Volume 15, Nº 4 (2014)


pages 9-14 views

Determination of the trajectory of motion of celestial bodies in the Earth's atmosphere

Bondarenko J., Medvedev Y.


The authors have developed and realized the method, allowing to determine the trajectory of motion of celestial bodies in the Earth ’s atmosphere, to determine the parameters of heliocentric orbit of celestial bodies prior to its entry into the atmosphere, as well as to estimate major factors of damage due the blast wave. The method researches several scenarios due to the passage of the object in the Earth’s atmosphere. In case the object passed through the atmosphere, without colliding with the Earth, the moments of an entrance and exit of a body from the Earth’s atmosphere are determined. The object can collide with the Earth without breakup. In this case, the differential equations are integrated until the celestial body reaches the Earth’s surface. It was assumed that the object burns in the atmosphere, if its radius becomes less than 1 cm. The case when object breaks up during the motion and only the fragments reach the Earth’s surface was considered separately. The developed method has been implemented in the software package. One of the advantages of the package is the ability to save the results of calculations in the .kml format, allowing to display threedimensional geospatial data in the “Google Earth” as well as two-dimensional data in “Google” maps. In our case these data are the flight trajectory and its projection to the Earth’s surface, the places of meteorite break up and air burst, the impact areas of the fragments, the overpressure areas due the blast wave, as well as other useful information. Using this method the motion of Chelyabinsk and 2008 TC3 meteorites were simulated. It was shown that heliocentric orbital elements of the Chelyabinsk and 2008 TC3 meteorites before entering the Earth ’s atmosphere calculated using the developed software are close to the parameters obtained by other authors, the trajectory parameters are in good agreement with the initial data within their accuracy. Estimated impact areas of meteorites fragments are only in few kilometers from the recovered one. The overpressure areas due the blast wave in case of “Chelyabinsk” meteorite coincide with the real data.
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2014;15(4):16-24
pages 16-24 views

The research of effective thermal conductivity coefficient effect on the temperature field of reflector

Burova O., Romankov E., Tsivilev I., Minakov A.


Contemporary satellite communications require the large-dimensioned antennas with high precision of the reflecting surface. They shall be light, robust and temperature resistant. The unevenness of the temperature field in an antenna can result in the temperature deformations of the reflecting surface and deterioration of the transmitted signal. The temperature influence on antennas and reflectors shall be determined during the design phase. This research examines the reflector accommodated on the telecommunication satellite which operates on the geostationary orbit. The reflector is a three-ply sandwich panel which consists of two skins and a honeycomb core. The heat-transfer properties of the reflector sandwich panel as well as carbon fiber composites and honeycomb core can vary significantly. For the purpose of the most accurate calculations during the temperature analysis phase an engineer has to find the anisotropic thermal conductivity coefficient of the carbon fiber composites and honeycomb core by applying the mathematical simulation. The heat-transfer properties of such materials are often unknown during the temperature analysis phase. The necessity to determine the properties of the reflector materials is confirmed by performed calculations. The basic equations for thermal equilibrium of the spacecraft and its components were reviewed. The thermal mathematical model was developed for the reflector with overall dimensions of 3.6 m x 2 m. The estimate of the reflector materials conductivity and heat-transfer coefficient effect on the maximum and minimum diurnal temperatures and maximum temperature difference was made. The significant influence of the conductivity and heat-transfer coefficients on temperature difference in the reflector was shown.
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2014;15(4):25-32
pages 25-32 views

Near-earth asteroids population

Galushina T.


The paper deals with the survey of Near-Earth asteroids population (objects perihelion distance of which is not more than 1,3 AU). It is known over than 11 thousands such objects in present time. 863 of them are larger than 1 km, i. e. they can provoke global catastrophe in case of impact with the Earth. The falling of asteroid which size from 100 m to 1 km can lead regional catastrophe. If the size of asteroid is less than 100 m, it will be local catastrophe as in Chelyabinsk in 2013. As consistent with modern estimations we know almost all large asteroids (more than 1 km) in current time, but percent of discovered asteroid decreases with reduction of sizes. A separate class includes 1500 potentially hazardous asteroids; about 10 % of them have size more than 1 km. The orbits of the NEAs are very diverse: semi-major axes are located in the range of 0,55 to 66,1 AU, eccentricities are from 0,0032 to 0,9855, and the inclinations of the orbit to the ecliptic plane are from 0,021 to 154 ° However only 1678 are numbered, i. e. have good determined orbits. The paper contains distribution diagrams of NEAs by semimajor axis, eccentricity, inclination and absolute magnitude. Asteroids are divided into classes of Aten, Apollo, Amur and Atira by orbit types. These classes are named after names of its typical representatives. In the paper special attention is paid to the objects which pass through gravity sphere of the Earth in next 185 years. The radius of the gravity sphere is 254316 km. The initial data have been taken from Bowell catalog on epoch 31.09.2014. 39 such asteroids have been revealed, four from them (153814 2001 WN5, 99942 Apophis, 2007 YV56 и 2011 JA) are potentially hazardous.
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2014;15(4):33-40
pages 33-40 views

The detection of network intrusion by evolutionary immune algorithm with clonal selection

Zhukov V., Salamatova T.


In the paper the application of artificial immune systems as a heuristic detection method for algorithmic information security incidents of intrusion detection systems is proposed. A theory of clonal selection has been selected from the existing computational models of artificial immune systems with the necessary features for building adaptive intrusion detection systems. The efficiency of clonal selection algorithm is increased forming high affinity detectors) by modification of clonal selection algorithm by applying an external structure optimization, which principle is based on the application of the evolutionary algorithm strategy. For affinity calculation in work the metrics “coordination percent” is used. Additionally, in the paper the pseudorandom numbers generator on the basis of Blum-Blum-Shub’s algorithm is applied. The empirical results of the evolutionary immune clonal selection algorithm effectiveness have been received by testing on a set of test data according to the procedure of research. Comparative analysis with similar efficiency of the developed evolutionary immune clonal selection algorithm, constructed on the other methods of artificial intelligence, is performed. Conclusions on the efficiency of application of the evolutionary immune clonal selection algorithm selection at the solution of a problem of deliberate changes detection on a controlled data are formulated according to the results of the research.
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2014;15(4):41-47
pages 41-47 views

Iterative calculation of tribo-contact between a roller and a plate

Ivanov V., Erkaev N.


This article deals with the problem of the hydrodynamic contact of a roller with finite size elastic plate. The lubricant viscosity coefficient is assumed to be a function of the pressure. Generally, this problem requires joined solution of the 2-D hydrodynamic Reynolds’ equations and 3-D equations of solid mechanics. Our approach allows one to decouple the task of solid mechanics from the hydrodynamic task. At the first step, we solve the task of solid mechanics and find the compliance matrix, which establishes a functional relationship between surface deflections and pressure distributions along the lubricant layer. Determined ones, this matrix can be used for any pressure distributions along the lubrication layer. At the second step, we implement the obtained compliance matrix for solving the hydrodynamic problem. To find the compliance matrices, we apply the well known ANSYS package based on the finite element method, and also the Fourier series expansion. For suppressing the numerical noise-like small scaled oscillations we introduce regularization factors for the Fourier coefficients. The determined compliance matrices are used for self-consistent calculation of the pressure and surface deflections by the proposed iterative scheme. The particular results of calculations of pressure distributions and surface deformations are presented for different loadings. Fast convergence of the iterations is shown. Number of iterations depends on the loading conditions: An enhancement of the maximal contact pressure leads to increase of the number of the required iteration cycles.
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2014;15(4):48-54
pages 48-54 views

Problem of electronic components classifying

Kazakovtsev L., Orlov V., Stupina A., Masich I.


