Том 2, № 1 (2022)


Бүкіл шығарылым


Main trends in mortality, lethality and morbidity of gastric and duodenal ulcer disease in the Russian Federation

Shirinskaya N.


On the materials of official statistics and data of FGBU "CNIIOIZ" of the Ministry of Health of Russia the comparative analysis of mortality, treatment, general, primary and hospitalized morbidity of the whole population with peptic ulcer disease (PUD) of the stomach and duodenum mortality on the territory of the Russian Federation, Siberian Federal District and Omsk region for the period of 2007-2019 has been carried out. The characteristic feature of the observed period is the increase in mortality and lethality from the disease on the background of the decrease in the state-funded morbidity, the decrease in the general and primary morbidity of the whole population. That can speak both about insufficient diagnostics at the out-patient stage of patients' management and increase in the number of comorbid persons.

Scientific Bulletin of the Omsk State Medical University. 2022;2(1):3-9
pages 3-9 views

Physiologic and nonspecific criteria for assessing adaptive processes in first-year medical students

Stepanova I., Makarova Y., Belskaya L., Vorobyeva T., Shalygin S.


Objective. To study the possibility of using microcrystallograms of the oral fluid of freshmen as a biomarker of adaptive restructuring. Materials and Methods. We studied changes in physiologic parameters of adaptive response of the cardiovascular system (pulse pressure, mean dynamic arterial pressure, minute blood volume, cardiac stroke volume, external myocardial work, myocardial economy coefficient, functional reserve of the cardiovascular system, adaptive potential) in 80 first-year students (natives and migrants).

Results. The increase of blood pressure was revealed in young men of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra - 35.4%, Kazakhstan (except East Kazakhstan region) - 11.8%, Omsk region - 18.4%, Omsk city - 10.9%. In the examined girls based on the analysis of individual indicators of cardiovascular system, a satisfactory state of regulatory-adaptive capabilities of the organism was noted regardless of the region of residence. A number of characteristic changes in the pattern of microcrystallograms in students with hypertension were revealed. The maximum percentage of persons with hypertension was found in the group of young men of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra.

Conclusion. The obtained results prove that the pattern of oral fluid microcrystallograms in freshmen is determined by gender peculiarities, environmental factors, blood pressure level, and the region of permanent residence. The method of oral fluid crystallography can be recommended as an additional marker for express-diagnostics of the level of adaptive restructuring of students' organism to living and learning conditions.

Scientific Bulletin of the Omsk State Medical University. 2022;2(1):10-18
pages 10-18 views

Clinical and hygienic condition of oral cavity of pa-patients with chrysis on the background of chronic cholecystitis.

Kamilov H., Ibragimova M., Ubaydullaeva N.


Kosyuga S.Y. et al, (2015) in the structure of general systemic pathology of patients with CPAC out of 37 people with GI pathology (100%) in 17 (45.9%) notes chronic cholecystitis [1,5]. The authors note that the disease is characterized by inflammatory reaction of the POPR, development of painful aphthae and erosions, polymorphism of the clinical picture and resistance to treatment. [4]. The location of aphthae in CPAC is observed on the cheek mucosa (45.6%), transitional fold (45%), tip and lateral surface of the tongue (6.1%-14%), hyoid region (4%-7%), upper and lower lip (41.2%), soft palate (2%) [2,3,6,7].

Scientific Bulletin of the Omsk State Medical University. 2022;2(1):19-20
pages 19-20 views

Adaptation of medical university students to distance learning in pandemic conditions (on the example of Omsk State Medical University)

Belova T., Britskaya A.


To date, the relevance of distance learning is beyond doubt. In March 2020, due to the pandemic of coronavirus infection, the electronic format of education was introduced in many regions of Russia, which affected the restructuring of all the work of universities. Undoubtedly, distance learning has a huge number of advantages along with the necessity, but in practice both students and teachers faced serious problems and difficulties in the learning process.

This paper presents a study on the satisfaction of students of Omsk State Medical University with the distance form of learning, introduced first in spring 2020 and then in fall 2020.

