Vol 15, No 1 (2016)


Health savings as a modern direction of preventive medicine (review)

Doncov V.I., Krut’ko V.N.


The concept of «health savings» consists of 2 elements: the concept of the nature and the composite elements of the health state of the person; the influence of society on the formation and the maintenance of health. The main directions of the science and practice of health improvement consists in: the study and the maintenance of healthy conditions of life style and the environment to prevent health disorders; develop personal motivation for health; search of ways and methods of formation, strengthening and preservation of health of the individual. The expected results of health savings: improving the quality of life, improvement of demographic indicators, the growth of social activity of citizens, elimination of the risk of depopulation and sustainable progressive development of the country as the basis for individual well-being, the formation of a healthy society. The effects of health savings can be expressed in 10-15 additional years of healthy life.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2016;15(1):2-9
pages 2-9 views

Social and economic bases of state policy on preventive work to preserve and strengthen young people's health in higher educational institutions

Gertsik Y.G.


Creation of background for the new generation education capable to carry out the whole complex of developing material and moral values in the society is one of important aims in the evolution of any state. It was so in the past and will be this way in future as well. An important factor in the effectiveness of the youth policy of the state is the quality of its implementation in the educational environment of higher education institutions, the specifics of which is the period of limited motor activity, intense intellectual activity, significant psycho-emotional stress, sometimes leading to a depressive state of students. The article discusses the main aspects related to the implementation of youth policy in the Russian Federation and the methods of prevention of adverse factors previously listed, inherent educational process in higher educational institutions.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2016;15(1):10-13
pages 10-13 views

The concept and architecture of the integrated passport of health

Doncov V.I., Mamikonova O.A., Potemkina N.S., Smirnova T.M., Krut’ko V.N.


The Integrated Passport of Health (IPH) including both health indicators, and factors defining health has to be a basis of the modern Internet technology of the personified health-saving (HS) allowing to inform person a data on modern technologies of HS, to stimulate motivation of the person to a healthy lifestyle and to carry out personal information support in the solution of a problem of optimization of a range and methods of application of the HS technologies taking into account personal features and preferences. The IPH model represents system of the interconnected blocks with various functions: modules of receiving and entering of data, the module of intellectual data processing for identification of the factors determining health, the module of extraction of the necessary information from Internet space and the module of issue of recommendations to the client. The expected results of introduction of IPH in practice of HS: improvement of quality of life, improvement of demographic indicators, growth of social activity of citizens with ensuring progressive development of the country as bases of wellbeing of each person, formation of healthy society.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2016;15(1):14-20
pages 14-20 views

Microecological epigenetics of stress, diseases, health and longevity

Shenderov B.A.


Gut symbiotic microbiota is active participant of many epigenetic, physiological functions, metabolic, behavior and signal reactions in humans. Variety of effects produced by indigenous microbiota is determined by many low molecular weight microbial compounds, the spectrum and number of which depends on the species and the strain specific characteristics. Targeted manipulation of symbiotic microbiota of pregnant and lactating women and children during the first years of their life will contribute to forming of optimal epigenetic health programs. The searching for novel biochemical mechanisms of host epigenomic programming and reprogramming, establishment of the national banks of cryogenic natural microbial associations of health children, production of personal autoprobiotics and metabiotics based on natural strains of human origin are priority areas of contemporary microecological engineering and biotechnology.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2016;15(1):21-28
pages 21-28 views

Network structures, social organization of microorganisms, and microbiota-host interactivity

Oleskin A.V.


This conceptual review work focuses on the interdisciplinary network approach that is applied to (i) the organization of the microbiota, a decentralized, distributed cooperative network structure; coordination of its behavior involves local intercellular interaction (“short-range order”), a set of chemical regulators and pheromones, including quorum-sensing autoinducers (“long-range order”), and the intercellular matrix that cements a microbial colony/biofilm and (ii) interactivity between the human organism as a partly hierarchical structure (because of the organizational pattern of the central nervous system) and the microbiota’s network structure. This host hierarchy-microbial network interaction is under the influence of systemic properties of networks that are potentially destructive. They include communication across borders/barriers, resource depletion, disruption of the hierarchy’s rhythms, and assuming control over it. All these detrimental properties of networks are implicated in the development of microecological imbalance (dysbiosis) that may impede the rehabilitation of patients.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2016;15(1):29-36
pages 29-36 views

Medical nanotechnology: biomolecular technologies or nano-engineering?

Poletaev A.B., Krylov O.V.