Forming the on-board equipment of the space systems with fail-tolerant electronic devices is one of the most important problems of the modern space industry. The first issue is to supply the space industry companies with fake and low-quality production which does not correspond to the reliability requirements. In this paper, authors consider the problem of improving quality of national production of electronic devices. In production of electronic units, using the electronic devices with equal values of characteristics is preferable. The equality of the characteristics is reached if a production lot of the electronic devices consists of devices produced as a single production batch. In the case when the production conditions are unknown, the only way of checking if the whole lot belongs to a single production batch and improving quality of electronic unit and the whole system is complex testing of the whole lot. This problem is the most actual and important for construction of electronic units of the space systems. The spacecraft contains approximately 100000-200000 electronic devices such as electronic chips, transistors, diodes, capacitors, relays, resistors etc. On-board equipment in the space cannot be repaired. Thus, the reliability of such equipment must be maximal. Required reliability level can be reached via many various factors. One of the most important factors is to use the hireliability electronic devices. In this article, authors propose a problem statement of learning the quantity of the production batches in a lot of the devices. This problem is solved as series of cluster analysis problems by special genetic algorithm.
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2014;15(4):55-61
pages 55-61 views

Problems of software implementation of multiversioned views runtime of algorithms for data processing in control systems

Kovalev I.


The problem of software implementation multiversioned views runtime data processing algorithms in information and control systems is discussed. The possibility of using existing multiversioned views models to improve the reliability of the software (SOFTWARE) for implementing the runtime of algorithms for data processing in control systems is shown. The determining element of multiversioned views of the system unit is a decision about the correctness or incorrectness of States multiverse. This unit shares the results (outputs) of multiple software versions on the “correct” and “incorrect”. There are several methods of such separation. The most common of them are based on the classification outputs. The most promising of these techniques are voted by an absolute majority vote agreed upon by the majority, and fuzzy voting agreed upon by the majority. In the framework of suggested improvements to these techniques, namely, weighted voting agreed upon by the majority and fuzzy weighted voting agreed upon by the majority. Methods of this group are based on the comparison of the outputs of multiverse and placing identical of them in the same classes (subsets). However, in cases where calculations are not performed with integers, the determination of the identity of outputs is difficult. To resolve this problem, the notion of value equality: we will say that two numbers are equal if they differ by less than some acceptable deviation. These ratios do not require the properties of transitivity. In other words, if it is known that |a b| < ε and |b-c| < ε, then it does not follow that |a-c| < ε, where a, b and c is some number. A potential problem of the methods of this group is possible misclassification of outputs and, as a consequence of a wrong decision that, ultimately, can lead to failure of the control system. Thus, the problem of the software implementation of SMVI algorithms of information processing in control systems is the development of software tools to unify the application of multiversioned views of the approach to different software systems. This approach, unlike the present, allows you to execute the modules are not only using the methodology multiversioned views programming, but also using other common multiversioned views models: recovering blocks, agreed recovering blocks, t/(n-1)-version programming multiversioned views and programming self-test.
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2014;15(4):62-73
pages 62-73 views

Program-algorithmic electrical drawing complex design

Kozlov A., Koblov N.


The main issues of development of program-algorithmic design complex electrical drawings in the instrument are reviewed. The urgency of its application for reducing the complexity of the development, quality improvement of the design documentation, prevention discrepancies between the connection table, a table of contacts and pictures, layout wiring harness are shown. The key principles of the software structure are mentioned. The software main modules are shown, which can solve the following problems: electrical schema CAD file data import; export design data in text or binary CAD file format; input data checking and verification; design data storing; data state information reports forming; design and electrical schema data synchronization in order to form change notice reports; design data visualization; wire trace routing, wire thread cross section and diameter calculations. An algorithm for determining states of circuits circuitry based on the Boost Graph Library is proposed, which is formed of the breadth-first search on a graph algorithm. The generalized scheme of software and algorithmic complex, the main characteristics needed for solving the problem of designing wiring harness are given. The possibility of using a component library for Qt GUI interface development software package is shown. The software for the automatic modeling of assembly and switching space is developed. Software features: CAD-independent input, storage, graphical display of circuitry data; input data control; automated receiving of connections tables and electrical circuit contacts; interactive and automatic wiring harness; mapping of the diameter, length and number of wires at any point of the routed harness segment; reporting on data structures current state; wiring drawings export.
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2014;15(4):74-80
pages 74-80 views

Signals conversion systems of VLBI “QUASAR” network

Marshalov D., Nosov E., Fedotov L.


The paper is devoted to modern signals conversion systems which are used in radio interferometric “Quasar " network. The relations between coordinate-time measurements accuracy and system signal conversion parameters are showed. The structure, basic principles and performance of the regular system R1002M, which is developed in IAA RAS, with data stream 2 Gbit/s are considered. The 16-th channels system R1002M works in intermediate frequency range 0,1-1 GHz, and provides acquisition up to 2 Gbits/s data rate in widespread format VSI-H. Since 2011 the systems R1002M working on “Quasar " network radio telescopes as regular equipment, and are used in all VLBI observations carried out by domestic and foreign programs, including the trajectory measurements of spacecraft. The analysis of the operation results of R1002M are presented for last few years. The positive effect of replacing of foreign systems on the R1002M’s are showed. Its due to the reduction of radio interferometer instrumental sensitivity losses, improvement of linearity and stability of the channels phase characteristics by using digital signal processing. To equip new radio telescopes with small antennas (12-13 m) diameter the new broadband acquisition system (BRAS) was developed. It is designed for accommodation directly on the antenna, which allows to refuse high frequency feeders and transmit digital date streams through optical fiber by 10G Ethernet interface. The system is constructed by a modular design and consists of eight identical digital signal conversion channels, working in intermediate frequency range of 11,5 GHz with 512 MHz bandwidth. It provides formation of information data flow in the VDIF international format with a total data stream up to 16 Gbit/s. The structure, element base, description of the system, comparison with foreign analogues and also the results of development type BRAS testing on existing radio telescopes are given. Tests confirmed the high parameters of the developed system that allows you to significantly increase the sensitivity of the radio interferometer and increase the number of available observations for cosmic radio sources.
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2014;15(4):81-87
pages 81-87 views

Measurement of height and moisture of an agricultural vegetation using GPS/GLONASS receiver

Mironov V., Mikhaylov M., Muzalevskiy K., Sorokin A., Fomin S., Karavayskiy A.


In this paper, possibility of measuring of moisture and heights of vegetation at agricultural fields using receiver of global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) signals is theoretically and experimentally studied. Measurement of GNSS interference pattern (interferogram) was held in August 2013 at suburb of Krasnoyarsk on agricultural fields planted with rape, rye, wheat and barley. Signals of GLONASS and GPS were recorded on a standard receiver MRK-32P (“Radiosvayz”, Krasnoyarsk). Measurements of texture, bulk density and volumetric moisture of soil at the depth of 5 cm and 10 cm, height, volumetric moisture and bulk density of the vegetation were carried out synchronously with the measurement of interferograms. In addition, the dielectric measurements of rye were carried out based on which dielectric model was built, that is allowed to calculate the complex permittivity of vegetation, depending on its volumetric moisture content. The method of retrieving of volumetric moisture and heights of vegetation is based on solving the inverse problem by minimizing the norm of the residual between the measured and theoretically calculated interferogram. The theoretical model of interferogram takes into account only the coherent component of field of reflected wave from the rough soil surface covered with a vegetation. At the same time, the volumetric moisture and texture of soil were assumed as known parameters. As a result, a good agreement between measured and calculated interferograms was shown. Retrieved vegetation heights and moisture on the test plots with an average error of 0.17 m and 0.21 kg/m 2 corresponds to values, which are measured by the contact method.
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2014;15(4):88-97
pages 88-97 views

The method of hardware mutation for debugging complex onboard spacecrafts equipment

Nedorezov D., Khabarov V., Abramov E., Oshchepkova D.