Having compared the indicators of spring and fall 2020, it should be noted that the adaptation of students to the conditions of working in the distance mode significantly increased in the fall of 2020 compared to the spring of 2020. Indicators related to faculty performance in the distance learning format also increased. This fact indicates that a great deal of work has been done by the faculty to master new forms and ways of working, professional development courses have been mastered to prepare for work in the digital environment, and the errors and shortcomings of the previous semester have been taken into account. Thus, we can conclude that most of the teaching staff of Omsk State Medical University gained experience in the modern electronic format of teaching. Technical interruptions in the work of the educational portal itself have significantly decreased.

However, despite the positive dynamics, we would like to note that, nevertheless, the indicator "convenience of distance learning" is still the lowest of all. Perhaps, this is primarily due to the fact that the university is a place of socialization, and it is especially important for junior students. The electronic format of education provides a lot of opportunities, but only in conjunction with traditional face-to-face education it is possible to fully form Soft Skills, the most important skills of the XXI century, and to preserve the foundations of fundamental university education, including medical education.

Scientific Bulletin of the Omsk State Medical University. 2022;2(1):22-29
pages 22-29 views

Problems of competence approach realization in the process of teaching humanities disciplines in a medical university

Lobova T., Mironenko T.


The article considers the possibilities of application of competence approach in higher school, which in its basis does not contradict the traditional educational paradigm and, to a certain extent, expands it. Attention is emphasized on the personal aspect of educational activity of both teacher and student. The special importance of problematization of methods and techniques of educational activity for the realization of the goals of the new educational model is noted. The choice of the latter will help to solve one of the most important tasks of modern education - the formation of skills to comprehend, analyze and evaluate information. Humanities disciplines are "responsible" for the development of these skills, which means that it is impossible to neglect their participation in the training of a specialist capable of independent activity and independent decision-making. It is noted that in practice, in the process of implementation of the competence-based approach, a number of difficulties of objective nature that a teacher of non-core disciplines in a specialized university has to face. These difficulties require resolution at the managerial level.

Scientific Bulletin of the Omsk State Medical University. 2022;2(1):30-38
pages 30-38 views

Specifics of professional and pedagogical competence development of medical school teachers: levels of formation

Lonskaya L., Malyutina T.


The article analyzes the concepts of "competence" and "competencies" in the light of the requirements for a higher school teacher. The increase of professional competence of a higher school teacher is conditioned by the increasing requirements to the level of general cultural and special training of university graduates, which entails the change of social order to the system of higher professional education. In this regard, it becomes important to acquire knowledge and skills of higher education teaching staff in designing and organizing the educational process in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Professional Education (FSES HPE), in selecting methods and means of teaching to implement professional knowledge in specific conditions of work with students, in the formation of professional communication skills.  The positions of researchers in this field are analyzed. The concept of "competence in the field of professional-pedagogical activity of a university teacher" is formulated.

Scientific Bulletin of the Omsk State Medical University. 2022;2(1):39-45
pages 39-45 views

Euthanasia - murder or mercy?

Abdulin A.


Euthanasia is not a new phenomenon in our world, since ancient times since primitive times it was used, but only in the 16th century Bacon gave a definition of this procedure, which we know now.

There are two forms: active, which includes the introduction of the patient increased dose of drugs that will ensure painless, lethal outcome, and passive, implying inaction of medical personnel (for example, disconnecting the ventilator).

A distinction is also made between voluntary euthanasia, which is performed with a deliberate, conscious decision, and the opposite of involuntary euthanasia, when the decision is made by relatives or caregivers.

Proponents of euthanasia make strong arguments. The person is given the choice to carry out the procedure. Relief of relatives and preservation of the family budget. Preservation of the state budget and forces of medical workers.

Opponents of this phenomenon counterargue that euthanasia takes life, breaking its natural course. The possibility of making an erroneous diagnosis, the emergence of new drugs and methods of treatment.

Euthanasia is subjective, each person should determine for himself how to treat it.

Scientific Bulletin of the Omsk State Medical University. 2022;2(1):49-51
pages 49-51 views

Formation of subjective position of medical students

Pedan T.


The article presents the structure of subject position of a student of medical university. The results of diagnostics of subject position of students of Omsk State Medical University are described. The system of organizational and pedagogical conditions of development of subjective position of students of medical university and the mechanism of their realization in educational process is defined.

