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卷 22, 编号 3 (2020)


pages 3-5 views

Volunteering as a key factor of developing social responsibility for future medical workers

Potupchik T., Belykh I., Lebedeva P.


The article is dealt to the most common form of youth social activity - volunteering. The role of volunteering in the spiritual and moral education of future medical workers is shown. There are several ways of the volunteer movement of medical students: supporting cancer patients in a hospice, managing social campaigns of helping orphans, the elderly and the disabled; educational work on the organization of a healthy lifestyle and activities aimed at protecting and protecting the environment. A study is presented among 360 studying departments of «Nursing», «Pharmacy», «Laboratory Diagnostics» of the Pharmaceutical College of Krasnoyarsk State Medical University, the purpose of which was to study the role of volunteering in the formation of social responsibility among students of the Pharmaceutical College. The results of the study showed that most of the students in all departments are aware that volunteer work is gratuitous work for the benefit of other people and they perceive it as a manifestation of altruism, as well as the opportunity to improve the quality of life of others. Half of the students in all departments are or would like to volunteer because of the desire to answer people with good for good. A third of students in all departments would like to gain experience in a certain field in this way. At the same time, the interrogated students of the Nursing Affair Department consider volunteering as an opportunity to put their knowledge into practice (29.2%). The majority of students in all departments think helping orphans and the elderly people (70.8%, 62.8%, 54.6%, respectively) the most interesting ways in volunteering. Donation is of most interest to students of the Laboratory Diagnostics department (41.2%). 10% of students in all departments are interested in the development of patriotism. The students of the nursing department turned out to be the most awared of volunteering. The most important personal qualities of the volunteer, in their opinion, are benevolence, responsibility, resistance to stress and industriousness.
Meditsinskaya sestra. 2020;22(3):6-11
pages 6-11 views

Anzhela Vadimovna Zabrodnaya

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Meditsinskaya sestra. 2020;22(3):18-18
pages 18-18 views

Tat'yana Demidova

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Meditsinskaya sestra. 2020;22(3):56-56
pages 56-56 views

Problems and perspectives of training in the system of higher nurse education in modern Russia

Khodjayan A., Fedko N., Mayatskaya N., Gorbunova V.


The modern healthcare system has a very big need for nurses with higher education, which determines the need of optimization this specialists’ training. Based on the experience of the Stavropol State Medical University, the following promising areas for training nurses (undergraduate level) have been identified: orientation towards the implementation of priority national projects, the introduction of flexible forms of training using part-time and distance learning technologies, as well as the improvement of advanced training for teachers of medical schools.
Meditsinskaya sestra. 2020;22(3):12-15
pages 12-15 views

Features of the nursing process in the treatment of patients with extensive wounds by free skin plastic technique

Shadrina Y., Binenko E., Snegireva T.


Within the framework of the currently implemented competency-based approach in higher nursing education, important questions of the priority areas of upbringing, mercy, patient orientation and dedication appear more and more often. The problem of finding ways to create an effective educational environment that will contribute to the professional self-determination of students with higher nursing education, affecting conscious and responsible learning, personal growth and increasing the competitiveness of university graduates is becoming more urgent. This article analyzes the results of a two-stage study of students of a medical institute in the direction of «Nursing» on professional self-determination and a conscious choice of a future profession, taking into account internal motivation and personal characteristics. The results of the study show that the vast majority of students chose a professional activity in which they would not only like, but could work.
Meditsinskaya sestra. 2020;22(3):16-18
pages 16-18 views

Characteristics of the TB institution nurses’ attitude to their professional activities

P‘anzova T., Vezhina N., Sivolozskaya N.


In this study, the purpose of which was to explore the attitude of the nurses of the TB institution to professional activities, 61 specialists were questioned. It was found that the most significant reasons for the lack of effect from the treatment were considered by the nurses as drug addiction of patients (35%), severe clinical forms of tuberculosis (26%) and associated diseases (24%), and the patient’s low adherence was the main obstacle to its quality organization. The greatest confidence in communicating with patients was shown by nurses with a work experience of 5 to 10 years, and the ability to empathize with the problems of the patient was higher in the group of nurses with experience of 11 years or more, they also expressed a greater willingness to work with severe patients. For the most part, nurses of an anti-TB institution are not ready to assume broader authority in anti-TB work and consider their role as an assistant to a doctor, only 24.6% are ready to expand nursing responsibility in the anti-TB system.
Meditsinskaya sestra. 2020;22(3):19-23
pages 19-23 views

General blood test and the importance of this test in the examining of patients who are suspected to have lung tuberculosis

Yakovleva E., Borodulin B.


Currently, in the examination of tuberculosis patients, high diagnostic value has been established for modern methods of immunodiagnostics, radiation examination, however, laboratory (bacterioscopic, cultural, molecular genetic) and morphological diagnostic methods are of greatest importance, since the detection of mycobacterium tuberculosis and / or specific granuloma are the most reliable confirmation of the diagnosis. Nevertheless, general clinical studies, including a general blood test, which is included in the diagnostic minimum of the examination for the patients suspected to have tuberculosis, have not lost their important role. The article describes the importance of a general blood test in the examination of patients who are suspected to have tuberculosis and the rules for its conduct. In the general blood test there are no pathognomonic changes for tuberculosis. The presented changes detected during the initial examination can be used in the differential diagnosis of tuberculosis.
Meditsinskaya sestra. 2020;22(3):24-28
pages 24-28 views


Petrova E., Panina E., Rodina O., Poluboyarinov P., Radchenko L., Galeeva R., Musatova L.


