卷 5, 编号 4 (2013)


At this point, close to the river...

Chizhevskaya O.
Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2013;5(4):145-147
pages 145-147 views

Now we have forty...

Tsyrkun N.
Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2013;5(4):148-150
pages 148-150 views


Alternative Forms of Film Distribution and Exhibition in the USSR in the 1920's

Kosinova M.


The article deals with process of the reconstruction of Russian film industry after the Revolution. Special attention is paid to the problems of the repertoire policy under the near absence of domestic film production. The author also examines alternative forms of film distribution and exhibition (propaganda trains, steamboats, etc.), the principles of promotion the nascent Soviet cinema throughout the country.
Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2013;5(4):6-20
pages 6-20 views

Soviet Film Expeditions of the 1930's through the Eyes of Greater Tokyo Inhabitants

Fyodorova A.


The early 1930's were a turning point in the history of Japan and its cinema. The transition to the sound film, the rapid development of documentary genre and use of it for propaganda purposes took place in the context of the filmmakers' interest to the experience of Soviet cinema, its highly expressive editing, documentary style and ideological partiality. The sound documentary «Greater Tokyo» (1932) by V. Shneiderov was created in these years. The film has been forgotten for a long time due to various reasons. The author tries to return the film into the historical context of the early 1930's and analyze the perception of Soviet documentaries in the pre-war Japan.
Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2013;5(4):21-28
pages 21-28 views


Alexander Sokurov’s “Faust”: Projection of Political Disasters in the History of the XX Century on Goethe's Tragedy

Khrenov N.


The Sokurov’s film, based on Goethe's tragedy, is not a usual screen version. The use of a classical piece in order to make a statement about the present could turn into a vulgar and superficial interpretation. But the director’s idea to include new film into the tetralogy, i.e. the group of films dedicated to the dictators of the XX century, implies close reading of the original. Trying to understand the initial Goethe's intensions, the author (series of articles, the beginning see Issue # 17) discovers a source of complex of de monism in the Western culture, which includes explanation of the masses’ perception of the political leaders.
Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2013;5(4):30-41
pages 30-41 views

Musical Minimalism in the Movies: the Metamorphoses of Time and the Emergence of Sound

Mikheeva Y.


The article (the ending; for the beginning see Issue # 17) analyses the role of musical minimalism in the aesthetic perception and theoretical interpretation of a film. This analysis is based on two phenomena: the transcendizing of the artistic space via the inherent value of an isolated sound and the change in the sense of time through the repetitiveness of musical techniques.
Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2013;5(4):42-51
pages 42-51 views

On the Approaches to the Formation of the Artistic Time Theory: M.M. Bakhtin, G. Deleuze

Marievskaya N.


The article surveys the experience of borrowing the concept of “Chrono-tope” from Relativistic Mechanics, defines the boundaries of chronotopic analysis in lit erature and cinema studies and suggests the possible ways of eliminating the difficulties in the chronotope theories of H. Bergson and G. Deleuze.
Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2013;5(4):52-64
pages 52-64 views

Hoffmann’s Dual World in “Hoffmaniada”

Trapeznikova Y.


The article focuses on the artistic space of the first two parts of Stanislav Sokolov’s project “Hoffmaniada” as compared to that of Hoffmann’s tales, accentuating the expressive means that make it possible to construct Hoffmann’s dual world in animation.
Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2013;5(4):78-89
pages 78-89 views


C.G. Jung on the Nature of Artistic Image

Sveshnikov A.


The article analyses C. Jung’s approaches to the problem of the symbol and the archetype, reviews the relationship between the compositional integrity of an artwork and an archetypal image as the two phenomena firmly rooted in the depths of the unconscious mental processes.
Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2013;5(4):66-77
pages 66-77 views


Hellenistic Period and Its Cultural Significance

Pondopulo G.


The article is devoted to the role of Hellenism in the forming of the cultural tradition which preserved the classic heritage and passed it over to European culture. It is a new installment to the series of articles “On the Crossroads of European Culture”.
Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2013;5(4):92-101
pages 92-101 views

The Images of China on Russian Screen. A Glance from the Audience

Andreyev A., Andreyev I.


The festival of Chinese cinema held last September in Moscow motivated the authors to make a sociological analysis of certain tendencies in modern Chinese cinema connected with the forming of the image of China as a super power. The article explores the intercommunication of the cultures in cinematic form.
Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2013;5(4):102-111
pages 102-111 views


The Visible and Invisible Worlds in Louis Bunuel’s “Viridiana”

Perelshtein R.


Bunuel’s “Viridiana” is generally referred to as an anti-religious film. However, the director’s poetic language which has been one of the bases of the transcendental cinematic style suggests otherwise. Bunuel is against religionism still he does not deny the existence of a numinous, metaphysical reality and the ultimate values. By means of grotesque realism he tries to rehabilitate the invisible world.
Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2013;5(4):114-120
pages 114-120 views


Computer Graphics Efficiency Criteria

Soshnikova I.


Computer graphics in modern cinema forms a unique phenomenon akin to the star system becoming the “lure” for mass audience. The article pinpoints the problems of personnel management under the film industry’s adoption of digital technologies, particularly, in creating special effects.
Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2013;5(4):126-136
pages 126-136 views


On media conflict and new forms of screen product

Urazova S.


The transition of the TV to the digital broadcast platform and the regenerating media-space cause certain alterations in the programming policy of TV channels. The change in the existence conditions of the TV as a market entity accounts for the reforming of its structural, artistic and production activity. The search for new forms and conceptions of the screen content is determined by transformations in social life. The article explores the confrontation of media and society particularly evident in the digital era and the influence of innovative technologies on the emergence of new screen product forms.
Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2013;5(4):138-144
pages 138-144 views


Travel with Walter Salles

Vetrova T.


An overview of the work of film director Walter Salles.
Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2013;5(4):121-124
pages 121-124 views
