
Digital Fraud: What Students Know about it (Experience in Conducting a Focus Group Interview)
Dadaeva T., Burkova S.
Preferences of Users of Video Services: Results of a Sociological Study of the Reasons for Watching Videos “Without Plot or Content”
Garaganov A., Razov P.
A Diachronic Study of the Construction of Civic Ethics in China
Chu D.
From Raising the Status of a Carrier of Human Capital to Improving the Research Climate in the Country
Seleznev P., Khokonov A.
ESG: Research Progress and Future Prospects
Razov P.
Rules of international law regarding application of the results of scientific researches in the field of biotechnology (on the example of therapeutic and reproductive cloning and human gene editing) and their patent protection
Akhmadova M.
Some aspects of the application of new medical technologies in reproduction, therapy and genetic modification of humans, plants and animals through the prism of intellectual property rights protection in South Africa
Belikova K.
The concept of criminalistic doctrine on the implementation of special knowledge outside the forensic expertise
Zhdanov S.
Criminal Law Regulation of Robotics: Results of a Sociological Study
Begishev I.
1 - 9 de 9 resultados
  • Palavras-chave são sensíveis a maiúsculas
  • Preposições e conjunções ingleses são ignoradas
  • Busca é feita por todos os palavras-chave (agente AND experimentador) por omissão
  • Use OR para pesquisar um termo exato, ex.: educação OR formação
  • Use parênteses para criar frases complexas, ex.: arquivo de ((revistas OR conferências) NOT teses)
  • Para pesquisar uma frase precisa use aspas duplas, ex.: "investigações científicas"
  • Exclua uma palavra utilizando o sinal - (hífen) ou operador NOT; ex.: concurso-de beleza ou concurso NOT de beleza
  • Use * como caractere-coringa, ex.: científic* recuperará as palavras "científico", "científicos", etc.

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