卷 25, 编号 5 (2023)


Interdisciplinary aspect as а method of formation of professional competencies in the process of studying mathematics

Arkhipova N., Vasil'eva O., Rudina T., Stepnova N.



Currently, students of higher educational institutions are constantly in a huge flow of information, not only coming from everyday studies, but also in the flow of information that accompanies everyone in the modern information world. That is why the teacher is required to show outstanding skills in order to contribute to the development of students' interest in acquiring new knowledge and learning in general at each lecture or practical lesson. It is possible to increase interest in the discipline being studied if you organize the acquisition of knowledge within the educational process in such a way that the emphasis is placed on obtaining the knowledge necessary for further professional activity. In the first and second years of technical universities, the discipline "Higher Mathematics" is the most difficult for students. At the same time, in technical universities, the need to study mathematics is indisputable.

In this paper we will demonstrate that with the help of a mathematical apparatus, problems that fall within the circle of physical study of electrical engineering are solved. That is why we believe that students, starting from the first year, need to be explained that the knowledge gained in the study of general education subjects will be used not only in the development of special disciplines, but also in further professional activities.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2023;25(5):5-10
pages 5-10 views

Principles of relationship of theoretical knowledge and practical skills, received by students in technical higher education institutions in the process of studying mathematics

Arkhipova N., Evdokimova N., Makarova E.


This article is devoted to solving the problem of interaction of theoretical knowledge obtained and solving technical problems when students receive higher education within the framework of studying the discipline of higher mathematics. Teaching higher mathematics should give students not only a theoretical foundation, but it is also important to focus on the acquisition of practical skills necessary in the future professional activity of a future specialist. We propose to consider the connection of theoretical knowledge and practical skills of future specialists not as a transition from assimilation of information to application in practice, but as integration through the categories of unity, integrity of the system. In addition, students develop at a higher level the skills to systematize knowledge, establish a link between new and previously acquired knowledge. At the same time, it is often necessary to establish more precisely the boundaries in which it is possible to apply certain mathematical methods. As experience shows, an effective method of interrelation of theory and practice was the introduction of professionally-oriented tasks into the teaching process of the discipline of mathematics. The authors of the article propose to consider professionally-directed tasks in practical classes in higher mathematics. As an example, the tasks for the specialties 23.05.03"Rolling stock of railways" and 23.05.04 "Operation of railways" are given.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2023;25(5):11-16
pages 11-16 views

The method of projects as a way of organizing targeted distance learning in a technical university

Evdokimova N., Rudina T., Selezneva I.


The presented article is devoted to the problems of distance learning in the target areas. The article discusses in detail the problems of university distance education. By distance learning in this article, we will understand learning with the help of information technology. Distance learning is defined differently by different authors. With such training, the teacher perceives the students as an impersonal mass and has no way to assess the degree of understanding of the proposed material. The main purpose of the study was to consider distance learning for students who entered the university in the target areas of various divisions of the Russian Railway. The authors of the article consider the problems of distance learning of students in target areas at the Samara State University of Railways on the example of teaching higher mathematics. One of the methods of organizing targeted university distance learning is proposed, the project method. With the help of the project method, we propose to solve professionally oriented tasks when teaching students in the target areas in the course of higher mathematics. It is this format of education that is most promising. The approbation of this approach to teaching target students in a distance format has shown the effectiveness of the proposed teaching method.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2023;25(5):17-23
pages 17-23 views

Translation of “The repairer of reputations” by Robert W. Chambers into russian: foreign language practical course

Zhuravlev A.


This paper analyzes the translation of the short story called “The Repairer of Reputations” by Robert W. Chambers into Russian (two variants of translation are considered). The paper provides the analyses of various aspects that determine the quality of translation, particularly the ability to work with terminology, proper approach to translation of non-equivalent lexis, sensible application of lexical and grammatical transformations. The comparative analysis of the two translations of the story revealed a number of differences between them. In each of these cases the advantages and disadvantages of a particular variant of translation are considered to figure out which one of them is more adequate to the context of the story. The results of the research are used to draw a conclusion about professional knowledge and skills a translator needs to make a good translation of a literary work. The paper also points out the importance of written translation (as well as the analysis of a translation made by someone else) as some kind of students’ individual work that helps them master the foreign language they learn.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2023;25(5):24-28
pages 24-28 views

System of developing teaching competencies in training perspective FL teachers

Kashina E., Savitskaya E.


