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卷 10, 编号 4 (2023)



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Governance and management: defining meaningful differences. Why is this important for Russia today?

Kulapov M., Odegov Y., Petrenko E., Kanukoev A.


The article reveals the conceptual difference between the concepts of governance and management. Considering the evolution of these concepts, the authors emphasize their conceptual differences and, based on quantitative analysis, confirm that today there is an active confusion of definitions, leading to a decrease in the effectiveness of governance strategies and management tools. The position of the authors is to argue the priority of governance as a universal category and the need to revive the national school of management. The article will be of interest to management theorists and practitioners, as it invites a broad discussion.
Leadership and Management. 2023;10(4):1087-1108
pages 1087-1108 views

From the classical school to Management 4.0: the evolution of the ideas of the major schools of management thought towards the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Palilov F., .


This article is a study of the evolution of management concepts from the classical school to Management 4.0 in the context of the industrial revolution. The research is based on the analysis of scientific publications and historical data. The research goal was to identify the key stages of the development of managerial thought and their impact on the modern management of organizations. Starting from the classical school of management, the authors examine the evolution of subsequent management theories, including behavioral approach, quantitative school, system management theory, TQM, and KMT. Finally, special attention is paid to the concept of Management 4.0. The article presents a synthesis of the evolution of management concepts and highlights the key aspects of Management 4.0. The results obtained can serve as a basis for further research and the application of modern management approaches in the practice of managing organizations.
Leadership and Management. 2023;10(4):1109-1124
pages 1109-1124 views

Methodological foundations of digital management

Kalyazina E.


The article examines the existing concepts and approaches to the digital management. The author's interpretation of the concept is proposed. The article presents the main components of the digital management methodology: sources of digital management, the life cycle of the digital management implementation process, strategies, methods and models of implementation. The author's hypothesis is the need to create a comprehensive scientific approach to the definition of digital management and to describe the process of its implementation in the activities of modern organizations in order to avoid "patchwork digitalization" and the effective process of digital transformation in general. The article will be of interest to everyone who deals with the problems of digital management and the process of digital transformation, the introduction of digital technology into the activities of modern companies and senior managers.
Leadership and Management. 2023;10(4):1125-1142
pages 1125-1142 views

The evolution of the category of

Perepelitsa L.


The article identifies the main trends and characteristics of the development of modern management amidst digital transformation. The key parameters and characteristics of the digitalization process at each stage of historical development are considered. The author's approach to the study of the evolution of the category of "digital" and the systematization of the dynamics of changes in the definition in a historical format is presented. Based on the application of this approach, a theoretical justification of the definition has been developed. A systematic analysis of the role of digital technology development as the main tool of digital management transformation within the digital economy is carried out. The algorithm of creating digital economic ecosystems, their potential and importance in the transformation of the management paradigm is considered. The key tasks of modern management of companies in the conditions of digitalization are identified. The analysis of strategic development and business priorities of management, positive and negative results of digital transformation is carried out. The results of the study will be of interest to specialists in management, information technology and business processes.
Leadership and Management. 2023;10(4):1143-1158
pages 1143-1158 views

Review of economic thought in the context of the theory of technological entrepreneurship

Galimullina N.


Technological entrepreneurship, as a trend of the digital economy and a response to innovative challenges of social development, is attracting more and more attention from researchers and is naturally becoming more important in the modern socio-economic system. The purpose of this study was to systematize and concretize the theoretical basis of technological entrepreneurship research. The article examines the genesis of the economic views of famous scientists who have made a certain contribution to the development of economic theory in the context of the development of technological entrepreneurship. Based on the results of a review of a wide range of economic studies, the expediency of a synthetic theory based on a complex combination of individual provisions of fundamental economic theories, such as entrepreneurship theory, innovation theory, human capital theory, economic growth theory, and the concept of noonomics, is substantiated. The proposed and substantiated approach allows to form a conceptual idea of technological entrepreneurship as a significant economic phenomenon.
Leadership and Management. 2023;10(4):1159-1174
pages 1159-1174 views

Analysis of the concept of industrial symbiosis to create a circular business model

Fokina I., Gertsik Y.


