Vol 16, No 1 (2017)


Scientific and organizational-methodological bases of integration of environmental medicine, and human ecology of health care in order to ensure the active human longevity

Rahmanin Y.A., Bobrovnitskii I.P.


The article is devoted to solving related problems Environmental Medicine, Ecology and practical health care, namely the study of the effects of exposure to environmental factors (chemical pollution, noise, vibration, exposure to electromagnetic fields, the effect of adverse climatic and weather conditions) on the human body and the development of environmentally induced disease . Timely diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases associated with exposure to environmental factors is one of the major challenges of modern health and development program "Environmental Medicine", the implementation of which is aimed at achieving active healthy human longevity
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2017;16(1):2-7
pages 2-7 views

The role of preventive medicine in the social policy of the government

Trukhanov A.I., Chudakov S.U.


One of the main Soviet public health achievements of the 20th century was the organization of one of the world’s first preventive medicine systems, which already in 1961 allowed our country to take a leading position in the world in terms of the average duration of our population, going to the turn in 70, 0 years. Unfortunately, as a result, changes in the last 30 years, lifestyle of our economy and at the same time the entry of new technological solutions in the field of early detection and correction of non-communicable chronic diseases, which are not included yet in the Russian standards of preventive medicine, we have significantly lost the leading position, dropping 108 in the world (WHO, 2015). A significant achievement in organizational and methodical work of disease prevention was the release of the Russian Ministry of Health Order 2015 "On approval of the medical examination of certain groups of adults" and the challenges posed by the Minister of Health V. Skvortsova , The completion in 2018 of full automation of national health care. According to the authors, one of the key mechanisms for the implementation of tasks, can be the implementation of measures "Road Map" STI "HealthNet", including the direction of "preventive medicine" and approved at the presidium of Innovation Council under the President of the Russian Federation of 20.12.2016 This program provides in future transition from classical preventive medicine to personalized preventive medicine technology, designed to provide monitoring of healthy individuals in real time and issue personal recommendations on preservation of health, taking into account gender, age, and these molecular genetic studies.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2017;16(1):8-17
pages 8-17 views

Molecular biomarkers of aging for preventive medicine

Moskalev A.A.


Biomarkers of aging - measurable parameters that reproducibly qualitative and quantitative changes with aging. Many agerelated pathologies are developing for a long time in a hidden form. The earlier the diagnosis and treatment - the more likely success. Biomarkers will evaluate the effectiveness of treatment, without waiting for the measurement of life span. Thus, the diagnostic biomarkers of aging have a great potential for early diagnosis and prognosis of chronic age-related diseases, as well as monitoring the effectiveness of prevention and treatment. The article describes the theory-oriented and omics biomarkers of aging. The aging process can be divided into the molecular, cellular and systemic (endocrine and immune). In each of these groups, there are several hypotheses of aging(for example,genetic, telomeric, free radical, replicative aging, immunosenescence, etc) based on which we can analyze the aging rate In connection with the reduction in the cost of modern high-performance methods for the study of biological molecules, a promising approach is the analysis of profiles of DNA, RNA, proteins and metabolites ("omics approach").
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2017;16(1):18-29
pages 18-29 views

Personalised correction of aging syndromes as a new direction of preventive medicine

Dontsov V.I., Krut'ko V.N.


Modern preventive personalized medicine cannot ignore the issue universally observed in the world the aging of the population, which requires the timely prevention of aging and age-related diseases with the features of the individual course of natural aging and developing specific age-related pathologies. A General understanding of the aging process allows to distinguish three levels of analysis: the global mechanisms of aging and aging syndromes and the individual symptoms of aging. Most interesting is that in the course of natural aging develops the typical common diseases syndromes: malnutrition, hypoxia and sclerosis of tissues, intoxication, oxidative stress, immune deficiency, maladjustment, etc. Also in aging developed typical pathological processes or previous condition: prediabetes, atherosclerosis, tissue ischemia, osteoporosis, etc., that requires their prevention and correction. Funds are available in medicine that affect these syndromes and pathological processes, as well as a large group of tools developed to influence the actual process of natural aging (geroprotectors), makes a legitimate and necessary timely prevention and correction the natural aging process, paying attention primarily on the correction of typical pathological syndromes to common diseases. The personal profile of aging and developing a set of syndromes and age-related diseases should be adjusted based on the position of contemporary personalized medicine; the same should be built and individualized prevention.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2017;16(1):30-36
pages 30-36 views

Innovative technologies of preventive medicine

Trofimova S.V., Trofimov A.V.


