
Secondary hyperparathyroidism in patients with chronic kidney disease in Tyumen region: five-year follow-up data
Avdeeva V.A., Syachina S.N., Eirich V.V., Zhmurov D.V., Zhmurov V.A.
Participation of fibroblast factor 23 in the development of acute myocardial infarction in patients with chronic kidney disease
Mambetova A.M., Gaturaeva S.N., Semenova I.L.
Chronic kidney disease and hyperparathyroidism: primary and/or secondary? (a case report)
Vetchinnikova O.N., Britvin T.A., Gulimova S.Y.
Ethelcalcetide in the treatment of secondary hyperparathyroidism in hemodialysis patients: a review of clinical data and a place in therapy
Volgina G.V., Mikhailova N.A.
Hyperphosphatemia in patients with chronic kidney disease in hemodyalisis: risks and opportunities of correction
Zemchenkov A.Y., Gerasimchuk R.P., Vishnevskii K.A., Zemchenkov G.A.
Early stages of CKD: problems and prospects
Dorofeeva E.G.
Secondary hyperparathyreoidism in chronic kidney disease. Role of fibroblast growth factor-23 (FGF-23) and Klotho
Milovanova L.Y., Milovanov Y.S., Dobrosmislov I.A.
Prevalence, course and opportunities for correction of secondary hyperparathyroidism in dialysis patients
Gerasimchuk R.P., Novokshonov K.J., Zemchenkov A.J.
Parikal'tsitol - novye vozmozhnosti optimizatsii nefroprotektivnoy strategii i lecheniya vtorichnogo giperparatireoza
Plotnikova A.A., Milovanova L.Y., Milovanov Y.S.
Selective activation VDR - pioneering approach to prevention and treatment of secondary hyperpara-thyreoidism, cardio- and renoprotecton
Shilo V.Y., Shilo V.Y.
Therapeutic tactics in tertiary hyperparathyroidism after renal transplantation (Review and clinical observations)
Vetchinnikova O.N., Kantariya R.O.
New opportunities in treatment of secondary hyperparathyreoidism in patients on program haemodialysis with combination of cinacalcet and low doses of low doses of vitamin D sterols
Shutov E.V., Lashutin S.V., Lyuosev V.S., Ryabinskaya G.V., Gorelova E.A., Levankovskaya E.I.
Calcimimetics in the treatment of secondary hyperparathyroisis in dialysis patients: comparison of the efficacy and safety of cinacalcet and etelcalcetide
Volgina G.V.
The results of the advisory council of experts «Place of calcimimetics in modern clinical recommendations for mbd-ckd - in the light of new studies using cincalcet»
Zemchenkov A.Y.
Use of cinacalcet in children with chronic kidney disease stage V
Molchanova M.S., Petrosyan E.K., Pankratenko T.E., Zverev D.V., Rumyantsev A.L., Bykova L.P., Gracheva L.A.
Efficacy and safety of etelcalcetide compared with cinacalcet in patients received hemodialysis with secondary hyperparathyroidism. Results from a prospective randomized trial
Shutov E.V., Kotlyarova G.V., Lysenko K.M., Ryabinskaya G.V., Lashutin S.V., Markelova I.A., Rubleva S.Y.
Early treatment with phosphate-binders and active metabolites of vitamin D in prevention of secondary hyperparathyreoidism in patients with chronic kidney disease on program hemodialysis
Milovanova L.Y., Plotnikova A.A., Milovanov Y.S., Dobrosmyslov I.A., Anashkin V.A., Ilinih E.I., Yagupova T.A.
Risk factors for development of severe hypocalciemia after paratyreoidectomy for secondary hyperparathyroidisis in dialysis patients
Kislyy P.N., Parshina E.V., Zulkarnaev A.B., Tolkach A.D., Mikhailova S.S., Chernikov R.A., Zarya Y.V.
Therapeutic tactics in persistent and recurrent secondary (renal) hyperparathyroidism
Vetchinnikova O.N., Zakharova N.M.
1 - 19 of 19 Items

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