Vol 12, No 2 (2013)


Analysis of the age-specific incidence of the adult population of russia as a step of determining the need for medical rehabilitation

Prilipko N.S., Bant’eva M.N., Rugol’ L.V.


Summary The detailed morbidity analysis under the adult population appealability in the section of 6 adult groups on all classes and some separate diseases has been made. Adult population negotiability tendencies, reflecting its essential differences, depending on the age have been revealed. The dependence between age groups of population and kind of its out-patient treatment in ambulatory policlinic organization. The present research is the basic stage of a wide range of works for the determination of the Russian population need in rehabilitation medicine which will be developed by us in the section of age groups, taking into account the severity of disease, in in-patient and out-patient treatment conditions.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2013;12(2):2-9
pages 2-9 views

Influence of high-intensity dynamic trainings on a functional status of patients with early rheumatoid arthritis

Orlova E.V., Karateev D.E., Cochetkov A.V., Mozhar T.E.


Summary The efficacy of two exercise programs in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis (10 high-intensity dynamic exercises using simulators Enraf-Nonius for 45-60 min and 10 therapeutic exercises for the joints under the supervision of a trainer for 45 min, which lasted for 45 min 3 times a week within 3 months) was evaluated. The both exercise programs increased functionality, motion activity and quality of life. Clinical efficacy of high-intensity dynamic exercise program using gym apparatuses was higher. Adherence to regular therapeutic exercises for the joints for 3 months was better than to highintensity dynamic trainings at the gym, which should be recommended to young patients (under the age of 40), with a short anamnesis and low disease activity.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2013;12(2):10-14
pages 10-14 views

The dynamics of the state parameters of different functional systems in patients with postmastectomy syndrome TOC \o "1-5" \h \z with a complex non-drug therapy

Bratik A.V., Cyganova T.N.


Abstract The complex examination was done and the hypoxic interval training course was applied in combination with low-intensity laser radiation, pneumocompressia and standard therapy on the patients with postmastaektomya syndrome. The analysis of efficiency and mechanisms of hypoxic interval training was done at rehabilitation of patients with postmastaektomya syndrome. Was confirmed that the combination of interval hypoxic training and standard therapy method for treating oncological patients allows reducing pain syndrome, improving conditions of external respiration apparatus, oxygen supply of organism, coefficient of tissues’ consumption of oxygen and as a result better supply of tissues and cells with oxygen then at applying only standard treatment methods.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2013;12(2):15-17
pages 15-17 views

Clinical study results of the meridian system by testing skin sympathetic reactions

Bojcov I.V.


Abstract The aim of the study consists in the neurophysiological justification of the use of acupuncture points on the distal extremities for specific effects on visceral system. 120 patients with various diseases and 30 healthy people were examined. It has been demonstrated that at healthy people segmental skin sympathetic reactions in distal projections of classical chinese meridians are balanced on their intensity, and ones for patients with various diseases are typical for these pathologies changes in the activity of skin sympathetic responses in projections of meridians which are part of the same functional systems. The parallels with new evidence on human neurophysiology and oriental medicine views about functional organization were conducted according to this study.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2013;12(2):18-22
pages 18-22 views

Comprehensive spa treatment of inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs in couples

Badretdinov R.R., Badretdinova L.M., Gimazova R.F., Musin D.R.


In this article the effectiveness of the treatment 47 married couples with chronic diseases of the pelvic organs with the use of natural hydrogen sulfide and hydrogen sulfide baths gynecological irrigations common spa and modern physiotherapy treatments in combination with antibiotic therapy under the sanatorium «Green Grove».
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2013;12(2):23-25
pages 23-25 views

The use of vibration therapy in children with cerebral palsy

Anastasevich O.A., Lajsheva O.A., Poljaev B.A., Tohtieva N.V., Korochkin A.V.


Abstract The presents the results of the clinical and functional studies in support of the inclusion in medical treatment and rehabilitation center for children with cerebral palsy in various forms of spastic paresis of vibrational therapy using the «Galileo» in conjunction with applied kinesitherapy by Vojta.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2013;12(2):26-31
pages 26-31 views

The effectiveness of the method of objective akkomodografiya for patients who work with the voltage of the visual analyzer

Shakula A.V., Yemelyanov G.A.