The paper focuses on the problem of developing teaching competencies with perspective FL teachers. The article deals with the topicality of the issue under discussion, which is explained a) by the modern social trends reflected in language education and b) by the fact of publishing a renewed teaching profile for FL teachers. The authors integrate the components of the system aimed at developing perspective FL teachers into a table. It reveals the changes of the main components, i.e. the objectives, content, approaches to professional educational training, specific learning environment of our time, tools and pedagogic technologies for professional educational training of perspective FL teachers. Consequently, the authors make the necessary comments on the tendencies that are reflected in each component renovation. The authors highlight the differences in students’ learning expectations and the objectives of the teaching staff. They make a conclusion that in general the system of developing teaching competencies is open to numerous innovations, incorporates them, which leads to the need to renovate the system of FL teaching knowledge for training competent perspective FL teachers.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2023;25(5):29-37
pages 29-37 views

A new generation of educational programs of secondary vocational education: training of mid-level specialists for light industry

Leonov S., Buranok O.


The article looks at topical issues of vocational training specialists with secondary vocational education, whose qualification will allow to qualitatively replanish the personnel of textile industry enterprises. Secondary vocational education is undergoing an active modernization in our country. New technologies for training specialists of this level are aimed at improving the quality of education and developing a strategy that makes working professions prestigeous. Currently, there is a shortage of specialists with secondary vocational education, whose qualifications meet the modern requirements of the labor market. Many graduates of secondary vocational educational colleges cannot find a job in their specialty for a number of reasons, one of which is the discrepancy between the received education and the requirements of the labor market. This problem is being solved at the federal level through the implementation of the «Professionalitet» project, which means updating the system of secondary vocational education for training personnel in accordance with the real needs of specific employers from technical industries. The purpose of this article is to identify current problems in the system of training industry specialists with secondary vocational education and prospects for the development of training system for textile industry on the basis of large scientific-educational and production centres in the conditions of an experiment on the development, testing and implementation of a new educational technology for designing educational programs of secondary vocational education within the federal project «Professionalitet». As a result of the study, the main costraining factors were identified hindering the high-quality training specialists with secondary vocational education, as well as the key elements that are extremely necessary for the training of those ones meeting the modern and promising requirements of the industry labor market were identified. The novelty of the research is determined in the emperical sustantion of the importance of increasing role of an industry employer in the development and implementation of educational programs of secondary vocational education of a new generation. There is an obvious need to redistribute the functionality of the employer and the administration of a secondary vocational educational college when designing educational programs. An industry employer becomes the main developer of the educational program (its content and resource provision), while the administration of a secondary vocational educational college becomes a link providing consulting and methodological support.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2023;25(5):38-46
pages 38-46 views

Methods of increasing motivation for choreography lessons in students of higher education institutions of culture

Pavinskaya K.


This article touches upon the problem of motivation for the activities of students-choreographers of universities of culture and art, without which the most effective pedagogical methods and technologies do not bring the desired result. The problem is relevant for the system of higher choreographic education. The paper considers the methods of stimulating motivation for activity, which, in the author's opinion, bring the greatest benefit in the formation of motivation for choreographic activity. The revealed methods are tested during the ascertaining and forming experiment in the system of higher education of choreographers. The author gives statistical data of the changes that have taken place with the motivation of choreographer students to work, after the introduction of a set of selected methods for stimulating motivation. Analysis of the data shows that during the experiment the number of students with a positive motive for activity in the second and third year of the Samara State Institute of Culture increased significantly and the number of students with a negative motive for activity decreased (from 53% to 0%) and (from 66% to 0 %). For first-year students, the changes are not statically significant, due to the fact that a positive motive for activity was observed among choreographer students in the first year of study and amounted to (89%). This led to the conclusion that the primary task of a teacher of a modern university will be to promote the emergence of positive motives for activity, before introducing new methods and technologies for teaching students.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2023;25(5):47-54
pages 47-54 views

Digital approach to the formation methods of action on mathematical modeling in engineering education

Skafa E., Evseeva E., Korolev M.


One of the ways to increase the efficiency of higher engineering education is its digitalization, aimed at integrating mathematical and computer modeling. In this regard, there is a problem of creating a training system for future engineers at a technical university aimed at forming methods of mathematical and computer modeling based on the integration of mathematical and applied science in combination with digital technologies. This approach involves the use of modern information and communication technologies (ICT), simulation tools, application software packages at all stages of students' study of basic and variable disciplines. The authors refer to such disciplines: higher mathematics as a means of fundamentalizing the basic training of a future engineer; applied mathematics as a means of implementing higher mathematics in building models of technical processes and systems; operations research, optimization methods, multidimensional statistical and factor analysis as varieties of professional disciplines reflecting the practical orientation of engineering training. The article presents a system of teaching mathematical modeling to students of technical training areas in the context of higher engineering education. The main idea is the introduction of mixed and hybrid technologies for teaching students, providing the process of setting and solving mathematical modeling tasks based on modern ICT tools, including the author's software product "Automated workplace "Teacher – student", which provide an opportunity for future engineers to form both mathematical and digital competencies necessary they are interested in their future professional activities.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2023;25(5):55-62
pages 55-62 views


The eastern practices as one of the sources of N. Demidov's method

Aleksandrova M.


