卷 7, 编号 3 (2015)


Freshman Day. At the crossroads of history and modernity

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Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2015;7(3):6-6
pages 6-6 views
pages 50-50 views

35th International Student Festival

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Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2015;7(3):82-82
pages 82-82 views
pages 98-98 views

7th International Summer Film School VGIK

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Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2015;7(3):130-130
pages 130-130 views


State-Owned Photo-Cinematic Joint-Stock Company Sovkino (1924-1930): History and Purposes of Creation

Zhdanova V.


The article treats pre-history of the above Joint-Stock Company Sovki- no(1924-1930) in the social, cultural and history oriented period context. Creation of Sovkino was caused by the authorities effort to further centralize and own cinema industry. The new company was meant to consolidate film distribution in the Socialist Russian Federation, villages included, establish a film fund to show in workers clubs as well as a film fund for children. New archive sources and data of the 1920s are used in the research of Sovkino activities.

Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2015;7(3):8-17
pages 8-17 views

Functional Duality of Cinema

Ushkarev A.


The research undertaken within the last 30 years of changes in the attitude of population towards cinema as a way of recreation prove both the transformation of the audience priorities in the sphere of leisure and the evolution of the social functions of cinema. It is of great scholarly importance to understand the laws of cultural behavior of real and potential cinema audience and it is also a necessary condition for shaping strata oriented cinema strategy and inducing people to interact with film art.

Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2015;7(3):18-28
pages 18-28 views


Evolution of Dramaturgy of Fiction Popular Science Films

Kolodinskiy M.


The article treats the problem of using dramaturgy means in fiction popular science films. Plot constructions of the most popular genres are analyzed such as: melodrama, social drama in fiction kulturfilms of the twenties. As well as the phenomenon of the fiction popular science film of the new type - scientific-feature.

Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2015;7(3):30-39
pages 30-39 views

Representation of Youth in Soviet Cinema of the 1950s

Zharikova V.


The 1950s in the history of our cinema became a transitory stage from the “grand style” aesthetics to humanistic realism of the ” Thaw” period. One of the most significant traits of this transition was the appearance of young characters on screen (school pupils, students) who were striving to fulfill themselves and find their own way in life. The article analyzes the images of the young people as they were represented in films of that period.

Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2015;7(3):40-49
pages 40-49 views


Conversation Direction in Russian Contemporary Documentaries

Trukhina A.


The article analyzes two types of conversation as a method in making documentaries: that of portrait and problematic one. Various roles of the author of the film are disclosed: author as the only director taking the protagonist along, author as a co- director giving freedom to the character, the co-author of his own screen image; as a participator of the events, provoking the protagonist to manifest himself. It is well grounded that all the three variants are quite productive if they give a docufilm director a chance to implement creative tasks.

Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2015;7(3):52-61
pages 52-61 views

Feature Film Quotation in a Documentary Portrait: a Functional-Semantic Aspect

Pronin A.


The article analyzes the underresearched practice of using feature film quotations in portrait documentaries. A certain number of contemporary films help to single out the most typical sphere of quotations usage, demonstrate typical means of incorporating film quotations into the new film text, and present a classification of quotation variants according to their functional-semantic aspect.

Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2015;7(3):62-71
pages 62-71 views

Video Art: Significant Absence of Editing as an Artistic Tool

Staruseva-Persheyeva A.


The article examines the phenomenon of one-sequence video art. The author argues that the omission of such a significant element as editing helps the artist diminish the plot-line and build a specific communication with the viewer when instead of being a passive recipient he/she becomes an active interpreter of the visual text and the artist’s collaborator. The rejection of editing allows the artist cement the link with the audience, enhance their empathy, stimulate their cognitive activity.

Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2015;7(3):72-81
pages 72-81 views


Creative Process as an Aesthetic Entity

Sveshnikov A.


The author attempts to prove the idea that a work of art can be based on negative concepts damaging the general artistic content. The negative trend in this case is overcome by the form characterized by the projection of the creative act into the fabric of the work which allows to perceive it as a full-scale artistic phenomenon.

Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2015;7(3):84-97
pages 84-97 views


Iran in Contemporary Russian Cinema (Film’s Visual Formula)

Akhmad Mir Akhorli -.


The author analyses the work of production designers in Russian films set in Iran, elicits common mistakes and gives concrete recommendations how to avoid them

Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2015;7(3):100-108
pages 100-108 views

Video Aesthetics in Cinema and Video Art

Smolev D.


The article is devoted to the genesis and unique semantic characteristics of video aesthetics pertinent to both auteur cinema and modern art (video art, in particular). Being a kind of ‘common denominator’ for these art forms, video aesthetics manifests itself differently in the art gallery and film theatre, in the duration of a video work and a feature film, in the mentality of a film director and an artist. The author makes an attempt to reveal the methods of reciprocal influence of the two art forms, their specific languages connected through video aesthetics illustrated by the work of Harmony Korine, Vincent Gallo, Philippe Grandrieux and Philippe Parreno.

Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2015;7(3):109-118
pages 109-118 views


Branding as a Factor of Competitiveness of the “Lenfilm” Studio

Pankratova M.


The article examines the present situation of the “Lenfilm”, Russia’s oldest film studio, estimates its competitive advantages and defines its progress trends. The analysis makes it possible to formulate the primary administrative measures aimed at the studio’s development and recovering the position of one of the leading Russian production companies.

Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2015;7(3):120-129
pages 120-129 views


Visualization Techniques on Business TV

Dolgova Y.


The article surveys the visualization techniques on business TV The author investigates traditional plastic expressive means including latest digital technologies as well as creating works in visual genres and formats of television art. It also looks into the specific character of personification on business TV

Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2015;7(3):132-142
pages 132-142 views

Media Evolution Emulation

Bakulev G.


The article researches the methods of media evolution emulation. The author believes that communication media undergo the same stages as any other technology which can be roughly described as emergence, development and disappearance and gives a thorough insight into the evolution of media (as exemplified by the Internet) as a natural life cycle. Here, two approaches - technological determinism and social constructivism - are merged into a sub-theory called media-constructivism stating that constant interplay of new and old media is the main factor determining the result and direction of a new medium’s evolution. This linear interpretation is opposed by a multilevel pattern taking into account economic, political, social, cultural and other factors. It is also pointed out that each medium does not evolve separately but in constant intercommunication.

Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2015;7(3):143-151
pages 143-151 views
