
Subgaleal hemorrhage from birth trauma: from the first stage of labor to the baby’s discharge: a clinical case at the intersection of specialties
Shestak E.V., Svetlakova D.V., Desyatnik K.A.
Biphasic non-invasive lung ventilation in the neonatal intensive care unit: the choice of tactics for starting respiratory support in preterm infants
Zavyalov O.V., Pasechnik I.N., Ignatko I.V., Babaev B.D., Rybintseva K.V.
Lung dysplasia in preterm newborn infants: clinical and diagnostic features in the early neonatal period (a clinical case)
Zavyalov O.V., Ignatko I.V., Pasechnik I.N., Babaev B.D., Marenkov V.V., Titov V.A., Antropova O.A., Lebedeva M.A., Novikov E.M.
Lung dysplasia in preterm newborn infants: what does a clinician need to know?
Ignatko I.V., Zavyalov O.V., Pasechnik I.N., Babaev B.D.
Respiratory strategies affecting the severity of neonatal transient tachypnea
Shestak E.V., Kovtun O.P., Ksenofontova O.L., Dodrov D.S., Kalyakova N.V.
Pathogenesis of neonatal respiratory distress syndrome from the standpoint of the features of the embryogenesis of the respiratory system
Zavyalov O.V., Pasechnik I.N., Ignatko I.V., Babaev B.D., Dementyev A.A., Chabaldze Z.L.
Antenatal prevention of fetal respiratory distress syndrome and surfactant therapy in premature infants: evaluating the course of prenatal steroids in determining respiratory support tactics
Zavyalov O.V., Pasechnik I.N., Ignatko I.V., Chabaidze Z.L., Dementyev A.A., Marenkov V.V.
Intraventricular hemorrhages in children with extremely low body weight: a comprehensive perinatal assessment in a comparative analysis of respiratory therapy tactics in the early neonatal period
Zavyalov O.V., Pasechnik I.N., Ignatko I.V., Marenkov V.V., Dementyev A.A., Smirnov D.N., Chabaidze Z.A.
Use of amplitude-integrated electroencephalography in extremely preterm newborn infants
Kharlamova N., Andreev A., Maslyukova A., Mezhinsky S., Chasha T., Nazarov S.
Intraventricular hemorrhage in premature infants: clinic, risk factors and peculiarities of perinatal prevention
Zavyalov O.V., Pasechnik I.N., Ignatko I.V., Dementyev A.A., Chabaidze Z.L., Smirnov D.N.
Practical justification of the need to develop a new classification of the risk of neonatal transportation
Ermachenko M.F., Gvak G.V., Popelkov A.A., Zemin Y.A., Ivanov R.A., Radionova E.B., Klimova O.S., Penkova T.A., Simutina M.A., Kochengui L.I., Egorova M.Y., Zuikina M.Y., Konstantinova E.A., Golovan O.N., Magadeeva A.F., Moroz I.A.
Treatment for neonatal respiratory distress syndrome in extremely low-birth weight premature infants: selection of respiratory support
Zavyalov O.V., Marenkov V.V., Dementyev A.A., Pasechnik I.N.
Neonatal respiratory distress syndrome in extremely premature infants: epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical presentations, and perinatal risk factors
Zavyalov O.V., Chabaidze Z.L., Dementyev A.A., Pasechnik I.N.
The health status of children born after various assisted reproductive technologies
Filkina O.M., Vorobyeva E.A., Malyshkina A.I., Dolotova N.V., Arekhova Z.F.
Zavyalov O.V., Ignatko I.V., Pasechnik I.N., Babaev B.D., Dementyev A.A., Chabaidze Z.L.
1 - 15 of 15 Items

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