
Davydov, D. V

栏目 标题 文件
卷 330, 编号 4 (2009) Articles Perspektivy primeneniya kletochnykh tekhnologiy v travmatologii i ortopedii: vliyanie stvolovykh kletok na techenie reparativnykh protsessov v kostnoy tkani PDF
卷 330, 编号 5 (2009) Articles Perspectives of nanotechnologies in solution of actual questions of military-field surgery PDF
卷 339, 编号 10 (2018) Articles Current state and improvement of traumatologic and orthopedic aid to the wounded with limb trauma PDF
卷 338, 编号 12 (2017) Articles Peculiarities of elbow joint replacement in case of wounds and injuries: long-term results
卷 338, 编号 10 (2017) Articles Surgical prophylaxis of posttraumatic ankle arthritis of II and I stages in patients after fractures of ankles
卷 337, 编号 8 (2016) Articles Organisation of surgical aid delivery under condition of the day surgery PDF
卷 337, 编号 12 (2016) Articles Medical-martial mobile complex «Klever» to provide medical care to the wounded and injured trauma profile
卷 336, 编号 4 (2015) Articles The use of navigation system in the process of hip replacement.
卷 335, 编号 4 (2014) Articles About the treatment of battlefield injuries of the musculoskeletal system with the help of new «Rod field package» PDF
卷 334, 编号 6 (2013) Articles Vozmozhnosti primeneniya maloinvazivnykh metodik pri khirurgicheskom lechenii bol'nykh s poperechnym ploskostopiem
卷 331, 编号 7 (2010) Articles About perfection of the complex system of the treatment of the wounded with the gunshot fractures of the limb’s long bones
卷 341, 编号 2 (2020) Articles The evolution of the concept of medical care for the wounded and injured with injuries of the musculoskeletal system
卷 342, 编号 2 (2021) Articles Possibilities of arthroscopic interventions in the treatment of the knee joint contractures after arthroplasty
卷 342, 编号 8 (2021) Articles Branch No. 5 of the N.N.Burdenko Main Military Clinical Hospital celebrates the 70th anniversary