Justification of the feasibility of implementing the principles of sustainable development is one of the urgent tasks of the economy, both at the international and national level, and at the level of corporations, integrated industrial structures and individual companies. At the level of medium-sized and small businesses, the introduction of sustainable development principles into management processes and the production management system is limited by existing business models based on closed cycles of technological or biological origin. The article provides a scientometric analysis of the concept of industrial symbiosis in order to further implement the results obtained in the development of a new circular business model in the management of companies in various industries to improve the efficiency of management, resource conservation, environmental protection, and social responsibility, which is possible with the synthesis of a logistics approach to the organization of production and the concept of sustainable development.
Leadership and Management. 2023;10(4):1175-1192
pages 1175-1192 views

Methodological basis for estimating the efficiency of outsourcing from the employer's point of view

Tursukova I.


The high cost for companies to maintain their own infrastructure, high requirements for staff training, and the need to use expensive tools to manage production systems make it necessary to look for alternative forms of work organization.Outsourcing has the greatest application potential and involves delegating non-core functions to qualified specialists. Neither the technological capabilities of service providers, nor the high qualifications of their personnel, nor positive examples of such actions at other companies can serve as a guarantee of the expediency of such a decision. In order to make managerial decisions about delegating some of the functions to external specialists or performing them in-house, scientifically based recommendations are needed.The article reveals a methodology for assessing the effectiveness of outsourcing from the employer’s position. The methodology is formed taking into account the capabilities and potential risks of the company. The methodological approach is based on a balanced system of partial indicators, reduced to an integral one, which makes it possible to take into account the economic and social components of the effectiveness of the solution, which determines the novelty of scientific research. The results of the study can be used when making management decisions on the delegation of non-core functions to external specialists, as well as for the further development of methodological foundations in the labor market.
Leadership and Management. 2023;10(4):1193-1204
pages 1193-1204 views

Analytical basis, criteria and algorithm for choosing a foreign outsourcing partner

Morozova P.


In today's business conditions, characterized by volatility and restructuring of global markets, problems of optimization of production process management based on the use of opportunities and advantages of international cooperation are relevant for domestic companies. Outsourcing seems to be one of the significant management tools for increasing the competitiveness of products, optimizing costs and increasing the speed of the production cycle. Among the urgent problems of outsourcing management, analysts and experts highlighted the task of choosing a foreign outsourcing partner. This article presents the analytical base, criteria and algorithm for solving the problem of selecting an international outsourcer by a Russian company. The author has established that the level of cooperation depth determines the priorities and selection criteria, and the possibility of paying for outsourcing services in national currencies is one of the key factors and conditions for choosing a foreign outsourcing partner, since it minimizes the currency risks of cooperation.
Leadership and Management. 2023;10(4):1205-1214
pages 1205-1214 views

Practical aspects of applying a unified typology of organizational culture

Zyabrikov V., Shevazutskiy I.


Most of the typologies of organizational culture describe the same types: leader culture (family, clan), bureaucratic (hierarchy) culture, entrepreneurial (market) culture and professional (adhocracy) culture, which different authors identify on the basis of various criteria.The article shows that the diagnosis of the organizational culture should strictly precede the elaboration of recommendations for improving its management and transforming its internal environment, so Denison's comprehensive methodology for identifying organizational culture is not perfect. Cameron and Quinn's OCAI is the best way to determine an organization's cultural profile.The authors of the article provide recommendations on the formation of the main elements of the internal environment model of the firm at different stages of its life cycle according to the following plan: type of organizational culture, type of organizational structure, and staff motivation system.
Leadership and Management. 2023;10(4):1215-1234
pages 1215-1234 views

System analysis of organizational culture typologies

Zyabrikov V., Shevazutskiy I.


