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卷 73, 编号 2 (2024)



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The modern approaches of analysis of dihydroquercetin stereoisomeric composition

Terekhov R., Savina A., Pankov D., Nikitin I., Selivanova I.


Dihydroquercetin (DHQ) is a representative of the flavonoid family. This natural polyphenol is known for its high ability to bind active oxygen species, which is used to explain its wide range of biological activities. However, the fact that DHQ has two chiral centers in the positions 2 and 3 of the pyranone ring is often ignored. By the way, such structure allowing this compound to exist in four stereoisomers. The current literature review was prepared to systemize the information for the analysis of DHQ stereoisomers to control the quality of future chiral remedies. During the study, it was found that relying on polarimetry results for research and the development of regulatory documentation is difficult due to the heterogeneity of data on the optical activity of flavanonol molecules. Information on the NMR spectroscopy of DHQ diastereomers is more reliable, but this method does not allow for the identification of individual stereoisomers and is not implemented in routine pharmaceutical analysis. Among all the methods considered, only HPLC is currently characterized by sufficient enantioselectivity. The results of the literature review indicate that chromatography is the most promising method for quality control of chiral pharmaceuticals, which can be developed based on DHQ. Referring to the history of pharmaceutical science, it seems unnecessary to remind the important role of the stereochemical composition of active pharmaceutical ingredient in ensuring the efficacy and safety of drugs. The results of our review are intended to draw the attention of the scientific community to significant gaps in the current system of knowledge and regulatory documentation.

Farmaciya (Pharmacy). 2024;73(2):5-12
pages 5-12 views

Pharmaceutical chemistry and pharmacognosy

Quantitative analysis of rutin in flavonoid-rich plant raw material by HPTLC

Kobakhidze T., Agatonovic-Kustrin S., Gegechkori V., Chugaev D., Ramenskaya G.


Introduction. Due to the increasing requirements for the quality of pharmaceutical products, the requirements for standardization of herbal medicines are also growing, which in turn necessitates the development of approaches to quality control of medicinal plant raw materials. The use of such an advanced method as high-performance thin-layer chromatography (HPTLC) will improve the quality of drug standardization, which is associated with the advantages of this method: minimized sample preparation, parallel determination of small volumes, elution time, high sensitivity, efficiency and speed.

Objective. Quantitative determination of rutin by high-performance thin-layer chromatography, as well as comparison of the results of quantitative determination of the amount of flavonoids in terms of rutin by the spectrophotometric method.

Material and methods. Medicinal plant raw materials – violet herb – were subjected to extraction using a developed method with 70 and 96% ethanol. Quantitative determination of rutin in extracts was carried out by HPTLC and spectrophotometry.

Results. The developed method for the quantitative determination of rutin was validated in terms of linearity, specificity and accuracy. The difference in the extractive ability of the solvents used was shown. The percentage of rutin determined using the HPTLC method in an ethanol (96%) extract (3 µl) is 3.0826%, in an ethanol (70%) extract (3 µl) – 1.5911%. The percentage of rutin determined using the HPTLC method in an ethanol (96%) extract (5 µl) is 3.0894%, in an ethanol (70%) extract (5 µl) – 1.6064%. The percentage of total flavonoids in terms of rutin determined using the spectrophotometric method in the ethanol (96%) extract is 3.4289%, in the ethanol (70%) extract – 2.4176%.

Conclusion. As a result of the study, a method for the quantitative determination of rutin was developed and validated, which can be used in the standardization of violet herb.

Farmaciya (Pharmacy). 2024;73(2):13-17
pages 13-17 views

Biomorphological features and antioxidant activity of mint species of non-hybrid origin growing in the North Caucasus region

Popov I., Yakovleva S., Popova O., Samylina I., Kovtun E., Bokov D., Tatarenko-Kozmina T.


Introduction. Modern researchers note the role of antioxidants in the correction of fat and carbohydrate metabolism, so the search for new raw materials for obtaining substances with antioxidant activity is relevant. Polyphenolic compounds are considered the most powerful natural antioxidants. Our attention was drawn to non-hybrid mint species growing in the North Caucasus region.

Objective. Study of biomorphological features and economically valuable characteristics of the species Mentha L. (Lamiaceae), their phytochemical characteristics based on the content of essential oil and some phenolic compounds, determination of antioxidant activity to substantiate the prospects for use in medicine and pharmacy.

Material and methods. The studies were carried out according to the methods of the State Pharmacopoeia (SP) XIV and XV editions. Samples of raw mint (M. arvensis L.), watermint (M. aquatica L.), longleaf mint (M. longifolia (L.) Huds.), flea mint (M. pulegium L.), m spicata (M. spicata L.), harvested in forest-steppe and steppe zones, as well as on mountain slopes, damp places, sometimes in wastelands, in North Ossetia – Alania, Karachay-Cherkessia, Kabardino-Balkaria and the Stavropol Territory in their natural places of growth (end of July–August 2021–2023). Objects were dried using the air-shadow method. Antioxidant activity was determined by amperometric and titrimetric methods.

