Vol X, No 3 (1902)

Original article

On the relationship between excitability and conduction of nerves.

Polumordvinov D.V.


The question of the relationship between excitability and conduction of nerves, which belongs to the number of fundamental questions in general nervous physiology, was for a long time considered solved in one definite sense. This decision can be formulated in the words of Hermann, who says the following.

Neurology Bulletin. 1902;X(3):1-11
pages 1-11 views

On the question of the vasomotors of the frog lungs

Nikolaev V.V.


The Kazan Pharmacological Laboratory has been developing the issue of vasomotor nerves for many years.

Dr. M. Sergeev in 1890 published the first preliminary report (On the doctrine of blood circulation in Metbrapa nictitans Ranae Esculentae. Bulletin of Natural History No. 1. 1891), in which he states the fact that the irritation of the central segment n. ischiadici causes vasospasm in the Membrana nictitans of the same side, and in 1891 a second preliminary report under the same title in No. 9 of the Natural History Bulletin, where he describes the continuation of his experiments, which finally made it possible to establish the route of transmission of irritation from the central segment n. ischiadici on the vessels of Membranae nicitanis ranae esculentae.

Neurology Bulletin. 1902;X(3):12-31
pages 12-31 views

Electrical excitability of muscles in newborns in connection with the structure of muscles and nerve fibers

Narbut V.


Turning to the description of experiments on children, we consider it necessary to note that the protocols are arranged in the same order as our experiments followed, and not according to the age of the children.

Neurology Bulletin. 1902;X(3):32-63
pages 32-63 views

On the question of the effect of typhoid fever on the nervous system.

Yanishevsky V.V.


Typhoid fever, affecting the nervous system, can give an extremely diverse clinical picture, depending on the place and method of its impact. In this respect, among other infectious diseases, it is closest to the syphilitic infection. Like syphilis, typhoid poison affects all tissues entering the nervous system; with it, peripheral nerves, membranes of the brain and spinal cord, blood vessels and medulla can get sick. But besides the similarity in the diversity of clinical symptoms, typhoid fever in some cases resembles syphilis also in the remarkable selectivity of the action of the poison on the nervous system: despite the general intoxication, for some reason certain parts of the nervous system are sometimes involved in the process, certain parts of them are affected.

Neurology Bulletin. 1902;X(3):64-76
pages 64-76 views

Marie's disease (acromegaly)

Popov N.M.


From lectures given to students of Kazan University.

During our conversations, I repeatedly had to dwell on the question of the trophic functions of the nervous system, and we saw that a number of clinical facts irrefutably testify to the profound influence that the nerve centers have on the growth and nutrition of the whole organism.

Today I have the opportunity to introduce you to a disease that confirms what I have just said as sharply as possible.

Neurology Bulletin. 1902;X(3):77-106
pages 77-106 views

Medical and economic report on the psychiatric department (with a colony) of the Odessa City Hospital for 1901

Vorotynskiy B.I.


At present, almost all psychiatric hospitals, asylums, and even small departments print their annual medical and economic reports. Such reports are of great practical and scientific importance. Their practical significance lies primarily in the fact that they acquaint the public with the inner life of the hospital, directly and openly report those sometimes sad events in this life, those accidents that often take place in psychiatric hospitals and which, unfortunately, , very often it is not even possible to foresee and warn. At the same time, the reports do not in the least hide these sad facts and sad events in the life of the hospital, they give them an appropriate explanation and indicate their causes.

Neurology Bulletin. 1902;X(3):107-169
pages 107-169 views

Критика и библіографія

Academician V. Bekhterev. Syphilis of the central nervous system. St. Petersburg. 1902

Obraztsov V.N.


New work of prof. V. M. Bekhtereva is devoted to the presentation of the entire doctrine of pathological and anatomical changes in the brain with syphilis. The author's work is divided into sections that embrace the pathology of syphilitic lesions of the cerebral vessels, gummous neoplasms of the brain and its membranes, syphilitic lesions of the hard shell of the brain and spinal cord (pachymeningitis syphilitica), syphilitic lesions of the meninges (meningitis syphilitica), pathological and anatomical picture of meningo-myelitis and meningoencephalitis, syphilitic myelitis and encephalitis, multiple syphilitic encephalomyelitis, and syphilitic multiple sclerosis.

