Vol 4, No 4 (2023)

Culture & Philosophy

Justifying Sub Specie Culture of Justifying History in Russian Religious and Philosophical Thought

Gacheva А.G.


V.F. Ern’s judgments about the logos tradition of Russian thought which determines the unity of its leaders’ approaches to indigenous worldview problems, open up the prospect of reconstructing ideas about the sense and tasks of culture in the line of Russian philosophy that is connected with the idea of justifying history. The author of the present study proves that, opposing historiosophical pessimism and catastrophism, Russian Christian thinkers put forward the task of Churchification all spheres and plans of life, understanding culture as an instrument for transforming the world. Philosophers contrast the processes of its secularization with the liturgization of cultural doing, which is considered in the context of the “possession of the earth” commandment.

In this regard, N.F. Fedorov’s doctrine, who called for the transition from culture (as a symbolic resurrection) to recreature, i.e. the actual restoration of life, is of particular importance.

Sphere of culture. 2023;4(4):13-26
pages 13-26 views

How the Russian Idea Can Get out of the Captivity of Intellectual Irrationalism

Bakshutova E.V., Rulina T.K.


The authors consider the problem of the cultural heritage of the Russian idea from the standpoint of mental structures that have historically developed and are currently relevant for the Russian society.

The Russian model of cognition is shown to be irrational and go back to Plato’s model of eidos, i.e. cognition as moral ascension rather than rationalization and abstraction. Striving for Alethea (the spirit of truth and sincerity), which acts as one of the markers of Russian culture, the spiritual self-determination of the people is still based on idealized mythologemes of a unique path, which devalues both its own rational and borrowed ideal.

Sphere of culture. 2023;4(4):27-37
pages 27-37 views

Time in the Optics of Desubstantivation

Petinova M.A.


This study considers the relatedness of time as a fundamental parameter of ideas about the world with consciousness and culture. The author reveals the connection between time and language, undertakes a linguistic analysis of the meanings of the word “time” revealing its etymological differences in Indo-European languages.

The issue of the metaphorical imagery of time in a language is raised. Historical reconstruction of views on time is carried out in the optics of desubstantivation through Aristotle to Aurelius Augustine, Martin Heidegger and Edmund Husserl.

Using the example of musical tones reception, the process of synthesizing of temporal perceptions in consciousness is analyzed.

Sphere of culture. 2023;4(4):38-46
pages 38-46 views

Culture & Text

Sergey Yesenin and Paul Verlaine: Historical and Literary Parallels and Contexts

Voronova O.E.


For the first time on a systematic basis the study reveals historical and literary parallels between the artistic worlds of the leader of the French school of symbolistpoets Paul Verlaine (18441896) and Sergey Yesenin (1895-1925).

Some facts are provided proving that lifetime criticism captured “Verlaine” principles in Yesenin’s poetic style, considering him as a follower of postsymbolist trends in Russian poetry of the first quarter of the XXth century, as a peasant symbolist poet. The similarity of the two poets is revealed by the author in the framework of comparative typological analysis. The similarity in the sound of anti-urban themes is shown, as well as in psychologized recreation of images of nature – “landscapes of the soul”, in the poetics of colour, in the confessional manner of lyrical utterance, in the elegiac key of late verses.

Sphere of culture. 2023;4(4):49-59
pages 49-59 views

Сulture & Arts

Synergistic Aesthetics

Medushevsky V.V.


The author substantiates the original, interdisciplinary and largely debatable idea of synergistic aesthetics, which is based on theological understanding of the development of Christian civilization as the endless co-creation of God and man (co-creator), aimed at the goal of Creation, i.e. the coming of the Kingdom of God. The beauty of musical and literary masterpieces, works of fine and monumental art, the harmony of scientific theories are the result of the discovery of the eternal novelty of being through the grace of God. The article provides examples of the synergistic perception of creative and performing inspiration in the field of art as a revelation that has come from the heavens.

Special attention is paid to the synergistic aesthetics of musical performance.

