Vol 11, No 11 (1897)


Janiceps symmetros (symmetric Janus)

Sitsinsky A.A.


On May 1, 1896, at the St. Petersburg Obstetric-Gynecological Society, I demonstrated a rare preparation of Janice symmetros, not complicated by other important deformities.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(11):1307-1322
pages 1307-1322 views

Sterility of macerated fruits and aseptic cadaver for phantom operations

Stroganov V.


When studying obstetrics, a good obstetric phantom is of no small importance as a teaching aid. Teaching operational obstetrics is unthinkable even without it, since one reading cannot be so imprinted in the minds of listeners as the direct application of one or another technique by themselves, and one has to reckon with a number of details, like at the bedside of a woman in labor. No matter how great the clinic is, a number of obstetric operations, due to the rarity of their use, remains unseen by the majority of those involved. I will point out, for example, the operation spondylotomia, evisceratio, decapitatio, the imposition of forceps on the head when presenting the face, etc. That is why the obstetric phantom is an inevitable companion of the study of obstetrics. Recently, a number of improvements have been proposed in this direction. So ex. Schwabe arranged a device with a variable pelvis, on which you can get a normal and narrow pelvis.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(11):1323-1329
pages 1323-1329 views

The case of colpo-hyperplasiae-cysticae (vaginitis emphy-sematosa)

Fedorovskaya-Viridarskaya M.M.


The relative rarity of cases of this kind of diseases of the female genital apparatus prompts me to share with my esteemed comrades the observation of a case of this kind, which I met in the clinic of the Imperial Midwifery Institute. But before reporting the clinical picture of our case, I consider it not superfluous to preface the literary data that I managed to collect on this issue.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(11):1330-1333
pages 1330-1333 views

Towards the treatment of postpartum uterine inversion

Weber F.K.


Eversion of the uterus after childbirth is extremely rare. So, according to Braun, for 250,000 births from the Vienna Obstetric Clinic there was not a single case of eversion, Winkel for 17,000 births, Benham for 100,000 births from the Dublin maternity hospital, Beckmann for 200,000 births from the St. Petersburg maternity hospital, not a single one was observed case of eversion. It depends on the fact that eversion with the correct management of childbirth and mainly the postpartum period occurs extremely rarely. Most authors at least consider the crude methods used during childbirth to isolate the placenta by poor midwives or, more often than not, simple midwives, as the most common causes of eversion. The etiology and symptomatology of postpartum inversion of the uterus have been sufficiently elucidated, while the treatment of especially old forms of it presents many controversial points, as a result of which I would allow myself here to cite one case of postpartum inversion of the uterus that I observed in the hospital of Mary Magdalene and is of some interest in relation.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(11):1334-1357
pages 1334-1357 views

On the question of removing the uterine appendages through the vagina

Sheloumov V.I.


Since September 27, 1895 in the Gynecological Department of the Imperial Clinical Midwife Institute and in the Clinic of the Imperial Clinical Institute of the Great Duchess Elena Pavlovna prof. Otto colpo-coeliotomia was done 20 times, of which 8 were in the first institution and 12 in the second.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(11):1358-1406
pages 1358-1406 views

Puncture, incision through the vagina and treatment of intraligamentary cysts

Sheloumov V.I.


Vaginal puncture and incision are the oldest methods of vaginal ovariotomy; this way and this method of treatment seemed advisable because a cure was repeatedly observed with spontaneous rupture of cysts in the vagina.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(11):1407-1433
pages 1407-1433 views

Medical report of the obstetric department of the clinic prof. K.F.Slaviansky for 1894 and 1895

Poroshin M.N.


Departure of the handles from the front surface of the body and their eruption near the head was observed 40 times (2.59%): 18 times in the I-parae, 12 in the II-parae, 4 in the III-parae, 3 in the IV-parae once in V-VII and IX para. In 34 cases the delivery was urgent, in 5 it was premature. 18 times the right handle was attached (13 times with 2 occipital position) 20 times - left (16 times with 1 occipital position) And 2 times both.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(11):1434-1468
pages 1434-1468 views


Ott D.O.


