
Крайнюков, П. Е.

栏目 标题 文件
卷 342, 编号 10 (2021) Treatment and prophylactic issues Clinical course of new coronavirus infection in patients of the dispensary group
卷 342, 编号 11 (2021) Treatment and prophylactic issues Drainage in the treatment of purulent diseases of the hand
卷 342, 编号 12 (2021) Organization of medical support for the military establishment Ensuring the readiness of the medical service of the Armed Forces to work in a hybrid warfare
卷 343, 编号 2 (2022) Treatment and prophylactic issues Resuscitation as a mandatory preliminary stage in the treatment of patients with severe necrotizing pancreatitis in the early stages of the disease
卷 343, 编号 5 (2022) Organization of medical support for the military establishment Possibilities of implementing a network-centric approach in the management of medical support for troops in a new type of war
卷 343, 编号 1 (2022) Treatment and prophylactic issues Polemic aspects of the pathogenesis of destructive pancreatitis.
卷 343, 编号 4 (2022) Treatment and prophylactic issues Comparative assessment of the results of surgical treatment in patients with inguinal hernias according to the author’s method and the method of Liechtenstein
卷 343, 编号 3 (2022) Treatment and prophylactic issues Approaches to determining the area of the wound surface
卷 343, 编号 9 (2022) Treatment and prophylactic issues On prevention of persistent seromas after the Liechtenstein operation
卷 343, 编号 7 (2022) Treatment and prophylactic issues Ultrasound diagnosis of the parathyroid glands changes during the clinical examination
卷 344, 编号 3 (2023) Brief articles Experience of the air evacuation of the Russian citizens from the focus of a new coronavirus infection in China
卷 344, 编号 9 (2023) Критика и библиография Invaluable experience of domestic military medicine
卷 343, 编号 6 (2022) Из истории военной медицины Saint Luka – Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky – the spiritual patron of military doctors of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
卷 344, 编号 11 (2023) Organization of medical support for the military establishment On the need of healthcare and departmental medicine re-engineering
卷 344, 编号 11 (2023) Treatment and prophylactic issues Evaluation of the effectiveness of regional conduction anesthesia in terms of hemodynamic parameters in the surgical treatment of patients with shrapnel wounds of the lower extremities
卷 345, 编号 5 (2024) Emergency medicine Relevance of the problem of chemical injury
卷 345, 编号 5 (2024) Treatment and prophylactic issues Complications of pleural drainage in the practice of a military doctor
