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Issue Title File
No 3 (2021) Teacher, Mentor, Co-Author. To the 130th Anniversary of N.V.Belov
Rastsvetaeva R.K.
No 1 (2023) The Answer to a Deep(Focus Seismicity Riddle
Rodkin M.V.
No 2 (2023) The Archipelago of Free People (Review on the book: Goryashko A. The Islands of the Blessed: History of Biological Stations on the White and Barents Seas)
Kvartalnov P.V.
No 3 (2023) The Batagay Crater
Murzin Y.A., Fedorov S.E.
No 11 (2022) The Beginning of Independent Life. To the 150th Anniversary of the Birth of Academician A.A.Borissiak
Bodylevskaya I.V.
No 2 (2023) The Best Friend of “Priroda”. In memory of Semyon Solomonovich Gershtein
No 5 (2021) The Bodies of the Zodiacal Light: Origin, Evolution, Fallout to Earth
Byalko A.V.
No 11 (2022) The Changes in the Arctic Shipping in the XXI Century
Dobrodeev A.A., Sazonov K.E.
No 6 (2022) The Current Hydrochemical State of the Rivers of the Lena River Basin
Dzhamalov R.G., Vlasov K.G., Safronova T.I., Oboturov A.S.
No 1 (2023) The Danian Faces: Crimean Craniids — a Glance from the Depths of Time
Komarov V.N., Samokhvalov S.A., Volkova E.A., Kachalina M.D.
No 8 (2023) The Discoverers of the Mammoth archipelago
Aleksandrov E.V.
No 9 (2023) The Distance Scale in Physics
Rochev V.E.
No 2 (2023) The Evidence of Evolution of Ancient Elephants from the Chechen Republic
Daukaev A.A., Maschenko E.N., Abubakarova E.A.
No 5 (2023) The First Feminist of the Russian Empire: a Few Words About the Outstanding Paleontologist M.V. Pavlova (review of the book: G.I.Lyubina, Z.A.Bessudnova. Maria Vasilievna Pavlova)
Stepanyan O.V.
No 1 (2022) The First Finding of Epibionts on the Shells of the Ural Atrypids
Komarov V.N., Pavlova Y.E., Bushmanova Y.D.
No 5 (2022) The Four Facets of Aging: Many Questions and no Ready Answers (review of the book: А.Blagodatsky, А.Rzheshevsky, O.Borisova, А.Egorova. Open Longevity. How aging works and how to deal with it)
Markina N.V.
No 7 (2022) The Fruit Fly for Searching for Genes and Mechanisms that Control Cytoskeleton Structure
Simonova O.B.
No 7 (2021) The History of the Laptev Sea: The Great Transgression and Its Little Eyewitnesses
Klyuvitkina T.S., Polyakova Y.I.
No 6 (2021) The History of the Laptev Sea: Why do Paleogeographers Need Microalgae?
Klyuvitkina T.S., Polyakova Y.I.
No 10 (2023) The Journey of the Soil Monolith
Plekhanova L.N.
No 2 (2022) The Kerch Strait Situation
Nemirovskaya I.A., Zavialov P.O.
No 9 (2023) The Lena River Discharge and the Climate of the Laptev Sea in the Holocene: New Reconstructions Based on Micropaleontological Data
Klyuvitkina T.S., Polyakova E.I., Novichkova E.A.
No 4 (2021) The Living Fossil: the Story of the Yellow Steppe Lemming
Prokopov K.P.
No 3 (2023) The Lower Don: a Unique River Artery and Its Environmental Problems
Matishov G.G., Khoroshev O.A., Sushko K.S., Stepanyan O.V., Malik Y.V.
No 9 (2020) The mysterious charm of meiosis (review of the book: Yu.F.Bogdanov, T.M.Grishaeva. Conservatism, Variability and Evolution of Meiosis)
Silkova O.G., Torgasheva A.A., Borodin P.M.
No 12 (2022) The One, Who Came Up with the Laser. To the 100th anniversary of the birth of N.G.Basov
Arseev P.I.
No 12 (2021) The Paleogene Star: the First Discovery of Traces of the Life Activity of a Starfish in the Eocene
Komarov V.N., Vaitieva Y.A.
No 7 (2022) The Phenomenon of Nikolai Koltsov
Vasiliev A.V.
