
Кушниренко, Н. П

栏目 标题 文件
卷 339, 编号 11 (2018) Articles Polyacrylamide granuloma of the penis PDF
卷 339, 编号 10 (2018) Articles Result of surgical treatment of recurrent stones of the urinary reservoir of a patient with bladder cancer after ileocystoplasty according to Hemi Kock pouch PDF
卷 338, 编号 12 (2017) Articles Clinical results and morphological state of the buccal graft after replacement urethroplasty
卷 338, 编号 9 (2017) Articles Testicular torsion in young men of draft age PDF
卷 337, 编号 12 (2016) Articles Prevalence of androgen deficiency in military personnel and retirees of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation (retrospective study)
卷 335, 编号 5 (2014) Articles The use of the local vibrotherapy in a complex treatment of military servicemen with ureteral calculus after extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy
卷 335, 编号 12 (2014) Articles Gender epidemiological features of urolithiasis in the military
卷 332, 编号 7 (2011) Articles Vrozhdennoe erektil'noe iskrivlenie polovogo chlena u molodykh muzhchin prizyvnogo vozrasta
卷 332, 编号 12 (2011) Articles About the improvement of urologic care for soldiers with erectile dysfunction
卷 340, 编号 11 (2019) Articles Prevalence of lower urinary tract symptoms, androgen deficiency and erectile dysfunction in young military personnel
卷 340, 编号 7 (2019) Articles Minimally invasive treatment of multiple stones of the diverticulum of the calyx of the right kidney
卷 341, 编号 10 (2020) Articles Bilateral testicular microlithiasis in a young serviceman with seminoma of the left testicle
卷 341, 编号 9 (2020) Articles Laparoplasty of the pyelourethral segment with hydronephrosis in young military personnel
卷 342, 编号 6 (2021) Articles Surgical treatment of closed testicular injury in military personnel
