Vol XXVIII, No 1-2 (1996)

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Pathology of the peripheral nervous system of chlamydial nature

Mikhailenko A.A., Onishenko L.S., Nuralova I.V., Borzenko O.V.


Change of cells and fibers in horse's tail roots and sciatic nerves regularly revealed, elementary bodies were found with the help of electronic microscopy in mice infected with chlamydia by intracerebral and intraperi­toneal approaches. Clinical examination of patients with various mono and polineuropathies revealed that chla­mydial infection incidence reached 25—37%, and titers of specific antibodies ranged from 1:6 to 1:64, supporting wide distribution of chlamydial infections.

Neurology Bulletin. 1996;XXVIII(1-2):5-8
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On the question of the incidence of cerebral insults in izhevsk

Malkova A.A., Kilina O.N., Pakhomova Т.R., Shutov Е.G., Konevskaya М.I.


Epidemiology of cerebral insults in Izhevsk was studied by register-method. Incidence of initial cerebral insults amounted to 2,6 for 1000 of population, this finding being close to the findings of other regions of Russia. Ishemic insults dominate (they relate to hemorhagic insults as 4:1); mortality for cerebral insults in acute stage amounts to 30,2%, that is twice as much that for findings of the west and USA. The obtained results should be taken into account when planning and organizing systems of treatment and prophylaxis of acute disorders of cerebral circulation.

Neurology Bulletin. 1996;XXVIII(1-2):9-11
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Clinical and electroneurophysiological characteristics of episodic tension headache

Yakupova A.A., Yakupov R.A., Ismagilov М.F.


On the basis of clinical, neuropsychological and electroneurophysiological studies by the method of cluster ana lysis of 134 patients with episodic strain headache, they objectively were divided into two groups, differing by the severity and course of the disease. Increase in reflex excitability of neuron structures of cerebral trunk is shown to be the most significant electroneurophysiological pheno menon in episodic strain headache, and this characterizes objectively insufficiency of mechanisms of central inhibition, specifically, on the level of founder inhibiting inter neurons. Hyperreflexion of segmental apparatus of cerebral trunk serves probably as one of the final pathogenetic links in realization of syndrome of long-term tonic spasm of pericranial muscles in headache of strain.

Neurology Bulletin. 1996;XXVIII(1-2):12-15
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Viewing vertebral arteries by duplex scan: what to expect

Salaschek М.


In vertebral arteries (v.a) most stenoses occur at their origins. Ultrasound studies with a 7,5 MHz sector duplex-probe are able to reveal the origins in 63— 68% of the right, in 43—62% of the left vertebral arteries (men< omen), whereas the prevertebral and the intertrans versal parts C5/6—C3/4 are visualized in 70—90%. The mean cumulative lumen of both v.a. increases by age from 6,0 mm (age<30) to 7,9 mm (age>80) with a clear predominance of the left v.a. in 33%, of the right v.a. in 17%. Hypoplasia of one or both v.a. is present in 5,2%. In a sample of 1131 patients pathological findings occuredin 11% of the vertebral arteries (stenoses or occlusions, steal phenomena) and in 16% of the carotid arteries (stenoses 50% occlusions). In 42% of the cases with infarctions in the vertebro-basilar-supplied territories pathological duplex-findings were present, similary in 20% of infarctions in the carotid supplied territories, and in 15% of vertigo, but also in 62% of patients with peripheral vascular disease without, neurological signs or symptoms — versus only in 3% of control-patients of similar age with out neurological or peripheral vascular disease.

Neurology Bulletin. 1996;XXVIII(1-2):16-19
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Magnetic resonance imaging in skeletal muscle following denervation and electrical stimulation

Mokrusch Т.


Following chronic denervation, MRI evaluation of fast rabbit muscles revealed a distinct increase of signal intensity and T2 relaxation time. These changes were missing or less pronounced after treatment with a new type of electrical stimulation, which previously had proved effective in avoiding muscle atrophy. One month after denervation, there was a slight increase of signal intensity as well in the stimulated as in the untreated animals, after two months, however, the increase was statistically significant only in the non-stimulated muscles. T2 relaxation time showed a slight increase after one month of therapy, while there was a significant increase after one and two months without therapy. After 3—6 months of electrical stimulation, there was no increase of T2 at all. The results indicate 1), that MRI can be used when monitoring stimulation effects on denervated muscle, and 2), that, for this purpose, T2 relaxation time is more useful than signal intensity.

Neurology Bulletin. 1996;XXVIII(1-2):19-23
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Some aspects of diagnostics and surgical treatment of the invasive pituitary adenomas

Schulman X.М., Ismagilov М.F., Danilov V.I., Solomatina А.K.


The clinical picture of the disease in 85 patients with pituitary adenomas is analyzed. Revealed the reasons for the late diagnosis of the disease. The direct results of surgical treatment of patients are presented.
Clinical patterns of 85 patients with pituitary adenomas are analyzed. Causes of late diagnostics of the disease are revealed. Immediate results of surgical treatment of patients are given.

Neurology Bulletin. 1996;XXVIII(1-2):23-25
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Some pathogenetic mechanisms of spondylogenic vascular insufficiency in the vertebrobasilar system

Ismagilov M.F., Veselovsky V.Р., Bogdanov Е.I.


About 30% of all cases of cerebrovascular accident are associated with dyscirculation of the vertebrobasilar system, and among transient disorders, the share of the latter reaches 70%. 65% of cases of circulatory disorders in the brain stem formations are caused by damage to the extracranial parts of the vertebral arteries.