The solution to the problem of increasing the quality of ground tests of spacecrafts onboard radio-electronic equipment is proposed. The solution is based on the use of the author's technique of mutation testing for ground tests. It is based on the simulation of the process of functioning hardware and software under the influence of space factors. The results of the development of this technique and examples of its applying for ground tests of spacecrafts onboard radio-electronic equipment are presented. The proposed approach is based on the use in composition of emulators reconfigurable FPGA. It allows to go to a new quality of ground tests. Application of high-speed FPGA in test equipment allows to achieve a desired speed of functioning and degree of reconfigurability. It allows to simulate functioning of the hardware modules in actual operating conditions. Imitation occurs by introducing the mutation operators in the description of the functional units of the equipment. An algorithm for ground tests and basic stages of testing, which including the process of formalizing the behavior of channels I/O device at each fault is developed. In the framework of the developed technique, in addition to equipment, the mutations are exposed onboard software of embedded microprocessor systems. Laboratory debugging complex for the application of this method is implemented and put into commercial operation. The results of the development of this debugging complex, methods and ways of it applying in special testing of radio-electronic equipment are presented. The results of testing of the laboratory debugging complex and general ways of introduced approach advance are specified.
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2014;15(4):98-101
pages 98-101 views

Annex of the variation and differential method for calculation of the longitudinally cross bend of plates by inertia forces

Sabirov R.


The variation and differential method of calculation of stability of thin plates on the inertial loadings operating in the basic plane is developed. The regional task is given to the generalized problem of own numbers. Thus matrixes are formed: the first, a rigidity matrix - is based on the biharmonic equation of S. Germaine, and the second matrix, represents changes of the internal tension or internal efforts arising in a plate. The annex of a method of final differences to a differential problem definition shows the following. The rigidity matrix always symmetric is also positively defined for the fixed plate. The second matrix to - a matrix of internal efforts at approximation of derivative functions with application of the central differences, from actions of forces of inertia is formed asymmetrical rather main diagonal, also lines of this matrix - such is feature of inertial loadings can also degenerate. Despite possibility of formation of systems of the equations certain difficulties if the plate has free edges arise by method of final differences of big dimensions; it is necessary to exclude the second row the zakonturnykh of knots of a grid that complicates procedure of calculations, especially in corners of a plate, external and internal. Therefore transition from the differential formulation of a task to the integrated formulation with sampling by a variation and differential method is executed. At this approach, when forming a matrix of rigidity at free edges there is no second row the zakonturnykh of knots, in corners there are no additional knots of a grid; - the matrix of internal efforts is always symmetric, such is feature of the appendix of integrated approach. The matrix of internal efforts can be badly caused, however this factor doesn’t influence the solution of a problem of definition of own numbers. The set of theoretical researches and solutions of practical problems of calculation of stability of designs, including by calculation of a longitudinally cross bend of thin plates is given in literature. However, in a bigger measure, these tasks have positively certain operators. There is a certain search and research operation of application of a variation and differential method to calculation of stability of designs on various loadings is performed. The differential formulation of a regional task is transformed to the variation formulation; criteria of stability are given and issues of approximation of differential operators for a discrete task with final number of variables are resolved. The algorithms are developed for mathematical Maple system and programs of calculation are made. Two examples of calculation of plates are given. The plate which is rigidly fixed on all parties is considered; operating forces of inertia change under the linear law. Also the plate which is rigidly fixed on one party, and on three other parties is considered - the plate is free from fixing. Values of critical accelerations are received. The purpose of the work is to develop the method of calculation of plates on inertial loadings.
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2014;15(4):102-110
pages 102-110 views

The estimation of the motion model errors influence on precision of the building of confidence region for near-earth asteroids

Sambarov G., Syusina O.


This paper deals with the method of accuracy estimation of using of asteroid motion models by comparing the size of confidence regions and offset of least square estimation of their nominal orbits determined for models of varying degrees of completeness. Comparing of perturbing forces models and selection of the best models in the task of constructing regions of object possible motions are based on indicator that has geometrically clear and simple form. If the value of this index is less than a certain threshold value, it is supposed that the offset of least square estimation can be considered as small compared to the size of confidence regions and exclusion of some factors has a negligible effect. In this study, the motion model has included gravitational perturbations from the principal planets, the Moon, Pluto, oblateness of Earth and relativistic effects from the Sun. The linear and nonlinear methods of presenting of confidence region by its boundary surface are also investigated. Investigation of the Newton’s iteration method, which has used for mapping points in non-linear case, has been made. The estimates of the influence of the motion model errors on the accuracy of constructing confidence regions are provided on the example of near Earth asteroids 2011 MD and 1998 QE2. The paper states that no complete account of the disturbing forces and inexact representation of the observations may lead to unreliable determination of confidence region for small bodies’ motion.
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2014;15(4):111-118
pages 111-118 views

Development of an informatiom system for determination of elastic-plastic boundary of rods of rolled profiles

Senashov S., Kondrin A.


An information system for determination of elastic-plastic boundary of rods of rolled profiles was developed. Rods of rolled profiles are widely used in mechanical engineering and in the space industry specifically. There were no analytical methods that allow determining the elastic-plastic boundary of torsion rod until recently. Numerous experiments were necessary to determine the boundaries of the rods for different profiles for different torsional moments. The authors derived analytical expressions allowing to calculate the elastic-plastic boundary of rods of rolled profiles whose profile is limited by piecewise smooth curves. These formulas are given in this article. Computer programs are written based on the derived analytical expressions and the certificates of state registration of software are obtained. An information system for determination of elastic-plastic boundary of rods of rolled profiles was developed based on these computer programs. Use of the information system will reduce the time of the survey; increase the accuracy and reliability of the results. There is no need in expensive equipment for determination of elastic-plastic boundary of rods of rolled profiles due to information system. An information system for determination of elastic-plastic boundary of rods of rolled profiles on the platform of Google App Engine in Python has been developed. An open library of symbolic computation SymPy was used in the development of information system.
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2014;15(4):119-125
pages 119-125 views

Passage of special sites of the orbit by the navigating space vehicle of system GLONASS

Fateev A., Emelyanov D., Tentilov U., Ovchinnikov A.


The logic of passage of special sites of an orbit of navigating space vehicle GLONASS, namely passage of large and small corners the Sun-object-earth is described. The expediency of fulfillment of an anticipatory turn is considered by the space vehicle at passage of large and small corners the Sun-object-earth. The question of minimization of influence of forces of solar pressure upon the centre of weights of the space vehicle is considered at passage of large corners the Sun-object-earth. Also the question of minimization of an error of definition of the phase centre of the aerial concerning is solar-terrestrial co-ordinate system is considered at passage of special sites of an orbit on board and in consumer equipment. Algorithms of passage of an anticipatory turn which are put aboard the space vehicle and in consumer equipment are developed for the solution of this points in question. The algorithm put aboard, allows by means of devices of orientation and executive powers to trace reference value of a course corner on all site of an anticipatory turn. Algorithm, are put in consumer equipment, calculates reference value of a course corner for all site of carrying out of an anticipatory turn. The algorithm which for 10 minutes prior to the beginning of an anticipatory turn predicts time of the beginning and the termination of an anticipatory turn is developed, calculates duration of an anticipatory turn, and also the initial data necessary for carrying out of an anticipatory turn. Also the algorithm which for 50 seconds prior to the beginning of an anticipatory turn updates the beginnings predicted time and the turn terminations, and also the initial data necessary for carrying out of an anticipatory turn is developed. One more algorithm allowing on current value of a course corner to calculate the correction to co-ordinates of the phase centre of the aerial is developed for consumer equipment. The developed algorithms allow to reduce an error of a co-ordinates setting of the consumer at passage by the space vehicle of special sites of an orbit.
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2014;15(4):126-131
pages 126-131 views

Method and system of error injection for testing the fault tolerance processor on-the board control system of spacecraft

Chekmaryov S.


