Vol 25, No 1 (2024)

Section 1. Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Management

Innovative educational and research center for monitoring forest resources of Siberia based on laser and microwave aerospace imaging

Danilin I.M., Lapko V.A., Kuznetsov A.A., Babiy I.A., Vaisman A.O.


The possibilities of creating an innovative educational and scientific center for monitoring forest resources in Siberia on the basis of the Department of Space Facilities and Technologies of the Siberian State University of Science and Technology named after Mikhail Fedorovich Reshetnev are discussed, with the aim of training highly qualified engineering personnel and conducting promising scientific research in the field of monitoring, modeling, forecasting and management of forest resources. Methodological solutions and algorithms for three-dimensional modeling of forest structure and dynamics based on laser scanning data, digital aerial and space photography are proposed. These methods contribute to operational monitoring and can significantly reduce the cost of monitoring the condition and use of forest resources over the vast territory of Siberia. Remote sensing data is presented in the form of a geotransformed database and digital photo map, compatible in formats with computer-aided design systems and with the main geographic information systems – ArcView, ArcINFO, MapINFO. The innovative monitoring center will be used for operational state control and monitoring of forest management, the state of forest lands, forest management and forest inventory, solving problems of ecology and environmental management, geoecology, formation of a forest resource inventory, aerospace methods for studying natural resources and territories, information technology. Solving these problems will allow for the training of highly qualified specialists. The center's specialists plan to create information technologies for remote sensing of natural objects with the aim of import substitution of foreign software products. The main scientific directions of the created center: development and research of methods for system analysis of large-scale multidimensional remote sensing data based on nonparametric decision-making algorithms and parallel computing technologies; testing hypotheses about the distributions of large-volume remote sensing data based on nonparametric nuclear-type pattern recognition algorithms; detection of compact groups of large-volume remote sensing data corresponding to unimodal fragments of the joint probability density of multivariate random variables.

Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2024;25(1):8-17
pages 8-17 views

Calculation of the coupling loss factors for the angle connected beams

Kravchunovky A.P.


The use of the statistical energy method for the analysis of dynamic systems assumes knowing coupling loss factors of the subsystems. Coupling loss factors show how much energy transfers from one subsystem to another. They are included in the system of power-balance equations and must first be determined analytically, experimentally or numerically. The most promising of the listed methods is numerical. In particular, this article uses the finite element method.

The purpose of this study is to determine the coupling loss factors of two subsystems in two versions of their relative position. The basis is the model of an L-shaped connection of two beams, which is quite common in such studies. L-shaped connections of structural parts are prevalent in building structures, but in other areas, such as the development of space and aviation technology, structural elements with an angle other than 90° between them. Since energy methods can also be applied to the aerospace industry, when developing approaches to structural analysis using such methods, it will be useful to know how the energy system parameters, in particular the coupling loss factors, depend on the coupled angle.

The paper considered two configurations of the system: in the first, the beams connected at a right angle, in the second, at an angle of 45°. We calculate the coupling loss factors of the beams for both system configurations. Conclusions of this paper draw about the possibility of extending the result to more complex structures, namely the spacecraft structures.

Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2024;25(1):18-24
pages 18-24 views

Bending of composite timber

Senashov S.I., Savostyanova I.L., Yakhno A.N.


Technologies and production widely use composite materials now. “Mechanics of deformable solids” was formed as a science based on the study of materials used in the 19th and 20th centuries. Modern composite materials require new theoretical and experimental studies. Determining the stresses and deformations that occur at the points of contact of the matrix with the fibers is a special problem. Composites with a plastic matrix play an important role in modern technology. These materials successfully cope with cracking and significantly slow down the growth of cracks. In this article, the problem of the stress state of a composite beam with an elastic-plastic matrix and elastic fibers located along the axis of the beam is solved. It is assumed that in the zone of contact of the matrix with the fibers, according to the model of Yu. N. Worknov, a constant tangential stress is realized, less than the yield strength of the fiber. One end of the beam is fixed, and a constant force applied to the center of gravity coinciding with the origin of coordinates acts on the second. It is assumed that at the free boundary of the beam and at the points of contact of the beam with the fibers, the stresses reach the plasticity limit. The problem is solved with the help of conservation laws. This makes it possible to find the stress state at an arbitrary point of the section as a calculation of integrals along the outer boundary of the beam and the boundaries of the matrix and fibers.

Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2024;25(1):25-32
pages 25-32 views

Increasing the period of active use of on-board electronic equipment of spacecraft

Timofeev A.L., Sultanov A.K., Meshkov I.K., Gizatulin A.R.


For electronic equipment of space systems, and primarily memory devices, the task of protection from the effects of ionizing cosmic radiation and other external factors that distort stored and processed information is relevant. This paper proposes a holographic coding method that allows you to restore information in the event of a large number of errors. The method is based on recording into memory, instead of the original digital hologram data, a virtual digital object corresponding to a data block. The divisibility property of a hologram is used, which makes it possible to reconstruct a recorded data block from its fragment. The achieved level of noise immunity is determined by the size of the hologram. For an 8-bit data block, recording a 256-bit hologram provides information recovery if 75 % of the recorded hologram is lost. The developed decoder corrects a package of dependent (grouping) errors that distort all bits of the hologram. The number of random independent errors that the decoder corrects can be up to 40 % of the recorded information. The information storage system, resistant to ionizing radiation, is a memory array of increased capacity, taking into account the selected redundancy factor, and a memory controller that performs holographic encoding when recording information and decoding with automatic error correction when reading information. The operating algorithm of the controller itself can be implemented in the form of a programmable logic integrated circuit, or stored in a read-only memory device that is not affected by ionizing radiation.

Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2024;25(1):33-42
pages 33-42 views

Section 2. Aviation and Space Technology

Features of achievement of limiting speed values of track tests of ballistic type aircraft

Astakhov S.A.


The development of high-speed ballistic aircraft with speeds exceeding 1000 m/s is currently a priority abroad and in Russia. The effectiveness of new such products is confirmed by track tests at the speed of their use. Test sites with rail tracks exist in almost all countries, for example in the USA there are more than 15 of them. Double-rail, monorail and various combinations thereof, differing in length, width of the rail pair, rails and the design of the track itself, including a sealed shell over the rail track to fill it with a lighter one environment. The longest track in the USA is Holloman AFB, located in New Mexico with a length of 15536 m. They have track ranges with different lengths and their own special design in England, France, Germany, Canada, Italy, Japan, India, China, Korea, Turkey and other countries, including African continent. High-speed range tests in Russia are carried out on the experimental installation “Rocket Rail Track 2500”, located on the territory of the FKP “GkNIPAS named after L. K. Safronov”. The experimental installation consists of a rail track placed on a special base, providing the necessary vertical profile of the track with sections of ascent and straight horizontal movement, as well as a technological descent section for braking moving technological equipment. The product under test is placed on a rocket track sled moving along rails on sliding supports. To accelerate the track carriage, solid fuel rocket engines are used, the thrust of which is selected based on ballistic calculations to achieve the required test speed. The length of the track plays an important role in achieving the maximum acceleration speeds of moving track equipment. The enormous aerodynamic drag, proportional to the square of the speed of movement of the carriage, when tested at high speeds, leads to the need to reduce the midsection and mass of the mobile unit. An increase in engine thrust leads to an increase in the weight and cost of track equipment, as well as to the need to increase the safety margin of sliding supports. However, an increase in test speed can be achieved by replacing the air medium with gases that have a significantly lower density, for example, helium. Track testing of new aircraft or their elements, although cheaper than flight testing, is quite expensive. In this regard, work on the theoretical assessment of replacing the medium from ambient air with helium, as well as with a mixture of helium and air at different concentrations in an indoor gallery on a track rail track, is a new, relevant and practically useful task. The work performed a numerical simulation of the problem of supersonic flow around a helium-air mixture at different volumetric ratios. Numerical values of aerodynamic resistance were obtained at a sled speed of 830 m/s. The results of numerical calculations of the motion dynamics of a 3D model of monorail track equipment, which are planned for use in conducting full-scale fire experiments, are presented.

Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2024;25(1):44-55
pages 44-55 views

Verification of thermodynamic parameters of a mixture of generator gas on oxygen-hydrogen fuel with an excess of one of the fuel components

Belyakov V.A., Vasilevsky D.O., Maslov D.V., Kilyashov A.A., Romashko R.V.


Liquid gas generators (LGG) are additional firing units in the power system of liquid rocket engines (LPRE). The LGG ensure the operation of the power units of the turbopump unit (TPU) of the engine by feeding combustion products (CP) to the turbine drive.

The main criteria for the efficiency of the generator gas is the complex (RT)gg and the thermodynamic properties of the mixture, depending on temperature, pressure, the degree of excess of the oxidizer and the enthalpy of the fuel, attributed to the conditions of supply to the nozzles of the GG. Changing the parameters of the generator gas leads to a change in the turbine power parameters due to its effect on the adiabatic operation of the Lad turbine. Depending on the engine circuit under consideration, CP GG can perform work in other units and elements of the engine, as well as influence many parameters of the LPRE. Among the main ones can be noted:

  • the power of the booster gas turbine of the booster turbopump unit (BTPU) in the case of the selection of the generator gas after the GG or turbogas after the main turbine;
  • the temperature of heating the refrigerant in the heat exchanger introduced in the GG;
  • specific impulse of a liquid rocket propulsion system (LRPS), depending on the quantity and properties of the turbogas entering the exhaust pipe of the engine (for the engine circuit without afterburning the generator gas);
  • mixing in the combustion chamber (CC) due to afterburning of turbogas entering the engine chamber after the turbine (for the engine circuit with afterburning of generator gas);
  • parameters of the firing wall of the engine in the case of using a high-temperature gas curtain by blowing generator gas into the supersonic part of the nozzle.

For many pairs of fuel during combustion in GG, the nonequilibrium of combustion products is characteristic (especially in hydrocarbon fuels).Due to the fact that the combustion products (CP) during the combustion of an oxygen-hydrogen mixture, due to the simplicity of the reaction, have time to form while staying in the GG (i.e., the time of chemical equilibrium of the CP is less than or equal to the time of stay in the GG), their thermodynamic parameters can be reliably determined using programs that simulate chemical equilibrium reactions.

In this article, the issue of obtaining reliable results of thermodynamic calculations of generator gas at low and high coefficients of oxidant excess is investigated. Verification of parameters obtained in the programs “Astra” and “Rocket Propulsion Analysis” with calculated values was carried out. The most suitable program for performing engineering calculations and modeling the thermodynamics of liquid gas generators has been determined.

Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2024;25(1):56-67
pages 56-67 views

Study of the payload extraction trajectory heavy class carrier rocket

Bordachev V.A., Kolga V.V.


Relevance. As the weight and complexity of the payload that needs to be launched into orbit increases, the relevance of rational trajectory selection to ensure maximum efficiency and minimum costs for delivering the payload to a given orbit increases.

Rational choice of the trajectory of a heavy-class launch vehicle has a number of important practical applications. Firstly, it allows you to increase the payload capacity of the launch vehicle and reduce the cost of delivering payload to the target orbit. This is especially important in the context of the development of the space industry, when more and more companies and organizations are showing interest in launching their own satellites and other spacecraft in conditions of fierce economic competition. Choosing a rational trajectory for launching a payload into orbit will significantly reduce the cost of launches and make them available to a wider range of potential customers.

Secondly, the choice of launch vehicle trajectory parameters is important for ensuring safety and minimizing risks during spacecraft launches. Thanks to the rational choice of trajectory, it is possible to reduce adverse impacts on the environment and eliminate the possibility of emergency situations associated with loss of control over the flight of the launch vehicle.

