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The results of a chemical study of polyphenols in Viscum album L. and Pyrus communis L. have been carried out in order to compare the composition of these compounds, which may be of great importance in the joint practical use of both plants as therapeutic and prophylactic agents. Aim of the study. Comparison of the polyphenol composition of Viscum album L. and Pyrus communis L. to determine the possible joint practical use of both plants as therapeutic and prophylactic agents. Material and methods. The test-objects were the leaves of Viscum album L. growing on a host-plant of Pyrus communis L. Raw material - the leaves of both plants, harvested in the fruiting phase. The guantitative determination of flavonoids was performed on a SF-102 spectrophotometer by the spectrophotometric method. The total content of phenolic compounds was determined spectrophotometrically from the products of their oxidation with the Folin-Chocalteu reagent. The total content of antioxidants was determined by the amperometric method using a calibration plot of the dependence of the output signal on the concentration of guercetin and gallic acid. Results. The maximum content of flavonoids in extracts from the leaves of the Viscum album L. and Pyrus communis L. is achieved when the raw material is extracted with 50% ethyl alcohol and is 0,552±0,004%; 2,63±0,010%, respectively. The highest content of the phenolic compounds was noted in 50% ethanolic extracts from leaves of Viscum album L. and Pyrus communis L., and is 2,679±0,009%; 13,14±0,16%, respectively. The total content of antioxidants in the analyzed extracts from the leaves of of Viscum album L. and Pyrus communis L. was determined by the amperometric method. The optimal extractant was ethyl alcohol 50%. Conclusions. Given the similarity of the chemical composition of the polyphenolic compounds of the leaves of Viscum album L. and Pyrus communis L., the leaves of both plants can be used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

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About the authors

S. L Adzhiahmetova

Volgograd State Medical University

Ph.D. (Pharm.), Pyatigorsk Medical and Pharmaceutical Institute-Branch Pyatigorsk

N. M Chervonnaja

Volgograd State Medical University

Ph.D. (Pharm.), Pyatigorsk Medical and Pharmaceutical Institute-Branch Pyatigorsk

D. I Pozdnjakov

Volgograd State Medical University

Ph.D. (Pharm.), Pyatigorsk Medical and Pharmaceutical Institute-Branch Pyatigorsk

E. T Oganesjan

Volgograd State Medical University

Dr.Sc. (Pharm.), Professor, Pyatigorsk Medical and Pharmaceutical Institute-Branch Pyatigorsk


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