Error injection method for testing onboard processors’ fault-tolerance is proposed. It is based on the modification of the on-chip debugging method which uses the test port of the processor. Unlike the basic method, error injection is made by a built-in hardware error injector rather than by an external computer. An error injection system architecture is developed for the proposed method. Using the processor test port injection module can read the data with the required address in the internal memory; inject errors by inverting the required bit; write back data with injected errors by the initial address. An implementation example of the proposed system is demonstrated. The procedure of injecting and correcting a single failure in the processor on-chip memory is described. It is shown that the proposed method does not introduce much excessiveness in the core architecture of the processor. As a result of experiments about 90 % of injected errors were detected and at least 92 % of them were corrected. Implementation of the hardware injector provides greater autonomy and realistic testing of the processor’s fault-tolerance.
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2014;15(4):132-138
pages 132-138 views

Backgrounds and trends of all-electric propulsion geostationary satellites creation

Vnukov A., Rvacheva E.


Due to the increasing of demand for spaceсrafts, capable, at a relatively low launch mass, being injected into geostationary orbit by the launch vehicles is not equipped with apogee upper stage, as well as due to the trend of using middle class launch vehicles for the group launch of geostationary satellites, spacecraft manufacturers worldwide seek capabilities for reducing of fuel reserves for apogee maneuver, replacing the usual two-component chemical engines by the electric thrusters or combining them. However, the proposed schemes of all-electric propulsion systems have obvious disadvantages, due to the need of finding a compromise between the high power consumption of electrostatic or electromagnetic thrusters and low specific impulse resistojets, as well as the difficulties associated with the long-term presence in the area of Van-Allen radiation belts during his transfer to the operational orbit using electric thrusters, which negatively affects its reliability and degrades the mass efficiency of spacecraft equipment. In this paper the authors consider a different concept of all-electric propulsion platforms for spacecraft in geostationary orbit and provides a comparative analysis of these concepts with the existing combination shemes used for spacecrafts of JSC “Academician M.F. Reshetnev “Information Satellite Systems". Competitive advantage of the combined system of jet propulsion produced by JSC «ISS» over the prospective all-electric propulsion systems is justified. However, due to the impossibility to use for launching satellites with a JSC «ISS»’s combined propulsion system into geostationary orbit using foreign launch vehicles not equipped with apogee upper stage, there is a need to apply as part of the spacecraft apogee engine that capable of providing increase of the transfer orbit perigee to an altitude preventing from the spacecraft presence in the area of Van-Allen radiation belts. The feasible mass performances of a middle-class satellite with hybrid orbit transfer propulsion system and compatible with foreign launchers are assigned. The main trends of all-electric propulsion systems development, associated primarily with the transfer scheme, used by different spacecrafts for injection in geostationary orbit are specified.
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2014;15(4):140-146
pages 140-146 views

Container for transportation of the nuclear energy installation of a space vehicle

Dvirnyi V., Dvirnyi G., Krushenko G.


Nowadays the main power supply sources of artificial space satellites of the Earth and space vehicles (SV) are solar batteries (SB). However it is a source of power with nonlinear and unsteady internal resistance. Besides, their characteristics are to a great extent changed in operational process - SB generate maximum energy coming out of shadow of the Earth which decreases with battery warming-up. Further SB degrade by the influence of space ionizing radiation. At that there are also the difficulties with opening and supplying the demanded orientation. The most effective and stable source of energy can be the nuclear installations JNI). However the most important condition for their use is supplying of radiation safety by the storage at factory conditions and transportation wherefore a transporting container is used. The original construction of the container for NI SV, the most important element of which is a metallic rubber shock-absorber that is a metallic composite consisted of metallic spiral pressed into rubber, is presented in the article. Its destination is in a decreasing of a vibration amplitude that prevents the container from damages during transportation. The nanopowder of carbon was previously introduced into rubber for increasing the physical-mechanical and operational characteristics of shock-absorber.
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2014;15(4):147-153
pages 147-153 views

Comparison of direct and reverse cycle of the thermal control system for the non-hermetic spacecrafts

Delkov A., Hodenkov A., Shevchenko Y.


This paper covers the problem of mathematical modeling of two-phase closed thermal control systems, working on the direct and reverse cycles. Such systems are characterized by high productivity due to the magnitude of the latent heat of the vaporization (evaporation) of the working fluid, and are promising due to the current trends of increasing size and available power of spacecrafts. Mathematical modeling of such systems will allow getting their characteristics by numerical methods when changing the governing parameters, evaluate the effectiveness of various structural configurations and perform their optimization. This paper analyzes the main difficulties in the calculation and modeling of two-phase thermal control systems. The calculated scheme and mode of operation of such systems as a part of the non-hermetic spacecrafts are introduced. The technique of constructing a system of equations and calculation algorithm to obtain the characteristics of such systems are presented. The equations for calculate the flow with heat transfer are used as basic equations. The system of equations is separated into heat and hydro-gas dynamics parts. We consider the specification of the equations for the hierarchical levels of the system. In constructing the calculation algorithm used equations are divided into two types: component (describing the processes in a single element of temperature control system), and topological (linking all the elements in a closed system). System of equations of the mathematical model in lumped parameters is used. The results of the calculation of two-phase thermal control systems, working on the direct and reverse cycles and compare their effectiveness are introduced. The parameters that affect the performance of the two systems (in the framework of a mathematical model) are temperature of devices and capacity. The results of calculation have led to the conclusions about the advantages and disadvantages of the use of thermal control systems, working on the direct and reverse cycles, as part of the spacecraft.
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2014;15(4):154-159
pages 154-159 views

“SibCube” - CubeSAT satellite project of SibSAU student

Zuev D., Pyatkov A., Movchan P., Smirnov D., Kostyukov A.


This paper describes a students’ project of nano-satellite “SibCube”. The paper defines the goals (there is description of educational and science goals) and tasks of the students’ project “SibCube”. There is also an analysis of the physical conditions and technical problems related to weight and size limitations of CubeSAT satellites. This paper also includes identification key problems of CubeSAT satellites research activity and ways to solve these key problems. It should be noted that there is such a research activity as a new element basis testing and new space technology testing. In particular, a board system of control that is executed on the “system on chip ” technology and equipment that support the telecommunication standard SpaceWire are the current goal of testing for “SibCube” student project. A testing of application of the new element basis and the new space technology is topical as a result of a conservatism of the space industry. What is more, it might be noted that there is a limitation of the home produced element basis in the Russian Federation. Nowadays, it is popular to speak about an import substitution. The necessity of having the own element basis is clear for such large field of the Russian Federation as the satellite construction and the space industry on the whole. However, testing of this basis is required for using this element basis because spacecraft developers prefer to use an element basis with a high reliability that have already been tested in a space conditions. What is more, the concept of modular and scalable performance spacecraft platform as well as techniques to achieve modularity and scalability of an architecture for CubеSAT construction and board system of control at a construction and systems engineering levels are included in this paper.
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2014;15(4):160-166
pages 160-166 views

Multi-headed star tracker 348K. Final in-earth validation results

Kareiln A., Zybin Y., Knyazev V., Pozdniakov A., Fomichev N.