No 5 (2021) The Posthumous Story of the Adventurer Cartush
Veselovskaya E.V., Vasiliev S.V., Galeev R.M., Kolesova A.S.
No 11 (2021) The Roots of Geophagy and Rare Earth Elements
Panichev A.M., Baranovskaya N.V.
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No 9 (2021) The Second Language of DNA
Orlov M.A.
No 8 (2023) The Sketch by V. P. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky “On “Mudmiles” in Russia and Ways to Eliminate Them”
Semenov-Tyan-Shansky V.P.
No 12 (2023) The Specifics of Diamonds of Eclogitic and Peridotitic Paragenesis: Petrological Applications
Spetsius Z.V., Bogush I.N.
No 3 (2021) The Tradition of Catching and Training of the Eurasian Sparrowhawk in Adjara
Obozova T.A.
No 8 (2022) The True Face of A.V.Suvorov
Veselovskaya E.V., Galeev R.M., Kalaschnikova O.V., Kolesova A.S.
No 4 (2022) The Tsunami on November 5, 1952 in Severo-Kurilsk and Its Echo in the Next 70 Years
Shevchenko G.V., Ivelskaya T.N., Kaistrenko V.M.
No 8 (2021) The Volga-Akhtuba Floodplain: a Unique Ecosystem under the Anthropogenic Pressure
Ovcharova A.Y., Kosulnikova T.L., Sizeneva L.A., Kazieva Z.M.
No 12 (2021) The Wild Boar is Innocent! (review of the book: A.A. Danilkin. Management of the Wild Boar and Other Animal Resources under African Swine Fever)
Baskin L.M.
No 5 (2021) Thermonuclear Weapons for Peaceful Coexistence
Chernyshev A.K.
No 9 (2020) Through the Greenland Ice Stream
Talalay P.G., Dahl-Jensen D., Hansen S.B., Popp T.J., PSteffensen J.P., Nielsen K.-., Zhang N.
No 10 (2022) Tiny Diptera — Contemporaries of the Dinosaurs
Makarchenko E.A.
No 4 (2021) To Clean the Blood with a Polymer Networks: Hypercrosslinked Polystyrene in Cytokine Storm Therapy
Davankov V.A., Tsyurupa M.P., Pavlova L.A., Pastukhov A.V.
No 11 (2021) To protect and to increase natural-resource wealth: sturgeon and whitefish (Tomsk Oblast)
Pigukova M.V.
No 5 (2021) To the 50th Anniversary of the Geodynamics Project
Stepanchuk Y.V.
No 9 (2022) Traces of the “Era of Steamships” on the Lower Don
Matishov G.G., Stepanyan O.V.
No 3 (2023) Tracing the Holocene Powerful Earthquakes on Iturup Island
Pinegina T.K., Razzhigaeva N.G., Degterev A.V., Khomchanovskiy A.L.
No 12 (2020) Tracing the Karangat Sea
Semikolennykh D.V., Kurbanov R.N.
No 11 (2020) Track the DNA: How Population Genetics Helps Forensics
Borinskaya S.A., Balanovsky O.P., Kurbatova O.L., Yankovsky N.K.
No 1 (2023) Trees — Natural Monuments of the Republic of Crimea
Plugatar Y.V., Gerasimchuk V.N.
No 1 (2022) Triclinic Afwillite and Other Finite Calcium Silicate Hydrates
Rastsvetaeva R.K.
No 5 (2022) Two Minerals — Two Fates: the History of Haitaite Discovery and the Discrediting of Eleonorite
Rastsvetaeva R.K.
No 4 (2021) Two.Story Tornado
Naumov I.V., Shtern V.N.
No 1 (2021) Unexpected discovery of hematite on the Moon. Etruscan shrew shrinks its brain for winter.
Demidova S.I., Kuznetsova T.A.
No 9 (2023) Virgin Birth: Genome Editing Made Parthenogenesis Possible
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No 10 (2023) Volcanic Activity of the Venus Coronae
Guseva E.N., Ivanov M.A.
No 6 (2023) Volcanoes and Volcanic Landscapes of Mongolia: Geological Features, Directions of Modern Research, and Geotourism
Abdulmyanov S.N., Khadbataar S., Chesalova E.I.