The practice of Demidov's sketches is widely used in theatrical pedagogy today. N. V. Demidov had a medical education, studied Tibetan medicine and suggested K. S. Stanislavsky to use the psychophysics work technics in acting accumulated in yogic teaching. In his own method, N. V. Demidov was looking for ways to actively include irrational mechanisms of the psyche in the process of acting, which is the basic of the desired state of creative inspiration, which is a special state of consciousness and is actively studied by modern science. The author of the article analyzes the connections between Demidov's approach and some provisions of the spiritual and bodily teachings of the East, which are the basis of work with psychophysics and have been attracting the attention of theater teachers for many years. Working with consciousness is one of the main directions explored by Eastern teachings, and it was thanks to acquaintance with Tibetan medicine, yoga, N. V. Demidov managed to get close to the subtle, elusive layers of the psyche and provoke the nature of the artist to a unique, free, creative existence on stage. It is in the XXI century that the Demidov's approach becomes extremely popular.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2023;25(5):63-71
pages 63-71 views

The native city history as a macro plot of B. Shakhovsky’s cycle of “Poems about Astrakhan”

Borovskaya A.


The research object are constant elements of urban space in B. Shakhovsky’s cycle “Poems about Astrakhan”. The article studies the main hallmarks of Astrakhan text, which form the plot of a super-genre unity. The key images and motifs of cycle not only reflect the topography of the capital of the Caspian Sea, its biogeographic, cultural features and architectural appearance, but also reveal the semiotic potential of the city, combining two types of chronotope – water / river and desert. Folk legends and ideas about Astrakhan as a border space form the macro plot. Historical metamorphoses, defining changes in the image of the poet's native land in the context of destructive and creative Soviet mythology, play a special role in the dynamics of the lyrical narrative. The motif of the path performs a structure-forming function in the text of B. Shakhovsky. The architectonics of the text is governed by the principle of juxtaposition of two time layers – past and present. Change of subjects of speech in the poems of the cycle, movement from neutral to “I”- and “we”-narrative is stipulated by conjugation of two storylines: historical and biographical. The research methodology involves a combination of semiotic and structural approaches to the test, methods of motivic, intertextual and mythopoetic analysis.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2023;25(5):72-78
pages 72-78 views

Differentiation of the public by the level of orientations to stage art

Grebenik E.


At the moment, an important feature of the existence of the theater as a socio-cultural institution is its functioning in market conditions. Performances become the subject of sale and purchase, and the hedonistic function of the theater is opposed by great competition: cinema, the Internet, social networks, entertainment shows and show programs. In this regard, in order to remain in the consumer market, the theater uses innovative technologies and experimental forms, which lead to the loss of the uniqueness of the theater and a decrease in the level of the public. The effective implementation of the ideological and educational functions of the theater is directly related to the level of training of the theatrical public. The questions of his typology, the classification of the level of art education, are decisive in the perception of the performance. The genre orientation and subject orientation of theaters certainly depend on the ability of the public to perceive works of theatrical art. The article deals with the analysis of sociological studies of the interaction of the individual with art, as well as the study of sociocultural processes that form the orientation of the theater audience towards works of theatrical art. The author of the article pays special attention to the leisure activities of individuals and the formed stereotypes of the theatrical audience. The author also carried out an analysis of the cultural and leisure behavior of the public and derived the differentiation of the public according to the level of orientations and preferences for the performing arts.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2023;25(5):79-84
pages 79-84 views

Ontology of sixty-year cycles: on the example of Russian history

Denisov D.



The author considers the possibility of assigning to five 12 years of the 60-year Chinese cycle of functions that are steadily implemented over several cycles. He proposes a method of ontological modeling, within the framework of which the most general structural diagrams, both modern and ancient, are regarded as functional diagrams. In the course of the analysis, an ontological substantiation of five 12-year periods is proposed. Не analyzes the most famous five-element models of antiquity and modernity, on the basis of which the ontological structure of this cycle and the functions implemented by each of the 12-year periods become clear. Approbation of the obtained universal model of development is carried out on the material of four 60-year cycles of Russian and world history. The analysis showed that some trends are regularly repeated in Russian history, some trends are more significant for Western ones. The result obtained demonstrates that all the listed 5-element models from mythological and philosophical to political, socio-economic, as well as natural sciences occupy a full-fledged place in the modern scientific paradigm.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2023;25(5):85-93
pages 85-93 views

Painter Vasily Nefyodov in the biography and work of sculptor Stepan Erzia (Nefyodov)

Klyueva I.


