
Early predictors of kidney damage in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus
Zeinebekova A., Umarova A., Usmanova D., Turkara A., Kovalchuk V., Dyussenova S.
The pathomorphological changes in the kidneys of rats in the experimental simulations of infection and non-infected vesicoureteric reflux (experimental study)
zaykova¹ N., Dlin v., petrovich¹ v., david¹ v., stratulat¹ p.
Physiological basis for lithokinetic therapy. Part 2
Dutov V., Popov D., Dutov S., Rumyantsev A., Podoynitsyn A., Buymister S., Goncharuk V., Dadashov M.
The drug Canephron in complex treatment of patients with acute gestational pyelonephritis
Motin P., Pulbere S., Loctev A., Abud M., Atamanova E.
Physiological basis for lithokinetic therapy
Dutov V., Popov D., Rumyantsev A., Podoynitsyn A., Buymistr S., Bondarenko V., Goncharuk V., Dadashov M.
Role of plant medicines in treatment of renal diseases
Bratchikov O.
The evolution of anemic syndrome against the background of chronic kidney disease in real clinical practice
Korneeva S., Pribylov S., Bezgin A., Trigub A.
Urinary tract infections in diabetes mellitus and metabolic syndrome: role of combined phytotherapy
Fomin V.
Combined positron-emission tomographyand computed tomography scanning of the kidneys and urinary tract
Berdichevsky V., Berdichevsky B., Zhmurov V., Barashin D., Rasulov F., Romanova A., Pavlova I., Zagorchik E.
Kidney damage in type 2 diabetes mellitus: is it diabethic nephropathy only?
Amosova M., Gurova O.
Congenital anomalies of kidney and urinary tract syndrome in children: modern statement
Ignatova M., Morozov S., Kryganova T., Shentseva D., Nazarova N., Konkova N., Dlin V.
Physiology of non-diabetic glucosuria and its role in the recurrence of urinary tract infections: methods of correction
Berdichevsky V., Zhmurov V., Sapozhenkova E., Romanova A., Rasulov F., Khilkevich S., Gonyaev A., Korabelnikov M.
Dysembriogenesis of urinary system and nephropathies
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