This paper is about multi-headed star tracker 348K, which was developed by JSC “SPE “Geofizika-Cosmos” in 2013. Concept, design and key features are described. The design features are to provide a monolithic body of the lens, which implements both the seating surfaces. Moreover, in the device 348K a special system - channel geometric standard, which is high stability optical system and forms on the APS-based camera six images for self-supporting estimation and compensation of systematic errors in the determination of orientation caused by the thermo-mechanical effect is employed. Also test program during the manufacturing and in-Earth validation as well as some tests details are presented. In tests, the star tracker 348K was first introduced check errors in a movable base. Testing the effect of protons with energies of 50, 100 and 200 MeV at different angles of incidence on the APS-based camera conducted to quantitatively and qualitatively assess the impact of the incident protons on the image. According to the analysis of emerging sustainable defective pixels on APS-based camera, it was determined that the greatest increase in defect occurs when the energy is 200 MeV. During the full-scale tests measuring the time of construction of the initial orientatio was conducted. According to the results of full-scale tests random error components determination of the orientation of one of the optical head and two optical head for 15 minutes of work were evaluated. The purpose of full-scale tests was to confirm the unit validation of availability on the real star, rather validation of the chosen algorithmic solutions, and methods to assurance of accuracy and sensitivity. The whole test program during the manufacturing and in-Earth validation was successful, the results of all tests are positive. According to the test results the final report on the ground-experimental testing was released. After the ground tests of the first flight unit 348K on board the spacecraft was obtained on admission to the conclusion of flight testing, the beginning of which is expected in 2014.
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2014;15(4):167-172
pages 167-172 views

Mobile system weightlessness simulation for a large spacecraft

Kovalev I., Kikot J.


We study the problem of the possibility of creating a system of weightlessness simulation in ground conditions for large spacecraft. It is proposed to simplify and unify the system design of weightlessness simulation for mobile elements transformed mechanisms SC by the control unit on the basis of the computer and the microcontroller, appropriate software and the necessary number of modules weightlessness simulation. The proposed system simulate weightlessness, does not limit the area of installation and assembly work with the spacecraft, i. e. may be located in the shops equipped with an overhead crane or crane girders, not interfering with their work, that is, can be mounted in place on the walls, the ceiling and in the folded position does not occupy a working space over the spacecraft. The system simulating weightlessness allows weightlessness simulation structural elements having different speed and overcome the complex motion path during the expansion, so it is possible to constantly keep the whole object in general weightlessness state. In addition the system allows the simulation of weightlessness shoot weight characteristics (via the load cell) during ground tests - experimental specification parameters for physical development of mechanisms disclosure of antenna systems of the spacecraft. They are subsequently used to better simulate weightlessness when disclosing antenna systems of the spacecraft. The substantiation of the prospects of this system simulate weightlessness is given, its advantages in comparison with other systems simulate weightlessness is indicated.
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2014;15(4):173-178
pages 173-178 views

Modeling of residual-current device for direct current circuits

Mizrakh E., Shtabel N., Kopylov E.


The authors have reviewed the model of residual-current device for direct current circuits with high precision Hall-effect based residual current sensor which also provides galvanic isolation of logic from power circuits. The scheme based on microcontroller with built-in analog-to-digital converter and analog peripherals part with comparators, which provides different ways of signal processing is reviewed. The authors have offered the schemes with analog and digital signal processing of leakage current and load current sensors signals. The modeling is done with Simulink software, using transfer functions of current sensors and main scheme elements. Measurement of reviewed signal processing schemes performance is done by applying linear signal to system input, simulating load or leakage current rise over preset limit. Output signal of the system is the signal to break circuit, connected to the breaking relay. Performance of the scheme can be determined by measuring the delay from current limit crossing point to presence of breaking output signal. Looking at the every element delay it is possible to estimate its contribution to overall performance. The authors have analyzed and compared the performance of each signal processing scheme and contribution of elements to overall performance. The authors have compared signal processing capabilities of each scheme such as noise filtering and current sensor nonlinearity correction. The authors have analyzed the pros and cons of reviewed schemes, their ability to protect man and machinery from leakage current damage in home or industrial use, with respect to protection requirements based on government standards for high and low load current residual-current devices. Considered device can be used in direct current power circuits of a spacecraft to prevent accident situations. The authors give recommendations for future scheme improvements, aiming on performance improvement, which will provide universal use scenario of reviewed device. The performance requirements for breaking device and given recommendations for its implementation are determined.
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2014;15(4):179-184
pages 179-184 views

Rotor dynamics of active magnetic bearing reaction whell

Polyakov M.


The paper presents the results of the calculation of dynamically unbalanced rotor vibration for an active magnetic bearing reaction wheel with angular momentum 1 N·m·s. Forces, required to keeping the rotor in contactless position, and the critical speeds in working angular velocity ranges are determined. Calculation is performed for various magnitudes of stiffness and damping coefficients of magnetic suspension and for various working angular velocity ranges. Required mass of rotor, axial and equatorial moments of inertia are determined by means of developed parametric 3D-model of rotor for every speed range. Maximum permissible eccentricity of the rotor, which describe the static imbalance, and maximum permissible angle between the geometrical axis of the rotor and its principal central axis of inertia, which characterize couple unbalance, are determined using the value of rotor mass and the desired residual unbalance in each correction plane. Calculation shows, that center of mass of spinning rotor perform mainly radial translations, generated due to the presence of static unbalance. The amplitude of the resulting oscillation of the rotor is 17 μm for a working angular velocity range 0-9000 RPM and 13 μm for the range 0-18000 RPM. The first critical speed of the rotor corresponds to the resonant frequency of its radial oscillations. In the range 0-18000 RPM there is an additional critical speed due to the fact that the equatorial moment of inertia of rotor exceeds the axial moment of inertia. There is the phenomenon of self-centering of the rotor in the overcritical regions. Results of rotor dynamic calculation make it possible to formulate the basic data for choosing a rotor speed range, air gaps in back-up bearings, gaps between rotor and stator of magnetic bearings, stiffness and damping coefficients of magnetic suspension.
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2014;15(4):185-190
pages 185-190 views

Application of acoustic emission testing for solder attachment electronics

Azin A., Marickiy N., Ponomarev S., Ponomarev S., Suncov S.


Modern high-precision electronic equipment, which is a part of space technology, is expensive to manufacture due to the import component base and small series production. The paper examines existing methods of monitoring the quality of the electronics, which provides the performance and durability of the active presence of a spacecraft. The effectiveness of the method of acoustic emission for tracking the appearance of defects in solder joints of printed circuit boards of the electronics in real time. Relevance of the work is necessary for further development of the non-destructive method of detecting defects and sites of their localization, and their classification according to the degree of danger to the operation of the module of the electronics. In operation, a method of specification the defect locating using the method of acoustic emission has been developed. The accuracy of the method to localize the defect consists of 1 mm. On the standard case of the microchip in 1 mm increments probability defective contact is 95 %. On the basis of these experiments, a model of damage accumulation of the object (solder terminal connections of the chip housing of printed circuit boards of the electronics), which adequately reflects its properties has been constructed. The resulting behavior of a model of damage accumulation displays this object is not less than 80 % of the planned service life. The results of experimental studies of the diagram obtained accumulation of acoustic signals from developing defects in the process of deformation of the solder joint, determine the accuracy of the method, the parameters of a model of damage accumulation in the solder joint and the inception of the defects in the process of mechanical action. It demonstrates the promising applications of the method of acoustic emission for inspection of printed circuit boards. Sharing of X-ray tomography and the method of acoustic emission monitoring, which will be at the stage of preliminary processing and the production of printed circuit boards with high accuracy to predict the duration of their reliable operation is substantiated.
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2014;15(4):192-196
pages 192-196 views

Investigation of the curing process of the polymeric binder based on their dielectric parameters when creating a dimensionally stable thin-walled structures resistance to the negative space factors

Vlasov A., Pasechnik K., Martynov V.