Results. Non-hybrid mint species growing in the North Caucasus contain essential oils, hydroxycinnamic and triterpene acids, flavonoids and polyphenolic compounds. The established antioxidant properties of hydroalcoholic extracts of mint species, in addition to the traditionally known choleretic and antispasmodic effects, can be considered significant for reducing body weight.

Conclusion. The content of essential oil and polyphenolic compounds in various types of mint, as well as the established antioxidant properties of aqueous-alcoholic extracts, in addition to the traditionally known choleretic and antispasmodic effects, can be considered significant for weight loss.

Farmaciya (Pharmacy). 2024;73(2):18-24
pages 18-24 views

Comparative study of morphological and anatomical features of Bidens L. Species

Rodin M., Baeva V., Bokov D., Voronov V., Samylina I.


Introduction. Determining closely related impure species when confirming the authenticity of medicinal plant raw materials (mprms) is a very difficult and controversial task, especially for crushed and powdered mprms. One of such objects is the three-part beggarticks, which is prone to polymorphism and occupies the same area with the nodding beggarticks, the Spanish needles and the devil's beggarticks.

Objective: to conduct a comparative pharmacognostic analysis of species of the genus Bidens L., which can be collected together with the pharmacopoeial species – three-part beggarticks.

Material and methods. The objects of study were dried herbs of three-part beggarticks (Bidens tripartita L.), nodding beggarticks (Bidens cernua L.), Spanish needles (Bidens bipinnata L.), and devil's beggarticks (Bidens frondosa L.), collected in the Moscow region in 2020–2021. In this work, we studied the anatomical and morphological structure of leaves, as the most preferred part from a diagnostic point of view. The study of anatomical and morphological characteristics was carried out in accordance with the General Pharmacopoeial Monograph of the Russian Federation State Pharmacopoeia XIV “Leaves”.

Results. A comparative description of the anatomical-diagnostic external and microscopic characteristics of the Bidens leaves has been obtained. Bidens tripartita and Bidens frondosa are higher than others. In contrast to the impure species, the Bidens tripartita has the largest deeply trifid, irregular serrated leaves, more pronounced tortuosity of the epidermal cells of the upper side of the leaf, multicellular thin-walled caterpillar-like and simple thick-walled hairs are combined, and the secretory canals in the mesophyll located along the vein.

Conclusion. Among the studied Bidens species, each has characteristic features of its morphological and anatomical structure. These specific features can be used to establish the authenticity of the mprms and distinguish it from impure Bidens species, which require further research.

Farmaciya (Pharmacy). 2024;73(2):25-33
pages 25-33 views

Composition of biologically active substances of common cranberry fruits (Oxycoccus palustris Pers.) in various methods of preservation

Sergunova E., Malysheva M., Morokhina S., Samylina I.


Introduction. The study of common cranberry fruits is promising due to the wide variety of biologically active substances included in their composition, a wide range of therapeutic properties, as well as the ability of cranberry fruits for long-term storage and resistance to harsh environmental conditions.

Fresh fruits contain the maximum amount of biologically active substances and, accordingly, have the most pronounced pharmacological effect.

To preserve the composition and content of biologically active substances, preservation is used in pharmacy. Most often they resort to drying. Freezing can be considered a new and promising method for preserving the quality of medicinal plant materials.

Purpose of the study. Study of the effect of freezing and drying on the qualitative composition and quantitative content of biologically active substances in common cranberry fruits.

Material and methods. The object of the study was fresh, frozen, and dried common cranberry fruits collected in the Pskov and Novgorod regions in 2022 during the fruiting period. The study of the composition of biologically active substances (BAS) and quantitative assessment of the content were carried out according to pharmacopoeial methods, using analysis using thin layer chromatography (TLC), spectrophotometry and redox titration methods.

Results. Using TLC analysis, organic acids (ascorbic, malic, citric, tartaric and succinic), flavonoids (rutin, quercetin), tannins (gallic acid) and anthocyanins were identified in the fruits. There were no differences in the qualitative composition of dried and frozen fruits.

The content of organic acids, tannins, flavonoids and anthocyanins in cranberry fruits using different preservation methods was determined. It has been established that when fruits are dried, the content of all studied groups of biologically active substances decreases, on average by 40–60% of the initial content in fresh raw materials. Ascorbic acid is destroyed to a greater extent (90–92%). Exposure to low temperatures leads to a slight decrease in biologically active substances in common cranberry fruits (7–14%).

Conclusion. The influence of preservation methods on the composition and content of biologically active substances in common cranberry fruits has been studied. The possibility of using frozen cranberry fruits as an alternative to fresh and dried raw materials in the manufacture of drugs in allopathy and homeopathy has been shown.

Farmaciya (Pharmacy). 2024;73(2):34-39
pages 34-39 views

Determination of quality indicators of a combined nootropic drug

Abdunazarov A., Tashpulatova A.


