卷 25, 编号 2 (2023)


Development of Innovative Forms of Mentoring in Modern Pedagogical Activity

Bakulina S., Kislova N., Leonov S., Mayorova N.


The relevance of this study is due to the need to search for new forms of human development in the context of globalization, one of which is mentoring. The article shows the importance of this form of interaction with students as the most popular type of educational activity in modern pedagogy. The purpose of the article is to describe and disclose the best forms of mentoring using the method of comparative analysis, and to identify possible types of effective cooperation between teachers and students in a modern university. A brief description of the history of this type of pedagogical activity is given, as well as various forms of mentoring implemented within the framework of the pedagogical process are considered. There are five main types of mentoring that are actively used in practice at the pedagogical university. Both classical forms of mentoring, in which a more experienced and senior specialist transmits his knowledge to students, and innovative forms of interaction with students, which imply several levels of mentoring, as well as inverse types of cooperation, implying the work of a student as a mentor for a teacher, are considered. Special attention is paid to the importance of the mentor's control over the results of educational activities and the possibility of correcting mentoring activities. According to the authors of the article, mentoring has a high potential for further development and will allow achieving high results of pedagogical activity in educational organizations. The authors propose to update the principles of regulatory regulation of the institute of mentoring together with the methodological and pedagogical foundations of such a form of work with students, which has a high potential for practical application.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2023;25(2):3-11
pages 3-11 views

The Use of Digital Technologies in The Implementation of Distance Learning at The University

Ivanushkina N., Shchipova O.


The article discusses the features of distance learning at the university. The positive influence of digital technologies on the process of modernization of domestic education, on the personification of learning, on the nature of interaction between participants in the educational process is determined. The results of the survey are presented, the purpose of which was to study the effectiveness of the use of digital technologies in the educational process in the implementation of distance learning, as well as to find out the opinion of students about the features of the educational process during the implementation of distance learning. Most students note that they have adapted well to the conditions of distance learning at the university and are satisfied with the organization of the educational process. In the educational process, the following digital technologies are used to conduct classes: the BigBlueButton webinar system, the Zoom service, Jamboard, YouTube, Slido, Microsoft Teams, Google Classroom, programs for creating presentations. In the course of the study, positive and negative characteristics of distance learning were identified, data were obtained confirming the influence of distance learning on the well-being of respondents and the relationships of the team. The article notes that distance learning stimulates the development and transformation of the educational process, encourages finding and using new learning tools and technologies.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2023;25(2):12-19
pages 12-19 views

Translation of Proper Names into Russian (on Basis of The Novel “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?” By Philip K. Dick)

Zhuravlev A.


This paper analyzes the translation of the novel called “Do androids dream of electric sheep?” by Philip K. Dick into Russian. Current paper is the third part of a bigger research and deals particularly with the translation of some proper names (especially so called charactonyms) found in the novel. The paper provides the brief review of basic ways of translation of proper names (such as transcription and transliteration), as well as analysis of their advantages and disadvantages in each particular situation. The results of the research are used to draw a conclusion that various misrepresentations of the original proper names occurred because of the obvious lack of the translator’s professional knowledge.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2023;25(2):20-24
pages 20-24 views

New Methodological Approaches to Studying the Development of Burnout Syndrome in University Students

Svidersky O., Gryaznov S., Gryaznov N.


The article is devoted to the study of the development of the syndrome of emotional burnout among students of a technical university. The content of the concept of "burnout syndrome" is revealed, a theoretical analysis of this phenomenon is carried out, and the reasons for its occurrence in the student environment are analyzed. The paper shows that negative factors in the form of suboptimal learning conditions that take place in the organization of the educational process have a detrimental effect on mental health, cause a decrease in the level of stress resistance in students, which causes them to develop a burnout syndrome. The authors studied the dependence of the development of the emotional state syndrome on the psychological profile of students. It is proposed, depending on the results obtained during testing on the 16PF multifactorial personality questionnaire, to attribute students to the "negative" or "positive" pole. On the basis of the test results obtained and the correlation analysis carried out, "psychological portraits" of students of the Institute of Engines and Power Plants of the Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Queen, who have a tendency or, conversely, resistance to the development of burnout syndrome. In order to prevent the development of the phenomenon of emotional burnout, ways and methods for identifying early signs and preventing its development in students are proposed.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2023;25(2):25-35
pages 25-35 views


