The Principle of Mirror Reflection and the Ways of Manifesting the Transcendent in Tarkovsky’s The Mirror


The article is devoted to the research of the director’s strategy of A.Tarkovsky in his film “The Mirror” analyzed through the “mirror references” principle as a structure-forming text base. The film structure is viewed as a “film of projections”. The main aim of the article is to single out means of “mirror reflections” and technologies of creating mirror references that give birth to a unique film structure.

About the authors

Lyudmila B Klyueva


Author for correspondence.

Doctor in Arts, Associate Professor, Film Studies Department


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  2. Лотман Ю.М. Об искусстве. - СПб.: «Искусство - СПБ», 1998. - 704 с.
  3. Салынский Д.А. Киногерменевтика Тарковского. - М.: Продюсерский центр «Квадрига», 2009. - 573 с.
  4. Tarkovsky Andrey. Sculpting in Time. - London. 1989.
  5. Ямпольский М.Б. Видимый мир. - М.: НИИК; Центральный музей кино; Международная киношкола, 1993. - 216 с.

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