The paper presents the main modern concepts of a new direction - preventive medicine. Its purpose is described as the implementation of effective individual programs for prevention of development and progression of chronic diseases and age-related conditions. The paper also provides an overview of applied innovative diagnostic methods, individual prevention and treatment programs, based on peptidergic regulation.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2017;16(1):37-40
pages 37-40 views

Role of biogenic amines in the interaction between the microbiota and the nervous and the immune system of the host organism

Oleskin A.V., Rogovskii V.S.


This work is concerned with the role of evolutionary conserved substances, neurotransmitters and neurohormones, within the complex framework of the microbial system-nervous system- immune system axis in the human or animal organism. Although the operation of each of these systems per se is relatively well understood, their combined effects on the host organism still await further research. Drawing on recent research on host-produced and microbial low molecular weight neurochemicals such as biogenic amines, we suggest that these mediators form a part of a universal neurochemical “language”. Therefore, it is imperative to reform the current strategies of using probiotic microorganisms and their metabolites for treating and preventing dysbiosis-related diseases. In particular, we should take into account probiotics’ capacity to produce mediators that can considerably modify the operation of the microecological, immune, and nervous system of the human organism.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2017;16(1):41-51
pages 41-51 views

Preventive vertebronevrology: effective prevention of vascular events in vertebra-baslar vasin

Shulyakovskiy V.V.


Vertebral-basilar insufficiency has great medical-social importance: up to 80 % of all cases identified were ischemic strokes, the nature of its occurrence and of which up to 30 % are negative localization of the lesion in the vertebral-basilar vascular pool. The clinical manifestations of the patient appeal to neurologists (dizzy, headaches), to otorinolaringologa (cochleo-vestibular disorders according to the type of tinnitus and hearing loss), to psychologists and psychotherapists (psycho-emotional disorder, and disorder of sleep), etc.; the etiopathogenesis of the cerebral hemodynamics includes besides endovenousvertebrogenic compression of the vertebral arteries (actually the field of neurology) is joined by the problem of deterioration of the venous outflow, venous sinuses into the internal jugular vein and cranial vault are diploic veins through numerous emissary of skull to soft tissue of the head (which increasingly focused on in their research phlebologists), which consequently gives rise to a variety of medical tactics. For the period May 2016 through December 2016 in the Clinic, "the Residence of health and longevity GL MED" was treated 18 patients with vertebral-basilar insufficiency. All patients underwent a comprehensive examination, which included: a study of neuro-orthopedic status, Doppler ultrasound of the brachiocephalic arteries, ultrasound of the fixation structures of the cervical spine, neuroimaging techniques (CT, MRI). We used the methodology of revitalisation of the patients on the basis of proprioceptive neuro-muscular re-education (PNF) and comprehensive pharmacotherapy with Ginkgo biloba extract EGB761 (memoplant), horse chestnut extract venoplant (improves venous outflow), neuroplant. The methodology of revitalisation of the patients with vertebral-basilar insufficiency showed a high and persistent therapeutic effect, which was expressed in 10 patients in the transition from a progressive type of the disease to regredientes, in 4 patients from a progressive-regredientes to regredientes, while 4 patients remained progressive-regredientes type of the disease unchanged.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2017;16(1):52-54
pages 52-54 views

Traditional medical systems in the concept of active longevity

Zilov V.G., Minenko I.A.


The concept of traditional medical systems of India, China and Vietnam is given in article, aspects of use of medical traditions of the different countries in extension of active longevity are described, clinical were elements of traditional medicine system were used by physidan trials of department of non-drags methods of treatment and clinical physiology with use of were presented.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2017;16(1):55-59
pages 55-59 views

Universal mechanism of epigenetic peptide regulation of gene expression and protein biosynthesis in living world

Khavinson V.K.


A comprehensive peptide research for 40 years in many species of various organisms allowed us to finally conclude that living world has common mechanism of peptide regulation of gene expression and protein biosynthesis. Short peptides (2-4 аmino acid residues) are able to penetrate into cell and its nucleus. Complementary interaction of short peptides with gene promoters seems to be a transcription regulatory signal. It induces expression of crucial genes and proteins. These peptide-DNA interactions stimulate functioning of various organs and increase organism resources up to species limit. Investigated short peptides induced specific changes in gene transcription in bacteria, plants, insects, amphibia, birds, mammals and humans, they normalized protein biosynthesis. It was accompanied by decrease in frequencies of tumor formations and increase of lifespan.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2017;16(1):60-62
pages 60-62 views

New techniques to improve patients’ adherence to lifestyle modification

Tarasevich A.F.


