Bryan Forbes and Jack Clayton: Underestimated Spaces (British Cinema of the late 1950s-early 1960s)


The article covers a number of trends of the British cinema of the late 1950s-early 1960s and individual films made by the directors which have never been closely analyzed by Russian and sometimes by western film scholars. In contrast to the dominant tendencies of the time ("Angry young men"), the filmmakers in question did not deal with sharp social issues but concentrated on more "private" discoveries in the sphere of the plastic treatment of the film.


: Zakrevskaya

Anna Zakrevskaya




  1. Лотман Ю. Цивьян Ю. Диалог с экраном. Таллинн, Александра, 1994.
  2. Набоков В. Лекции по зарубежной литературе. М., Независимая газета, 1998.
  3. Baxter Brian. Bryan Forbes //Film Dope. 1979. April. № 17.
  4. Forbes Bryan. A Divided Life. Mandarin, London, 1993.
  5. Forbes Bryan. Notes far a Life. Everest Books Limited, London, 1977.
  6. Kael Pauline. I Lost It at the Movies. An Atlantic Monthly Press Book, Boston, 1965.
  7. Manvell Roger. New Cinema in Britain. Studio Vista, London, 1969.
  8. Murphy Robert. Sixties Cinema. BFI Publishing, London, 1992.
  9. Park James. British Cinema. TheLights That Failed. В. Т. BatsfordLtd, London, 1990.
  10. PhiUips Gene D. Major Film Directors of the American and British Cinema (revisited edition). Lehigh University Press, Bethlehem, 1999.
  11. Taylor John Russell, Kobaljohn. Portraits oftheBritish Cinema: 60 Glorious Years, 1925-85. John Wiley & Sons Australia Ltd, 1985.
  12. Walker Alexander. Hollywood, England. The British Film Industry in the Sixties. Michael Joseph, London, 1974.



版权所有 © Zakrevskaya :.A., Zakrevskaya A.A., 1970