Scientific Bulletin of the Omsk State Medical University. 2022;2(1):46-48
pages 46-48 views

Modern endogenous prophylaxis of dental caries in children: vitamin-mineral complexes, systemic fluorides, probiotics

Ermakov R., Ekimov E.


Dental caries is one of the most widespread dental diseases among children, especially early childhood caries is becoming more and more widespread. For this reason, one of the most important and urgent problems in modern pediatric dentistry is to find the most effective methods of preventing dental caries among children.  Currently, the methods of primary pathogenetic prophylaxis aimed, first of all, at preventing the development of focal enamel demineralization (initial caries) and based on the fundamental knowledge of the etiology and pathogenesis of this disease show considerable success in this matter. Although the record efficiency in theoretical and clinical aspects of pathogenetic prophylaxis is shown by the experience of application of remineralizing agents, no less significant, especially in children, is a complex approach with the use of endogenous methods. On the one hand, this is due to the high need of growing children's organism in vitamins (in particular, in ergocalciferol) and minerals. On the other hand, the high relevance of endogenous methods is explained by the more prolonged effect of systemic preparations compared to topical agents. This feature contributes to the successful implementation of mineralization and creates the conditions for good maturation of enamel. Not only vitamin and mineral complexes, but also systemic fluorides and probiotics are widely used in endogenous prophylaxis. The action of the former is based on the diffusion of fluoride into enamel with further formation of highly caries-resistant compounds in its structure. The use of probiotic preparations is based on the ability of some strains of microorganisms to inhibit the activity and reduce the number of representatives of pathogenic microflora in the dental plaque. In addition, probiotics used for prophylactic purposes increase local immunity of the oral cavity. In connection with the above, this literature review provides relevant information on methods of modern endogenous caries prophylaxis in childhood with the description of clinical cases of vitamin-mineral complexes, systemic fluorides and probiotics.

Scientific Bulletin of the Omsk State Medical University. 2022;2(1):52-60
pages 52-60 views

Biomechanics of direct restorations and the use of reinforcements. The importance of additional reinforcing elements for improving the quality of restorations

Los E., Mikhailovsky S.


In the article modern ideas about biomechanics of teeth and restorations from the position of biomimetics are considered. Restoration of tooth tissues in therapeutic dentistry, analysis of past studies on the quality of tooth filling by dentists with different experience. Properties of materials for dental restorations. Biomechanical approach to the description of the functioning of the human dento-alveolar system. Biomechanical modeling of teeth. Reinforcing elements in restorations and the appropriateness of their use. Tooth structure from the biomechanical point of view.

Scientific Bulletin of the Omsk State Medical University. 2022;2(1):61-64
pages 61-64 views

Oral lesions in COVID-19

Kopylova D., Zolotova L.


The results of the literature analysis with the description of oral lesions in COVID-19 have shown the variability of the clinical picture. Oral manifestations were characterized by polymorphism. The most frequently described were erosions, aphthae, ulcers, vesicles, petechiae. The anatomical localization of the lesion elements were tongue, lips and palate. Poor oral hygiene and diseases of pa-rodontal tissues had a negative impact on the severity of the inflammatory process in the oral cavity.

Despite the fact that the SARS- CoV-2 virus uses the oral mucosa as an "entrance gate", the oral mucosal manifestations are not manifesting specific signs due to direct SARS-CoV-2 infection, but are caused by the systemic nature of the lesion, severity of the course and its progression due to the possible presence of concomitant infection, against the background of weakened immune response. Oral manifestations may be the result of anticoagulant therapy or an unfavorable reaction to combined drug treatment.

The period of appearance of oral mucosal lesions ranged from 4-90 days. However, those who required treatment and hospitalization developed lesions in about 7-24 days. The earliest symptom noted by many authors was impaired taste and smell. Disturbance of olfactory function and/or impaired taste was observed in patients according to different sources from 18.6% to 91%. Postcovoid manifestations may occur in different periods and may be a consequence of prolonged immunosuppression, imbalance of microflora, the effect of drugs. At the moment in the domestic sources, which describe changes in the oral cavity in the remote postcovoid period, it is noted that 100% of patients after the infection diagnosed exacerbation of chronic generalized periodontitis, chronic gingivitis. Oral candidiasis was combined with xerostomia, in patients after COVID-19 the most widespread was candidal pseudomembranous glossitis - 77,4%. Further observations and studies are needed to determine the diagnostic and pathologic significance of oral manifestations of COVID-19. And also for designation of the role and tactics of the dentist during rehabilitation measures.

