卷 10, 编号 3 (2018)


Postgraduate education

The importance of professional standard in clinical pharmacologist’s work in a medical organization

Burbello A., Fedorenko A., Sychev D., Frolov M., Pokladova M., Zagorodnikova K., Reshetko O., Ivanova M.


The article describes the main functions of a clinical pharmacologist in preventive medicine institution according to the draft “Professional standart “clinical pharmacologist”. The role of clinical pharmacologist and its importance in the work of medical organization according to the orders of Ministry of Health (No. 131 of May 05, 1997; No. 494 of October 22, 2003; No. 575н of November 02, 2012) was shown.

HERALD of North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov. 2018;10(3):5-18
pages 5-18 views


Pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines in the pathogenesis of osteoarthritis

Raymuev K.


The review summarizes the current understanding of the role of cytokines in the pathogenesis of osteoarthritis. The imbalance of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines in the joint tissues leads to the development of inflammation and cartilage damage, which leads to progressive degeneration of the joints.

HERALD of North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov. 2018;10(3):19-27
pages 19-27 views

Original research

Model of evaluation of the dynamics of left ventricular diastolic function in acute decompensated heart failure. Effect of ivabradin

Karchikian P., Sayganov S.


Aim — to reveal the connection between the initial morphofunctional characteristics of patients and the dynamics of changes in the diastolic function at the time of, as well as during 6 months of observation after the episode of acute decompensated heart failure against the background of standard therapy and with adding the If-channel blocker ivabradine.

Material and methods. We examined 127 patients hospitalized with the episode of the acute decompensated heart failure with a sinus rhythm and heart rate more than 85 beats per minute. Among them 67 patients received ivabradine in addition to standard therapy, 60 patients were in control group. A 6-minute walk test, echocardiography assessment of systolic and diastolic function, electrocardiography (heart rate and rhythm) were performed on the day of admission (except for the 6-minute walk test), in 1 and 6 months later.

Results. A scoring of the chance for positive dynamics of diastolic function was obtained in patients with acute decompensated heart failure, in the presence of certain initial characteristics of patients, such as: systolic pulmonary artery pressure < 37 mmHg (p < 0.005), heart rate < 95 beats per minute (p < 0.05), end diastolic size < 50 mm (p < 0.005), VE /Em* < 18 (p < 0.0005), end systolic size < 40 mm (p < 0.0005), and end systolic volume index < 40 ml/m2 (p < 0.0005), end diastolic volume index < 73 ml/m2 (p < 0.005), ejection fraction > 50% (p < 0.005), ivabradine intake (p < 0.05), relative wall thickness > 0,46 (p < 0.005), female. A relationship between improvement in diastolic function and improvement in results of 6-minute walk test was found: with a positive dynamics of diastolic function, patients began to walk a distance in the 6-minute walk test by 6,9 ± 2,9 meters more (p < 0.0005).

Conclusion. The data obtained in our study confirm the advisability of adding ivabradine to the standard therapy of patients with acute decompensated heart failure with the determined “useful” morphofunctional characteristics.

HERALD of North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov. 2018;10(3):28-35
pages 28-35 views

A topological classification method of the superior mesenteric venous system affluent branches

Simbirtsev S., Trunin E., Smirnov A., Topuzov R., Nazmiev A., Ovsepyan A., Sizov P., Aleksandrov A., Filonov P.


The authors propose a new classification of the venous return from the right half of the colon anatomical variants. The classification is based on the principles of topology and combinatorics. The article presents the data obtained from the topographic and anatomical study of the venous return from the right hemicolon collected from anatomical material (25 observations), and describes the coding algorithm in each case, allocating it to a particular class according to the proposed classification. A software package block diagram for semi-automatic retopology of venous return from the right half of the colon is also proposed.

HERALD of North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov. 2018;10(3):36-44
pages 36-44 views

Somatoform dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system in patients with adrenal incidentalomas

Sablin I., Krasnov L., Fedorov E., Rusakov V.


This article is devoted to the analysis of hypertesive crises in patients with adrenal incidentalomas. Such patients, as a rule, have no symptoms of primary hyperaldosteronism or Cushing’s syndrome. In the meanwhile, sudden elevation of blood pressure suggests an idea of a pheochromocytoma. However this diagnosis is not always confirmed during further studies. According to the conducted research authors came to a conclusion that crises of arterial hypertension in these patients could be most often caused by idiopathic hypertensia, somatoform disorder and, less frequently, sudden emission of catecholamins in a blood stream by a pheochromocytoma. The results of the analysis show the fact that even the correctly reached diagnosis doesn’t exclude the need for the undergoing complete evaluation of patients.

HERALD of North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov. 2018;10(3):45-53
pages 45-53 views

Influence of the metabolic syndrome on the results of the reconstructions in patients with infrainguinal artery disease

Glushkov N., Ivanov M., Apresyan A., Puzdryak P., Artemova A.


Summary. The aim of the study was to compare open and endovascular interventions in patients with infrainguinal arterial disease (IAD) against a metabolic syndrome (MS).