A number of studies have shown that the techniques aimed at the lifestyle modification in patients with cardiovascular diseases aren’t used effectively. In the routine ambulatory care the expectation effect of exercise training aimed at improving patients’ quality of living is extremely mean, which might be caused by common difficulties the patients normally face to when they try to follow the physician’s advice on physical activity. It is well known that the modern laboratory technologies enable individualizing physical activity depending on energy homeostasis of an individual; therefore these can be used to specify an exact scope of physical activity for each patient in view of his/her somatic and mental health. Moreover daily rehabilitation progress in patients can be monitored by the use of modern pulsometers for remote control of physical activity. The patients can also benefit from the use of the pulsometeres because they help them maintain their adherence to rehabilitation strategies for a longer time. As a result, the new techniques lead to persistent lifestyle modification in patients and thus they can enhance quality of their lives significantly.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2017;16(1):63-71
pages 63-71 views

Methodology of personalized non-pharmacological prevention weather sensitivity common diseases of the circulatory system as the basis for an active healthy longevity

Bobrovnitskii I.P., Nagornev S.N., Yakovlev M.Y., Uyanaeva A.I., Khudov V.V., Banchenko A.D., Shashlov S.V.


The article presents the analytical review of research carried out, including with the participation of the authors and devoted to the study of the mechanisms and reasons for the increasing prevalence weather dependent pathology in the context of climate change, as well as the development of approaches to the early diagnosis and personalized prevention of common weather dependent diseases of the circulatory system. Separately consider risk management issues of development of complications of this disease by studying the uptake of patients for emergency care (according to the Ambulance and medical assistance, emergency of A.S. Puchkov in Moscow), depending on weather conditions in the area of their residence. The correlation between the number of requests for emergency medical assistance on the occasion of aggravation of diseases of the circulatory system, respiratory and nervous system to weather conditions (performance ambient temperature, humidity and atmospheric pressure), varies in different seasons. Lately advanced research and scientific development in the direction of creating a personalized program non-drug prevention dependent on the weather diseases and creating conditions for an active healthy longevity in the population of Russia in the conditions of climate change.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2017;16(1):72-78
pages 72-78 views

Standardized programs of physical rehabilitation and physiotherapy in enhanced recovery protocols after pancreatic resections

Stilidi I.S., Lyadov V.K., Kovalenko Z.A., Lyadov K.V., Kamalkova A.G., Saltynskaya N.M.


Introduction. Modern protocols of medical rehabilitation are one of the key points of perioperative treatment in surgical pancreatology. Aim of the study. The aim of the study is to assess efficiency of modern protocols of medical rehabilitation and physiotherapy after pancreaticoduodenectomy (PD). Matherials and methods. Principal components of postoperative recovery program were: early verticalization, massage in electrostatic field, abdominal wall magnetic-pulse therapy (AMT 2 «AGS», Russia). There were 39 patients in main group and 34 patients in control group. Results. 94.1% main group patients and 64.1% control group patients were fully mobilized on POD 7 (p=0,044). The median of restoration of a gastrointestinal motility was better in the main group (p=0,001). There were no difference in morbidity and mortality between groups. Conclusion. Systematic complex medical rehabilitational program provides complete and full recovery of physical activity in the early postoperative period after PD. Abdominal wall magnetic-pulse therapy provides adequate prophylaxis of a postoperative ileus.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2017;16(1):79-84
pages 79-84 views

The usage of non-drug technologies in rehabilitation of patients with chronic generalized parodontitis

Khaybullina R.R., Gilmutdinova L.T., Gerasimova L.P., Khaybullina Z.R.


The article is devoted to medical rehabilitation of patients with parodontal diseases with application of the parodontal pins, gingival plates and chewable tablets. As well as physiotherapy treatment with application of photodynamic therapy with gel Lamifaren. The results of a comprehensive examination, diagnosis, and treatment of 123 patients with chronic generalized parodontitis of moderate severity, the results of their research and conclusions. Developed methods of complex treatment of patients with chronic generalized parodontitis of moderate severity with the use of the parodontal pins, gingival plates and chewable tablets. The efficiency of complex treatment. There was a positive dynamics: the index of hygiene decreased by 39±0.2%, the index of bleeding on 47±0.05% and gingival index 39±0,05%. The effectiveness of the treatment in the control group was comprised of 11±0,11%, in the primary group 47±0,5%.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2017;16(1):85-89
pages 85-89 views

Internet technologie support for personalized health care

Krut'ko V.N., Dontsov V.I., Molodchenkov A.I., Potemkina N.S., Smirnov I.V.


Multifactorial nature of human health and the need to personalize the approach to each client leads to the fact that full implementation of technologies for health (HT) is possible only on the basis of modern information technologies, implemented on a large scale in the area of preventive medicine, as modern Internet technologies. Modern computer systems allow to consider simultaneously a multitude of individual factors in assessing health and selecting individualized recommendations according to personal HT and a healthy lifestyle, open opportunities for the broadest sectors of the population in this area. The effect of the application of HT, as is known from the literature, can be expressed in 10-15 additional years of active healthy life, which in turn leads to a significant increase in gross domestic product; estimates for many countries show that the increase in life expectancy of the population in 1 year leads to an increase in gross domestic product of about 4-5%. The reported study was funded by Ministry of Education and Science of Russia according to the research project № 14.607.21.0123.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2017;16(1):90-95
pages 90-95 views

Patient-oriented model of rehabilitation care organization based on internet technologies

Lyamina N.P., Kotelnikova E.V.