Scientific Bulletin of the Omsk State Medical University. 2022;2(1):65-74
pages 65-74 views

The role of the nurse in the prevention of overweight among the young population

Petrova N., Chernikova T.


Nowadays health care sets the goal: to preserve and strengthen people's health, with the help of assistance in building a healthy lifestyle, increasing the level of preventive measures and modernization of the system of medical care.

Carrying out preventive measures allows to reduce mortality and morbidity of the population, as well as to reduce material expenditures of the state as a result of reduction of morbidity. Unfortunately, during the last years there has been a weakening of preventive work of the health care service, which has affected the health of the population.

The relevance of this topic is determined by the need for practice at the present stage, characterized by an active transition of the medical community from the analysis of public health to its management, redistribution of emphasis from the treatment of diseases to prevention [1].

It is important to note the fact that even the advanced medical achievements are not implemented in practice if they do not include relevant patient education programs based on professional innovative nursing technologies. For a long time, only physicians were involved in patient education, but it is worth noting that the professional competence of nurses makes it possible to involve them in organizing and conducting patient education sessions.

Obesity is now a global health problem worldwide and poses a social threat to human life. It is very important to prevent the spread of overweight among young people, as life expectancy is significantly reduced due to the emergence of severe secondary diseases, and the risk of disability increases.

According to Rosstat data, every fifth person among adults suffers from obesity, overweight is confirmed in 15% of children in adolescence, and at the age of up to 13 years more than 30%. Every year in all age groups, the rate of increase in obesity does not decrease. Overweight problems are encountered from childhood onwards. In the modern world, most people lead sedentary lifestyles, are irresponsible about nutrition, diet and rest [26].

A significant place in the health care system is occupied by the activities of nurses in the formation of a healthy lifestyle. Medical workers are able to teach patients to take care of their health and adhere to a healthy lifestyle.

Scientific Bulletin of the Omsk State Medical University. 2022;2(1):75-80
pages 75-80 views

How to choose a vaccine against a new coronavirus infection

Koshchey N., Morozova T.


The pandemic of a new coronavirus infection has swept the world. Scientists and physicians of all countries are making maximum efforts to contain the growth of morbidity. And in this, of course, the key role should play a large-scale vaccination against the new coronavirus infection. There are 4 main vaccines on the Russian market, which are officially registered and authorized for use in our country: "Gam-KOVID-Vac" ("Sputnik V"), "Sputnik Lite", "CoviVac". "EpiVac-Corona". Citizens of the Russian Federation are given a choice of which vaccine to be immunized with. Many people wonder which vaccine to choose. In our work we tried to demonstrate the current situation of vaccines used in Russia, and also tried to answer the question "Which vaccine to choose against coronavirus infection?".

The review provides information on the history of development of domestic vaccines "Gam-KOVID-Vac" ("Sputnik V"), "Sputnik Lite", "CoviVac", "EpiVacCorona", analyzed their composition, vaccination schemes, determined the stages of testing and efficacy. Based on the available data in domestic and foreign literature, the advantages and disadvantages of vector, peptide and whole-virion vaccines against the new coronavirus infection were identified. The list of indications and contraindications for vaccination of "Gam-KOVID-Vac" ("Sputnik V"), "Sputnik Lite", "CoviVac" was analyzed. "EpiVacCorona", the possibility of vaccination during pregnancy, as well as reactions and complications during the use of these vaccines.

Based on the analysis, we can conclude that the most optimal choice for primary vaccination of people who have not had a new coronavirus infection will be the vaccine "Gam-KOVID-Vac" ("Sputnik V"), as it has successfully passed all clinical trials and has an efficacy of 91.6%. This vaccine is the safest for the human body and has a minimum number of absolute and relative contraindications than other vaccines. The Sputnik V vaccine is authorized for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. For people who have had a new coronavirus infection or have been previously vaccinated, the Sputnik Lite vaccine is the best option. Its safety profile is similar to Sputnik V and efficacy is 79.4%. To date, there is no unequivocal evidence base for the efficacy of the CoviVac and EpiVacCorona vaccines. But clinical trials are not finished and, perhaps, in time these vaccines will take the leading positions in vaccination against the new coronavirus infection.