The existing typologies of organizational culture are divided into two groups: cluster (Harrison, Handy), based on the similarity of cultures with four fundamental types of culture (leader, bureaucrat, entrepreneur and professional) and criteria-based (Cameron and Quinn, Zyabrikov), built on the coordinate principle and based on competing values. It is shown that a number of typologies of organizational culture include similar types due to the fact that the criteria of organizational culture are actually not criteria, but characteristics of four fundamental types of culture.The authors demonstrate that according to the Cameron and Quinn's typology, each type of organizational culture corresponds to a pair of dominant roles of businessmen (one strategic and one operational). Taking into account the relationship between the type of organizational culture and the stage of the firm’s life cycle, it is argued that while optimizing the management of an organization, the aim should not be to reach a non-existent ideal firm but to successively change the models of the firm’s internal environment, matching the sequence of changing the types of organizational culture (leader, bureaucrat, entrepreneur and professional).
Leadership and Management. 2023;10(4):1235-1254
pages 1235-1254 views

Relationship between corporate culture and the activities of the company

Grigoryeva Y.


The article briefly describes the history of the concept of corporate culture and presents the most common definition of corporate culture and its main elements. The main attention in the article is paid to the study of the most common and significant models of the influence of corporate culture on the company's activities. These models are of interest for diagnostics, analysis of the company's activities and development of tools for improving corporate culture. Corporate culture significantly affects the effectiveness of organizations and is one of the most effective tools for its management. Corporate culture should be built purposefully, depending on the goals set to avoid spontaneity, taking into account all the characteristics of the organization and external circumstances. Each organization has its own unique corporate culture.
Leadership and Management. 2023;10(4):1255-1270
pages 1255-1270 views

Methodological aspects of assessing the level of intra-company trust

Pashuk N., Sadovskaya L.


According to the theory of social capital, the development of trusting relationships between economic entities plays an important role at the interpersonal, regional, and organizational levels. Within the framework of this article, the authors consider the category of intra-company trust. On the basis of the literature review, a wide variability of definitions and methods of assessing this category was revealed. The improvement of methodological aspects of assessing the level of intra-company trust was identified as the main goal. The study reveals the main theoretical foundations of the formation and development of intra-company trust. The key stages, methods and indicators of assessing the level of intra-company trust are identified. The achievement of the goal set by the authors will allow taking into account a set of qualitative and quantitative indicators of trust assessment. The results of the study can be used by the top management of commercial organizations interested in solving the problems of increasing employee loyalty to management, team building and improving the organizational climate of the company.
Leadership and Management. 2023;10(4):1271-1280
pages 1271-1280 views

Optimal team size in commercial and non-profit organizations

., Vertakova Y.


The problem of optimal team size has important theoretical and applied significance for modern management. The article presents historical generalizations linking the size of the team with the results of its activities. The authors proposed and analyzed the principle of the target command function, which allows to estimate the optimal size of the team. The model is constructed; and the optimal size of teams for commercial and non-profit organizations in Russia is calculated. The theoretical principle of optimal team size is applied to team building, with a specific result for team size in the commercial and non-commercial sectors. It is also important to conclude that the optimal size of the team in non-profit organizations is larger than the teams of the commercial sector. The article is of interest to researchers in the field of management, human resources and personnel management.
Leadership and Management. 2023;10(4):1281-1290
pages 1281-1290 views

Managing remote IT teams: current status and development trends

Borodin G., Petrenko E.


The presented article actualizes the problem of remote commands. The article is devoted to an overview of the formation of a remote workforce model, comprehension and generalization of the practices of domestic and foreign companies. Readiness for remote work is a new mandatory feature of the modern company. The authors pay special attention to the analysis of the factors that determined the evolution of remote teams, as well as conclusions about the advantages and disadvantages of the remote work. This is particularly important in the context of the transformation of employment in the post-pandemic period. The article will be of interest to specialists in the field of human resource management, personnel management, students, postgraduates and academic staff dealing with the problems of remote employment.
Leadership and Management. 2023;10(4):1291-1302
pages 1291-1302 views

Digital gratitude as a tool to motivate remote team members

Gaynanov R., Gaynanova R., Ivanova A., Kuzina A.


