Russian Cinema for Children and Adolescents. Unsolved Problems


The article covers the problems of Russian
children's cinema which being "overboard" the existing
chain of market relations for a variety of reasons is the most
unprofitable and unattractive business.


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  3. Харитонов Е. В., Щербак-Жуков А. В. На экране - Чудо: Отечественная кинофантастика и киносказка (1909-2002): - Москва: НИИ Киноискусства; В. Секачев, 2003.
  4. Кинословарь. В двух томах. Изд-во «Советская энциклопедия». М, 1966.

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Copyright (c) 2010 Sidorenko V.I., Sidornko V.I.

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