The manuscript is devoted to the problem of informative and communication technologies use in organization of primary medical care in patients with ischemic heart disease (IHD). We provide the results of modern “electronic” healthcare instruments use aiming to reform rehabilitation process in “patient-oriented” principles. The provided organizational and functional model includes electronic technology chart of rehabilitation, computerized decision support, remote monitoring of rehabilitation and secondary prevention measures, monitoring of functional criteria, effective internet-communications between the doctor and the patient. The study included 28 patients with ST-myocardial infarction in ambulatory rehabilitation period under the category of low/intermediate 6-months risk of fatal complications (mean GRACE score 92±12) with clinical affiliation to light (21.4%) and from mild to severe (78.6%) rehabilitation groups of ST-myocardial infarction. Observance of “patient-oriented” methods in the study was reached by: 1) execution of the informed consent by the patient; 2) extended consulting protocol with questionnairies filling; 3) collaborative decision making between the doctor and the patient with the help of “electronic” medicine instruments; 4) confidentiality compliance; 5) possibility of effective doctor-patient communications as part of internet communications. Authors showed that enlargement of informative and technical patients’ support and use of self-control methods in the system of remote rehabilitation care significantly promote the activity of patients and effectiveness of “doctor-patient” communications. Combination of regularly internet consulting with reasonable office consultations when using telemedicine data is the most optimal variant of ambulatory rehabilitation and prevention care.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2017;16(1):96-102
pages 96-102 views

The causes and pathogenesis of formation of pathological scars literature review

Stepankina E.S., Barmin E.V., Stepankin S.N., Trofimov E.I.


The problem of scarring of skin wounds is still remains one of the most topical in plastic and general surgery. Especially important is the question of the formation of pathological scars (atrophic, hypertrophic, keloid), which can lead to dysfunction of organs and tissues, and is an expression of an aesthetic flaw, causing psychological distress. To develop methods of prevention and treatment of scar complications, you need to study the mechanisms of formation of scars. This article describes a method for predicting the optimal scarring. The study is based on measurement of the tension wound edges and evaluation of microcirculation in joined tissues by laser dopplerflowmetry.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2017;16(1):103-110
pages 103-110 views

Analysis of physical activities at school-age children in order to correct the adaptive capacity of the organism

Krasnozhon S.V.


Described the reasoning of a new methodology and methods of distribution of pupils into groups for physical exercise, taking into account the level of health and physical performance. It was established the greatest accuracy and information content of a technique "Quantitative express assessment of the physical health of children and adolescents" G.L. Apanasenko. It is proved that the level of health by G.L. Apanasenko correlate well with indicators of functional status and adaptation to physical activity of children. It is established the dependence of physical performance, level of physical activity, acute morbidity with level of physical health by the method of G.L. Apanasenko. The more the "amount" of health, the less chance of development and manifestation of the disease. Method G.L. Apanasenko enables to conduct primary screening of the quantitative determination of individual health of the schoolboys, not the presence or absence of acute or chronic diseases or defects of development.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2017;16(1):111-115
pages 111-115 views

EEG dynamics in the elimination of stress reactions by inhalation of xenon

Igoshina T.V., Schastlivtseva D.V., Kotrovskaya T.I., Bubeev Y.A.


The neurophysiologic reactions of hazardous occupations persons in the correction of their stress related neurotic disorders with the use of therapeutic doses of xenon inhalation in a health centre have been investigated. After treatment, all patients showed a statistically significant reduction of the three identified symptomatic complexes - anxiety, depression and psychosomatic. The most effective decrease of anxiety has been revealed in combined with xenon inhalation treatment group, while in this group there was the decrease of slow-wave component with simultaneous alpha activity, alpha-index and chaotic dimension D2 EEG increase. The neurophysiologic dynamics testified on the destruction the old (pathological) and the formation of the new relationships between the neuron constellations with the effect of anxiety reduction can be explained by the mechanisms of xenon effect on brain structures involved in emotions integrative functions of in particular, responsible for the memory of the fear experience.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2017;16(1):116-121
pages 116-121 views

Federal clinical guidelines "Perioperative management of patients with esophageal cancer"

Khomyakov V.M., Volkova E.E., Vashakmadze L.A., Filonenko E.V.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2017;16(1):122-132
pages 122-132 views

«National Academy of active longevity» session. 21-22 December 2016

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Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2017;16(1):133-136
pages 133-136 views

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