The Semiotic Space of Wedding Rituals: Religious Canon and Socio-Cultural Context

Bogdanova M., Sirotina I.


Relevance of the study: today it is extremely important to study the genesis and key characteristics of the wedding ritual, which determined the ability of it to function as a way of constructing social movements and acquiring a new social status. Considering the phenomenon of ritual as a cultural system, the authors largely proceed from the semiotic understanding of culture itself as a system focused on the generation and preservation of meanings. In this regard, the theoretical and methodological basis of the study is the concept of the American anthropologist and sociologist K. Girtz. The works of foreign (A. van Gennep, B. Malinovsky, V. Turner, etc.) and domestic (N.V. Ermakova, N.V. Zorin, Yu.M. Lotman, L.V. Timofeeva and others) researchers. The authors come to the conclusion that the wedding ritual is a complex semiotic complex, the constitutive moment of which is the fixation of the religious-symbolic, social, psychological transition that the bride and groom make. Entering the sphere of human existence, the wedding ritual integrates various contexts in its symbolic field: religious, cultural, social. Being a communicative socially significant event, the traditional religious wedding ritual is inevitably associated with the processes of secondary semantization occurring within certain sociocultural situations.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2023;25(2):36-43
pages 36-43 views

Imagination as "Internal Vision Screen" in the Creative Process of the Work of the Actor on the Role

Vucenovic A.


The relevance of this study is due to the fact that the concept of imagination, which is much talked about in psychology, remains incomplete outside of theatrical discourse, actor's and director's understanding of this category. Imagination is not a spontaneous, automatically developing process, but an in-depth process based primarily on the intellectual capabilities of the actor through the manifestation of his analytical abilities, which are directly related to the degree of development of his imagination, which determines the professional quality of the actor. The algorithm of the work of the imagination, its phased development is investigated. Examples are given from the pedagogical experience of the author of the article on activating the imagination of students - trainings and tasks that develop figurative thinking and, as a result, acting skills. An integral part of learning is tasks for the memory of physical actions, where the subject is imaginary, and actions with it are real. The problems of interaction between the actor and the spectator in the performances of the puppet theater are touched upon: the role of imagination control in theatrical activity. Lack of imagination or thoughtless departure from it leads to a negative result: instead of "co-creation", immersion in the picture created by the actor, repulsive feelings awaken in the viewer. Imagination has a special role in theater as a "three-dimensional art".

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2023;25(2):44-51
pages 44-51 views

Apophaticism of Russian Culture: Traditions of Buffoonery in S.A. Yesenin’s Poem “I will not Deceive Myself...”

Dudareva M.


The object of the article is the tradition of buffoonery in Russian culture. The subject of the research is the ambivalent image of dusk, the phenomenon of twilight in Russian poetry, which is associated with inverted reality, the antithetic world. The material for this article is represented by the creative heritage of S.A. Yesenin who is rightfully considered to be one of the best folklore poets of the early 20th century. The cultural-philosophical analysis is centred on a poem from the cycle “Moskva Kabatskaya” [Moscow of Taverns], namely “I will not deceive myself...”. This poem is internally structured according to the principle of interaction between two types of reality in art – the phenomenal and the noumenal, the rational and the spontaneous. Much attention is paid to the problem of transformation of the buffoonery tradition in the poet’s works, the latter being associated with the image of murky heart, nocturnal light denoting the inverted reality, the ritual chaos. The paper explores the phenomena of gloom, of vespertinal and unfading light which are linked with the antithetic world, i.e. with inverted reality and the thanatological text of culture. The research methodology involves the holistic ontological-hermeneutic analysis of S.A. Yesenin’s poetic texts. The research results may be of interest for philologists tending to include literature in the space of a great dialogue of cultures and may also be used in courses on cultural studies and Russian philosophy.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2023;25(2):52-57
pages 52-57 views

The State of Gastronomy as a Reflection of The Needs in Society

Ermolaev V.