Neurology Bulletin. 1996;XXVIII(1-2):26-31
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Physiotherapy in the rehabilitation of neurological patients

Mikusev Y.Е.


Recently, clinicians are rethinking some of those concepts that were previously considered purely theoretical. One of them is the fundamental concept of the therapeutic and prophylactic action of physical exercises, which is based on the generally accepted position of neurophysiology about the neuro-reflex mechanism of action of physical exercises, it meets modern ideas about the systemic level of functioning and response of the patient's body to physical training.

Neurology Bulletin. 1996;XXVIII(1-2):31-34
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About olfactory dysfunction in patients with neurotic disorders

Popelyansky A.Y.


In a specialized department of neuroses, the olfactory function was studied in 74 persons (68 women and 6 men from 21 to 63 years old) without a runny nose and other signs of acute respiratory infections. The control group consisted of 30 relatively healthy people. Attention was paid to anamnestic information about the originality of smell (dysesthesia, hyper- or hyposmia). A clinical experiment was conducted to recognize the smell of cologne, perfumes, deodorants and food products, taking into account the time and accuracy of the determination.

Neurology Bulletin. 1996;XXVIII(1-2):35-35
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Pharmacy service of the Republic of Tatarstan in the new socio-economic conditions

Safiullin R.S.


In recent years, a structural reform of the pharmacy network has taken place in most regions of the Russian Federation. An active search for ways to improve the organization and structure of the pharmacy service is also underway in the Republic of Tatarstan.

Neurology Bulletin. 1996;XXVIII(1-2):35-37
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Treatment of patients with polyradiculoneuritis, encephalomyelopolyradiculoneuritis

Manelis Z.S.


The treatment of polyradiculoneuritis (DRE) and polyneuropathies (PN) is currently being carried out empirically, since etiotropic therapy is naturally impossible due to the unknown nature of the disease, and pathogenetic treatment, despite the creation of a model of experimental allergic neuritis, has not received sufficient theoretical justification. This is evidenced by conflicting information on the use of corticosteroids (CS) in Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS). In authoritative guidelines on the problems of neurology, edited by V.K. Wiederholt (1984), A.K. Asbury and R.W. Gilliatt (1987), it is noted that there are no convincing data confirming the opinion about the effectiveness of CS in acute GBS.

Neurology Bulletin. 1996;XXVIII(1-2):37-42
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Quasimiastenic presynaptic-polyneuropathic diseases (on some elements of the classification of polyneuropathies)

Popelyansky Y.Y.


The WHO classification of polyradiculoneuropathies and polyradiculopeuritis is based on the criteria of etiological (genetic and acquired) and morphological (axon and myelopathy). Radicular lesions (subarachnoid and epidural), ganglioradicular, funicular, plexus and neural lesions are distinguished along the length of the nerve.

Neurology Bulletin. 1996;XXVIII(1-2):43-44
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"Osteochondrosis" or "sciatica"? (experience of approaching a terminological dilemma)

Altunbaev R.A.


A sophisticated reader may be surprised by such a statement of the question - for at least a quarter of a century the paradigm of osteochondrosis has dominated over domestic neurological, as well as those with a different professional orientation, the paradigm of osteochondrosis Its magic turned out to be so great that sometimes voices calling to give osteochondrosis at the mercy of the orthopedic industry turn out to be unheard by neuropathologists - specialists traditionally dealing with pathology, which was formerly called sciatica, then radiculitis, and now - osteochondrosis.

Neurology Bulletin. 1996;XXVIII(1-2):44-50
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Mulleneisen В. Stressensyndrom /Übersetzung aus Deutsche F.L. Ratner, E. V.Novak. —Kasan: Verlag der Kasaner Universitаt, 1993. —136 S.

Popov L.М., Ismagilov М.F.


In the work of the German professor B. Mülleneisen from Munich (Germany) "Stress Syndrome", published by the Kazan University Publishing House in 1993, a detailed understanding of the biological and physiological foundations of stress, the role of stress in human life and its harmful consequences, are outlined. them and ways to prevent stress-related disorders.

Neurology Bulletin. 1996;XXVIII(1-2):50-51
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On the centenary of the birth of the outstanding Kazan neurohistologist N.G. Kolosov

Shvalev V.N.


April 1997 marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of Nikolai Grigorievich Kolosov, a remarkable representative of the Kazan neurohistological school, who made a major contribution to the theory of the autonomic nervous system.

Neurology Bulletin. 1996;XXVIII(1-2):52-52
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Georgy Georgievich Shanko


(On the occasion of the 60th birthday) On July 1, 1996, the famous children's neurologist, Honored Scientist, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Georgy Georgievich Shanko, Head of the Department of Pediatric Neurology and Vice-Rector for Medical Work of the Belarusian Institute for the Advancement of Physicians, Chief Pediatric Neurologist Belarus.

Neurology Bulletin. 1996;XXVIII(1-2):52-53
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Georgy Alexandrovich Ivanichev


(On the occasion of the 50th birthday) In April 1996, the famous clinician, neurophysiologist, manual therapy specialist, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Georgy Aleksandrovich Ivanichev, Head of the Department of Traditional Medicine of the Kazan State Medical Academy, celebrated the 50th anniversary.

Neurology Bulletin. 1996;XXVIII(1-2):54-54
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