Scientific Bulletin of the Omsk State Medical University. 2022;2(1):81-86
pages 81-86 views

Analyzing the use of different procurement procedures in the field of health care

Barkhatova M., Vasilevskaya E.


The importance of the system of the state order is great, due to the fact that with its help a significant part of financial resources of the state, directed to the regulation of socio-economic processes, is spent. According to the data of the analytical center under the Government of the Russian Federation, the largest in value volume of procurements in 2019 was for the purchase of medicines, medical equipment, petroleum products and motor vehicles. Procurement for healthcare needs is a topical area in the field of public procurement. The system of public procurement for health care is an important component of medical care and health maintenance of citizens of the Russian Federation, including in the implementation of various government programs, provision of medical institutions, preferential categories of the population, etc. The system of public procurement for health care is an important component of the provision of medical care and maintaining the health of citizens of the Russian Federation. By making these purchases, the state realizes the legally enshrined guarantees of affordable and quality medical care. The specificity of the sphere of public procurement in the field of health care is determined by the high social significance, and, accordingly, high requirements for all participants. These procurement procedures often cause difficulties at various stages of public procurement. An important element in the implementation of public procurement is the procedure for determining the supplier - a set of actions of the customer, performed at the stage of placement of documentation on the procurement, and which should be completed by the conclusion of the contract. This paper considers competitive and non-competitive procurement procedures. The most significant is the procedure of electronic auction. With the help of this method in most cases suppliers of medicines and medical devices, which are fundamental goods in the health care system, are determined. Auction as a method of procurement allows to spend budget funds economically, but at the same time low price as a key component of the auction can negatively affect the quality of purchased objects. The procedures of request for quotations, request for proposals, as well as procurement from a single supplier are also significant for the healthcare sector, as they represent the right of the customer to purchase medicines and medical devices for individual patient indications. However, the legislative regulation for these procedures implies significant restrictions on their applicability, as well as on the price of the contract. Such peculiarities may contribute to the reduction of the efficiency of procurement of medicines, and accordingly the quality of care provided to the population.

Scientific Bulletin of the Omsk State Medical University. 2022;2(1):87-95
pages 87-95 views

Analysis of internal and external environment of pharmacy organization

Belikova L., Vasilevskaya E.


In the structure and content of the elemental composition of the pharmacy organization distinguish the external and internal environment, which in various ways, through numerous factors, affect the work of this organization in the present and future time. In the internal environment there are two components: resource, thanks to which the internal organizational activities are carried out and operational, which serves to transform the resources available in the pharmacy organization into something material. Considering the external environment of the pharmacy organization, we can distinguish factors of direct and indirect impact, which in turn make up the macro-environment and micro-environment of the organization.  The factors of indirect impact include factors that are outside the organization and do not have a direct impact (political, economic, technological). Direct impact factors, in turn, have a direct impact on the work of the organizational process in the pharmacy (suppliers, competitors, consumers). One of the most important factors of indirect impact is state regulation, which is responsible for regulating the activities of the pharmacy organization at the state level and the level of the subject of the Russian Federation. The tasks of state regulation include constant control over compliance of pharmacies with the current legislation in the territory of the Russian Federation, control over licensing of pharmaceutical activities, tracking and control of financial and tax reporting and other types of control and regulation of pharma-ceutical activities. In order for the organization to work in a profitable mode for itself, the manager and his subordinates need to be able to cope with the influence of emerging factors inside and outside the pharmacy organization, using in their work rational and optimal strategies, for the development of which it is necessary to apply various methods of strategic analysis, such as: SWOT-analysis, PEST-analysis, Porter's five forces analysis, scenario planning, value chain analysis. To choose an effective method of strategic analysis, the manager and staff need to be able to make strategies and understand what exactly the organization should achieve during its time-consuming activities.