In the proposed study, the author conducted a detailed analysis of the needs in society or, in other words, social needs. Having determined that a social need is a kind of necessity, we believe that gastronomy is also a necessity, carrying a certain cultural code, of each individual in social identification. Consequently, gastronomy is a need of society and at the same time its essential characteristic. In general, speaking of needs, it must be said that their interrelated set is determined by the society in which a person is located. Even identical sets of needs of individuals belonging to different societies or even social groups have different contents. Thus, here we can say that gastronomic culture, as a need, is determined by society, while gastronomy is not a personal need, but a social one, dictated by the individual's belonging to a social group or the whole society. By carrying out actions to realize and satisfy the specified gastronomic need, a person simultaneously develops it, supplementing it with some elements, but strictly within the given framework. By the way, going beyond a certain culture, expanding its borders, can be interpreted in two ways – as a departure from traditions, or as simply scaling them. Speaking about the current state of gastronomic culture, the author defines its two essential characteristics – globalization and technologization (replacing the traditional with man-made and rationalized). These characteristics form, firstly, a new collective consciousness and memory, and, secondly, are a prerequisite for the transformation of existing nutrition practices based on human needs and the offshoot of new food strategies.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2023;25(2):58-63
pages 58-63 views

Architecture and Design of The Urban Environment in The Context of Changing the Spatial Behavior of Residents of Megacities

Karakova T.


The modern functional and planning environment of megacities is undergoing significant changes under the influence of the restructuring of the system of needs of the population. New forms of territorial and spatial relations, forms of leisure activities, impressions from cultural and entertainment events, the active use of new formats of trade services and public catering, as well as the possibility of implementing a wide range of socio-cultural and commercial and household needs along the way, stimulate the masses of the population to visit shopping and entertainment centers and places of concentration of service facilities on shopping streets of cities. The formation of the most important functional planning nodes and spatial channels in the city largely depends today on the nature and intensity of the population's connections that characterize its spatial and consumer behavior. The active inclusion of interdisciplinary information about the socio-psychological and economic context of this phenomenon becomes the prerogative of forming a bank of pre-project information for the architect and designer of the environment during the development and implementation of programs to improve the urban environment and the most important objects of socio-cultural and commercial services of the population. The article examines the role of shopping streets as a powerful tool in the socio-functional and compositional-spatial rehabilitation of peripheral areas of the city, increasing their consumer value, investment and tourist attractiveness.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2023;25(2):64-69
pages 64-69 views

A.V. Amfiteatrov as an Interpreter of the Art of Sculpture (Intermedial Aspect)

Klyueva I.


The relevance of the topic is due to the need to study intermediality as an expression of the tendency to create an integral polyartistic space in the cultural system. The object of the article is intermediality in Russian and Italian culture at the beginning of the 20th century; the subject of the article is intermedial trends in Russian and Italian sculpture, as well as in art criticism of the specified period. The study is of a culturalogical nature; it uses comparative historical and biographical methods. The material of the study is texts (essays and letters) of the 1900s–1910s by famous Russian novelist, publicist, public figure A.V. Amfiteatrov (1862–1938), which are connected with the interpretation of sculpture as a type of fine art and with the assessment of the work of contemporary Russian and Italian masters. The writer pays the greatest attention to the work of sculptor S.D. Erzia (1876–1959). Talking about the personality and work of the artist, Amfiteatrov demonstrates awareness and interest in the problems of the art of sculpture, the features of its development in the general context of the cultural continuum of the 1900s–1910s. The writer verifies the artistic value of sculptural works by their connection with music, he uses in relation to them the terminology of literature and theater studies as well as musical associations. Intermediality appears in his work, on the one hand, to be a property of the works of art, he writes about; on the other hand, as the principle of their analysis and evaluation.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2023;25(2):70-75
pages 70-75 views

The Artistic Originality of the Modern Orthodox Story ("A Tempting Offer for Margarita" by Y. Shamanskaya)

Osmukhina O., Gudkova S., Beloglazova E.