Rational selection of launch vehicle trajectory parameters is a complex task that requires comprehensive research and consideration of various factors, such as aerodynamic parameters of the atmosphere, mass and characteristics of the payload (spacecraft), engine operating parameters, characteristics of the target orbit, features of the launch of the launch vehicle and many other factors. A more thorough and systematic study of the influence of these parameters will significantly improve the efficiency and reliability of launching spacecraft into orbit.

Thus, the choice of rational parameters for the launch vehicle trajectory is a relevant and important topic for scientific research. Increasing the rocket's payload capacity, reducing the cost of delivering a spacecraft to a given orbit, and ensuring launch safety are tasks that depend on the chosen shape and parameters of the rocket's trajectory. Such research has important practical significance and can become the basis for the development of new technologies and methods in the space industry.

The purpose of the study is to study and select rational parameters for the trajectory of a heavy-class launch vehicle when launching a payload. The main task is to determine the flight path parameters that will allow achieving maximum efficiency and accuracy in delivering the payload to a given orbit.

To achieve the goal of the study, an analysis of various factors influencing the launch parameters of the spacecraft is required, such as the structural and aerodynamic characteristics of the rocket, the influence of aerodynamic factors and the Earth’s gravitational field on the flight path. Taking these factors into account, numerical calculations were carried out on the basis of a system of differential equations of motion using a computer program created in the MAPLE software package. Based on calculations, modeling of the shape and parameters of the launch vehicle flight path was carried out.

Research results. During the study, the rational parameters of the trajectory of a heavy-class launch vehicle were selected. Calculations were carried out using numerical modeling of the parameters of payload launch trajectories, and an analysis of the resulting trajectories was carried out. Minimizing the rocket's flight time was identified as the main criterion for the rational choice of trajectory, which allows increasing launch efficiency and saving energy resources. An increase in payload mass and minimization of fuel consumption were adopted as additional criteria.

Conclusion. The procedure for choosing rational parameters for the trajectory of a heavy-class launch vehicle proposed in this work will improve the delivery accuracy and reliability of spacecraft launches at the stage of ballistic analysis when designing rockets. The results of the study have practical significance for the development of future heavy-duty launch vehicle missions and improving the efficiency of space launches.

Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2024;25(1):68-84
pages 68-84 views

Issues of ensuring the resistance of high-voltage solar arrays of spacecraft to the effects of secondary arc discharges

Valiullin V.V., Kochura S.G., Maximov I.A., Nadiradze A.B.


We have considered the issues of ensuring the resistance of high-voltage solar battery (SB) of spacecraft to the effects of secondary arc discharges. Research in this area has been going on for more than 50 years, but the answer to all the questions has not yet been found. First of all, this is due to the complexity of the electrophysical processes occurring on the surface of the spacecraft in space and in laboratory conditions. The second reason is the random nature of secondary vacuum arc discharges, which requires the use of special test methods to confirm the effectiveness and reliability of selected design and technological solutions. Tests in conditions close to full-scale conditions do not allow us to solve this problem. We have given a retrospective review of publications on the physical features of secondary arcs arising on SB of spacecraft, the mechanisms of their initiation, experimental research and testing methods. We paid considerable attention to the issues of the occurrence of secondary arc discharges SB of the spacecraft in the conditions of ionospheric plasma and plasma generated by electric propulsion thrusters. We have shown that despite the large amount of accumulated data and knowledge, the transition from low-voltage SB to high-voltage SB remains a difficult scientific and technical problem, which requires additional research to solve. In addition, it is already necessary to start training personnel who possess a wide range of knowledge and are able to work on this topic. To do this, it seems advisable to organize sectoral research, as well as the allocation of targeted funds for the training of highly qualified specialists and their independent research. This approach will make it possible to solve the problem of creating high-voltage SB in the shortest possible time and prepare personnel for the development of this technology.

Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2024;25(1):85-105
pages 85-105 views

Parameters of rocket engine chambers, obtained by selective laser fusion

Zhuravlev V.Y., Manokhina E.S., Shinkarev M.A.