Introduction. The state drug policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan is aimed at the release of new affordable import-substituting drugs of domestic production, which are not inferior in activity to foreign analogues. Taking this into account, and also taking into account the high cost of imported nootropic drugs, the pharmaceutical production of LLC «Тemur med farm», Syrdarya region, Uzbekistan has developed the composition, technology and production of the combined drug "Nootrotem". "Nootrotem" is a combined preparation of piracetam and methylethylhydroxypyridine succinate in an injectable dosage form. Based on preclinical pharmacological studies, the pronounced nootropic and metabolic effects of the studied drug have been proven.

Objective: The purpose of these studies is to develop quality assessment methods and establish quality indicators of the combined drug "Nootrotem" solution for infusions.

Material and methods. 5 series of laboratory samples of the drug "Nootrotem" solution for infusions obtained at the pharmaceutical production "Temur med farm", Uzbekistan, were used as research objects.

Results. The determination of the quality indicators of the studied drug was carried out in accordance with the modern requirements of the National pharmacopoeia of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the European pharmacopoeia, as well as in accordance with the general technical regulations on the safety of medicines.

Conclusion. As a result of the conducted research, the main quality indicators of the drug "Nootrotem" solution for infusions were established according to the following indicators: description, authenticity, transparency, chromaticity, pH, package filling volume, mechanical inclusions, impurities, residual sulfur dioxide, osmolality. The limits of their rationing have been established in accordance with the State Budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Farmaciya (Pharmacy). 2024;73(2):40-45
pages 40-45 views

Organization and economy

Organization of pharmaceutical education of the adult population: from theory to practice

Shestakova T., Kirshсhina I., Soloninina A., Mihajlova V.


Introduction. Health literacy is defined by WHO as one of the reliable parameters that allow predicting the state of public health in the future. The level of health literacy is integral to the pharmaceutical literacy of the individual, since a significant part of the issues of health care is related to the use of medicines (LP). Pharmaceutical literacy can be considered as one of the most important components of health literacy in general. At the moment, there is no unified methodology for improving pharmaceutical literacy of individuals and society as a whole.

The purpose of the study. Development of a scientific and practical approach to the organization of pharmaceutical education of the adult population with the participation of pharmaceutical specialists.

Material and methods. Content analysis, logical analysis, systematization method, modeling method.

Results. The components of the theoretical basis for the formation of pharmaceutical competence of the adult population are determined. The differentiation of information about drugs has been carried out, the types of pharmaceutical information have been identified and their subject content has been formed for the purposes of pharmaceutical education of the population. Socio-demographic groups and factors correlating with a higher level of pharmaceutical literacy have been identified. Additional conditions are formulated that should be taken into account in the development of pharmaceutical literacy and the formation of pharmaceutical competence of the adult population. Organizational technologies relevant to the goals of pharmaceutical education have been identified and systematized. The key positions of effective pharmaceutical education practice have been identified. Potential mechanisms for the organization of pharmaceutical education are presented, taking into account the realization of the professional potential of pharmaceutical workers. A multilevel model for the formation of pharmaceutical competence of the adult population has been developed.

Conclusion. The proposed methodology for the gradual formation of pharmaceutical competence of the adult population based on the relevant choice of organizational technologies and rules of andragogy, based on the international concept of health education and existing levels of public health, acts as a scientific and practical approach to the formation of an adequate level of pharmaceutical knowledge for the effective and safe use of medicines and the formation of a culture of responsible attitude of citizens to their own health.

Farmaciya (Pharmacy). 2024;73(2):46-54
pages 46-54 views

Pharmacology: Experiment and clinic

Modern drugs for nutritional support of the patient

Morozov A., Sergeev A., Askerov E., Drozdova D., Markova P., Khodzhaeva S.


Introduction. Nowadays, nutritional support is an integral part of the management of patients in hospitals of any profile. Parenteral nutrition (PN) is a vital therapy and is indicated in those situations when enteral or oral nutrition is impossible or insufficient, for example, in such clinical conditions as advanced variants of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, stenotic deformities of the esophagus, comatose change of consciousness, cancer cachexia, neuropathies of various etiologies, and others.

The aim of the present study was to investigate preparations for parenteral nutrition as part of an integrated approach to the treatment of various pathologic conditions. Parenteral nutrition is in modern clinical medicine an integral part of adequate treatment in the presence of protein-energy deficiency in patients. Currently, there are many nutrient mixtures that can compensate for nutrient losses in various pathologies. There are standard systems that can compensate for substrate deficiencies individually, but the most effective are considered to be 3-in-1 systems, which are more harmonious and balanced in their composition, which, in turn, leads to the fullest satisfaction of the nutrient needs of patients.

Conclusion. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account that in case of irrational use, the risks for the patient increase, therefore, in order to mitigate them, it is necessary to implement programs to control the production of mixtures and assess their qualitative and quantitative composition.

Farmaciya (Pharmacy). 2024;73(2):55-62
pages 55-62 views