The article focuses on the creation of thin-walled structures using a dimensionally stable integral partial crosslinked. Relevance of the work is due to the increasing requirements for aerospace structures, increase structural strength and reduce its weight. Using the method of partial cross-linked is possible to create integrated designs underweight, due to the absence of mechanical fasteners, and high structural strength is achieved by molding the various structural elements in one work cycle. The question of a dimensionally stable thin-walled structures made of polymeric composite materials, used in outer space, in terms of the degree of cure of the binder is considered. The degree of cure of the binder can be expressed in terms of the desired property of the final product. A brief description and comparison of modern methods of determining the degree of cure of the binder is given. It is shown that an advantage of the method of analysis is a dielectric capable of monitoring the curing process in real time. The theory of the method of the dielectric analysis to determine the extent of curing thermosetting, in particular epoxy resins used in the polymer composites is briefly discussed. The technological equipment with forced heat sink for the manufacture of integrated structures of polymeric composite materials by partial curing is used. As the coolant water was used. Experimental evaluation of performance tooling for forming integrated structures of polymer composite materials is made. The performance of tooling for forming integrated structures using partial cross-linked is shown. It is determined that for the method of partially curing the most appropriate method to determine the degree of cure is the dielectric analysis. The results can be used for the design and fabrication of integrated structures from polymeric composites, molded in one process cycle using the method of partially curing the binder.
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2014;15(4):197-201
pages 197-201 views

Determination of the range of changes in key parameters, ensuring stability production process of complex shapes of polymer composites by method RTM

Vlasov A., Pasechnik K., Martynov V.


The article is devoted to definition and systematization of the basic parameters of the technological process of production of precision products of complex shape of the polymer composite materials by Resin transfer molding. Resin transfer molding is currently one of the main methods to make products from polymeric composite materials, the same quality as the products obtained by the technology of autoclave curing prepregs. The relevance of the work is due to the need of adequate management, in particular the possibility of building an adaptive process control of manufacturing complex shapes of polymer composite materials by transfer molding. The paper considers the manufacturing process for shaped articles from polymer composite materials considered as a complex of physico-chemical mechanism for interaction of the components of the composite material in the scattering properties of all the constituent elements of the technological system. The parameters that define the process of manufacturing products are divided into input, output and functionality. Input parameters of the technological process of production of complex shapes, an example of antenna reflectors are divided into defining controlled and disturbing. The correlation of the input parameters of the technological process of production of antenna reflectors transfers molding method and shows the effect of input parameters on the quality of the final product. On the example of commercial epoxy resins kinds of key technology of communication parameters are defined and show how they are registered using the equipment for the study of the rheological and thermomechanical properties. The obtained information can be used in the construction of an adaptive process control precision products of complex shape of the polymer composite materials by transfer molding.
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2014;15(4):202-208
pages 202-208 views

Design and investigation of hard metalls composites modyfied by nanoparticles and thermomechanical treatment with a high level of mechanical and operating properties

Gordeev Y., Abkaryan A., Jasinski V., Binchurov A., Vadimov V.


According to the research preparation methods to ensure uniformity of distribution of nanoparticles (inhibitors) in terms of the cobalt binder and the formation of nanostructured fragments in hard metal composites are proposed. Our research shows that the working life of various hard metals composites and tools is extended by modification with nanoparticles and subsequent thermomechanical treatment, too. This paper introduces the concept of coated particles of carbides by ceramics nanoparticles as starting method for improved hard metals nanostructured composites. A computer simulation study of the consolidation process of spherical particles of different sizes is presented. The study of microstructural parameters by scanning electron microscopy in combination with x-ray phase analysis indicates a high statistical homogeneity of the relative distribution of composite components (grain of tungsten carbide, titanium carbonitride, layer of metal binder and inclusions of nanoparticles) and a result increase the strength of binder and composite as a whole.
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2014;15(4):209-218
pages 209-218 views

Automated equipment and technology for spacecrafts waveguide path soldering

Zlobin S., Mikhnev M., Laptenok V., Seregin Y., Bocharov A., Tynchenko V., Dubets Y., Dolgopolov B.


Automated technology and specialized equipment for induction soldering of spacecraft aluminum alloy waveguide path are presented. The equipment consists of induction generator and the set of inductors for different sizes of waveguide path. The equipment is controlled from the industrial computer by the information from pyrometers, which control the temperature near soldering zone. As a result of temperature field allocation research, the inductor designs are developed and optimized. This allows closing the maximum heating zone to the zone of soldering. The requirements for waveguide path positioning precision in the inductor are defined, which provides workpiece heating uniformity and its temperature aligning. The automated system software was developed, that provides pyrometers automated calibration, workpiece heating control and temperature stabilization in a narrow temperature range - lower than waveguide path melting and higher than solder melting. The software product is realized on the C++ language in the C++ Builder 6.0 programming system using object-oriented approach. The interface between software and hardware is realized by the COM-ports with WinApi, between software and PCI1710-card - by the third-party library bdaqctrl.h, which is distributed free of charge. The developed software has intuitively understandable man-machine interface in the standard Windows-application style, which allows inexperienced users to work with this system. The usage of this software let us to automate soldering process, to raise the waveguide path quality and to avoid of burnings. The video control provides the process remote control and electromagnetic impact avoidance. Also the bank of waveguide path soldering technological regimes was developed, that provides soldering process registration and documentation.
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2014;15(4):219-229
pages 219-229 views

Measurement of the surface excitation probability of electrons reflected from Si surface

Igumenov A., Parshin A., Mikhlin Y., Pchelyakov O., Nikiforov A., Timofeev V.


Silicon is the main material of nanotechnology and solar energy. In our days a lot of structures based on silicon have unique and useful properties which can help to deal with applied problems. One area of silicon application is the creation of silicon-based photovoltaic converters for space and aviation equipment. In the future, photovoltaic devices based on silicon can be made from the materials contained in the lunar soil, and silicon will form the basis for the development of space solar power. Control of the elemental composition and physical properties of materials used in space materials science plays an important role, accordingly necessary to improve the methods of research materials. The methods of research materials are developed both in technological direction and the direction of the processing and interpretation of experimental data. One of the widely used methods of surface investigation is electron spectroscopy. At the entrance and exit of the surface electrons generate surface excitations which share quantitative information on the various processes of interaction of electrons with matter. The intensities of Auger electron and photoelectron peaks depend both on the probability of inelastic scattering within the solid, and the surface layer. The probability of generating an electron surface excitations with a single act of interaction with the surface is called the surface excitation parameter that is the most convenient value to describe the effect of surface excitations on the intensity of the Auger electrons and plays an important role in quantitative analysis in Auger electron spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, electron energy loss spectroscopy. In this work energy loss spectra of reflected electrons were obtained for the series of samples of Si. Samples were obtained with different technical conditions and some of them have different crystallographic orientation. Energy loss dependence of inelastic mean free path and differential inelastic electron scattering cross-section were calculated. We have suggested a new method of determination of surface excitation parameter, based on fitting of these spectra with the Tougaard’s Three-parameter Universal cross-section.
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2014;15(4):230-235
pages 230-235 views

Specifications of radio-reflective coating on a sample of polymer composite materials, fabricated with transfer molding

Miheev A., Chernyatina A., Evkin I., Vlasov A., Martunov V.