Abstract The article presents the study results of accommodation of the method of objective accommodation in persons visually-intense work without pathology of the vision. Authors have revealed high efficiency indicators objective accommodation (coefficients answer of accommodation, microfluctuations) in the diagnosis of functional disorders of accommodation. Indicated on the prospects of conducting of individual research aimed at the normalization of the indicators objective аккомодографии as within the limits of normative values, and the range of values that characterize various types of functional disorders of accommodation.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2013;12(2):32-35
pages 32-35 views

Elemental and amino acid spectrum of a secret of salivary glands and fabrics of medical leeches. TOC \o "1-5" \h \z Value for a girudoterapiya

Koval’chuk L.A., Chernaja L.V.


We investigated the levels of macroand trace elements and free amino acids in the salivary gland secretion and in the tissues of the medicinal leech Hirudo verbana Carena. We found that in the salivary fluid of leeches the percentage of biophylic metals and essential amino acids increased.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2013;12(2):36-39
pages 36-39 views

Optimization of selenium supply of the population of northern region through nutrition and physical activity

Korchina T.J., Korchina I.V., Kozlova L.A., Kuz’menko A.P., Jambarcev V.A., Sorokun I.V.


Abstract The results of the selenium status of native population and people immigrated to the North living in the North-west of Russia are presented. Hair selenium concentration was determined by AES-ICP method. Decreased level of selenium status for Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous region’s inhabitants were established (adults and children). The connection between concentration Se in hair, peculiarity of diet and regime of physical activity in examined patients was found.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2013;12(2):40-43
pages 40-43 views

Heart rate variability and element status of the young men students

Miroshnikov S.V., Notova S.V., Alidzhanova I.J., Kijaeva E.V.


Abstract In the study during the analysis of heart rate variability in patients with high TSH level hypersympathicotonia was found. This is evidence of over-voltage regulation systems and non-specific basis of pre-disease. The effect of high TSH level on homeostatic parameters of the body was found.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2013;12(2):44-47
pages 44-47 views

Elemental status in children aged 8-12 years with different indices of muscle strength and lung capacity

Kuchma V.R., Detkov V.J., Skal’nyj A.V., Milushkina O.J., Skoblina N.A., Fedotov D.M.


Abstract The work presents the data on the effect of the element status of children on physiometric indicators (carpal dynamometry and lung capacity). The results support the hypothesis about features of the elemental composition of hair in children with reduced, medium, and high levels of muscle strength and lung capacity. Changes in the content of chemical elements in the tissues of child are related to nutrition, pollution, chemical element pollution of the residential area and other factors. Preventive measures to normalize the exchange of macro-and micronutrients will lead to increased functional reserves and recovery of reduced physiometric indicators in children and adolescents.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2013;12(2):48-51
pages 48-51 views

Sutochnye izmeneniya kontsentratsii makroi mikroelementov v slyune zdorovykh zhenshchin

Radysh I.V., Bryunin V.D., Skal'nyy V.V., Kislyy N.D.


Abstract The paper presents results of the daily dynamics of chemical elements in whole saliva of healthy women in different phases of the menstrual cycle. It was established that the maximum concentration Al, B, Ca, Cu, Cr, Mn, Na, Si, Zn and Ni occur in the morning, and K, Mg, P, Fe, Se and Pb evening. The concentration B, Ca, Cu, Mg, Mn, Na, Se, Si, Zn in whole saliva was significantly higher in the follicular phase, and Al, Cr, Fe, K, Ni, P and Pb in the luteal (p <0,05).
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2013;12(2):52-54
pages 52-54 views

Mikronutrienty-antioksidanty v sostave oboga shchennykh i funktsional'nykh pishchevykh produktov

Mazo V.K., Kodentsova V.M., Vrzhesinskaya O.A., Peneva V.V.


Abstract The health claim that the micronutrient “helps to protect cells from oxidative damage” (established in terms of evidencebased medicine) is permitted only for the added vitamin C, manganese, copper, selenium and zinc under labeling of functional foods containing vitamins and trace elements with antioxidant properties.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2013;12(2):55-58
pages 55-58 views

Choice of the constitutional remedy for correction of an exchange of microand macronutrients

Akaeva T.V., Mhitarjan K.N.


Abstract In article presents the results of the determination of elemental exchange violations by vegetative resonans test (VRT) and comparison the criteria of deviation depending on the stabilization of violations of elemental exchange. The possibilities of correction for violations of elemental exchange autonozodom blood of the patient selection criteria, and constitutional homeopathic element.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2013;12(2):59-64
pages 59-64 views

Evaluation of content of trace elements in the hair of people in the region with increased TOC \o "1-5" \h \z human pressure

Baranova O.V., Brudastov J.A., Detkov V.J., Mironenko A.N.