The article represents a scientific understanding of the Orthodox story as a special genre form in the context of a powerful layer of Russian Orthodox prose. The key features of the genre of the story are identified, the specifics of Yu. Shamanskaya’s story is examined in the article. The study identified that in accordance with the tradition of the Russian classical story, the modern Orthodox story combines elements of social, lyrical and psychological. The "microenvironment" for the hero is his immediate environment, the action takes place in modernity, directly connected with the "past", explains it, and various aspects of reality given not in statics, but in development. At the same time, unlike the classical story, in the modern Orthodox story, firstly, the action takes place in our days, the present becomes the object of the image, but the hero is no longer equal to himself and his “plot”: he is depicted in crisis situations and the final rebirth; secondly, there is a layering (allusions to the novel by M. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita", "Crime and Punishment" by F. Dostoevsky, in connection with which the plot development is determined by the motives of duality, mirror imagery, madness); thirdly, moral issues play a key role, pathos is determined by the most important idea - serving God as the highest Truth.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2023;25(2):76-85
pages 76-85 views

Tatyana’s Dream as A Foreshadowing of Onegin’s Death

Pimonov V.


Object of the article: Tatyana's dream in the novel in verse by A. S.  Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" (EO, V, XI-XXI).  Subject of the article: the poetics of Tatyana’s dream.  Purpose of research: discovering the role of the dream in the compositional structure of the novel.  Results: the author argues that the final scene of Tatyana’s dream, in which Onegin kills Lensky with a knife, is, in fact, a covert foreshadowing of the symbolic death of Onegin himself at the end of the novel (EO, 8, XLVIII, 1-10).  The motif of the protagonist's death is concealed in the letter-sound pattern of the text that contains an anagram of the word knife (nozh). Tense repetition of sounds н-ж-ш (n-zh-sh) throughout the novel creates a connection between the erotic motif in the stanzas devoted to praising women's "legs" (nozhki) and the motif of death from a "knife" (nozh) strike. An echo of the motif of women's "legs" (nozhki) in Tatyana's prenuptial dream ("To v hrupkom snege s nozhki miloj / Uvjaznet mokryj bashmachok") acoustically foreshadows the appearance of a long "knife" (nozh), which has a double meaning: as a murder weapon and a phallic symbol. In the final scene of the novel, the motif of legs [noshki] and the motif of the knife [nosh] are unexpectedly combined in a sound pun “no shpor nezapnyj zvon razdalsja” (8, XLVIII) in which the knife [nosh] is phonetically connected with the spur [no-shpor] that is a metonymic replacement of the foot. Field of application: literary criticism, Pushkin studies, teaching Russian literature of the 19th century.  Conclusion: Tatyana's dream contains not only an obvious foreshadowing of the real death of Lensky in a duel, which has been repeatedly mentioned in Pushkin studies, but also a covert foreshadowing of Onegin's symbolic death. The possibility of this alternative semantic interpretation of the dream is based on the sound pattern of the text (repetitions, anagram). 

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2023;25(2):86-91
pages 86-91 views

360° Illustration in Contemporary Visual Culture

Fadeeva T.