When designing and testing a low-thrust rocket engine (SLME), one of the most important tasks is to ensure the quality of materials, which, in turn, affects the reliability of the product. Currently, additive technologies for manufacturing parts from metals are actively developing. This direction is relevant for rocket and space technology products to reduce weight and increase the reliability of products. The article presents the results of studies of the chemical composition and mechanical characteristics of the material of the low-thrust rocket engine demonstrator chamber, manufactured by selective laser fusion from metal powder. The properties of products made from Inconel 718 metal powder were studied. Samples were made and the chemical, mechanical and structural characteristics of the material were studied. Based on the test results, two RDMT samples were printed. RDMT chambers were tested for vibration loads, strength and tightness. Increased porosity and roughness of the test material of the engine chamber were noted. When analyzing a number of parameters of the selective laser fusion technology, an experimental selection of printing parameters was carried out and the most significant factors affecting the print quality (surface roughness and porosity) were identified. Based on the results of the work carried out, four groups of controlled printing parameters were identified that affect the properties of the resulting material. The work also provides recommendations on printing modes and characteristics to obtain the highest quality parts.

Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2024;25(1):106-114
pages 106-114 views

Prospects for the development of charger-discharge devices of spacecraft power supply systems

Krasnobaev Y.V.


Power supply system (PSS) is designed to ensure uninterrupted autonomous power supply of on-board equipment in all modes and at all stages during the active life of spacecraft. Lots of PSS makes up a significant proportion of the mass spacecraft and improvement of specific energy characteristics PSS this leads to a synergistic effect when the mass and energy consumption resources available for the payload are simultaneously increased, which increases efficiency of spacecraft generally.

The article considers the evolution of structural and circuit solutions for PSS spacecraft, its energy-converting equipment and the effect of these changes on energy-mass characteristics PSS. It is shown that a significant effect on energy and mass characteristics PSS provide structural and circuit design solutions for charger and discharge devices of energy-converting equipment and the choice of voltage value accumulator batteries (AB).

The development of the element base, the creation of programmable digital devices capable of functioning under the influence of space factors and the emergence of new circuit design and management solutions for pulse converters that have occurred in the last decade opens up new opportunities for improvement of the PSS of spacecraft.

In the article as a charger and discharge device PSS reviewed pulse voltage converter (PVC) with a new modulation strategy, with the ability to reverse the flow of energy and the ability to work in a step-up mode with high efficiency. Its application as a single charger-discharge device (CDD) allows for a significant improvement in performance CDD and PSS in general, such as efficiency, energy mass, reliability and a number of others.

Ability PVC to reverse the flow of energy and the possibility of working in a step-up mode opens up the possibility to abandon the use of AB with a voltage lower than the voltage at the main output PSS and switch to using AB with an average discharge voltage close to the voltage at the main output PSS. Such a structural and circuit design solution CDD and AB will allow you to increase efficiency of CDD up to 99 % and additionally improve energy and mass characteristics PSS.

Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2024;25(1):115-125
pages 115-125 views

Power engineering of the tangential supply device of the microturbine of the thermal control system of a promising spacecraft

Shevchenko Y.N., Kishkin A.A., Zuev A.A., Delkov A.V.


This paper presents an overview of the current technical problem related to two-phase spacecraft thermal control systems and possible technical applications of thermal energy recovery in the organic Rankine cycle as an integral part of thermal management systems. The design solution involves the integration of a steam microturbine behind an evaporator radiator. The microturbine is a tangential supply device and a radially centripetal impeller of low speed nst<40. In this area, there is no reliable data on the design and energy of both the supply device and the impeller. The energy (loss of enthalpy) of the supply device mainly determines the transport of the swirling flow to the impeller and, as a result, the circumferential operation on the turbine. A prototype of a radial microturbine has been developed and presented in order to evaluate the design of the flow part of both the supply device and the impeller. As a result of the analysis, the main determining hydrodynamic areas necessary for hydrodynamic analysis and mathematical elaboration of the flow calculation algorithm with an assessment of energy losses are identified: the flow of a swirling flow of a radial-annular slit; axial-annular slit and tangential supply device. The first two algorithms assume computational modeling, the model of energy losses in a tangential supply device is not amenable to analytical modeling because it includes a sequence (or compatibility) of flows under boundary conditions defined as “local resistances”: the sudden expansion, reversal of the flow, together with a section of radially circumferential flow, the mutual influence of these boundary conditions assumes only an expe rimental assessment of energy losses in a tangential supply device through the loss coefficient of local resistance in the range of changes in geometric and operating parameters.