The technique for preparing samples of composite materials for the subsequent application of radio-reflective coatings is described. The samples were fabricated by transfer molding using a specially developed industrial equipment. Samples were made with two types of binding: cold and hot curing. Radio-reflective coating was formed as a multilayer compositions based on alumina with an adhesive underlayer of nickel-chromium and the protective layer of silicon oxide. The coating was applied by magnetron sputtering in a vacuum. On the obtained coatings coefficients of radio reflection were measured. It was revealed that at 24 GHz radio reflection coefficients of both types of samples meet the requirements and is about 0,98. However, when the frequency of the radiation coefficients are about 0,95, which is insufficient for use in spacecraft antenna reflectors. To identify the causes of degradation of coatings were measured options gassing initial samples of carbon plastics and surface roughness of the samples with radio-reflective coating. Parameters of gassing compliant coatings that apply to this class are given. The roughness of the radio-reflective coating on carbon plastics is Ra = 363,8 nm with allowable roughness to 33 GHz - 600 microns is shown. Also thermoradiation characteristics resulting coating were measured. Measurements have shown the absorption coefficient of solar radiation of As somewhat high compared with the requirements of this class of coatings and emissivity En comply with these requirements. The work revealed that in order to set parameters coating is necessary to conduct operations on the preliminary preparation of carbon fiber: cleaning the surface of traces of release agent, increasing the duration of degassing prior to the deposition of carbon fiber, reducing the intensity during the deposition process.
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2014;15(4):236-242
pages 236-242 views

Vibration and precision of the details machining

Ramenskaja E., Filippov Y., Latuk D.


The results of theoretical and experimental researches of vibration processes during boring of the constructional steels stock are stated in this paper. The new design of the boring bar is offered with the purpose of high technology introduction in manufacture of the mechanical and space engineering products. The design of assembling boring bar reduces the vibration amplitude at the expense of the increased stiffness both amplified damping of cross and angular fluctuations. It is provided with displacement of the mass centre of bar to an edge of a replaceable hard alloy metal plate and filling of the "weighted" bar part by the powder raised density material. The rubber packing (soft and hard) provides regular viscosity. It promotes partial restriction of the flow density of the itinerant valence electrons thermo-EMF during cutting from the technological machine through the cutting tool on preparation or in other situations in the opposite direction and stimulates the resistance to cutting reduction. The internuclear interactions in the preparation material at cutting, which are estimated by size by chemical metal connection, do not exceed 90 kJ/mol. The experimental researches of vibration amplitudes and work ability of new boring bar in the process precision boring of a steel pipe (30HGSA) demonstrate reduction of vibrational acceleration amplitude in 3 times in comparison with a typical boring bar design and improvement of roughness - in 1,85 times. Partially the results of work are used at the base enterprise for production details for oil industry equipment.
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2014;15(4):243-248
pages 243-248 views

Analysis of delamination propagation in composite structures

Chernyakin S., Skvortsov Y.


Numerical investigation of specimens fracture process of composite materials with delamination under quasistatic and fatigue case is performed. Objective of this work is to study regularities of delamination propagation in laminated composites under static and cyclic loading. Finite element method is the most appropriate apparatus for modeling of delamination propagation process at actual structure considering geometry complexity and loading conditions. Wherein CZM (cohesive zone model) is useful to investigate considered problem. Basing on the contact interaction of shell-layers, approach to modeling of structures of composite materials with delamination is proposed. Verification of this approach is carried out on the beam-samples DCB (Double Cantilever Beam) and ENF (End Notched Flexure), described in international standards ASTM. Good agreement is noted by comparing obtained results with data of foreign authors after numerical modeling of problem of quasistatic sample fracture of composite materials with delamination. Fatigue damages implementation algorithm at delamination front, using standard capabilities of program, was developed, because CAE-system ANSYS® allows simulating quasistatic growth of delamination. Algorithm bases on damage introducing at contact elements through applying of additional displacements at assumed delamination propagation area. Efficiency examination of proposed algorithm was conducted by the example fatigue fracture of double cantilever beam. Loading is carried out by two opposite forces at the end, which are applied to upper and lower layers of beam. These layers were produced of unidirectional material, reinforced by fibers, which was oriented along the beam axis. Initial delamination length equals to distance from the loading point to the defect front. Obtained results are in good agreement with the data of other authors. Basing on received data we can conclude about efficiencyand sufficient accuracy of proposed algorithm to modeling quasistatic and fatigued fracture of samples of composite materials with delamination.
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2014;15(4):249-255
pages 249-255 views

Problems of business process reengineering of market behavior of enterprises in the external environment

Antamoshkina O., Avlasko Z.


The article emphasizes the importance of market behavior of the aerospace enterprises in terms of the effectiveness of the system of value creating and delivering. Optimization of business-architecture, implementation of the process approach and ensuring of a high adaptability process of value creating and delivering are identified as key tasks for all of the aerospace company’s management. On the basis of the practice of implementation of the process approach in Russian aerospace enterprises the main problems in the construction of business processes of market behavior are described. The most difficult moments of the implementation of the process approach to the management of the enterprise market behavior are identified: a narrow understanding of the business processes of strategic management; the complexity of establishing of a system of indicators to measure the effectiveness of processes; lack of relevance of the existing system of management accounting information needs necessary for strategic and operational decisions; delayed result of the company in the market; insufficient attention to the construction of the active monitoring of the environment and risk management and, as a consequence, flexible review and audit business development strategies; set of conditions internal and external environment (type of activity, organizational and legal form, industry, corporate culture, resources and capabilities, and so on.) of each of organization to create standard rules of market behavior; serious dependence of the efficiency of business processes for managing market behavior of the whole system of management of the company. What ’s more, the basic problems of the implementation of the process approach to the overall management system of the enterprise are defined. The article describes the main stages of implementation of the process approach to the management of market behavior of aerospace enterprises aimed at the continuous improvement activity in the market and enhance customer satisfaction and characteristics of each of the steps.
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2014;15(4):258-263
pages 258-263 views

Labour efficiency assessmnent of aerospace industry innovative enterprises design office engineers

Boldina T., Rusakov S.


This article considers design office engineering labour efficiency assessment issue in terms of labour efficiency and project management improvement. Based on the systematic approach and taking into account the peculiarities of the engineering labour at the design office as well as aerospace industry enterprises innovative goals, the main issues, assessment criteria, and key indicators have been developed. The capabilities to increase the meaning of the human factor as the main strategic resource at the aerospace enterprise have been studied. Labour efficiency assessment method based on real labour cost accounting when performing certain designing activities is given, it connects enterprise targets and employee activities’ results. The labour efficiency assessment algorithm suggests using four stages of indicator calculation including the integral one. The software and the employee efficiency key indicators calculation procedure which can serve as incentive to design office engineer motivation increase as well as project contractor team self-organization have been developed. The database based on everyday labour cost accounting serves the foundation for the effective management concerning project deadlines and efficiency. The suggested rapid assessment of a certain employee labour efficiency allows keeping daily track of this indicator throughout the working hours, gives an opportunity to take timely measures to improve the situation increasing the level of competence by involving a more skilled employee or allowing extra time to solve a certain difficult task which does not cause a delay in total project schedule. At this moment a promising design office engineers labour efficiency assessment method for the aerospace industry is being tested within all concerned departments of the JSC Information Satellite Systems Reshetnev Company.
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2014;15(4):264-268
pages 264-268 views

Concept of building an innovation infrastructure in the region

Erygin Y., Borisova E.


