic, “star”, mask, myth, screen culture.

Author: Natalia B. Kirillova, Dr. Sc. Of Culturology, Professor, Нead Department of Cultural Studies and Socio-Cultural Activities, Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N.Yeltsin.



The Intelligentsia: Taming Nihilism. From “Thaw” to “Perestroika”

UDC 778.5.04/с»

Summary: This article is a fragment of a work devoted to the issues of figurative representation of the intelligentsia in Russian cinema; the first part was published earlier in this edition (The Intelligentsia: Taming Nihilism. The Stalinist Period // Vestnik VGIK. 2019 Volume 11. N 4 (42) pp. 43–54). This time the article analyzes the evolution of the scientist's image, from the period of the mid-1950s to the mid-1980s. Using wellknown films as examples, the author studies the basic ideological concepts shaping the image of national intelligentsia.

Key words: Soviet cinema, thaw, intelligentsia, scientist, nihilism, emancipation.

Author: Vladimir V. Vinogradov, Doctor of Arts, Associate Professor, Department of Film Studies, All-Russian State Institute of Cinematography named after S.A.Gerasimov.


The Film “Stalker” by A.A.Tarkovsky as a Manifestation of F.M.Dostoevsky’s World Outlook

UDC 778.5c/р«Stalker»+8Р1«Dostoyevsky»

Summary: The article reviews director Andrey Tarkovsky’s intentions which brought about the transformation of the novel “Picnic on the Roadside” by Arkady and Boris Strygatsky into the movie “Stalker” and provided the characters with new psychological traits and new motivations including religious ones. Special attention is given to the similarity between the movie characters and the characters in Dostoyevsky’s novels like Raskolnikov from “The Crime and Punishment” or Myshkin from “The Idiot”.

Key words: Andrey Tarkovsky, Strugatsky brothers, F.M.Dostoyevsky, the film “Stalker”, the image of the holy fool, faith, self-abasement, kenosis.

Author: Park Young Eun, Hanyang University, Prof. Ph.D Asia-Pacific Research Center (APRC).


Short Film: Genre Originality of Debuts

UDC 778.

Summary: The article studies the themes and genre peculiarities of the debut works by young directors including VGIK students and graduates. The article substantiates the idea that modern directors of shorts turn to the problems of growing-up, gender collisions, anthropology of the family and parenthood, conceptualizing the historical aspects of being, the search for national identity.

Key words: modern culture, clip consciousness, short films, film debut.

Authors: Galina I. Zhdankina, Ph.D in History of Arts, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy, History, Theory of Arts and Culture, Volgograd State Institute of Arts and Culture; Natalia B. Shipulina, Ph.D in Philosophy, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy and Culturology, Volgograd State Social and Pedagogical University.



Techniques for Representing the Author in Alexander Sokurov’s films

UDC 778.5с/р(092)1”Sokurov A.”

Summary: The articled deals with the analysis of the ways Alexandr Sokurov uses to include the author’s presence in his features and non-live-action films. Modeling the author’s representation as a character in the movie explicitly affects the audience and defines an important trait of the director’s narrative style.

Key words: Sokurov, auteur cinema, author representation, elegy, Russian Ark, Francofonia.

Author: Nadezhda V. Klimenko, Postgraduate student of the Department of Film Studies, All-Russian State Institute of Cinematography named after S.A.Gerasimov.


Evolution of Stunt Episodes in Fiction Films about the Great Patriotic War

UDC 778.5.04.072:094+778.5.044с/р+778.5И (China)

Summary: The article analyzes approaches to stunt episodes in live-action movies about the Great Patriotic War and justifies the director’s view of their representation. Taking the same stunt episode in three film adaptations of the B.L.Vasiliev short story “The Dawns Are Quiet Here...”, (1972, 2005, 2015) as an example, the article studies the transformation of the film stunts in terms of their choreography. The study of the ways of stunt demonstration helps to bring out interpretative differences in the film images in these movies and to expose the treatment of the expressive means chosen by the filmmakers in each case

Key words: cinema, stunt, Great Patriotic War, stunt performance, film image.

Author: Dzhan I. Danilov, leading editor of the Academic Journal “Vestnik VGIK” | Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies.


Animated Documentary: Problems of Classifying the Hybrid Forms of PostDigital Culture

UDC 778.5

Summary: The article studies animated documentary as a phenomenon of postdigital culture. On the basis of the analysis of theoretical works dealing with animated documentary, the author specifies three principles of its classification: as a genre or form of   performing documentaries; as a genre or a new kind of contemporary animation; a hybrid form offering new optics of representation in the situation of supersensory visuality.

Key words: animated documentary, documentary, authenticity, reality, hybridity, new visuals, post-digital culture.

Author: Natalia G. Krivulya, Doctor in Art, Associate Professor, Scientific Department, Higher School of Television of Moscow State University named after M.V.Lomonosov.



Is Aesthetics a Metatheory in Relation to Frt Criticism?

UDC 7.01

Summary: This article addresses the comparative analysis of aesthetics (philosophy of arts) and art criticism, it describes the peculiarities and objectives of each of them. The author considers different points of view on the interrelation of these spheres. The article analyzes the idea that art criticism must be carried out on the basis of aesthetic values only, without taking into account other social circumstances of creation and functioning of any work of art. It is also stated that criticism cannot exist outside of ideology, which is proved by the entire history of its development.

Key words: aesthetics, art criticism, modern art, metatheory, ideology, artist, public.

Author: Irina P. Nikitina, Doctor of Philosophy, Senior Lecturer, Professor of the Department of History and Philosophy, AllRussian State Institute of Cinematography named after S.A.Gerasimov.



Modern Forms of Capturing Reality in the Format of Video Hosting

UDC 004.9+778.

Summary: This study examines the impact of video hosting on the process of creating a publicly accessible audiovisual record of the fragments of people's everyday lives. Social network users show a sincere interest in the life events of the video protagonists who for the most part are the filmmakers themselves. At festival venues we observe the emergence of nominations in the category of screen products.

Key words: video hosting, documentary film, media festival, video, social network, chronicle, recording of reality.

Author: Anastasia A. Shtandke, Post-Graduate student, All-Russian State Institute of Cinematography named after S.A.Gerasimov (VGIK).



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Translated by

The Laboratory of the Foreign Cinema, VGIK



article Editorial

S.A.Gerasimov Russian State Institute of Cinematography (VGIK)

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