Sphere of culture. 2023;4(4):63-72
pages 63-72 views

Iconography and plot features of the Syzran Old Believer icon

Chibikova I.Y., Naumova O.S.


For a long time, Syzran icon painting, accomplished in the traditions of Byzantine and Ancient Russian art, has remained one of the least studied phenomena of Russian art culture of the XVIIIth – XXth centuries. Syzran icons were created by several generations of Old Believers (Pomorian and Fedoseyan Creeds) and were intended for Old Believers’ churches.

This article is devoted to the works of the Syzran icon-painting center of the Middle Volga region, their iconographic and plot features.

Sphere of culture. 2023;4(4):73-82
pages 73-82 views

Catholicism in Andy Warhol’s Pop Art Style

Iakovleva E.L.


According to modern art historians, the life and work of the outstanding representative of American avant-garde A. Warhol are imbued with secret religious motifs.

Turning to the biography and works of the artist, the author of the current study proves that Andy concealed his confessional affiliation from others, which was helped by the aesthetics of pop art. In his creative work, which plays the role of prayer practice, he presented Catholicism to the public in a transformed form, i.e. through the images and things of the consumer society. The idea of the temporality of life lay behind the banality of the depicted. The author of the article proves that the serial nature of the paintings and the emphasis on the form veiled the idea of temporality, giving sacredness to the depicted and turning the object into an idol or fetish. The “Factories” organized by the artist were sacred space where everyone worshiped Andy as the “Pope” of pop art. The undertaken analysis revealed the hidden sphere of the media artist, who was afraid of exposing his reputation as the king of the outrageous.

Sphere of culture. 2023;4(4):83-93
pages 83-93 views

Culture & Digitalizo

Multimedia Edition on the History of Engraving: Justification of the Project

Andreeva O.V., Ivanova P.V.


The digital part of the global and Russian book market is steadily growing every year, successfully competing with publishing products made in the traditional, printed way. The authors provide a justification for the project of a multimedia electronic publication which reflects the history of foreign and domestic engraving in the form of a mobile application.

Particular attention is paid to the description of its individual multimedia elements, including navigation tools, table of contents and pointers. The structure of the electronic publication was built taking into account the chronology of the development of the art of engraving. The article is illustrated with screenshots revealing the interface of this resource, its functionality.

Sphere of culture. 2023;4(4):97-109
pages 97-109 views

Book Culture

Officers’ Libraries at the Provincial Reserve Infantry Battalions of the Russian Empire in the Second Half of the XIXth Century: Plans and Reality

Panchenko A.M.


On the basis of a wide range of pre-revolutionary sources, for the first time, the initiative role of the editorial board of the Military Collection journal in organizing a discussion of various options for the construction of officers’ libraries, including under the provincial reserve infantry battalions, has been shown. Financial estimates of this edition on the creation of officers’ libraries at 58 provincial battalions in the provincial cities of European Russia are presented. The total number of provincial battalions in which officers’ libraries could presumably be located has been established. The role of the state in their financing is revealed. Specific examples of the creation of officers’ libraries of the Tobolsk and Irkutsk reserve infantry battalions in Siberia based on printed catalogs and their supplements are given.

Sphere of culture. 2023;4(4):113-130
pages 113-130 views

Documentary heritage & bibliography

D.V. Ulyaninsky – a Failed Collector of Literature on the Revolutionary Movement in Russia

Samarin A.Y.


The study examined an unknown episode of the bibliophile activities of the famous book collector and bibliographer D.V. Ulyaninsky (1861–1918). In 19051906 under the influence of revolutionary events, he began to form a section in his library dedicated to the liberation movement in Russia. The bibliophile realized the difficulty of ensuring the completeness of staffing on this topic in the context of the growth of the publishing repertoire, called the “brochure stream.” As a result, he liquidated this section of his collection in August 1906. The article based on the handwritten “Catalog of New Acquisitions of the Library” by D.V. Ulyaninsky pro-vides some information on the composition of the bibliophile’s “revolutionary collection”.

Sphere of culture. 2023;4(4):133-142
pages 133-142 views

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