Possibility of obtaining the sign NPGO (name of the place of goods origin) to the unique dairy products produced in Altai territory



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Protection of the quality name dates back to Antiquity, when there were various products with the designation of origin. Today is a good example that can be implemented at both the national and regional level in Russia. The name control system developed in France and Switzerland not only works actively, but also allows to keep steadily high quality of foodstuff, to protect them from any unauthorized fakes, and also to support interests of producers. The purpose of creating quality marks is to make the product recognizable and to some extent in demand at the national and global level. The article considers the possibility of assigning the signs of NPGO to Altai dairy products, especially cheeses. Altai occupies a special place in the history of Russian cheese making, it is here that the first scientific developments were made and the foundations of domestic industrial cheese making were laid. This is one of the few regions of Russia, which is recognized as the territory of elite cheese making.




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