Innovative Project

Scientific research architectural journal. Founded in 2016. The previous founder is the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Samara State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering" (SGASU).

Currently, the founder of the journal is the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Samara State Technical University" (SamSTU). The journal has been assigned the international number of periodicals ISSN 2500-3437.

Articles submitted for publication in the journal are subject to mandatory independent peer review, the reviewers are members of the editorial board and leading Russian scientists working in the field of scientific topics of the journal.

The journal is published once a year (until 2018 it was published once a quarter (four times a year)) with articles on the following thematic specialties:


  • 2.1.11. Theory and history of architecture, restoration and reconstruction of historical and architectural heritage;
  • 2.1.12. Architecture of buildings and structures. Creative concepts of architectural activity;
  • 2.1.13. Urban planning, planning of rural settlements.

Applied arts and design:

  • 5.10.1. Theory and history of art

The journal is indexed: Russian Science Citation Index, Crossref
For all questions related to the publication of articles in a research architectural journal, contact the executive secretary Filippov V.D.

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Current Issue

Vol 9, No 15 (2024)


Notre-Dame de Paris through the centuries
Artemyeva T., Gerasenkova V.

The article examines the significance of stylistic changes in the architecture of Notre Dame Cathedral over the course of centuries of history, the events associated with these changes, and their consideration through the prism of modern legislation on the preservation of cultural heritage.

Innovative Project. 2024;9(15):6-10
pages 6-10 views
Walter Gropius, history of the IV CIAM Congress, the Charter of Athens and some of its results
Filippov V.

The history of the emergence of the idea of multi-story housing construction is described, starting with the project of the experimental settlement of Spandau-Haselhorst by Walter Gropius and the subsequent report of Gropius to the third CIAM congress. The conditions under which the IV CIAM Congress met are shown - the world economic crisis, the strengthening of authoritarianism in the world, the absence of German, American and Soviet architects, as well as opponents of Le Corbusier in other delegations. The history of the IV Congress and the appearance, ten years after it, of two versions of the Athens Charter are described. The differences between José Luis Sert's version and Le Corbusier's version are presented, as well as some results of its implementation. The implementation of ideas, both different from the Athens Charter and its followers, in Great Britain and the place that the construction of multi-storey housing eventually took in the country is described. An example of construction regulation in Germany is given, which makes the construction of multi-story housing economically unprofitable.

Innovative Project. 2024;9(15):11-24
pages 11-24 views


Ways for development of rivernal areas of the Kama in Mendeleevsk
Agafonova E., Vaytens A.

Mendeleevsk in the Republic of Tatarstan is an artificially formed city, which included several separate settlements. Its structure shows a clear division of the territory by roads and railways into two halves: with and without access to the bank of the Kama. In this regard, the issue of access to the Kama for the half of the city cut off from the river comes up acutely when discussing the prospects for the development of the city. The advantages and disadvantages of the Kama territories of Mendeleevsk are considered, and possible ways to develop their connectivity with the mainland of the city are proposed.

Innovative Project. 2024;9(15):26-32
pages 26-32 views
Formation of public spaces in the historical environment of the city
Pastushenko V., Bezruk A.

The problem of developing public spaces in the historical center of Samara using the potential of intra-block territories is considered. Using the example of the experience of implementing domestic and foreign projects for the renovation of the urban environment, approaches to creating original, unique and preserving the historical identity of new public spaces in the structure of historical quarters are shown. A concept for the development of a public center in the historical part of Samara is proposed.

Innovative Project. 2024;9(15):33-38
pages 33-38 views


Evolution of the concept of inclusivity in architecture
Nasybullina R., Zuykov D.

The evolution of the concept of inclusivity in architecture is examined. The issue is studied in conjunction with an analysis of the historical context, namely the attitude of the state, society and church towards people with special needs of psychophysical development. Each of the five stages of this process was reflected in the development of architecture of its time. The first three were purely isolating in nature. The result of the first was the emergence of shelters and almshouses for people with special needs. At the end of the second, the first specialized hospitals were created. The third stage became important for the idea of inclusive education, when the first schools and universities for people with disabilities were founded. The fourth period became a turning point in the process of evolution; society abandoned the isolation of the population group being studied and set a course for its integration, leaving the concept of architecture “for the anomalous” in the past. The result of the current fifth stage can be considered the final formation of the idea of inclusiveness in architecture, taking into account the needs of each person and the characteristics of his perception of the world.