No 1 (2023) Water Caltrop of Lake Manzherok
Sitnikova V.A., Lyubimov R.V., Savenko K.S., Kivatskaya A.V.
No 6 (2023) Water — How Much Is in This Word…
Natochin Y.V.
No 5 (2023) What Happened on November 6th, 1741 on Bering Island
Bykasov V.Е.
No 3 (2021) What Is Happening to the Climate and What is It Doing to Us? Echo of One Interview
Kiselev A.A.
No 10 (2020) What Led to the Origin of Dogs?
Sergin V.Y.
No 8 (2022) What the Headless Fossil Fish Had Told about
Komarov V.N., Samokhvalov S.A., Krasovskaya B.P.
No 7 (2023) Where are We From? Where Are We Going? How Are We?
Rozenberg G.S.
No 10 (2023) Where Is Titanium Hiding? Structure of a Potentially New Mineral from the Vesuvianite Group
Rastsvetaeva R.K., Aksenov S.M.
No 4 (2023) Whose Tube Is Wider? Mineralogical Fairy Tale
Rastsvetaeva R.K.
No 8 (2023) Why Is It So Green? Discovery of slyudyankaite, a new mineral of the sodalite Group
Rastsvetaeva R.K.
No 3 (2021) Why the Earth Does Not Rotate Evenly and How It Affects the Time Counting
Zotov L.V., Bizouard C.
No 10 (2022) Wood Tin — Tin Ore and Jewelry Material
Petrochenkov D.A.
No 2 (2021) Yellow Coastal Water on the Onega Lake
Klyuvitkina T.S.
No 12 (2020) «Oh, how many wonderful discoveries we have…» or the Role of Chance in Paleontology
Komarov V.N., Shpilevaya E.S., Vaitieva Y.A.
No 4 (2023) “... And I realized that this is exactly that thing”. Interview with S.G.Inge-Vechtomov
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No 9 (2021) “A River Begins from a Blue Stream” (review of the book: Ecological Atlas of the Klyazma River Basin: Man in the Environment)
Zinchenko T.D., Rosenberg G.S.
No 4 (2023) “Arsenyev’s Line” in the Biogeography of the Sikhote-Alin
Makhinov A.N., Ermolin A.B.
No 5 (2023) “Black Swan” Statistics: on the Recurrence of Rare Strong Earthquakes
Rodkin M.V.
No 9 (2023) “...Enjoying the Cool Breeze and Starry Sky with Orion Right Overhead” From the diary of Th. Dobzhansky, 1949, Brazil
Konashev M.B.
No 3 (2022) “Father of Russian Geology”. On the 175th anniversary of the birth of Academician A.P.Karpinsky
Petrov O.V., Tolmacheva T.Y.
No 7 (2022) “...I neither want nor can be silent”. N.K.Koltsov — a scientist and a citizen
Astaurova E.B.
No 7 (2023) “I Saw more Morpho in those Two Days than I’ve Ever Seen in My Entire Life”. From the diary of Th.Dobzhansky, 1948, Brazil
Konashev M.B.
No 10 (2023) “I Tried to Look for the Roots of Phenomena”. To the 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Academician E. E. Milanovsky
Tveritinova T.Y.
No 4 (2023) “If we don’t succeed...”. An attempt at studying physical properties of ice in the Central Arctic: 1937-1938
Sazonov K.E.
No 9 (2023) “Marine Crocodiles” from the Mesozoic of European Russia
Zverkov N.G., Arkhangelsky M.S.
No 7 (2022) “Nothing can start from nothing”. Report by N.N. Vorontsov at the Opening of the Conference “VIIIth Koltsov Readings” in 1986
Vorontsov N.N.
No 9 (2022) “...Pines here almost converge with tropical vegetation”. From the diary of Th.Dobzhansky, 1935 Mexico: Part 1
Konashev M.B.
No 10 (2022) “...Pines here almost converge with tropical vegetation”. From the diary of Th.Dobzhansky, 1935 Mexico: Part 2
Konashev M.B.
No 9 (2023) “To Be an Active Figure not Just an Observer” Ichthyologist V.K.Soldatov
Goncharenko N.V.
No 8 (2022) “…A sight of unspeakable beauty”. From the diary of Th.Dobrzhansky, 1934
Konashev M.B.
301 - 387 of 387 Items << < 1 2 3 4 

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