Abstract 25 essential trace elements hair content in students 19-23 years old, studying in Orenburg State University and living in different zone of Orenburg region. Dependence of student’s elemental hair content on geographical setting of the living site was found. The risk of Se deficiencies and maximal content of Mn in hair characterizes in all zone of Orenburg region.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2013;12(2):64-66
pages 64-66 views

Metal complexes of zinc and cobalt in the rehabilitative treatment of hypoxic conditions

Lebedeva S.A., Babanijazova Z.H., Radionov I.A., Skal’nyj A.A.


Abstract The new approach of the pharmacological correction of hypoxic states is proposed based on the example of the study of the pharmacological properties of metales-complex with the derivatives of alkenylimidazole. It is shown that the metalescomplex of zinc, cobalt and iron with the derivatives of alkenylimidazole open prospects in an increase in the effectiveness in the pharmacological aid not only with acute hypoxia, but also with other illnesses, via the regulation of the regime of oxygen guarantee with the simultaneous correction of the Red-Ox potential of cells and element status of organism.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2013;12(2):67-69
pages 67-69 views

Effect of cyclophosphamide on the balance of macroand micronutrients, and indicators of lipid peroxidation

Ibragimova M.J., Skal’nyj A.V., Valeeva I.H., Skal’naja M.G., Sabirova L.J., Zhdanov R.I.


Abstract As a result of experiments with white laboratory rats, it was shown that the level in brain, liver and kidneys of macrocnutrients (calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and magnesium), of six conditionally essential microelements (boron, silicon, nickel, vanadium, arsenic, lithium) and of nine toxic microelements (tin, silver, strontium, aluminum, lead, mercury, beryllium, antimony, lanthanum) was not influenced after intraperitoneal single administration of cyclophosphamide (CP) in a dose of 40 mg/kg in comparison with rat control group. However, levels of arsenic in kidneys and cadmium in all organs were decreased which made exeptions. Furthermore, in general, it was found that cyclophosphamide single i.p. administration (in doses of 20, 40, 60 and 80 mg/kg) didn’t influence lipid peroxidation indicators diene conjugates, DC and malonic dialdehyde, MDA in rat heart, liver, kidneys, adrenal glands and spleen. Nevertheless, as exeptions, CP administration (60 or 80 mg/kg) increases statistically reliable the DC content in thymus, and MDA level was statistically reliable increased after CP administration in a dose of 80 mg/kg. Thus, in the majority of cases, CP made a weak impact on a balance of macroand microelements (essential and toxic), and on LPO indicators’ level in majority of rat organs studied in 24 hours after single i.p. administration.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2013;12(2):70-74
pages 70-74 views

Differentiated application of magnetic laser therapy and electrophoretic peloids in adolescents with the syndrome of vegetative dystonia, combined with connective tissue dysplasia

Dubilej G.S., Goreva I.J.


Abstract Vegetative violations are very widespread in the teenage period. A syndrome of vegetative dystonia consider as an obligate sign of a hereditary disorders of a connective tissue. Vegetative violations lead to decrease in functional reserves and adaptable possibilities of an organism. The preference is given to non-drug correction of vegetative frustration at teenagers. Magnitolazerny therapy and galvanization a mud solution can be a choice method at these conditions.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2013;12(2):75-79
pages 75-79 views

The effect of different types of massage on indicators of psychomotor development of infants with perinatal central nervous system

Nalobina A.N.


Abstract The article is devoted to the problem of rehabilitation of infants with perinatal central nervous system. It examines the influence of different types of therapeutic massage on the indicators of psychomotor development of children. The technology of determining the type of therapeutic massage for infants, based on the features of psychomotor development.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2013;12(2):80-85
pages 80-85 views

Risk component to assess the health of individuals and forecast the onset of vascular accidents of older age groups, using a logistic model as a factor in remediation

Lastovetsky A.G., Patsukova D.V.


Abstract The estimation of risk component of elderly people as a factor in preventing vascular events and assessment of insurance risk. Applied to the survey form and accounting morbidity citizens insured insurance programs of compulsory and voluntary health insurance to the risk assessment of diseases and using logistic regression, used to predict the probability of the event «will fit the» data to a logistic curve.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2013;12(2):86-90
pages 86-90 views

Clinical and Educational Complex «Stroke» 18-19 March 2013, Omsk

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Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2013;12(2):91-92
pages 91-92 views
pages 93-94 views

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