Innovative Project. 2024;9(15):40-46
pages 40-46 views


Recycling building materials in modern architecture
Samogorov V., Fadeev A., Kotmysheva P.

The article is devoted to the study of theoretical concepts and practical experience in the field of recycling building materials in architecture, and examples of successfully implemented projects are considered. The article formulates the basic principles of recycling building materials.

Innovative Project. 2024;9(15):48-55
pages 48-55 views


Objects of specially protected natural areas as a specific architectural and typological group
Vavilova T., Dobrusina E., Zvonareva A.

The directions for the development and improvement of the architecture of tourist infrastructure facilities in specially protected natural areas (SPNA) are considered. Today there is no comprehensive system of requirements for their architectural solutions. In this work, based on an analysis of current practical experience, an attempt was made to identify the specific features of the main types of objects for protected areas. In particular, it was emphasized that the composition of protected area infrastructure facilities should be formed taking into account the entire range of tasks assigned to them, and above all, nature conservation. In this regard, urban planning, architectural, structural and engineering solutions should help minimize the anthropogenic impact on the environment. Examples of various types of buildings implemented according to projects of architectural bureaus from different countries are given. 

Innovative Project. 2024;9(15):58-63
pages 58-63 views
The forgotten old or the soviet experience of forming a “healthy space” using the example of children’s summer health camps
Teryagova A., Kokushkina Y.

The difference between the modern “symptomatic” and systemic Soviet approaches to the formation of a “healthy space” is analyzed, using the example of the creation of children's health camps. The research and chronology of a small part of the work in this direction is presented. The current state of the issue is considered. The article comprehends part of the processes of creating a “healthy space” and a “healthy city”.

Innovative Project. 2024;9(15):64-70
pages 64-70 views


Architectural techniques for protecting industrial buildings
Polyantseva E.

The article will discuss the architectural features of industrial buildings that are resistant to potential terrorist and other attacks. The most typical threats will be considered (external attacks, threat of explosion from outside and inside) and the corresponding protection goals (protection of the site perimeter, control of entry points, use of sustainable structural systems, safe finishing elements, use of protective structures at the landscape level). A brief historical excursion will show what fortification techniques may be relevant in our time. Modern analogues of industrial buildings are studied, new innovative protection measures are analyzed. As conclusions, architectural means that must be taken into account in the layout of industrial buildings and the master plan of industrial zones in general will be described to create a safe environment that is protected from possible attacks.

Innovative Project. 2024;9(15):72-77
pages 72-77 views
Architectural and urban planning activity and artificial intelligence
Adonina A., Denisova M.

The possibilities of using artificial intelligence (AI) in architectural and urban planning activities are considered. The authors analyze the possibilities of using AI in the design, planning and management of the urban environment. The role of machine learning and data analytics in creating new and sustainable architectural solutions is also highlighted. The advantages and challenges of using AI in this area are highlighted. Recommendations are proposed for the further development and integration of AI technologies into architectural design and urban planning using the example of digital twin technology.

Innovative Project. 2024;9(15):78-82
pages 78-82 views


Yuri Petrovich Bocharov and Samara school
Akhmedova E.

A brief biography, stages of scientific and design activity and the decisive role of an outstanding scientist, urban planner and international expert in the development of an architectural school in the city of Kuibyshev, now Samara, are considered. In the process of establishing the Faculty of Architecture, academician Yuri Petrovich Bocharov, with his high competence, professional interest, sharp and at the same time fair and friendly criticism, year after year set a high bar for the Samara School of Architecture, which the modern generation of professors and students - urban planners and architects - is trying to maintain.

Innovative Project. 2024;9(15):84-87
pages 84-87 views

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