The article summarizes the results of the analysis of the remote team activities as a new form of professional associations. The characteristics of virtual teams are studied through methods of analysis, comparison, measurement, interviews and questionnaires, using the example of specialists in the field of information technology, for whom working in remote teams is a current and increasingly common format of organizing activities. The article presents the results of studying the motivation of employees of the resident company of the Skolkovo Innovation Center. The research covers both specialists working in the office and carrying out their activities remotely. A comparative characteristic of the types of motivation of specialists of these groups is given. The scientific novelty of the conducted research consists in the proposed tool for increasing the effectiveness of motivation, which is called "digital gratitude". The practical significance lies in the TEAMFORCE360 motivation system developed by the authors, aimed at improving the efficiency of interaction between members of remote teams. The results of the study will be of interest to the heads of companies, structural divisions, personnel management specialists, HR managers, and personnel training and adaptation managers.
Leadership and Management. 2023;10(4):1303-1322
pages 1303-1322 views

Personal development management as a factor of employee retention in the organization

Serbina N., Malygina O.


The article deals with the problems of retention of valuable employees in the organization that are particularly relevant in the situation of modern staff shortage. Prospects for professional and career growth are the main incentives in the work of young professionals. Organizations secure their human resource potential by increasing employee motivation and engagement.The set of factors influencing the decision of employees to stay in the company includes meeting their needs for personal development. The methodology chosen in the study makes it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of managing the personal development of employees through the prism of socio-economic indicators of the organization. For the analysis, data from a sociological survey conducted in February 2023 were used.As a result of the work carried out against the backdrop of the overall positive dynamics in personnel recruitment and the actual number of employees, there is a serious problem of low efficiency of the personnel reserve. The need for personal and career development of employees is not being met. This affects the retention of young employees. Recommendations to improve the personal development management system have been developed.
Leadership and Management. 2023;10(4):1323-1336
pages 1323-1336 views

Talent management of foreign trade companies amidst digital transformation: a new context or a paradigm shift

Vittenbek N.


The article presents an analysis of approaches to talent management of foreign trade companies amidst digital transformation. The author touches upon the problem of the need to redesign talent management systems and processes in a digital environment, since classical approaches to talent management based on the model of continuity, exclusivity, and management of personnel supply chains have ceased to be effective in conditions of rapid changes, rapid growth of technologies and innovation. Foreign trade companies face difficulties in planning and finding talent to implement digital business strategies. On the one hand, the digital context forces to rethink talent models, on the other hand, digital transformation affects the evolution of foreign trade companies into a skills-based organization, with developed talent ecosystems.
Leadership and Management. 2023;10(4):1337-1352
pages 1337-1352 views

Key elements of talent management in Primorsky Krai organizations

Vertinova A., Fokina V.


Talent plays a key role in organizations across all sectors, influencing the success of the business at every stage of its lifecycle and supporting its competitiveness.Currently, however, Russian regions are experiencing staff shortages. This phenomenon is especially noticeable in Primorsky Krai. The main reason is migration, including to other regions, to the CIS countries and non-CIS countries. As a result, there is a problem about how companies retain talented employees. Based on the analysis of the criteria of a talented employee and the components of the management process of talented employees, the authors conducted a survey to determine whether there are such employees in Primorsky Krai companies, how often they are dismissed, what is the basis for this and with the help of what elements and measures of management of talented employees, companies are trying to retain them. The results of the survey showed that the most frequent reasons for dismissal were more favorable offers from companies located in other territories. Speaking about the management elements of talented employees, it was found that promotion, including an individual development trajectory, delegation of authority, launching new projects and solving new extraordinary tasks, is one of the main aspects to retain employees. This article can become the basis for the formation of strategies for retaining employees, and will also be useful to managers and employees of HR departments in terms of building individual development trajectories.
Leadership and Management. 2023;10(4):1353-1366
pages 1353-1366 views

Identifying the challenges of staffing the digital economy and defining how to address them

Kurayan K.