As a result of experimental studies, a database has been proposed on the loss coefficient of tangential microturbine supply devices in the field of the practical range of the existence of operating and design parameters.

Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2024;25(1):126-142
pages 126-142 views

Section 3. Technological Processes and Materials

Mathematical modeling of the flat ingot casting process or solving automation problems

Novikov V.A., Piskazhova T.V., Doncova T.V., Belolipetskii V.M.


Aluminum alloys are widely used in the production of aircraft due to their strength, lightness, corrosion resistance, and necessary electrical conductivity. At the same time, aluminum ingots used in further processing of the space industry must be of high quality. Technological problems and defects arise when temperature, speed, and other technological parameters of casting are not observed, or when modes change. At the same time, foundry processes are partially automated; the human factor significantly affects product quality and work safety. Therefore, automation of these complex processes using mathematical models to predict casting parameters is an urgent task.

The goal of the work is to create mathematical models available for use in automated process control systems (APCS), as well as for the development of a digital twin.

The work presents simplified formulas for modeling the temperature distribution of an aluminum ingot during the casting process, cooling the metal when moving along a metal path, and test calculations of the temperature distribution inside the ingot when the ingot reaches a fixed length.

The results of this work can be used to improve the efficiency and accuracy of controlling the process of casting aluminum ingots, to eliminate emergency situations.

Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2024;25(1):144-156
pages 144-156 views

Magnetic capacity in manganese sulfides with rare earth substitution Mn1–xRexS

Kharkov A.M., Bandurina O.N., Aplesnin S.S., Voronova E.G.


Polycrystalline samples Mn1–xGdxS and Mn1–xYbxS with a concentration x = 0.2, near the concentration of ion flow through the fcc lattice, are studied in order to determine fluctuations in the valence of the ytterbium ion on dielectric properties. Dielectric constant and dielectric losses were determined from measurements of capacitance and loss tangent in the frequency range 102–106 Hz at temperatures of 80–500 K without a magnetic field and in a magnetic field. The magnetic capacity and dielectric losses in the magnetic field of the sample were determined from the relative change in the real and imaginary parts of the dielectric constant of the sample in a magnetic field H = 12 kOe applied parallel to the capacitor plates. A temperature range with a sharp increase in dielectric constant and with a maximum dielectric loss has been discovered, which shifts with increasing frequency and magnetic field. An increase in dielectric constant and dielectric losses in a magnetic field above 170 K was found in Mn1-xYbxS. The increase in dielectric losses is explained by an increase in relaxation time, as a result of local deformations near ytterbium ions during valence fluctuations. The mechanism for reducing reactance in a magnetic field in Mn1–xYbxS at low frequencies due to capacitance, and at high frequencies due to inductance, has been determined. In the Mn0.8Gd0.2S compound, the imaginary part of the dielectric constant has two maxima. The low-temperature maximum shifts in a magnetic field towards high temperatures and is described in the model of localized electrons with freezing of dipole moments. Dielectric losses decrease in a magnetic field. The magnetic capacity decreases by an order of magnitude in Mn0.8Gd0.2S compared to Mn0.8Yb0.2S. The dielectric constant in both compounds is described in the Debye model with the activation dependence of the relaxation time on temperature, where the activation energies differ for ytterbium and gadolinium ions.

Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2024;25(1):157-166
pages 157-166 views

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