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卷 25, 编号 2 (2023)



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Topical theme

Treatment of respiratory tuberculosis in patients with psychiatric disorders

Litvinova O., Borodulina E.


The incidence of mental disorders is increasing, including addiction diseases. HIV infections and tuberculosis are also common in this group of patients. Such combination of diseases creates difficulties for effective tuberculosis treatment and influence on its prevalence. Purpose of the study: to estimate the effectiveness of treatment of respiratory tuberculosis patients with psychiatric disorders, to study the incidence of adverse reactions when using antituberculosis drugs in this group of patients. The study was based on a retrospective cohort study of 390 patients with combined pathology - respiratory tuberculosis and mental disorders. All patients received antituberculosis drugs in a psychiatric hospital. Therapy efficacy depended on the quality of nursing staff, their careful observation of drugs intake and timely registration of adverse reactions (ADRs). An individualized approach to the treatment of TBI in patients with mental disorders, in which the nursing staff actively participates, makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of therapy, timely identify NDAs and stop them.

Meditsinskaya sestra. 2023;25(2):3-7
pages 3-7 views

Profession: theory and practice

Pain syndrome in patients with dementia in nursing practice

Golenkov A.


In elderly patients with dementia, chronic pain syndrome is often observed, which can be manifested by behavioral disorders, aggression, agitation and other mental disorders. The presence of pain in them is often ignored, underestimated and poorly diagnosed, especially in severe and severe dementia with speech disorders (aphasia). Therefore, it is treated incorrectly, which reduces the quality of life of patients and their daily activities. Two scales are given for assessing pain by nurses in patients with speech disorders (severe dementia). Approaches to the treatment of pain in elderly people with dementia are discussed.

Meditsinskaya sestra. 2023;25(2):8-11
pages 8-11 views

Note to the nurse

How a nurse can help a patient overcome dentophobia?

Brudyan G., Mikhailov V.


Although hospital visits are a necessary aspect of a healthy lifestyle, many people experience anxiety fear when they visit the dentist as well. This may be due to distressing experiences from a past visit, fear of pain or discomfort. As a result, many people avoid going to the dentist even if they have dental or jaw health problems.

Dental phobia is a serious psychological problem that can lead to avoidance of necessary medical procedures, as a consequence not only the health of the teeth and gums will suffer, but also intensify psychological disorders associated with depression and low self-confidence.

Meditsinskaya sestra. 2023;25(2):12-20
pages 12-20 views

Communicative competence of a nurse

Svetlana S.


The article shows the importance of communication skills, or communicative competence in the professional activity of a nurse. Communicative competence includes informative components, emotional components and social perception. Social perception is provided by such psychological mechanisms as identification, empathy and reflexion. Professional communication breaks down under the influence of emotional stress, leading to the formation of “emotional burnout syndrome” in a nurse. The negative role of a nurse’s perfectionism and other psychological characteristics in the occurrence of chronic emotional overload is shown. Mental self-regulation, cheerfulness and optimism as well as a wide “role repertoire”, flexibility and plasticity of a nurse’s behavior serve as a preventive measure of professional stress. It has been shown that a condition for the effectiveness of a nurse’s professional activity is her own psychological comfort and positive emotional attitude.

Meditsinskaya sestra. 2023;25(2):22-25
pages 22-25 views

Education: problems and solutions

The development of emotional burnout syndrome in future Bachelor of Nursing at the beginning and end of training

Peshkova A., Ostrovskaya I.


The article is devoted to the results of the study of emotional burnout syndrome formation in future bachelors in the process of training. The research was conducted in two stages, in 2021 and 2022. The phases of emotional burnout, integral burnout index, factors and symptoms of burnout syndrome development in the 1st, 3rd and 4th year students were studied in the course of the study.

Meditsinskaya sestra. 2023;25(2):26-32
pages 26-32 views

Prevention issues

The severity of psychosomatic disorders in hospice nurses. Methods of prevention and correction

Evert L., Potupchik T., Korman Y., Poluboyarinov P., Fedorov A.


A review of information on the most common psychosomatic disorders in hospice nurses was conducted. The most pronounced manifestations are fatigue, weak concentration of attention and internal anxiety, anger and irritability, increased anxiety, aggression. Various preventive measures are highlighted, including emotional and psychological support of medical personnel, compliance with general recommendations on maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Methods of drug correction of stressful conditions with the use of magnesium preparations and sedative phytopreparations, such as Nervo-vit, are proposed.

