
The Dialogue Between the Government and Society in the Mechanism of Social Transformation
Ilyicheva M., Huseynov R., Ilyicheva L.
Invention of Traditions of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Aspect of Ethnic Identity
Kabaziyev M.
The Role of State Support for Small and Medium-sized Businesses in Ensuring Sustainable Regional Development
Sablukov A., Yeranosyan V., Danilova M.
On the issue of modeling the influence of bauman’s “fluidity” on the political process
Bakov A.
Territorial Public Self-Government: Regional Experience
Bulakh E.
P.A. Kropotkin’s Views on State Power and its Fate (Socio-Philosophical Analysis)
Ksenofontov V.
Some forms of realization by the state of a social function
Osokina Y., Seriakova I., Savicheva E.
Partnership of the State and Business Corporations as a Basis for Long-term Development of the Region (on the Example of the Creation of System-forming Infrastructure Facilities of Primorsky Krai)
Ilyichev M., Semikin E.
Digitalization in the trends of legal regulation and law enforcement at the present stage
Shepelev D.
On some issues of legal and administrative norms of the code of Noah (based on the analysis of the book of Genesis of the mosaic Pentateuch)
Ivanov D.
The effectiveness of situational centers in the system of ensuring national security at the regional level
Balaeva J., Zhukov A.
Modern Approaches in the Implementation of Youth Policy by State Authorities of the Russian Federation
Semochkina E.
State Strategy to Support Active Longevity and Physical Activity of Elderly Citizens
Voronina L., Zaitseva E., Kasyanova Т.
Molokaeva O.
Japan’s Foreign Policy Towards China (2001-2006)
Tian Q., Zeleneva I.
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