Nanomedicine: Does this term more than pseudo-scientific “pink of fashio”, at least potentially? From a "classical" point of view, the goal of nanomedicine is the creation of nanoscale autonomous technical devices (nanobots), programmed to perform diagnostic and/or therapeutic manipulation in a living organism: the destruction of malignant cells, destruction of atherosclerotic plaques, and so on. The main advocate is a point of view (technocratic) on the subject of nanomedicine which is controversial, and its feasibility is questionable. Furthermore, most importantly, the question arises - WHY develop and create wonders of engineering - technical nanoscale devices for correction of the condition of the body, if they have already devised and are effectively being used by biological systems? Does it make sense to reinvent the wheel if it has already been invented and produced by nature, even if called differently? Is it not better, instead of inventing another bike, to focus efforts and resources on understanding the principles of functioning of the natural nanodevices, as well as practicing ways to improve efficiency (optimization) of their functioning in vivo?
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2016;15(1):37-42
pages 37-42 views

Economic analysis of anti-aging programs i mplementation (Pilot project)

Ilnitski A.N., Gorelik S.G., Prashchayeu K.I., Beletskaya O.A., Porunova T.V., Kyrilo I.N.


Origin of such interdisciplinary branch of science as anti-aging medicine is determined by development of geriatrics on the one hand, esthetic medicine on the other hand and valeology. That is why anti-aging medicine is divided into two large directions today - preventive, which mainly addresses geriatrics and valeology, and regenerative (plastic) which is mostly related to esthetic medicine. Implementation and use of any method, including healthcare programs, requires methodological approach to assessing of medical, social and economic effectiveness. The article offers modern analysis of socio-economic effectiveness of anti-aging medicine methods implementation, reflecting changes in life time and quality, which can be achieved using the present method. One of the methods of pharmacoeconomic analysis - cost utility analysis is applied. It is revealed in the article that anti-aging medicine methods’ implementation is more costly than hospital and outpatient treatment per patient per year. However, the main result of anti-aging medicine is prolongation of life time retaining life quality and active life of people, satisfaction of patients with their appearance, the number of people involved in the economy and growth of their productivity, what can lead to growth of human well-being in the whole country.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2016;15(1):43-47
pages 43-47 views

Environment-improving technologies and active aging

Zhuchenko A.A.


Nowadays the development of technologies raising the living standards of humanity is very significant. The adaptive capacity of modern man is clearly not enough to adapt to the aggressive environment of cities: the new chemical compounds of anthropogenic origin, many physical (noise, vibration, static electricity, electromagnetic radiation, etc.), infectious, information, and other risk factors of the modern world. So today it is so important to establish accessible health zones. The effect of human health protection is achieved by artificially created a comfortable space for people.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2016;15(1):48-54
pages 48-54 views

The modern anti-aging methods for mild cognitive impairments

Shulyakovsky V.V.


Correction of mild cognitive impairment in elderly patients is of great medical and social importance. To address this important task used a selective inhibitor of acetylcholinesterase (alzepil) and method of proprioceptive neuro-muscular facilitation - PNF in 48 clinics "Nebolit patients. St. Andrew’s Hospital "in Krasnogorsk. Severe dose-dependent regulated effect on vascular system in the brain, liberation, absorption and catabolism of neurotransmitters under the influence of the drug alzepil enhanced and potentiated the effect of improving hemodynamics diagonal method PNF exercises and gymnastics oculomotor on Fildenkrantsa method. The patients' state was carried out neuroimaging techniques (MRI, CT), physical methods of investigation of neurological status, as well as testing for Montreal scale of cognitive disorders, hospital depression scale and the scale of quality of life. Generalization of research results for the period from November 2014 to February 2016 showed improvement in most of the indicators as a result of the effective combination of modern methods of neurorehabilitation and selective inhibitors of acetylcholinesterase. Neuroimaging techniques (MRI, CT), and analysis of patient complaints in conjunction with the test results allowed us to construct a chain of medical-diagnostic actions by identifying UKR signs and identifying leading organic component in the development of the disease prior to the establishment and successful implementation of individual deterministic recovery programs of cognitive and motor functions, through a combination of pharmacological effect alzepila and modern methods for neurorehabilitation PNF method. Integrated and combined use of modern techniques of neurorehabilitation and selective inhibitors of acetylcholinesterase maximizes slow the progression of the disease and restore cognitive and motor functions, improve the overall quality of life of elderly patients.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2016;15(1):55-58
pages 55-58 views

Holistic methods of functional diagnostics and nonspecific therapy

Minenko I.A.