Osteoporosis is a disorder of metabolic processes in the bone tissue, associated with a high risk of fractures. Usually the disease is diagnosed by the level of bone mineral density. And all existing groups of drugs for osteoporosis are aimed at the certain goal: to make the bone more dense. Numerous studies have proven the failure of this approach, since it does not reduce the risk of fractures. Professor V.I. Strukov, who has devoted more than 60 years to the study of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, has found abdominal masses in the bones, in the locations of which fractures occur in most cases. The scientist first proposed to determine osteoporosis by the presence of such cavities in the trabecular parts of the bones, and their closure as a criterion for the effectiveness of treatment of the disease. The professor has developed the drug «Osteomed Forte», successfully coping with the task. To date, the drug has no analogues in efficiency and safety in the world. The drug is currently undergoing a series of tests to obtain drug status
Meditsinskaya sestra. 2020;22(3):29-33
pages 29-33 views

New prospects of improving the cleaning in a multidisciplinary hospital

Yumtsunova N.


One of the main goals of a modern medical clinic is to ensure sanitary and epidemiological safety. The most important component of the infection control system is the managementof professional cleaning and disinfection. The microbiological landscape of the nosocomial environment is more than 300 viruses, bacteria (mainly non-pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic), fungi, and protozoa. More than 70% of all infections associated with the provision of medical care (AIPS) are caused by gram-negative bacteria. Mandatory disinfection measures in medical organizations along with medical, organizational, sanitary-technical and other measures can prevent the occurrence and spread of AIPS. Not the last role in the fulfillment of this task is assigned to our many, hardworking part of healthcare - nurses and nurses. For many years, the prestige of the work of a nurse and her social status have been declining, but at the present time, active, purposeful work is underway in Russia to revive the nursing profession, its importance.
Meditsinskaya sestra. 2020;22(3):34-39
pages 34-39 views

The morbidity and the ways of formation of positive behavior among the population of Stavropol region

Maksimenko L., Khripunova A., Maksimenko E.


Analysis of the level of General and primary morbidity of the population of the Stavropol territory in the period from 2011 to 2018 shows a steady trend towards its growth. There was an increase in the level of General morbidity in the region by 15,8%, in adolescents 15-17 years by 19,7%, and in the adult population by 21,6%. The morbidity of children decreased by 4.2%. Against the background of the increasing level of primary morbidity, the share of chronic diseases is growing, thus, in the Stavropol region there is a trend of loss of health of the adult population and adolescents. The poll showed that for the majority (92,5±0,5%) - health represents the true value. However, realizing the value of health, only a few citizens take practical steps to preserve and strengthen it. The formation of positive behavioral attitudes in the population will reduce morbidity, improve public health and bring a tangible socio-economic effect.
Meditsinskaya sestra. 2020;22(3):40-44
pages 40-44 views

The case of organizing nursing services in the hospital using the example of Bundan Hospital (South Korea)

Korotina E.


Nursing around the world is now developing to a new level. A nurse, both in the system of medical care and in the structure of a specific health care facility, is no longer an auxiliary worker, not just a maker of doctor’s appointments. Increasingly, we are talking about the nurse as an independent and self-sufficient business unit, as an important block in the system of providing medical care to patients. This is a requirement of the time: technologies are developing, new tools and methods are appearing, the functionality of the nursing staff is expanding, and the requirements for its work are increasing. And this is happening all over the world. But, of course, the pace of innovation in different countries is not the same. South Korea has traditionally been considered one of the leaders in this regard. In the end of 2019, a group of specialists from Russia paid a visit to the Seoul National University Bundang Hospital/ International Healthcare Center/ Based on what they saw, the author gives an overview the management of nursing services in a South Korean hospital.
Meditsinskaya sestra. 2020;22(3):45-47
pages 45-47 views

The Resuscitation and intensive care department for newborn children in the Sverdlovsk SCCH celebrates its 25th anniversary

Balokhina T.


Achieving results in reducing maternal and infant mortality is impossible without a well-functioning system of perinatal care. In Yekaterinburg, this area is considered one of the priorities of regional policy. All the steps are taken in complex: along with the infrastructure and the increasing technological capacities, much attention is paid to strengthening the staff, development and improvement of specialists. Nursing service in this case is one of the locomotives of development
Meditsinskaya sestra. 2020;22(3):48-50
pages 48-50 views

Florence Nightingle - a lady with the light. A symbol of mercy

Snegireva T., Kostcova N.


In the history of medicine there are many famous personalities whose life has been attracting the attention of people for many centuries. One of these famouse figures is Florence Nightingale. The year 2020 is very special in this connection: due to the 200th anniversary of the birth of Florence Nightingale, 2020 has been declared by the World Health Organization (WHO) as the International Year of Nursing and Midwifery Services. In this article, the authors will consider the biography, achievements, activities and interesting facts from the life of Florence Nightingale.
Meditsinskaya sestra. 2020;22(3):53-56
pages 53-56 views

Medical Mikhailova - The Hero Of The Soviet Union

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Meditsinskaya sestra. 2020;22(3):11-11
pages 11-11 views

Lydia Filippovna Savchenko-world war II nurse, awarded the Florence Nightingale medal

Zhuravlev D.


Lydia Filippovna Savchenko - world war II nurse, awarded the Florence Nightingale medal
Meditsinskaya sestra. 2020;22(3):51-52
pages 51-52 views

Voprosy predostavleniya dopolnitel'nogo otpuska medrabotnikam-donoram

Bezdetkina D.
Meditsinskaya sestra. 2020;22(3):39-39
pages 39-39 views
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