Scientific Bulletin of the Omsk State Medical University. 2022;2(1):96-106
pages 96-106 views

Analysis of motivation of labor activity of pharmaceutical specialists

Shpeid A., Vasilevskaya E.


At the present stage of formation of the pharmaceutical market, as well as in the conditions of competition between its participants, one of the key roles is played by the process of staff motivation. Personnel motivation is a set of post-sequential actions on the part of the manager, contributing to the quality of work of employees and strengthening their loyalty to the organization. Sooner or later every manager faces the problem of reducing the efficiency of the company's activity, loss of interest in the performance of the given work of his employees.  Thus, the process of achieving the goals and objectives of the company and the realization of future prospects becomes more difficult. In this case, the manager decides to change the motivational system in order to get the maximum return of human resources, and ultimately significantly increase the performance and profitability of the pharmacy organization. However, there is no single motivational system that would be suitable for all and equally affect one or another process of the company's activity.  For this purpose, the management develops its own motivation system, which is one of the most complex and creative processes in management. This paper considers the stages of formation of motivational process, types of motivation, motivators for pharmaceutical specialists, as well as methods of motivation of labor activity of employees. Methods of motivation serve as an important element in the process of formation of motivational system: the choice of the method depends on the choice of the system used. Such methods as material motivation, organizational methods, socio-psychological approaches are used to implement motivational policy. But in order for the system to function well, it is necessary to study the advantages and disadvantages in order to know what to pay attention to when selecting a method-discipline. It is very important to maintain a balance between the standards of pharmaceutical activity and the desire to improve financial results, while remaining within the legal framework. If tangible and intangible methods of motivation are used in combination, it is possible to trace a synergistic effect, where their joint action will lead to a significant increase in labor productivity and effective economy of the enterprise.

Scientific Bulletin of the Omsk State Medical University. 2022;2(1):107-117
pages 107-117 views

Road traffic injuries: directions for improving the organization of medical care

Artamonova O., Semenova N.


Road traffic traumatism in Russia today has acquired the scale and character of a national catastrophe due to the high severity of injuries and the frequency of lethality of victims. The federal target programs being implemented in the Russian Federation have shown high efficiency in the fight against child mortality, social and transport risk in road traffic accidents. The authors of this literature review have considered the main causes of road traffic injuries, which remain high both in Russia and in the world as a whole. The level of development of road infra-structure directly affects the number of road accidents on the roadway. Under-recording of casualties and fatalities due to organizational shortcomings of emergency services hinders quality forecasting of injuries and effective training of medical personnel, but the creation of a unified information registry can solve this problem. Low medical literacy of the population, as well as insufficient knowledge of traffic rules has a direct impact on the number of road accidents and the level of injuries. More careful control over the admission of drivers to driving vehicles and the technical condition of the vehicle itself will also increase road safety. The authors also outline the basic principles of medical care for victims of road accidents. Lack of medical personnel, ambulances, air ambulance units and their insufficient equipment makes it difficult to diagnose injuries and evacuate victims from the scene of an accident. The fastest diagnosis of craniocerebral injuries is of great importance, which is possible only if the emergency response team is equipped with a mobile computerized tomography machine. Lack of necessary specialists in central district hospitals, which often turn out to be the nearest point for hospitalization of victims, and poorly equipped diagnostic departments of central district hospitals do not allow to provide the necessary assistance in full. In addition to diagnosis and therapy of somatic pathologies, the role of psychological rehabilitation of victims at all stages of medical care was highlighted.

Scientific Bulletin of the Omsk State Medical University. 2022;2(1):118-126
pages 118-126 views

Occupational dermatoses in medical workers under COVID-19

Zayachnikov I., Semenova N.