Neurology Bulletin. 1902;X(3):170-171
pages 170-171 views

Dr. S. D. Kolotinsky. Chronic ergot poisoning and observed changes in the central nervous system in animals. — Diss. SPb. 1902

Vorotynsky B.I.


The clinical picture of chronic ergotism has now been developed in some detail. As for the pathological and anatomical changes in the body during ergot poisoning, and especially changes in the central nervous system, these issues still seem to be little studied. The author of his work aimed to fill these gaps.

Neurology Bulletin. 1902;X(3):171-173
pages 171-173 views


Prof. th. Ziehen. Ueber die allgemeinen Beziehungen zwischen Gehirn und Seelenleben. Leipzig. 1902

Shapirov M.B.


Having provided a very interesting historical list of human delusions and conjectures regarding the mutual relations between the soul and the body, the author pays tribute to the merits of all scientists and philosophers who in one way or another contributed to the establishment of the current view on the dependence of mental phenomena on the function of the cerebral cortex. Dwelling on the problem of the relationship between the material and the psychic, the author analyzes and refutes the existing teachings, monistic and dualistic, and at the end sets out in the main outlines the idealistic teaching professed by him.

Neurology Bulletin. 1902;X(3):173-175
pages 173-175 views

Marie et Guillain. Ramolissement du genou du Corps Calleux Rev. Neur. 1902 No. 6

Rudnev V.I.


A 62-year-old subject has a brain stroke, loss of consciousness, right spasmodic hemiplegia, the right labial fold is slightly felt, there is no hemianesthesia, but when pinching the right side, the patient makes uncoordinated movements with paralyzed muscles; healthy hand does not bring one to the irritated place, but does it on the healthy side when it is irritated.

Neurology Bulletin. 1902;X(3):175-176
pages 175-176 views

Ballet et Bauer. Vitiligo et tabes. Rev. neurolog. 1902 № 3

Rudnev V.I.


In tades, various skin diseases occur: perforating ulcers, prolapse of nails, gangrene, fish skin, erythema, pemphigus, etc., also vitiligo, of which two cases will be discussed here.

Neurology Bulletin. 1902;X(3):176-178
pages 176-178 views

E. Kalmus. A case of degeneration with a rare sign of degeneration.—Coloboma nervi opt. with pulpy fibers of the optic nerve. - Centrlbl. f. N. and Ps. No. 142. 1901

Eichenwald L.


The doctrine of the physical signs of degeneration is based mainly on statistical data. Regarding a number of anomalies in the structure of organs, there are great disagreements between the authors: what one considers an insignificant variety, the other takes as a sign of degeneration; in what one is inclined to see degeneration, in that the other is a pathological phenomenon.

Neurology Bulletin. 1902;X(3):178-180
pages 178-180 views

Dr. Aurel v. Zlatorovie. On the issue of pellagra. Etwas über Pellagra. Statistik und Beobachtungen aus Landes. Irrenonstalt Pergine (Südtirol). — lahrbücher für Psychiatrie und Neurologie. 196., Heft 2, 1900

Korolka L.


In Austria, only since 1894, pellagrozny mental disorder was included in the official statistics as an independent form of the disease and placed in the department of intoxication psychoses.

Neurology Bulletin. 1902;X(3):180-184
pages 180-184 views

Хроника и смѣсь

Chronicle and mixture, Vol. X, № 3 (1902)

Baklushinskiy I.D.


The intern of the psychiatric clinic of Kazan University, Dr. V.P. Maleev, for the length of his residency, was appointed supernumerary intern of the hospital of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Dr. med. S. D. Kolotinsky, who previously held the position of an intern at the Novoznamenskaya hospital. We sincerely greet the comrade with the appointment, being sure that the excellently started business in the Vinnitsa Medical Center through the work of his predecessors will find a worthy successor in the person of Dr. S. D. Kolotinsky, as a person with high qualities and serious scientific and practical training.

Neurology Bulletin. 1902;X(3):185-191
pages 185-191 views

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