This article is devoted to the problem of the innovation infrastructure in the region. The aim of this paper is to define the conceptual framework for building the innovation infrastructure. The purpose and problems of innovative infrastructure are presented in the article. The article tells about approaches to the definition of the term of "innovative infrastructure" as an economic category. In the article the concept of innovative infrastructure was formulated, its interrelation with such economic categories, as "the innovative environment", "the innovative potential", "national innovative system" is shown. The innovative infrastructure has to solve the following problems, they are: creating favorable conditions of innovative development, association in uniform system of all innovative processes, rendering financial support of development of the innovative enterprises, assistance to creation of the transparent mechanism of an investment in an innovation of the state resources, providing and growth of the competition, decrease in risks of innovative activity and others. In the article the classification of elements of innovative infrastructure is offered. In the article the functions of innovative infrastructure of the region are considered, they are: providing with resources and their effective use, organizational and administrative function, function of stimulation of innovative activity. In the article the principles of creation of innovative infrastructure are formulated: systemacities, multilevelness of creation of its elements, interconditionality, interdependence and unity of elements, flexibility, associativity to stages of innovative process of the military-industrial complex, functionality, efficiency. The creation of the model of innovative infrastructure is based on the principles which are the instrument of realization of functions of innovative infrastructure.
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2014;15(4):269-275
pages 269-275 views

Problematics of control systems at the enterprises of aerospace branch

Neglyad E., Kartamyshev A.


This article describes the main controlling approaches of different activity branches on industry factories. The authors develop problems of controlling system and analyse their reasons, pay attention on different approaches of industrial counting and budgeting planning. Moreover the authors point to disturbances of budgeting ways and make conclusion about budgeting system applicability as the depart process. The authors analyse actions of production plan executors and make conclusion about necessity of project control usage. The authors define the ability of information system production according to aerospace factories features and describe the ways of successful using of a developing system. The article describes the whole controlling system structure which consists of analytical, counting, organizing and technical parts. The article also proposes the process approach for the project controlling system creation with functions of resources distribution, which solves the main task of the factory management and gives the ability to define the process of control as the task chain, describing the factory aims as actions of one worker. Employment of a common information field at automation of control systems gives the chance of creation of the instrument of the planning and control of works promoting increase of efficiency and transparency in business management. Today, with other equal condition, more perfect organization of business focuses on use of process approach, reduction of costs of production and refusal of inefficient business processes wins. The correct automation of developed processes will give the ability to produce the tool for the right work planning and controlling, which is differs from analogues by deep detailing and ability to influence the final result at all levels of control with the help of executor involvement into the planning process. Modernized controlling systems using on factories will help to develop the branch, which has the strategy aim to lead Russian aerospace industry at the world-leader level and fix Russian leader’s role in the aerospace branch.
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2014;15(4):276-281
pages 276-281 views

Engineering training quality evaluation improvement for defense companies

Okuneva T.


Innovative development of defense enterprises, including manufacturing re-equipment and innovation investment is one of the priorities of government policy. This task requires new approaches to defense enterprise management system and to an education system for management and engineering of defense enterprises. At the same time, the priority state policy task at the education sphere is providing a high quality of education. An improvement of quality evaluation of professional education is necessary to implement the new policy. The aim of this research is a development of education quality evaluation methods improvement, the methods of system quality management in the field of university management, the recommendations for inclusion a number of criteria indicators in the Federal indicators system of University quality evaluation. Developed technique can be used for university’s self-examination, self-evaluation and for creation of its own quality management system. A new approach for the permanent public monitoring of functioning and for development of state professional education system is presented in the article, the improvement of education quality evaluation in the Russian Federation with the involvement of all stakeholders in the quality management processes is proposed.
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2014;15(4):282-287
pages 282-287 views

Study motives of employees in the innovation activity as a basis of human capital at enterprises of military-industrial complex

Podverbnykh O., Sandanova B.


The priority of the military-industrial complex (MIC) in the economy of the Russian Federation is determined by the role of the defense industry in the technical and technological modernization of economy rather than by the magnitude of military production. Organizing high-technology and competitive production is possible only on condition that MIC is provided with qualified employees who possess high intellectual and creative potential. At the same time, the requirements for the management mechanisms relating to the formation and development of human capital are increased either. The paper presents the results of a study of one of the subsystems of human capital management, which is the system of motivation and stimulation of employees ’ innovative activity. The study was conducted at a large enterprise of military-industrial complex Open Joint Stock Company “Krasnoyarsk Machine-Building Plant” by an anonymous survey of employees. The respondents included managers, specialists and workers. The aim of the study is to investigate the motives of employees for innovative activity and organizational and managerial factors of stimulation. The results show that material factors and motives largely affect the innovative activity of employees. As a results of the survey, it was also found that additional measures are needed to create a favourable environment for innovative activity, mainly by removing barriers associated with financing and organizing innovative activity. The results received in the survey enable the company administration to adjust the applied tools and methods of the system of motivation and stimulation of employees’ innovative activity to improve its efficiency, which subsequently leads to the development of innovative activity at an enterprise. The formulated principles allow to form a system of motivation and stimulation of innovative activity, focusing on the development of human capital at enterprises of MIC.
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2014;15(4):288-293
pages 288-293 views

Outsourcing process managing in the Joint-Stock Company “Scientific & Industrial Centre “Polyus”

Sennikova N., Budkeeva S., Lebedeva L., Bykova N.


Outsourcing is an effective way to reduce the costs of organization, to improve the quality of products, as well as reallocation the resources. By transferring the manufacturing process to other organizations Joint-Stock Company “Scientific & Industrial Centre “Polyus” for its part provides the control over such process. In this case, there are potential problems associated with the lack of outsourced process control or its part, the leak of information regarding the uniqueness of development, unfair execution of the duties, and dependence of the total production process on the work of organization-executor. To solve these problems and to manage the outsourcing process in the organization the standard that regulates an order of the relations with the organizations-executor and control methods of their activities in the performance of contractual obligations is developed and implemented. Outsourcing is neither the purpose nor the mean of management. The proper use of outsourcing process with properly management plays a decisive role in the fundamental transformation of the organization, covering people, processes, culture and the production costs. To resolve all issues arising in the relations with organization-executor in the performance of contractual obligations, the Joint-Stock Company “Scientific & Industrial Centre “Polyus” established a working group to manage the outsourced process. The working group provides the inspections of the quality management system functioning, evaluation of technical and organizational capabilities, checking production in control points, and supervision over the production, analysis of workmanship, involving in research and analysis the reasons of nonconformities, planning the necessary arrangements. The data obtained by means of such control methods are used in the analysis of quality management system of the organization. Based on this analysis the conclusion about suitability, adequacy and effectiveness is made, including the adequacy of management the outsourcing process and its economic efficiency in order to create a list of reliable suppliers. The outsourcing process that properly planned and developed and effective management of such process allows the organization to optimize the activity and receive the maximum benefit by transferring non-core functions to organization-executor and focusing the efforts on primary activities.
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2014;15(4):294-301
pages 294-301 views

Information about the authors

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Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2014;15(4):302-311
pages 302-311 views

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