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卷 16, 编号 4 (2023)



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Original researches

On the self-assessment of ocular status and of visual functions by senior students at Russian medical universities (anonymous survey results)

Avkhadeeva S., Aliverdieva E., Astakhov S., Beldovskaya N., Bobykin E., Gavrilova T., Zagidullina A., Korotkikh S., Nechiporenko P., Ponomareva M., Smolkov N., Tretyakova Y.


BACKGROUND: Visual impairment is a worldwide problem for the humanity in general, including students.

AIM: to conduct a rough estimate of the visual system status in senior medical students at Russian universities taking a training according to General Medicine educational program 31.05.01 (specialty) and having completed the ophthalmology course.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: an online anonymous survey of students from five universities in various cities of the country was conducted using an original interactive questionnaire. Answers were received from 549 respondents, predominantly women (n = 425, 77.4%), mean age 22.4 ± 0,06 years.

RESULTS: Only 42.7% of students rated their vision as “excellent” or “good.” The most common refractive error according to the survey participants’ self-assessment was myopia, which was reported by 56.1% of them, while 21.9% of respondents reported that they did not know their clinical refraction; 25.5% of students confirmed the presence of astigmatism. 56.9% of respondents use optical correction, glasses being the most popular option. 76.7% of the respondents had their vision testing, and 64.5% visited an ophthalmologist within the last year. Any other concomitant ocular condition (refractive errors excluded) was reported by 4.9% of students (most frequently various types of vitreoretinal pathology, dry eye syndrome, and strabismus were mentioned). 57.9% of respondents believe their vision to have worsened over the past few years, and excessive visual stress was considered the leading cause, reported by 57.2% of the study participants. The respondents rated the importance of having a good vision at 9.25 ± 0.06 points on an arbitrary scale from 1 (minimum) to 10 (maximum) points.

CONCLUSIONS: Senior students at Russian medical universities highly appreciate the importance of good vision, while more than half of respondents have visual impairments, use optical correction, and also believe that their vision continues to deteriorate. Insufficient awareness of some students about their vision and gaps in ophthalmological knowledge were revealed.

Ophthalmology Reports. 2023;16(4):23-34
pages 23-34 views

Secondary cataract in patients after traditional phacoemulsification in comparison with femtolaser extraction

Kulikov I., Spirin A., Mullackhmetov B., Kulikova I.


BACKGROUND: Secondary cataract is a frequent complication of the postoperative period of cataract surgery.

AIM: To evaluate the timing of secondary cataract formation in pseudophakic eyes after cataract extraction phacoemulsification, carried out as traditional phacoemulsification in comparison with femtolaser cataract surgery.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: We conducted a retrospective study of patients who underwent YAG laser posterior capsulotomy (98 people, 108 eyes). All patients were divided into two groups. First group (54 people, 58 eyes) consisted of patients in whom secondary cataract occurred after traditional phacoemulsification. In the second group (44 people, 50 eyes) secondary cataract occurred after femtolaser-assisted cataract surgery. All patients were implanted with a monofocal intraocular lens MIOL-2.

RESULTS: The data analysis revealed that the period of secondary cataract formation in the first group was 2.83 ± 1.25 years, in the second group 3.75 ± 1.0 years.

CONCLUSIONS: The analysis showed that the secondary cataract after traditional phacoemulsification occurs earlier by an average of 1 year than after femtolaser-assisted cataract surgery.

Ophthalmology Reports. 2023;16(4):7-13
pages 7-13 views

Analysis of the effect of keratotopographic parameters on tonometric intraocular pressure

Ahmetov N., Samoylov A., Usov V.


BACKGROUND: Applanation tonometers remain popular in most countries of the world; in Russia, the Maklakov tonometer is one of them. When using a Maklakov tonometer, intraocular pressure values are obtained indirectly through the cornea, which has individual characteristics, which certainly introduces its own errors into the accuracy of the measurement results.

AIM: The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of keratotopographic parameters on tonometric intraocular pressure.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: A study of 16 keratotopographic indices (using ALLEGRO Oculyzer Wavelight Oculyzer II) and of tonometric intraocular pressure values obtained using Maklakov tonometer (NGm2-“OFT-P”) was carried out in 500 patients (1000 eyes). Among the study population there were patients with both emmetropic refraction — 8 eyes (0.8%), and patients with refractive errors 992 eyes (99.2%), among them: 978 eyes (97.8%) had myopic refraction 14 (1.4%) eyes had isolated refraction with myopic astigmatism. 889 eyes (88.9%) combined myopic refraction with myopic astigmatism.