The object of the article: the works of contemporary artists working with the 360° format and creating the so-called. "spherical illustrations" or 360° illustrations, controlled panoramic images. Works were selected as material, reflecting the types of strategies for the work of artists with this medium, demonstrating the connection between the artist's intention and the formal, structural solution of the work. Subject of the article: the specifics of 360° illustration, its expressive possibilities, as well as the strategies of artists who turn to this format as an instrument of aesthetic impact on the viewer in the context of the modern communication society. The study is devoted to the actively developing phenomenon of 360° illustration, which is currently becoming increasingly popular among artists and delineates new aesthetic horizons for illustration as an art form. The main goal of the study is to identify the specifics of the phenomenon of spherical illustration in modern visual culture, the contextualization of 360° illustration in the field of modern visual culture. The author made the following conclusions: the 360° illustration is the ultimate version of the structure of the classical pictorial image with a direct perspective, which at the same time carries out a “Copernican revolution” in terms of the viewer’s attitude to the artistic image (from a passive recipient, he turns into active interpreter and co-author of the artist), thus, on the one hand, illustrators get to expand the repertoire of their own expressive means (partly borrowing the techniques of screen arts), and, on the other hand, the viewer gets the opportunity to be "inside" the image and experience it as a subjective aesthetic experience.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2023;25(2):92-99
pages 92-99 views

National Identity Phenomenon Represented in The Volga Germans’ Visual Communication

Shindel S.


The article is devoted to the phenomenon of the Volga Germans’ national identity which is represented in the visual communication in the context of historical realities in the period of the end of the XIX and the beginning of the XX centuries. The symbolic space of preserved in Saratov Regional Local History Museum funds photos of propaganda posters, notes, streamers and labels’ patterns reflects not only the ethnical German traditional culture peculiarity but also marks famous historical events in the identified period. The comparative analysis of the elements and objects in the visual communication has led to the showing convergences both in their content and design. The semiotic method has

revealed symbols and determined the semantics of the studied elements in the visual communication. The collected material has been divided into two groups, each of them having its clear explicit semantic load. The results obtained let us make virtual transfer into the ethnical German cultural space, set the geographical location and reconstruct some historical events typical of Russian Germans in the Volga Region. Preserved to this day not only the elements but also the objects of the visual communication are of historical value, fix ethnical German flavor, give an idea of the formation and representation of the Volga Germans’ identity. Preservation of the authenticity as well as biological survival was of the utter importance for the Russian Germans: the first settlers developed the wasteland in the adverse climate conditions, lived isolated, their dialects were the main means of communication; the Volga Germans equated themselves with the ethnical Germans inhabited their historical motherland – Germany. The concept idea of order typical of German ethnical culture ontologically with its value guidelines, traditions and customs is relevant in the present research.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2023;25(2):100-110
pages 100-110 views

Sociocultural Factor in Politics: Symbolic Constructs

Shtanko M., Grashchenkov N.


Politics as a sphere of public life is a border area for all other spheres, while it acquires a special dependence on the characteristics of behavior, which is significantly influenced by the cultural aspect. That is why the process of studying and analyzing the political sphere of the life of society involves the study, first of all, of the sociocultural factor. In this paper, the authors propose to consider it through three components: the positioning of a person as the main subject of politics, the features of mutual influence on political behavior of morality, morality, humanism, axeology and ethics, and the statement of this mutual influence through a formally legal element.

The first component is largely associated with symbolic constructs, since the role of a person as a subject or object of politics directly depends on the political picture of the world that he has. The more political experience a person has, the more realistic this picture is and, as a result, the more active the subject is in politics. The second component in itself is a symbolic construct, since outside of symbolism there is no culture and its constituent elements. Accordingly, influencing the political behavior of the individual, morality, morality, axeology, ethics, and especially humanism, permeate it with a symbolic component. Formally, the legal element fully embodies the features of the political conditions in which society and the state exist, and from this point of view it acts as a symbol of the era in which it is formed.

Taking into account the above interpretations, the authors conclude that outside the symbolic component it is impossible to comprehend the existing political problems and find ways to solve them.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2023;25(2):111-116
pages 111-116 views