卷 3, 编号 1 (2011)


The Influence of Newest Audiovisual Technologies on the Audience

Kosenkova N.


The article deals with the effect modern technologies used in film production have on the audience and covers the problems of forming visual culture, the impact of technology on this process, expanding the sphere of the "visible" for a modern individual and incorporating new unusual objects that emerge at the intersection of hyper- reality and fantasy into it.
Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2011;3(1):80-88
pages 80-88 views

V Ermitazhe - Prado

Riss V.
Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2011;3(1):134-134
pages 134-134 views

Rossiyskoe animatsionnoe kino

Vladykina M.


Краткая версия исследования «Российское анимационное кино», проведенного независимой исследовательской компанией Movie Research (MRC) в период с октября по декабрь 2010 года в интересах органов государственного регулирования и основных участников отрасли. Исследование построено на методе глубинных интервью и систематизирует мнения 15 видных представителей анимационной отрасли, среди которых: Лев Бубненков («Пилот»), Георгий Васильев (ПЦ «Аэроплан»), Александр Герасимов («Студия «Мастер-фильм»), Арсен Готлиб («МетрономФильм»), Дмитрий Ловейко («Анимаккорд»), Иван Максимов, мультипликатор, Павел Мунтян (Toonbox), Дмитрий Наумов (ТПМ) и Илья Попов (ГК «Рикки»).
Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2011;3(1):150-154
pages 150-154 views


A. Zvyagintsev's «The Banishment» and the Tradition of Transcendental Cinema

Kljueva L.


The article (for the beginning see Issue 6) investigates the language system of the film «The Banishment» in terms of the Transcendental Cinema. The main aim of this work is to discover how the structure of the film and its specific language manifest the Transcendental.
Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2011;3(1):6-16
pages 6-16 views


Hellenistic Reform. Epicureanism and Image Deviations

Burov A.


The article explores the image foundations of the last classic period, the large-scale socio-political and plastic reform of which led to certain changes in the functioning of the image. The image began to be subtilized and intimized, i.e. to define its traits according to the personal perception which it had never done before. It obtained broad powers of imitating models and resorted to replication, joined in the individual perception and impersonal mass vision, became an object of routine perception and unprivileged lifestyle. The analysis of the epoc's pictorial style will reveal its spirit and - no matter what - the model limitations of the image's existence.
Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2011;3(1):18-24
pages 18-24 views

Artistic Ambitions of Screen Document at the Turn of the Century

Prozhiko G.


The article deals with the auteur film, a specific phenomenon in the documentary cinema of the turn of the 21st century as exemplified by the works of such outstanding masters as Chris Marker, Werner Herzog, Godfrey Reggio, Wim Wenders. The text is part of a large monograph devoted to the history of world documentary.
Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2011;3(1):25-43
pages 25-43 views

Situations and Characters of American Pre-War Cinema

Fomina V.


The article is devoted to the popular dramatic situations the psychological history of American pre-war cinema is based on. Alongside with the analysis of the America's fifty top-grossing films of the 1930s the author investigates the popular plots and character types. This survey is probably the first case of employing the frequency analysis method in cinema studies.
Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2011;3(1):44-56
pages 44-56 views


Maupassant's "Boule de Suif" in Soviet Translation

Rostotskaya M.


The article is published to commemorate Mikhail Romm's centenary. By analyzing the film "Boule de Suif", the well-known Soviet filmmaker's debut, the author tries to reveal the transformation of the meanings of Maupassant's short story in a certain historic, social and ideological context, to show how the film reflected not only the ideological cliches of the time, but the wise insight of the director who had always developed in himself the astuteness of vision and sense of time.
Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2011;3(1):58-66
pages 58-66 views

The conflict of the "Inner" and "Outer" Person as Film Art's Archetypal Theme

Perelshtein R.


Film art could not ignore such an important theme as the conflict of the inner and outer personality ascending to the New Testament paradigm. Script writers have treated this conflict by way of various antinomies one of which is hard to overestimate. It is the contradiction between reality and game. The tragic and cruel conflict of the inner and outer personality is directly related to the opposition between reality as the script of our possible real life and the game as the script of escaping life.
Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2011;3(1):67-77
pages 67-77 views


New "Lyrical Sentience" of Guillaume Apollinaire and "Lyrical Truth" of Louis Delluc

Vinogradov V.


The article is devoted to the period of forming of the first wave of French Avant-guard (Film Impressionism). It considers the influence of Guillaume Apollinaire, one of the greatest French poets of the 20th century, on the theoretical conception of Louis Delluc, an outstanding film critic and director. Particularly, the closeness of Appolinaire's "lyrical sentience" and Delluc's "lyrical truth" is analyzed.
Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2011;3(1):90-101
pages 90-101 views


Nature of Television as a Source ofDocumentary Genres Features

Shergova K.


The aim of the article is to demonstrate how some TV features influence documentary genres. It shows how the mass character of television as a medium tends to typify TV-content especially when it comes to documentary films. In particular the article focuses on the perception of narration forms from a historical point of view.
Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2011;3(1):104-112
pages 104-112 views

Real Television as a Factor of Socio- Cultural Globalization

Urazova S.


The intrusion of digital technologies into television and the actively forming digital environment are encouraging the creators of audiovisual productions to look for new forms of representation. The article explores the Reality, one of the most provocative television formats, often called vanguard which is undergoing its second birth. The problem of the approaching era of real television is raised.
Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2011;3(1):113-122
pages 113-122 views


To the Problem of Research Methods

Gerashenko L.


The requirements of thesis preparing and formatting change every year in accordance with the internal reorganization of the Russian Federation Attestation Committee. It is the intellect, the structure and logic of the thesis and some psychological skills of the degree-seeker that remains unchanged. The article covers the difficult stages of degree-seeking which helps to better understand this "thorny path".
Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2011;3(1):136-149
pages 136-149 views


Axiology of the Political Dichotomy of the Russian Screen Content's Political "Overtone"

Ilchenko S.


The article analyses the political confrontations in Russian history of the 20th century as reflected in domestic audiovisual productions. The problem of the relationship between "the Reds" and "the Whites" is investigated by the author through films and TV shows in terms of the value systems of the belligerent social forces.
Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2011;3(1):124-133
pages 124-133 views