RESULTS: Based on the analysis of 16 keratotopographic parameters and tonometric intraocular pressure values, 500 patients (1000 eyes), the greatest influence of 13 studied parameters of the cornea was determined, such as: K1 (keratometry of flatter meridian); K2 (keratometry of steeper meridian); Km (mean keratometry); Rf (radius of the flatter meridian); Rs (radius of the steeper meridian); Rm (mean radius of curvature); Rmin (minimal radius of curvature); Rper (average radius of curvature between the 6 mm and 9 mm zone center); IVA (index of vertical asymmetry); ISV (index of surface variance); CKI (central keratoconus index); Thickness (thickness); IHD (index of height decentration) — on intraocular pressure values.

CONCLUSIONS: Based on the results obtained, we determined the effect of topographic parameters of the cornea on tonometric intraocular pressure, and created a formula for correcting intraocular pressure values based on the original formula we developed: Pt keratotopographic corrected = Pt + (±ISVp) + (±IVAp) + (±Rmp) + (±Kmp) + (±CKIp) + (±Thicknessp), where Pt keratotopographic corrected is the corrected tonometric intraocular pressure and Pt is the tonometric intraocular pressure.

Ophthalmology Reports. 2023;16(4):15-22
pages 15-22 views

Comparative characteristics of ophthalmological symptoms of orbitocranial and orbital cavernous venous malformation

Serova N., Trunova A., Grigorieva N., Lasunin N.


BACKGROUND: Cavernous venous malformation of the orbit, formerly known as cavernous hemangioma of the orbit, refers to vascular malformations with slow blood flow, and is a frequent lesion of the orbit in adults. The spread of cavernous venous malformation of the orbit into the cranial cavity is extremely rare.

AIM: The aim of this study is a comparative analysis of ophthalmological manifestations of orbitocranial and orbital cavernous venous malformation.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: The analysis was performed on 50 patients operated in N.N. Burdenko National Scientific and Practical Center for Neurosurgery from 2004 till 2023. Two groups of patients with сavernous venous malformation of the orbit were identified: group 1 — with malformation spreading into the cranial cavity, group 2 —with malformation localized in the orbit only.

RESULTS: In 29 patients, cavernous venous malformation of the orbit spread into the cranial cavity through superior orbital fissure, inferior orbital fissure, optic canal and/or through combinations thereof; in 21 patients, the malformation was located in the orbit only. Females prevailed in both groups; the average age was 44 years. The first group included patients with the following features: visual impairments were more frequent and more prominent, oculomotor disorders caused mainly by the involvement of oculomotor and abducens nerves; optic nerve atrophy, slight proptosis. The second group was identified by more prominent proptosis, more mild visual impairments, oculomotor disorders caused by the presence of the malformation in the orbit, at the eye fundus, optic nerve head edema prevailed.

CONCLUSIONS: Ophthalmic symptoms due to topographic and anatomical variants of a cavernous malformation.

Ophthalmology Reports. 2023;16(4):35-42
pages 35-42 views

Development of schematic representations for globe removal and formation of the supporting-motor stump for use in ophthalmological and radiological practice

Davydov D., Gridasova I., Serova N., Pavlova O., Konovalov K.


BACKGROUND: Today, the issue of globe endoprosthetics is an extremely important problem due to several reasons: the presence of various methods for globe removal, the variety of implants and surgical installation techniques, non-standard cavities before prosthetics, the lack of a unified algorithm for examining the patients at the pre- and postoperative stages, as well as difficulties in the rehabilitation of patients with anophthalmos and high aesthetics requirements.

AIM: Development of schematic images of performing various surgical techniques for globe removal and forming a supporting-motor stump for a cosmetic prosthesis.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: During 2020–2023, in different institutions, 43 patients (100%) were examined for globe endoprosthetics, from 18 to 65 years old, 23 men, 20 women. The authors analyzed CT data obtained at the radiological department No. 2 of Sechenov University and at the 1586 Military Clinical Hospital of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

RESULTS: All patients (n = 43; 100%) underwent a globe removal in various modifications depending on the initial condition, in 39 cases (78%) — reconstructive surgery for the endoprosthesis installation in order to form a volumetric supporting-motor stump, and further external cosmetic prosthetics. In 10 patients (22%), the endoprosthesis was installed after enucleation of the globe, in 33 (78%) — after evisceration in various modifications.