The article considers the problems of staffing and the process of further development of the digital economy. Digitalization has an impact on all sectors of the economy. Digital technology leads to the transformation of existing management models. The introduction of advanced domestic technology during the implementation of the Digital Transformation Strategy leads to a large number of positive effects and consequences for the digital economy. In the course of the research, the author proposed a conceptual approach to the development of personnel management in the digital environment. The results of the study will be useful to researchers and practitioners involved in the implementation of digital technology in personnel management processes.
Leadership and Management. 2023;10(4):1367-1380
pages 1367-1380 views

Employee life cycle concept in the personnel remuneration management system

Sadikov I., Sungatullina L.


In modern economic conditions, the company's management faces the need to apply new approaches to remuneration management that ensure the implementation of a long-term personnel strategy. In this regard, the tasks related to providing management with accounting and analytical information on the forms and types of personnel remuneration for strategic management purposes are brought to the fore. To solve this problem and develop approaches to personnel remuneration management, the authors recommended tracking information on types of remuneration by stages of the employee life cycle in the information system. A model has been developed for coordinating the personnel remuneration system with the stages of the employee life cycle. Different types of remuneration are considered. Information about different types of remuneration can be tracked by stages of the employee life cycle in the accounting and analytical system. The authors have proposed a balanced scorecard (BSC), which allows to coordinate the economic intentions of the company in terms of allocating funds for remuneration with the target settings of the personnel strategy at different stages of the employee life cycle. The authors conclude that the formation of an information aggregate about the types of personnel remuneration by stages of the employee life cycle contributes to the solution of the tasks facing the company and the achievement of long-term goals in the field of human resource management. The highlighted features of planning, accounting, analysis and control of personnel remuneration by stages of the employee life cycle can be reflected in the process of forming accounting and analytical information necessary for making managerial decisions regarding the allocation of remuneration funds in the context of building the company's personnel policy.
Leadership and Management. 2023;10(4):1381-1396
pages 1381-1396 views

Monitoring and evaluation of the effectiveness of personnel processes of state bodies in the context of implementation of customer-centric standards

Sladkova N., Voskresenskaya O.


Issues related to the quality and effectiveness of personnel development of state bodies occupy one of the central places in the implementation of personnel policy in the public service system, as directly related to the effectiveness of state bodies. The research presented in the article focuses on evaluating the effectiveness of personnel processes. The following methods were used: an automated survey on forms containing indicators of the effectiveness of personnel processes, semi-automated data processing, the method of interval assessments in determining the level of effectiveness, the method of correlations, and the development of targeted recommendations for the personnel services of state bodies. The results of the study confirmed the authors' hypothesis that the evaluation of the effectiveness of personnel processes largely depends on the maturity of personnel services and the level of personnel development in government agencies in general, the current level of which is in varying degrees of readiness to ensure the transformation of personnel development in accordance with the concept of The State for People. Based on the results of the monitoring, the areas of human resources development were identified; and measures aimed at their improvement were proposed. The materials of the article are addressed both directly to representatives of the personnel services of state bodies, and to a wide range of readers interested in tools and technologies for performance assessment, performance management, and customer-centricity issues.
Leadership and Management. 2023;10(4):1397-1418
pages 1397-1418 views

Personnel management of the regional healthcare system

Bizin S.


The most important component in ensuring the quality and accessibility of medical care is the human resources of healthcare.Despite the increasing role of medical staff in the face of new challenges and threats, personnel management in the healthcare sector is currently facing many problems. The article examined topical problematic aspects, both in terms of staffing of healthcare institutions and the ongoing state personnel policy. The particularities of the implemented personnel policy in the healthcare system is revealed. The analysis of the regional system of personnel provision of healthcare is carried out; and the assessment of the implementation of federal and regional projects in the Lipetsk region aimed at solving the problems of staff shortage in the healthcare industry is given. The existing tools of personnel management of the regional healthcare system are examined; and measures to reduce the shortage of medical staff are proposed.
Leadership and Management. 2023;10(4):1419-1438
pages 1419-1438 views

Evolution of the medical education system

Kolesov O., Petrenko E.