24 members were present: Antipov, P.A., Baikov, Beckman, Nasten, Viridarsky, Dolinsky, Zamshin, Zematsky, Kakushkin, Kannegiser, Lichkus, Mazurkevich, Massen, Misevich, Olenin, Piotrovich, Poroshin, Rachinsky, Serezhnikov, Stravinsky, Stroginov , Ulezko-Stroganova, Frank, Shverdlov and 25 guests.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(11):1469-1480
pages 1469-1480 views

Medical newspaper

Rosenthal Y.


Wawelberg G. (Варшава). Два случая неправильнаго развитія женскихъ половыхъ органовъ, стр. 135.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(11):1481-1482
pages 1481-1482 views


Rosenthal Y.


Jasinski K. (Lodz). A Case of Tubal Pregnancy, p. 73.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(11):1482
pages 1482 views

Medical Chronicle

Rosenthal Y.


Neugebwer and M. Warszawski (Warsaw). Inversion of the uterus, No. 6, 7, 8, 9.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(11):1482
pages 1482 views

Diary of the Warsaw Medical Society

Rosenthal Y.


T. Faytt (Warsaw). On the topographic relationship of the ureters to the bladder and uterus, pp. 3-434 with 5 tables. Competitive prize.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(11):1482-1483
pages 1482-1483 views

Surgical Review

Rosenthal Y.


Ziemacki (Kharkov). On the question of the operation of the urinary fistula, vol. III, p. 98.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(11):1483
pages 1483 views

Medical Review

Rosenthal Y.


Jaworski W. Dyspepsia sexualis artificalis in women, No. 1, p. 3.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(11):1483-1484
pages 1483-1484 views

Medical News

Rosenthal Y.


Pomorski (Poznan). To the question of facilitating decapitation with neglected transverse positions, No. 7, p. 364.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(11):1484
pages 1484 views

Yearbook of the Krakow Gynecological Society

Rosenthal Y.


Issue 6, 1895 contains many rare cases and demonstrations by Drs. Bosnera, Marsa, Switalsk'ago, Jordana and Kosminsk'ago, of which the following are interesting.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(11):1484-1489
pages 1484-1489 views

Medical newspaper

Rosenthal Y.


Troczewski A. (Kutno). A case of an ectopic pregnancy (abdominal) with the correct development of the fetus throughout the pregnancy. Maceration of the fetus and the formation of fistulas in the navel and intestines. Gluttony. Recovery, no. 9, p. 232.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(11):1489-1490
pages 1489-1490 views


Rosenthal Y.


Winawer A. (Warsaw). To the casuistry of suppurating cysts of the broad ligament (near the ovary). Excision of the cyst. Recovery. No. 1, 2, 3, 5, p. 1, 24, 49, 77.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(11):1490
pages 1490 views

Medical Chronicle

Rosenthal Y.


Jaworski J. (Warsaw). On the issue of serotherapy for maternity fever No. 5, p. 183.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(11):1490
pages 1490 views

Diary of the Warsaw Medical Society

Rosenthal Y.


Popiel W. (Warsaw). On the question of the effect of castration on the woman's body vol. XCIII, p. 311.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(11):1490
pages 1490 views

Medical Review

Rosenthal Y.


Rosner A. On the technique of bloody expansion of the external uterine pharynx. No. 1, 2, p. 4, 14.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(11):1490-1491
pages 1490-1491 views

Medical News

Rosenthal Y.


Ciechanowski S. (Krakow). A case of tubal pregnancy

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(11):1491
pages 1491 views

Yearbook of the Krakow Gynecological Society

Rosenthal Y.


Книжка 7-я заключаетъ сообщенія сдѣланныя въ „Towarzystw’Ѣ“ въ 1896 г., большею частью уже напечатанныя въ періодическихъ изданіяхъ, (какъ напр. Rosner’a и Mars‘a) С№ 17 и 18 настоящаго обзора), Mars‘a—Къ вопросу объ этіологіи болѣзненнаго зуда (обзоръ за 1896 годъ) и т. п.,_ а также представленіе больныхъ и демонстраціи анатомическихъ и микроскопическихъ препаратовъ), а именно.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(11):1491-1504
pages 1491-1504 views

A few more words on the issue of streamlining the obstetric care in Russia

Artemiev A.


Without a little three years ago, in one of the meetings of the IMPERIAL Caucasian Medical Society, in the form of a collegial discussion of various events tending to streamline obstetric care, I submitted my report on the development of the “babichyago” case in Russia

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(11):1505-1513
pages 1505-1513 views

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