Modern holistic approach is based that not only all members of the body, but also the physical, mental, emotional and power beginnings in the person are indissoluble and interconnected. Reflexotherapy, homeopathy, manual therapy, an osteopathy, phytotherapy, a girudoterapiya, apiotherapy, an aromatherapy, an Ayurveda - examples of highly effective methods and systems of holistichesky medicine. Materials of clinical trials of Minenko I.A. and Avdeev D.S. "new strategy and tactics of increase of productivity of athletes by kraniosakralny therapy" and materials of clinical trials of Khayrullin R.N. "recovery correction of atherosclerotic changes at risk groups in a dosimptomatic stage" given in article as illustrations of clinical efficiency of methods of holistic medicine.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2016;15(1):59-64
pages 59-64 views

Automated monitoring of functional reserves and correction of biological age to ensure a healthy active human longevity

Bobrovnitskii I.P., Nagornev S.N., Yakovlev M.Y., Shashlov S.V.


The article is devoted to solving related problems of Environmental Medicine and regenerative medicine, namely the study of the effects of exposure to adverse environmental factors on the human organism and the development of an automated system of evaluation of its functional reserves with the subsequent development of recommendations for their correction. As one of the criteria for assessing a person’s functional status is considered indicator of biological age, or rather the value of its deviation from the calendar number of years lived. It is shown that regenerative medicine techniques (using therapeutic natural and preformed physical factors, preventive nutrition, acupuncture and other methods of traditional medicine) can significantly reduce the rate of biological age and use in this automated expert-advisory system helps to implement a personalized approach to improving efficiency improvement programs, spa treatment and medical rehabilitation for primary and secondary prevention of common noncommunicable diseases (including environmentally-related diseases), as well as ensuring a healthy patients active longevity.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2016;15(1):65-68
pages 65-68 views

The method of creating preventive and geroprotective ration and optimization of the food basket of the Russian Federation

Potemkina N.S., Krut’ko V.N., Mamikonova O.A., Rozenblit S.I.


One of the leading problems of modern dietology is need to provide the high density of nutrients in a diet with the low or moderate caloric content. The method of creation of such diets based on wide use of sheet greens, whole and germinated grains is offered. The method is tested on an example of the standard food Russian Federation basket. Modification of a basket is executed by means of computer optimization. It is shown how it is possible to create the diets which are quite conforming to modern nutritional and flavoring requirements on the basis of usual, daily food. Similar diets are improving and preventive for the majority of noninfectious diseases.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2016;15(1):69-75
pages 69-75 views

Organizational-economic aspects of the spa facilities of JSC «RZD-HEALTH RESORT»

Gayduk S.V.


In the article the basic directions of improvement of organization of spa facilities of JSC "RZD-HEALTH RESORT". The study summarizes the domestic experience and tendencies of development of sanatorium care; the analysis of normative legal ensuring the organization of sanatorium care in modern conditions in the JSC "RZD-HEALTH RESORT" generally indicative of its adequacy for the practical implementation. At the same time it identified a number of existing shortcomings, which were the basis for the development of specific proposals. In particular, only for management purposes, the author proposed a classification of health resorts of JSC "RZD-HEALTH RESORT", including the following types: pension, health and fitness center, health spa, resort to a specialized center, specialized sanatorium, clinical sanatorium. It is based on factors such as: the status of the medical activities, the availability of licenses for medical activity, climatic conditions, the provision of health services, etc. Tendencies of development of resort medicine in Russia and dynamics of development of JSC "RZD-HEALTH RESORT" in the structure of the domestic market of sanatorium. services. A ranking and profiling of spa facilities with key performance indicators of functioning and developed system of criteria; It analyzed the dynamics of the volume of key performance indicators and resource provision JSC "RZD-HEALTH RESORT"; studied public opinion (patients, health professionals and managers of basic SCU) on the quality of the organization of sanatorium-resort care in health centers agency JSC "RZD-HEALTH RESORT". This will help distribute resorts to such groups as "leaders", "promising", "outsiders" and develop priority directions of development for each of these groups and each individual branch. In order to improve the quality of the organization of activity of health resorts is necessary to differentiate the medical activities on profiles and trends, improve logistics and human resources, to create a system of rationing and motivation; to carry out an adequate human resources policy; use the proposed classification and assessment of the effectiveness of the system of health centers and others.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2016;15(1):76-79
pages 76-79 views

Rehabilitation of the shoulder epicondilitis. Clinical recommendations

Buylova T.V., Tsykunov M.B.


Разработаны клинические рекомендации по проведению реабилитационных мероприятий больным с наиболее частой периартикулярной патологией локтевого сустава - эпикондилитом плеча. Даны представления об основных клинических симптомах при латеральном и медиальном эпикондилитах плеча. Описаны методики реабилитации и определены критерии оценки эффективности реабилитационных мероприятий при данной ортопедической патологии.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2016;15(1):80-84
pages 80-84 views

«National Academy of active longevity» session

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Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2016;15(1):85-86
pages 85-86 views

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