Meditsinskaya sestra. 2023;25(2):33-38
pages 33-38 views

The role of medical training of personnel in the prevention of mental and behavioral disorders

Nosov A., Kutsenko V.


Proper organization of personnel training on medical protection against potentially hazardous production factors is a prerequisite for reducing the psychological burden on staff, prevention of mental disorders and behavioral disorders. The presented data allow us to conclude that a necessary component of the professional training of personnel, which makes it possible to effectively resist increased neuropsychiatric stress and related maladaptation disorders, is properly organized medical training of personnel, in particular, on protection against potentially hazardous production factors. The consequence of this approach is the preservation of the mental health of the staff and the associated potential reliability of the activity.

Meditsinskaya sestra. 2023;25(2):39-40
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Comparative study of emotional burnout syndrome in medical personnel working in oncological, narcological and somatic clinics

Rusina N., Chernetsov V.


The data of a comparative study of emotional burnout and the symptom of aggressiveness in medical personnel working in oncological, narcological clinics and general somatic clinics are presented. The differences in the manifestation of burnout and aggressiveness among doctors and nursing staff are analyzed. In the oncology clinic, the indicators of emotional burnout and aggressiveness of the staff are least manifested in comparison with the staff of the narcological and general somatic clinics as a whole; there are no significant differences between nurses and doctors. The highest rates of emotional burnout and aggressiveness are observed in the staff of the general somatic clinic.

Meditsinskaya sestra. 2023;25(2):41-43
pages 41-43 views

Dependence of «happiness level» in medical students on body weight and time of night sleep

Shemerovsky K., Savina L., Eliseeva A.


The association between the level of happiness and body mass index, as well as the duration of night sleep in individuals with high and low levels of happiness were investigated. 36 medical students of the 5th year of the Faculty of Medicine were examined, (aged 27–29 years) former nurses and paramedics studying to become doctors. The subjects answered 20 questions on the level of happiness. The time of going to bed and the time of awakening were noted. The body mass index was determined anthropometrically. The range of happiness levels ranged from 41% to 100%. The average level of happiness was 76%. Doctors with a high level of happiness had an average of 87%, and doctors with a low level of happiness – 64%. The majority of people (53%) with a reduced level of happiness slept 4–6 hours, and the majority of people (69%) with a high level of happiness slept 7–8 hours. The body mass index in people with a reduced level of happiness averaged 26.0 kg/m2, and in people with a high level of happiness – 21.7 kg/m2. Lack of sleep (less than 7 hours of night sleep) promotes the accumulation of excess body weight (increases the risk of obesity) and reduces the level of happiness among medical students.

Meditsinskaya sestra. 2023;25(2):44-47
pages 44-47 views

Nursing service in the healthcare system

A model of psychological support for medical workers in a COVID hospital

Nazaryan S., Petrova V., Sedin V., Sagadeeva E., Botina I.


Work in quarantine conditions, or in the so-called “contagious” zone, is characterized by high psycho-emotional stress - the leading factor in the development of negative mental states. The solution of problems related to the development of medical and psychological support for medical personnel involved in providing care to patients with a new coronavirus infection in hospital conditions is due to the need to prevent the formation of mental states in them, leading to a decrease in the effectiveness of professional activities and, ultimately, to functional disorders and diseases. A number of preventive and preventive measures to monitor the psychological status of medical personnel, as well as to prevent the development of psychodesadaptation disorders in the delayed period, have been developed at the Burnazyan State Medical Research Center of the FMBA of Russia.

Meditsinskaya sestra. 2023;25(2):49-53
pages 49-53 views


Anxiety-depressive disorders in patients with coronary heart disease with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation

Masyukov S.


Objective of the study. To analyze the literature data on the significance of anxiety-depressive disorders in assessing the severity of CHD patients with AF.

Materials and methods. The authors analyzed 4 domestic and 11 foreign publications describing the role of anxiety-depressive disorders in the assessment of severity of patients with AF.

Results. Prevalence and persistence of depression and anxiety in patients with coronary heart disease and atrial fibrillation as well as their influence on quality of life have been analyzed in the literature. Approximately one third of these patients have elevated levels of depression and anxiety.

Conclusion. Thus, according to the literature, AF is the most common arrhythmia in clinical practice. However, few studies concerning depression and anxiety in patients with AF have been conducted. It is possible to conclude, that question of associations of psychological stress, anxiety and depression with risk of occurrence of AF and its complications needs further studying.

Meditsinskaya sestra. 2023;25(2):54-56
pages 54-56 views