The article analyzes the evolution of medical education. The features, prospects and challenges faced by medical education in the 21st century are identified. The most important of them are as follows: the development of telemedicine and distance education technology. The results of the analysis of the ranking of Russian universities providing medical education for 2022-2023 are presented. The article will be of interest to anyone interested in the problems of medical education
Leadership and Management. 2023;10(4):1439-1464
pages 1439-1464 views

Ageism and its consequences for Russian higher education and science

Litvinyuk A.


The research goal was was to determine the effectiveness of rejuvenation of the academic staff of Russian higher education institutions based on the introduction of hidden age restrictions in the formation of their scientific and pedagogical staff. The modified version of the author's diagnostic methodology "Motivation" - "Test System for Determining the Structure of a Person's Motivational Complex" was used. The respondents were young teachers and researchers, graduate and post-graduate students of Russian universities. The results obtained demonstrate the inefficiency and insufficiency of the administrative measures taken to reduce the average age of academic staff in modern Russia. The majority of young professionals entering graduate school are not motivated to engage in scientific and teaching activities, but only for various reasons imitate the desire to find a job in the academic labor market. Many graduate students in their intellectual and psychological characteristics simply do not meet the requirements for such specialists. In order to solve the problems of increasing the efficiency of the academic staff, it would be more expedient not to carry out an administrative reform to reduce the average age of the academic staff, but to create highly paid jobs, to reduce the time lag of professional development and to form an opinion in the Russian society about the prestige of work in science and higher education. This will make it possible to attract really talented and creatively thinking representatives of Russian youth to the scientific environment.
Leadership and Management. 2023;10(4):1465-1484
pages 1465-1484 views

Competitive environment of higher educational institutions of civil aviation

Ivanov E.


Based on the data of enrollment campaigns of three vertically integrated educational complexes of civil aviation for 2023, the article presents an up-to-date list of specialties, training areas and profiles. According to this list, applicants were admitted to higher education programs. The application of three levels of competition for the analysis of the competitive position of branch universities is justified: in the system of continuing professional education, between organizations of the same level and the same status, and between different educational programs. The conclusion about the need for a clear definition of the competitive advantages of non-major educational programs and the purposeful work of the university to promote them to the educational services market is made.
Leadership and Management. 2023;10(4):1485-1498
pages 1485-1498 views

The role of corporate culture in the the system of effective hotel management

Oshkordina A., Radygina E., Lebedeva S.


In the article, the authors identified the main elements of the hotel's corporate culture influencing its effective operation.According to the results of the previous analysis, in the modern concept of socio-economic development of the hospitality industry, issues of corporate culture in organizations are not always given due attention, or these issues are deliberately ignored by senior and middle managers. The article defines the main directions and elements of corporate culture aimed at team cohesion and staff motivation in various structural divisions of a large hotel chain organization. The study clearly shows the necessity of moving to a modern concept of corporate culture in order to increase motivation and coherence in the professional activities of all categories of hotel employees. The article will be of interest to organizers and managers of all levels of management working in the field of hospitality and hotel business.
Leadership and Management. 2023;10(4):1499-1514
pages 1499-1514 views

Human resource management in the hotel business

., ., ., .
Leadership and Management. 2023;10(4):1515-1528
pages 1515-1528 views

Improving the organizational and economic management mechanism in the television industry

Fomina A.


The article summarizes the author's research in the field of innovation management in the television industry. In the course of the study, the author analyzed the domestic market of the television industry, characterized the organizational and economic mechanism of innovation management in the television industry, identified and updated the features and problems of innovation management in broadcasting. The author has systematized the tools for improving the organizational and economic mechanism of innovation management in the television industry. The scientific novelty of the research results lies in the development of scientific and methodological tools for innovation management in the television industry. The results of the study may be of scientific interest for masters, postgraduates and scientists engaged in media research, as well as for media practitioners, media experts, public authorities and a wide range of interested readers.
Leadership and Management. 2023;10(4):1529-1547
pages 1529-1547 views