CONCLUSIONS: This paper presents schematic images of various techniques for surgical globe removal, formation of a supporting-motor stump, types of endoprostheses, the options of external cosmetic prosthetics and the presence of complications, as well as a CT protocol for the description of obtained images.

Ophthalmology Reports. 2023;16(4):43-53
pages 43-53 views

Experimental trials

The evaluation of cytoxicity of ocular hypotensive therapy to cultured human corneal epithelial cells

Fisenko N., Yusef Y., Subbot A., Osipyan G.


BACKGROUND: Corneal epithelial defect is a corneal epithelial cells’ (CEpC) disruption of various origin. In patients with corneal epithelial defect, glaucoma is a frequent concomitant disease demanding prescription of hypotensive medications, most of which containing benzalkonium chloride.

AIM: The aim of this study is to evaluate cytotoxicity of antiglaucoma drugs, as well as benzalkonium chloride (BAK), to human CEpC in vitro.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study was carried out on primary cultures of human CEpC. Cytotoxicity of dorzolamide, brimonidine, timolol (dilutions 1/100, 1/50, 1/20, 1/10, a 24-hour exposure) and of BAK was estimated on the model of intact epithelium (monolayer). Benzalkonium chloride was evaluated in concentrations equals to its concentration in tested ophthalmic solutions. Cytotoxicity of dorzolamide, brimonidine, timolol (dilutions 1/100, 1/20, a 48-hour exposure) was evaluated on the model of corneal epithelial defect (damage of the monolayer). The medication’s cytotoxicity was estimated by cellular changes (phase-contrast microscopy) and by the MTS-test’s results.

RESULTS: Among BAK-free medications: dorzolamide (1/50, 1/20, 1/10 dilutions), brimonidine (1/10 dilution) — induce CEpCs’ pathological changes, whereas timolol (all tested dilutions) is non-toxic. BAK-preserved drugs: dorzolamide, brimonidine, timolol (1/100, 1/50, 1/20, 1/10 dilutions) — induce CEpCs’ damage, their viability reduction, and corneal epithelial defect closure inhibition. BAK shows similar effect in tested concentrations.

CONCLUSIONS: Cytotoxicity of antiglaucoma drugs is attributed to their component — benzalkonium chloride. Administration of preserved drugs is not reasonable in eyes with corneal epithelial defect of various origin.

Ophthalmology Reports. 2023;16(4):55-66
pages 55-66 views

Corneal changes after fulguration and cross-linking in experiment

Boutaba R., Trufanov S., Riks I., Ezugbaya M., Yukina G., Sukhorukova E., Papanyan S., Nikolaenko S., Gorchakova O.


BACKGROUND: Severe progressive forms of infectious keratitis are often associated with the risk of violation of the structural integrity of the eyeball and the development of endophthalmitis. In the presence of negative dynamics against the background of conservative etiotropic therapy for severe keratitis, it is advisable to use surgical methods of treatment. The combination of two surgical methods of influencing a pharmacoresistant infectious process in the cornea — cross-linking and fulguration — is promising and requires further investigation.

AIM: In the experiment, to evaluate the effect on the corneal tissue of various modes of direct current fulguration, as well as in combination with cross-linking as well.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: An in vivo experimental study was carried out on 19 rabbits (38 eyes) of the Soviet Chinchilla breed, the average body weight of the animals was 2.5–4.0 kg. Depending on the stage of the study, the type and power of exposure during fulguration, the rabbits were divided into 3 groups.

RESULTS: When the cornea was exposed to fulguration in mode 5, the changes covered only 10–15 % of the anterior stroma, about 50 μm, and both clinically and histologically were not sufficient. When exposed to mode 6 and 7 after 3 months, changes in the stromal structure extended by about 150 µm. When using mode 8, there was a slight proliferation of connective tissue between the Descemet’s membrane and the endothelium. The combination of cross-linking with fulguration made it possible to obtain a more compact structure of the anterior layers of the corneal stroma and stability of the epithelium.

CONCLUSIONS: Fulguration may be a relatively safe treatment for the cornea in pharmacoresistant progressive keratitis. Fulguration and corneal cross-linking can potentiate each other’s effect. Fulguration mode 7 (1.5 W) is optimal at corneal exposition for the eradication of infectious agents.