The literature review summarizes the current data on occupational dermatoses in medical workers under COVID-19. Occupational dermato- dermatoses caused by personal protective equipment in the ongoing pandemic of novel COVID-19 coronavirus infection represent new occupational health problems that need to be addressed promptly and effectively to alleviate the burden on health care workers. A review was conducted to identify dermatoses associated with PPE contacted in the workplace. A solution to this problem was also proposed. Online databases were searched for articles on dermatoses associated with personal protective equipment in healthcare workers during the COVID-19 novel coronavirus infection pandemic, written in English and published in the last few years. The most frequent dermatoses were xerosis, pressure-related erythema, and contact dermatitis, mainly affecting the face and hands. The most frequently mentioned contact items included frequent use of hand hygiene, gloves, masks and protective eyewear. Proposed solutions were divided into personal grooming, workforce protection, and long-term pro- preventive measures Another important aspect of protecting our workforce would be educating health care workers on how to identify skin symptoms, basic skin care, and seeking further treatment when indicated [11,31,17]. Due to busy schedules and heavy workloads, many health care workers tend to ignore early warning signs such as mild erythema or neglect daily skin care practices. This is further exacerbated by the current climate of stress and anxiety due to COVID-19, which can even cause feelings of depression or burnout[2,47]. We need to remind our employees to look out for their well-being even when they are serving others. Such messages can be disseminated through virtual platforms such as webinars and subsequently reinforced through physical cues such as placing containers of moisturizers in places where PPE is worn or removed. Through measures such as regular skin care education, early access to specialized clinics via telemedicine, and the development of more appropriate personal protective equipment, problems associated with occupational dermatoses can be significantly reduced.

Scientific Bulletin of the Omsk State Medical University. 2022;2(1):127-133
pages 127-133 views

Formation of neuropsychiatric disorders in an international emergency caused by COVID-19

Sukhanova S., Semenova N.


The development of neuropsychiatric disorders in conditions of COVID-19 pandemic becomes a problem of international scale and affects both persons who have suffered COVID-19 and those who have not been ill. There has been a significant increase in the prevalence of psychiatric disorders, often more severe than respiratory symptoms and somatic pathologies. The impact on the human psyche is not only caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus itself, which has tropism to the nervous tissue, but also by public prophylaxis measures, which significantly limit interpersonal contacts and disrupt the usual social environment. As a consequence, many people face asthenia, cognitive disorders, depression, insomnia and stress disorders, up to the formation of post-traumatic stress disorder. The emergence of neuropsychiatric disorders contributes to the spread of viral infection, which is associated with more frequent development of complications and unfavorable dynamics of existing somatic diseases. The most vulnerable groups in this situation are medical workers who work directly in infection foci, the elderly, people who have been in self-isolation or quarantine for a long time, those who have mental disorders and those who have tested positive for coronavirus infection. Underestimation by physicians and patients of the significance of developing neuropsychiatric disorders leads to late diagnosis and delay of qualified treatment, which in turn leads to a worsening of the prognosis of mental disorders, a decrease in the level of social functioning and quality of life of patients, as well as possible significant socio-economic consequences and additional burden on the health care budget. The magnitude of the problem dictates the need to develop evidence-based recommendations, psychological support programs, psychological counseling and self-help training as a set of organized public health actions. This literature review was prepared to systematize and analyze data on the mechanisms of neuropsychiatric disorders in an international public health emergency caused by COVID-19. The literature search was conducted in Embase, PubMed and Google Scholar.

Scientific Bulletin of the Omsk State Medical University. 2022;2(1):134-142
pages 134-142 views

Influence of reactive oxygen species on human health and mechanisms of defense against free radicals

Gureeva V., Kornyakova V.


The development of many pathologies is accompanied by the occurrence of oxidative stress. Active forms of oxygen damage cell components and can lead to cell death, which negatively affects the function of organs and systems of the human body. Oxidative stress occurs in pathology of cardiovascular and immune system, cancer, stroke, hypoxic conditions, arthritis. There are endogenous mechanisms of body defense against oxidative stress - these are enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidants. The former include superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase, glutathione reductase, glutathione transferase. Non-enzymatic antioxidants protecting the cell from the damaging effect of reactive oxygen species include, for example, glutathione and cysteine. Also to this group of antioxidants include vitamins A, E, C, coenzyme Q, carotenoids, bioflavonoids, selenium and others. Vitamin C is as an antioxidant reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, carotenoids protect cells from aging. Vitamin E reduces the risk of atherosclerosis. Glutathione is the most important component of the antioxidant system of vital organs, protecting them from free-radical damage. Human health depends on the efficiency of the antioxidant system. If its functioning is insufficient, serious damage occurs.

Scientific Bulletin of the Omsk State Medical University. 2022;2(1):143-147
pages 143-147 views

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