The relevance of the topic is due to the need for a comprehensive study of the creative personality of an outstanding sculptor of the 20th century Stepan Dmitrievich Erzya (Nefyodov, 1876–1959). Object of the article: biography and creative (including art-pedagogical) activities of sculptor S.D. Erzia; subject of the article: creative, mentoring relationship of the sculptor with his nephew, the painter Vasily Ivanovich Nefyodov (1890–1918). The study is of a historical and cultural nature; it uses comparative-historical and biographical methods. The sources of the study are the works of S.D. Erzia and V.I. Nefyodov (both located in museums and archives of the Russian Federation, including the Republic of Mordovia, and not preserved, known only from photo reproductions), press materials of the first third of the 20th century, archival documents. The author reconstructs the biography of V.I. Nefyodov, reveals the role of S.D. Erzia in his creative development. As a result of the study, it has been proved that a number of surviving paintings, which are considered by researchers as the works of S.D. Erzia, actually had been created by his nephew. The author attributes the photo of V.I. Nefyodov, made in the suburbs of Paris Seaux in 1912, sculptural portraits of V.I. Nefyodov created by S.D. Erzia and other works dedicated to him. It is proved that the unpreserved statue “Prayer for a Chalice” made in the Urals, which some researchers (for example, the Ural archivist E.V. Shimonek) call “an unknown creation of Erzia”, is a grave monument for V.I. Nefyodov, made exactly from this photo.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2023;25(5):94-100
pages 94-100 views

The vertical of amur Cosmo-Psycho-Logos and modern shamanism

Plokhotnyuk M., Kryzhanovskaya Y.


The article deals with a “myth” problem of Priamurye as a cross-border territory through the concept of Cosmo-psycho-logos (by G.D. Gachev). The paper emphasize Verticality/Horizontality dichotomy based on natural landscape of this territory inhabited by local peoples (Ulch, Nanai, Oroch, Udege, Evenks, Evens, Negidals), so that dichotomy can form specific “world image”. The authors cover basic mythologemes and symbols of Priamurye native peoples dealing with the image of Verticality (three-part world model, spirits and gods hierarchy, cosmogony order, mythological birds, the river, traditional dwelling, shamanic tree and cult trees, the mountain etc.) and emphasize the role of traditional shaman who is to deal with the Verticality. The authors examine the modern Priamurye myth`s eclecticism and weak structure having significant amount of borrowings, so it seems difficult to draw a strict borderline between “aboriginal” and “Russian” world images. The authors conclude on reasons why shamanism and modern shamanic practices can be popular nowadays.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2023;25(5):101-108
pages 101-108 views

Increasing cultural capital through the act of demonstrative con-sumption of works of art

Shatilov V.


The postmodern reinterpretation of values led to the blurring of boundaries between social groups and the diffusion between mass and elitist art. As a result, there was a need to form a new cultural threshold, which was fulfilled by symbolic capital. For a long time, contemporary art could not compete in prices with the works of old masters. However, since the early 2000s, there has been a trend of a rapid increase in prices for contemporary art. This article attempts to analyze this phenomenon, where a work of contemporary art is viewed as a "source" of symbolic capital, and the act of purchase is considered a form of conspicuous consumption, i.e., it is done not for the purpose of enrichment, but for the acquisition of authority and social status. The article proposes the assumption that in the current socio-cultural situation, an increase in symbolic capital can be achieved through the consumption of art. In the space of the modern art market, the artistic value of a work of art and, therefore, the volume of symbolic capital, are inversely proportional to its "accessibility", and the category of artistic value can be substituted with the economic category of price. In addition, the role of the art market in shaping new forms of art is traced. Contemporary artists, like their colleagues in the 1960s, continue to resist the art market. If this protest is fundamentally valuable, it leads to the emergence of new conceptual art practices, such as performance, land art, happening, etc.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2023;25(5):109-117
pages 109-117 views


Apophatic code of russian culture: Review of M.A. Dudareva's monography “Russia: winter road. A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontov, S.A. Esenin, A.A. Block"

Gavrikov V.
Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2023;25(5):118-120
pages 118-120 views