Ophthalmology Reports. 2023;16(4):67-77
pages 67-77 views

Case reports

Clinical features of three-layer’s impairment of capillary plexuses’ perfusion at follow-up in patients with Purcher retinopathy and Purcher-like retinopathy

Poroshina M., Pedanova E., Samedov A., Matyaeva A., Kalinich N.


In Purcher retinopathy and Purcher-like retinopathy, ischemic lesions occur at the level of all three retina capillary plexuses. Recognition of characteristic ischemic patterns by optical coherence tomography helps to predict the degree of visual functions’ recovery. The aim of this study is to present clinical cases of patients with Purcher retinopathy and Purcher-like retinopathy and to observe the dynamics of visual rehabilitation of patients with retinal vascular conditions. Two patients with complaints of central vision loss and skotomata in the visual field were examined. The complex of multimodal visualization included fundus photoregistration with fundus camera, optical coherence tomography and optical coherence tomography-angiography, and microperimetry. Paracentral acute middle maculopathy and acute macular neuroretinopathy are the manifestations of the same ischemic process on different levels of retinal vascular plexuses. The “diffuse” pattern damages in paracentral acute middle maculopathy lead to more permanent structural and functional impairments opposed to the “skip” pattern. The optical coherence tomography allows to predict the possibilities of visual and functional rehabilitation in patients with ischemic damage of retinal vessels.

Ophthalmology Reports. 2023;16(4):79-89
pages 79-89 views

Surgical treatment of Ahmed glaucoma valve’s tube protrusion relapse. Clinical observations

Starostina A., Burlakov K.


In the practice of an ophthalmic surgeon, patients with a large number of concomitant conditions after repeated surgical interventions are seen with increasingly frequency. One of the grave complications in such patients is secondary glaucoma with a refractory type of course. After successful compensation of intraocular pressure in such patients, the risk of complications increases many times, for example, protrusion of the Ahmed valve drainage tube, which becomes the entrance gate for infection, which can lead to endophthalmitis. This article presents clinical cases of surgical treatment of recurrent protrusion of the Ahmed valve drainage tube.

Ophthalmology Reports. 2023;16(4):91-97
pages 91-97 views

FemtoLASIK clinical case of laser visual correction of residual myopia in the eye with IOL by using MEL-90 and VisuMax 500

Popowska L., Popowska-Kedra M., Kachanov A.


The authors describe their experience of successful laser additional correction of residual myopic refractive error (Vis OD = 0.04; Sph –5.75 D, Cyl –2.00 D, ax 25° = 0.4) using the FemtoLASIK method with the MEL-90 excimer laser and the VISUMAX femtosecond laser (Carl Zeiss Meditec) in a 15-year-old patient on a pseudophakic eye (Acrysof® Natural, model SN60AT), with moderate glistening and refractive amblyopia after phacoemulsification of congenital posterior capsular cataract with IOL implantation performed at the age of 7 years. Moreover, the very next day after present surgery, the patient’s maximum distance visual acuity without correction increased to 0.5, but she still had the ability to read ordinary magazine text at close distance. Thus, the described clinical case confirms that FemtoLASIK technology can be successfully used as the second stage of bioptics (laser correction of myopia in pseudophakic eyes) in young patients.

Ophthalmology Reports. 2023;16(4):99-104
pages 99-104 views


Pseudoxanthoma elasticum: a review of the literature with a clinical case

Gladysheva E., Parasunko T., Gladysheva K., Parasunko D., Shaar G., Belekhova S.


Pseudoxanthoma elasticum (Grönblad–Strandberg syndrome) is an inherited disease of an autosomal recessive type associated with a mutation in the ABCC6 gene, which causes a violation of the elastogenesis process. The disease is characterized by defects in the tissues of the skin, eyes and blood vessels. Skin lesions of Pseudoxanthoma elasticum represent small xanthomatous papules with tendency to be confluent; most frequently, they are located on the occipital skin, in axillary creases, on the lateral surfaces of the neck, and in skin deflection areas. The ocular involvement manifests as retinal angioid streaks on the fundus, representing the breaks in Bruch’s membrane, which often complicate by development of choroidal neovascularization. Timely diagnosis and early treatment of patients with active choroidal neovascularization caused by angioid streaks makes possible to stabilize the process and preserve visual functions.

Ophthalmology Reports. 2023;16(4):105-118
pages 105-118 views
