Author Details

Воротынскій, Брониславъ Ивановичъ

Issue Section Title File
Vol V, No 3 (1897) Abstracts H. M. Reznikov. To the doctrine of the structure of the retina. -Diss. SPb. 1897 year PDF
Vol V, No 4 (1897) Abstracts Dr. E. Laurent. Criminal anthropology and new theory of crime. -Trans. ed. prof. Sikorsky. Kiev, 1897 PDF
Vol V, No 4 (1897) Abstracts A.P. Langovoy. About gastrointestinal disorders in patients suffering from hysteria and neurasthenia. —Moscow, 1897 PDF
Vol V, No 4 (1897) Abstracts I. A. Klimov. About the pathways of the cerebellum. Diss. Kazan, 1897 PDF
Vol V, No 4 (1897) Abstracts Prof. I. A. Sikorskiy. Epidemic free deaths and murders in Ternovsky farms (near Tiraspol). - Questions of neuropsychic medicine. T. II, no. 3.1897 PDF
Vol V, No 4 (1897) Abstracts Dr. V. M. B-r. Hamlet Shakespeare from the medical and psychological point of view. —Archive of psychiatry etc. T. XXX, No. 2, 1897 PDF
Vol VI, No 1 (1898) Хроника и смѣсь Chronicle and mix. Volume V, № 1 (1898) PDF
Vol VI, No 2 (1898) Хроника и смѣсь Chronicle and mix. Volume V, № 2 (1898) PDF
Vol X, No 2 (1902) Original article Medical and economic report on the psychiatric department (with a colony) of the Odessa City Hospital for 1901 PDF
Vol X, No 3 (1902) Original article Medical and economic report on the psychiatric department (with a colony) of the Odessa City Hospital for 1901 PDF
Vol X, No 3 (1902) Критика и библіографія Dr. S. D. Kolotinsky. Chronic ergot poisoning and observed changes in the central nervous system in animals. — Diss. SPb. 1902 PDF

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