Materials and methods. The treatment results of 73 patients with IAD on MS background were studied. Patients were divided into two groups: 48 patients made up the basic group, they underwent endovascular interventions; 25 patients entered the control group they underwent open operations. The value of bed-day, the tissues oxygenation degree, the trophic disorders dynamics were analyzed. The hospital stay of patients in the main group was less than of patients with open surgery. The dynamics of elimination of trophic disorders is more pronounced in patients of the main group.

Conclusion. Endovascular interventions have a number of advantages over open operations in the treatment of IAD patients against the metabolic syndrome: in relation to the number of so-called. “Large” complications, shunt interventions look less preferable.

HERALD of North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov. 2018;10(3):54-59
pages 54-59 views

Association of polymorphism rs1801282 with different components of the metabolic syndrome

Eremenko T.


Objective. To study the association of polymorphism rs1801282 of the PPARγ gene with different components of metabolic syndrome (MS).

Materials and methods. 145 subjects with newly diagnosed MS were examined. All subjects underwent a clinical examination, including general clinical, laboratory and instrumental methods; presence of polymorphism rs1801282 of the PPARγ gene was also determined.

Results. In the group of subjects with rs1801282 polymorphism, hyperglycemia was observed less frequently compared with the rest of subjects the incidence was 53.8% and 79.8% cases respectively (p = 0.005). A decrease in the risk of arterial hypertension was also observed in subjects with polymorphic allele: an increase in blood pressure was noted in 70.6% of rs1801282 group and 96.2% for wild type PPARγ (p < 0.001). When analyzing levels of triglycerides and high-density lipoproteins, an increase in these parameters was noted in the group of subjects with rs1801282

Conclusion. The results of the study indicate the association of rs1801282 polymorphism in subjects with metabolic syndrome with a number of clinical features of the disease, dyslipidemia and a reduction of the risk of hyperglycemia and hypertension.

HERALD of North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov. 2018;10(3):60-64
pages 60-64 views

Experience in the clinical use of allogeneic fibroblasts in patients with severe burns

Vagner D., Zinoviev E., Krylov K., Krylov P., Soloshenko V., Kostyakov D., Yurkevich Y., Enukashvily N., Blinova M., Aleksandrova O., Mikhailova N.


Purpose. To evaluate the results of the application of allogenic fibroblasts in patients with extensive thermal burns.

Methods. The study included 34 patients with burns over 20% TBSA, treated in the burn ICU. In accordance with the indications for transplantation of fibroblasts, all patients were divided into 4 groups: stimulation of regeneration of superficial burns (n = 10), stimulation of regeneration after meshed skin graft (n = 14), reduction of healing time for donor wounds (n = 6) and acceleration growth of granulations after the escharectomy (n = 4).

Results. A positive effect of fibroblast transplantation was found in 7 (70%) patients of the first group, 13 (93%) patients of the second group, 2 (33%) patients of the third group and 2 (50%) patients of the fourth study group.

Conclusion. The maximum positive effect of transplantation of human dermal fibroblasts can be observed when performing the meshed skin graft and treating the superficial burns.

HERALD of North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov. 2018;10(3):65-72
pages 65-72 views

Case report

Clinical case of successful combined computer assisted surgery treatment of inguinal hernia

Romashkin-Timanov M., Bondarev M., Tereshichev A.


In the article the characteristics of combined inguinal hernia is given and the rare clinical case of diagnosis is introduced as well as successful surgical treatment of combined inguinal hernia with three hurnial gates with the help of endovideosurgical method with mesh explant.

HERALD of North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov. 2018;10(3):73-75
pages 73-75 views

The case of Miller-Fisher syndrome during pregnancy

Bedenko A., Sokolova M., Sergeeva T., Shcherbuk Y., Butko D., Gavrichenko A.


Miller-Fisher syndrome (MFS) is the rare form of Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS). The patient with signs of severe hyperemesis of gravidarum demonstarates development of Miller-Fisher syndrome in the second trimester of pregnancy. The morbidity is about 5–10%. It is considerable, that one third of pregnant patients need respiratory support in the period of disease. The article describes pathogenic treatment of Miller-Fisher syndrome in the aspect of potential risk for fetum and pregnant women.

HERALD of North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov. 2018;10(3):76-80
pages 76-80 views

Diagnostic issues

Electroencephalographic monitoring in the intensive care unit

Aleksandrov M., Aleksandrova T., Povaliukhina E.


EEG in the intensive care unit in critically ill patients can be provisionally allocated to a special type of research — EEG of critical states. The article deals with the methodological features of EEG performance in the intensive care, as well as general patterns of EEG changes in patients in coma. The analysis of the patterns of the EEG in intensive care unit is described. Parameters of responsiveness of the central nervous system are given. An algorithm for describing epileptiform changes is presented. The criteria for the diagnosis of nonconvulsive status epilepticus in unconscious patients are discussed, as well as a prognosis of the outcome of a long unconscious state in the presence of epileptiform changes in the EEG. Data on the parameters of periodic patterns are collected, their description and diagnostic criteria are given. The role and possibilities of EEG in the diagnosis of brain death are considered.

HERALD of North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov. 2018;10(3):81-90
pages 81-90 views
